Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Government dismisses allegations of Huawei Technicians helping spy on Political opponents


Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya
Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya

Government has dismissed and condemned allegations made in the Wall street Journal in an article entitled “Huawei Technicians helped African Governments to spy on Political opponents.

Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya says the Government of Zambia is a government of laws and cannot under any circumstances engage in illegal interception of Communications of its Citizens.

Ms Siliya said ZICTA is a lawful regulator of the ICT Sector whose functions do not extend to illegalities alleged in the said article.

“The Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA) is a lawful regulator of the ICT sector whose functions do not extend to the illegalities alleged in the said article. ZICTA operates under authority of the Zambian constitution, which explicitly guarantees our citizens the right to primacy of the personal conversations, data and information,” she said.

She said ZICTA operates under Authority of the Zambian Constitution which explicitly guarantees citizens the right to privacy of their personal conversations, data and information.

Ms. Siliya said the allegations are unfounded and malicious and has urged the public to ignore them and focus on things that are much more productive.

She said government will continue to safeguard the right to privacy and will on the other hand work through ZICTA to police against criminals in financial crimes, child abuse and threats to national security.

Ms Siliya said the Data Center will also continue to work towards making Zambia a smart nation by 2030 in order to enhance service delivery.

The Government has dismissed and condemned in the strongest terms the allegations that it used Huawei Technicians to spy on political opponents.

Chief Government Spokesperson Hon. Dora Siliya in a statement issued to the media on Friday evening said the allegations by the Wall Street Journal in an article entitled, “Huawei Technicians Helped African Government Spy on Political Opponents” is false.

Hon Siliya said the Government of the Republic of Zambia is a government of laws and cannot, under any circumstances, engage in illegal interception of communications of its citizens.

Hon Siliya, who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, stated that the allegations are unfounded and malicious.

She urged the public to ignore these allegations and focus on things that are much more productive.

The Chief Government Spokesperson further stated that the government will continue to safeguard the right to privacy and will on the other hand work, through ZICTA, to police against criminals in financial crimes, child abuse and threat to national security.

She indicated that the Data Center will also continue to work towards making Zambia a Smart nation by 2030 in order to enhance service delivery.


  1. I just don’t believe govt on this one. If govt wants me to believe them, let them formally react to the Wall Street Journal by way of a letter to its editor which should also be made available to Zambians. The WSJ might then be tempted to lay its evidence bare.

    • Nemwine @ 1

      The government has made an Official Statement through the Government Spokesperson who happens to be Doria Siliya. What else do you need. Are you still in the 18th Century?

      Move on. We are now in the 21st Century !!!

    • Dora is looking hot as hell. I have always had a crash on her despite her alleged corruption, bonnie and clyde kinda chemistry. Call me when you in Beijing sweetheart. I will allow you to spy on me all day after you know…Epompelele pali abaiche pano. P.S Hope I haven’t violated the law by expressing my affections for Dora uncle sam.

    • Only a fooooool called a PF cadre can believe this govt of thieves and the MU7 Ugandan govt…I am surprised POTUS has not caught this up or else he would have twittered. And Hwawei at the moment has the keys to 5G technology.

    • So, Madam Siliya, do you remember your comments about jobs and youths vis social media comments and articles?
      “Government wants to use Social Media Profiles to Scrutinize Future Job Applicants” – a story carried by LT on 13th June, 2019.


      How are gonna achieve this unless you spy on your opponents?

      It’s a dirty game. But I wonder if you are gonna stop cos it is addictive.

    • Really laughable …look at Thorn in the a$$ asking the selfsame questions we asked when this govt was proposing that mobile phone registration exercise and he insulted us

  2. Off course we do believe the Government. We also believe that economy is booming, there is no famine, fundamental rights and freedom are protected and Constitution “refinement” is in the sole interest of the People and not beneficial to PF.
    We also believe that pink elephants can fly!!!

    • Believer: The frequency of ECL’s visits to Uganda to confer with Mu7 is also interesting. Remember Chavula who was caught red-handed with his fingers in the till? He was Ugandan. Pieces of the jigsaw are falling in place.

    • Telling lies to them is normal as there is noone to punish them…their boss is also a liar in he is forever in sky like a migratory Swallow bird that only stops on electricity lines high up and feeds in the sky. Already there is another scandal of gazetting a forest that serves as a catchment area for water they want to destroy it.

    • We also believe that there is a smooth tarmac road between Ndola and Mufulira! We also believe that When you drive on that smooth road from Ndola you will see on your left blocks of flats that were constructed with very clean unstolen money by Kambwili.

  3. There is no govt in the mordern that doesn’t spy on individuals. Even in USA they are people under watch

    Its part of international unwritten law in the work of terrorism. Why do you think they registered your phones

    Why does face book aske all your details from date birth to education qualification.

    How has facebook paid for security breaches. Even Russian Faceup is spyware.

    Artificial intelligence simply needs your face and everything about you your is unravelled. Cyber technology has made these companies big because they deal with govts

    Students should never ever participate in thse hate propaganda .

    • As usual posting things you barely understand …what have opposition opponents got to do with terrorism, do you hear FBI or CIA eavesdropping or wiretapping Hilary Clinton?

