Construction of a youth-led honey processing house in Serenje District has reached an advanced stage, with 80 percent of works done.
The honey processing house, which will cost over K70,000, is being constructed with support from the Scottish Government, WWF-Zambia, YEFI and Gaia Education, under the auspices of the Zambia Youth for Conservation, Agriculture and Livelihood Action (ZYCALA).
ZYCALA is a three-year project being implemented in Chitambo, Serenje and Mkushi districts of Central Province. The project is building capacity of 420 local youth leaders to become active and effective change agents in youth-led campaigning on social and environmental issues, as well as sustainable income generation and food security actions.
Commenting on the development, one of the beneficiary youth, Rozen Nkonde, thanked WWF and its cooperating partners for empowering them with income generating skills.
“We are so happy as young people of Serenje for this wonderful gesture. Through this honey processing house, we will be able to raise enough income to support ourselves and our families. Also, the need to keep the honey house up-and-running will help in keeping us away from vices that are capable of affecting our good health as young people, such as beer drinking,” observed Ms. Nkonde.
Speaking earlier, the WWF-Zambia Country Director, Nachilala Nkombo, urged the youth to help in the fight against poverty and climate change through engaging in sustainable income-generating activities such as bee-keeping. “First of all, demand for honey is soaring every day on both the local and international markets. Secondly, as opposed to other economic activities, honey production is environmentally friendly. For this reason, I urge you to treat the honey processing house as an opportunity for you to expand bee-keeping activities and begin to contribute massively to the economic wellbeing of your families and the country at large,” advised Ms. Nkombo.
The WWF-Zambia Country Director said this when she toured the honey house recently in Serenje. The facility is strategically located at Kabamba, along the Great North Road, on a piece of land which was donated to the youth by His Royal Highness Chief Kabamba.
About WWF
WWF is one of the world’s largest and most respected independent conservation organizations, with over 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
Issued by:
Arnold Chasaya
ZYCALA Project Communication Assistant
WWF-Zambia Country Office