Sunday, October 6, 2024

Kampyongo denies colluding with Mwenya Musenge to disrupt Kambwili’s NDC Party


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has rubbished claims by National Democratic Congress NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili’s Claims that he is is behind the confusion engulfing the opposition political party.

Speaking in an interview in Ndola/Copperbelt province, the minister said it is totally retrogressive that the NDC leader would want to engage him in the manner he is doing throwing personal attacks while fabricating lies.

“It’s laughable! I don’t have time to waste on baseless issues like that, I have so much work to do. The Ministry of Home Affairs has got a lot of departments and portfolio functions so I can not start wasting my time on people who have nothing to do. no time and no energy to waste on such!”

Hon. Kampyongo said he as Minister of home Affairs has done nothing extraordinary that is not within the confines of the law and the regulations as guided by the ministerial mandate under which ministry the registrar of societies seats.

He said the registrar of societies is a body created by an act of parliament with a legal backing to register societies including political parties and does not segregate in the manner it Carrie’s out its mandate.

He says it is unfortunate that Mr Kambwili who was a legislator not long ago could could fail to understand the basic interpretation of the law.

Hon. Kampyongo said Mr Kambwili should desist from making personal attacks when addressing institutional issues whose channel is properly defined.

Yesterday NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili accused while at a press briefing held at his house in Luanshya accused the Home Affairs Minister of colluding with party secretary general Mwenya Musenge to destabilise the opposition political party.


  1. Kapoyongo, with a blessing from lungu was behind the spate of fires that ravaged the country , to justify 42/42.

    After him and lungu got their cut from 42/42 ,and when they thought the public will now not complain about the cost of 42/42 , the fires have magically stopped

  2. Kampyongo sounds honorable. CKinsultor is as usaul insulting and baseless.
    It is becoming increasingly boring to comment on CKinsultor’s rantings.


    • wanzelu May 4, 2017
      Kambwili is on Lungu ‘s hit list for posing a threat to Lungu ‘s presidential ambitions to rule forever.
      All his accidents have the hall marks of Zim mugabe style of clean elimination. The fact that a car rammed into vehicle shows that Lungu ‘s men under Kaiser’s supervision want Kambwili out .
      Kambwili is also to blame for his misery thats why some of us have little sympathy to his situation. When he was PF info minister he spewed a lot of rubbish against HH.
      I can imagine what he would have said about HH ‘s case if he was still info minister!
      I have constantly warned PF stooges like Mmmembe including Kaiser that propping up a dictator has very short lived benefits because a dictator can suddenly change against you when his fear of being overthrown or killed by…

    • They are all part of the looting syndicate, watching each others backs while they take turns looting…..

      Only the FIC report forced the revelation of ?/48

    • … fear of being overthrown or killed by his close allies grips him. Every dictator has from time time to time eliminated those close to him.
      So RB, Kaiser, Amos, Kapyongo, Mumbi, Kamba, and all those who think they have Lungu under their control have not got much longer to enjoy their glory under Dictator Lungu.
      I want all those I mentioned above to think about what would stop Lungu from killing them or arresting on trumped up charges to have them locked away so that no one can blackmail him any more.
      Right now Lungu is tasting his power on his opponents with the help of his stooges. At least his opponents have the sympathy of ordinary people including international community. What about when lungu turns against his own, the opposition will remain silent and international community…

    • wanzelu May 4, 2017
      My advice to those close to Lungu’ is please try by all means to play it fair by acting as though they were on other side of the fence. They should try to curb Lungu ‘s dictatorial tendencies so that in future when they fall out his favor they will be guaranteed fair treatment and safety.
      Don’t say I did not warn you. Remember what I say comes to pass in no time. I warned Kambwili and Mmembe, where are they today with PF?
      Free HH now or else

  3. Kampyongo should pray PF do not loose in 2021, because Zambia will be too hot for him. I hope he has invested outside the country.

    • No matter where he hides , he will be flashed out,

      Almost all in lungus gang of theives know their time will surely as day follows sun , come.

      Lungu is right now turning a blind eye to the looting because he wants to make looting and corruption seem normal, we know he stole massively in his few years in office.

      We also know his 98 foreign travels are a gimmick to mask some of his ill gotten wealth using travel allowances and gifts received abroad

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