  4. With all the flip-flops government has made in recent past I wouldn’t be surprised if the narrative later changes to we are simply protecting our citizens and uproot bad elements.

  5. Dorah Slit it’s better for you not to say anything because we stopped taking you seriously a long time ago. The report can’t be discredited because it states indisputable facts, especially the case of those that were arrested in Solwezi. Government has always spied on us from the time of Fonko Fonko, the PF is even worse. You served under Nyama Soya when he brought that machine to monitor our calls.

  6. If you believe this government’s lie on this then i’ve got an ultra modern 68 floor skyscraper in Dubai i can sell to you bcoz i own it 100%.

  7. Believe this GRZ at your own peril ,the PF once promised us 90 days more money in our pockets but its been 8yrs of slow steady impoverishment.

  8. They say how much is your word worth? Isn’t donchi kubeba your guiding slogan? It fits in perfectly with your statement.

    “…the government will on the other hand work, through ZICTA, to police against criminals in financial crimes, child abuse and threat to national security”.

    And in turn ZICTA works through Huawei? So what exactly have you said Hon Dora?

    Did the report mention government of Zambia? How come the government of Cyril Ramaphosa has not complained? Are they not African? Or Namibia or Botswana, or Tanzania, or Ghana?

  9. Hon Dora, I suggest you monitor Sunday Chanda, his articles on Sundays are quite offensive and insulting to our intelligence. And he spoils our Sundays.

  10. Oh I see the journal mentioned Zambia and Uganda. Sorry YE Ramaphosa, just read the article.
    KK tried to monitor us, but you know that after all those efforts he is no longer in power dont you?

  11. The following is a list of the largest daily US newspapers in order of circulation.
    The Wall Street Journal. wsj.com. …
    USA Today. usatoday.com. …
    Los Angeles Times. latimes.com. …
    The New York Times. nytimes.com. …
    Houston Chronicle. chron.com. …
    Chicago Tribune. chicagotribune.com. …
    Tampa Bay Times. tampabay.com. …
    Washington Post.

    “That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our…

    • “That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.–”
      -By JFK

    • all he above papers are useless anti-Trump s**tholes that i would never want to read. they are obama and hillary s**tholes.

  12. What the honourable should say is that govt not monitoring non entities. But if someone is planning a coupe he will definitely be on watch list.

    If you are there threatening the WEST and your are a threat through your blogs you may never get a visa.

    If you are a student with a bright future ahead of you, desist from unproductive blogs because BB is watching you

  13. When PF was in opposition they would have gone to town denouncing RB on such stories, and adding fake news (donchi kubeba) like butter on bread.
    Now they are on the receiving end of the big stick. Surprisingly PF is more intolerant to the same medicine that they created and administered on the hapless RB.
    Brace for more, as the economy takes a deeper bite into citizens lives. Sunday Chanda will go into top gear with his fruitless and generally not so inspiring commentaries. As for the junior Chanda, Antonio Mwanza, the boy looks bewildered and uncomfortable issuing commentaries and statements which himself does not believe. Bet he misses FDD because we used to listen when he opens his mouth or deployed his pen.

    Our trouble is that HH’s fake news machine is worst from head to toe.

  14. When PF was in opposition they would have gone to town denouncing RB on such stories, and adding fake news (donchi kubeba) like butter on bread.
    Now they are on the receiving end of the big stick. Surprisingly PF is more intolerant to the same medicine that they created and administered on the hapless RB.
    Brace for more, as the economy takes a deeper bite into citizens lives. Sunday Chanda will go into top gear with his fruitlesss and generally not so inspiring commentaries. As for the junior Chanda, Antonio Mwanza, the boy looks biwildered and uncomfortable issuing commentaries and statements which himself does not believe. Bet he misses FDD because we used to listen when he openned his mouth or deployed his pen.

    Our trouble is that HH’s fake news machine is worsest from head to…

    • boyi F-ing news is so depressing, lighten up a little. There is a nice beach in Sanya where I can entertain Dora and have her spill out the whole truth and nothing but the truth about this spying scandal. Edgar is obsessed with national security no wonder he was running both ministry of justice and defence back in the day. That’s his psyche.

  15. But the article quoted PF members like Antonio Mwanza even saying they are working with Huawei employees to track down people allegedly peddling lies,so dissapointing even the Ugandans didnt have the gutso to say this in public,so how does it become fake?

  16. Hmmm… at ignore these allegations and focus on things that are much more productive… Like what? Bill #10?! These allegations are TRUE and that is why Dora as govt mouthpiece has jumped in to do some damage control. We know that there is no govt on earth which would admit to such acts because it’s illegal to spy on people without probable cause consented by the courts of law. So Dora, don’t underestimate the intelligence of Zambians. We know that China has been contracted to do such things by most rogue govts in Africa and Zambia is among them. We can ask Wikileaks to provide evidence if you dare us…!

  17. There are over 55 countries and territories in Africa. Why would WSJ choose Zambia, the 5th hungriest country on earth? To sabotage us? For what end? Chinese government has been using Huawei to test their spying abilities against USA, Russia, Israel, UK etc. and Zambia was a guinea pig. That is why Trump is punishing this company risking millions of jobs and billions of dollars in global trade. Just that as black people, we never learn. We hate each too much that is why slavery prospered.


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