THE Government has proposed a K9.8 billion supplementary budget to finance foreign and domestic debt repayment, the purchase of strategic food reserves, national security and foreign affairs, among other activities.
A total of K6.4 billion would be spent on external and domestic debt obligations to meet the higher external debt repayments due to depreciation of the Kwacha against the dollar and to cover shortfalls over maturities of Government securities.
Another K3.5 billion would go towards meeting the higher-than-projected external debt service made during the first half of 2019.
Proposing the motion on Wednesday in Parliament, Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu said Zambia’s external debt servicing in the 2019 budget assumed against an exchange rate of K10.5 to one-dollar, which had risen to K12.3 to one dollar causing an increase in the 2019 debt servicing.
PF’s incompetence coupled by the arrogance of their kama clueless leader can drive one mad.
This is the wrong N’gandu for the job….usd 900,000,000 just to vanish like that? I’m always leary of pf thugs using such vague language in connection with such huge sums of money.
This is nonsense, the indiscriminate contraction of debt successive Bemba ministers of Finance under PF made has now come back to haunt the country! We are in trouble, this debt is insurmountable! I’m sure part of it went to build those 48 houses.
You were warned and you called Us bitter citizens ,we all buy from the same shops nama paid up pf cadres.
Well sell the 48 houses to raise money and also follow through with the FIC report.
The missing money is with the leadership at PF.
Contractors have stayed for a year without pay, is this fair? They are also citizens like civil servants but what is happening is unbelievable.
Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Clueless!!!
The Minister who took over from Nkandu Luo is opening CBU which she failed. Being a new Minister taking over Mwanakatwe, atleast pay retirees which she also failed.