Monday, October 14, 2024

The Police do not owe us our freedoms. We owe it to ourselves.


police keeping vigil at Lusaka Central Police Station where Dr Kambwili is detained
File:Police keeping vigil at Lusaka Central Police Station where Dr Kambwili is detained

It is often said, and I have always emphasized, that freedom is never something that is freely given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed.

And when I have said on the record and on more than just one platform, that the rule of law in Zambia is broken; and further that the PF administration have created a class society of two different kinds of citizens and laws – one for themselves and those who wear their political colors, and another for the rest of us, Dr. Chishimba Kambwili’s unfortunate episode has more than provided the required clarity on my concerns.

The pictures herein more than demonstrate what I have always tried to explain.

When Laura Miti Pilato and Maiko Zulu wanted to galvanize free citizens for a peaceful protest against what has now become routine, rampant, government sponsored and institutional corruption, the police command under the very bad and questionable leadership of Hon. Stephen Kampyongo and his Ministry of Home Affairs, took close to a whole month trying to make up their dysfunctional minds, whether or not to grand the Human Rights Defenders lattitude to do so. After permission was granted, we were still surrounded and policed like DOGS by the police while we turned up to make our voice heard during the #YellowCard event.

And here now, merely less than 48 hours after Dr. Chishimba Kambwili of the NDC got himself entangled in language semantics that did not flow very well with the PARTE, we have a fully fledged protest authorized in every respect, for PF CADRES and their leaders to walk the streets of Lusaka making themselves heard on the issue.

To be fair, I admire their resolve. I truly do. Because these CADRES understand one thing: in a police state, nothing is given. And you do not ask for it. Go out and get it done.

The police, under the leadership of Mr. Kakoma Kanganja while working under very difficult conditions, are an absolute disgrace. They have, without any amount of shame, carved themselves a demonstrably partisan niche where they only exist to frustrate, suppress and oppress the voices of those who are OPPOSED to the party in power.

Zambians must resist this systematic institutional stupidity of the Zambia Police and retake our constitutional rights and freedoms to free assembly and speech without having to beg for them.

A Zambia in which fundamental Constitutional rights to free assembly and speech are only guaranteed for a few, does not deserve to exist. This is not the country our forefathers died for.

We have to take our country back.

By Anthony Bwalya
UPND Member and Aspiring Candidate for Kabushi


  1. f uck ing puppets
    pure waste of resources. when it’s a member of the opposition their as ses act fact when with everything else they are the most incompetent people you’ll ever meet.
    ka plyongo take note, what goes around comes back around
    very useless butch. very dramatic misusing public funds. what do they expect, that ka bwlili will try and sneak out and escape? what’s the point of all this nonsense
    dumb morons from the top. days of worshipping these people are over. and if they act as they are doing, these names are filling, ba ko swe mum poto I’m bwa ba ka bolala

    • Useless article.
      Police is police in every country. Their job is to police. Ours is a service, in other countries its a force.
      The freedom of expression some overzealous Zambians yearn for is sheer text book freedom.
      The article surely had to be from a Upndead psycho.
      Next item please.

    • I will never drop what Chiluba used to say, “ubuntungwa kuipela we mwine”. And I believe so, I have freedom, and earned it myself.
      For example, Tongas have no freedom yet, Zambians are still oppressed, only us who decided to free ourselves!!
      But it is hard to run away from oppressors, the molesters, women beaters, bakapokola. And now those PF rabbied dogs want to be chasing behind bakapokola.
      And you cowards, try hard to wear those dirty green t-shirts with fists in the air.
      Mwee mbwaa mwe leave people alone.

  2. PF has destroyed freedom of express know one day you will be opposition party.people shouldn’t complain on bad things you are doing to be scared of been prison? You are destroying our country listen to people if you don’t have idea how to develop zambia mbuzi imwe

  3. I do not like the PF’s approach to governing, but it is not their or the police’s fault here. It is a constitutional law for one not to insult that president indiscriminately. You can attack his lack of work ethic and aptitude to changing his non performing ministers. If you want a parade too UPND, go and get a permit it is that easy. This guy is campaigning two years in advance. Please for once stop politicking and do some work for Zambia.

    • @Nzelu, constitution, but ba guy naimwe.
      twice I told Ba Edgar to clean his language, that one day someone will throw it back at him.
      Ba Edgar told Kambwili that ” immbwa ya kalyelye” a rabbied dog.
      And Ba Edgar told Mulongoti over the Mutaware issue, that “alenya fye amasushi”.
      Most of time people forget that Ba Edgar is president of course.

  4. Nzelu – which president was insulted and which constitutional are you referring to? If you don’t understand some of these things better to remain quiet. In fact the arrest of Kambwili is unconstitutional. Which constitution are you referring to? Let us see if Kambwili will jailed since the matter has gone to court. This country really amazes me all long.

    • @Ndeti Nati…I agree with you. The level if ignorance among most Zambians is really frieghtening. How do we hope to develop economically socially and politically with this kind of ignorance? The country is being ruined by these incompetence PF leaders and yet we dont seem to take note. They are stealing everything while we stand and watch. Just what has happened to zambians of yesteryear?

  5. But it is critical that administration act now to prevent the further Weaponization of the law enforcement against democratics and individuals attempt to exercise their human rights and to do so without sacrificing democratic values such as freedom of expression.

  6. It’s high time we zambians ganged up and take this country back to sanity by force since the institutions put in place to do to ensure the country moves in the direction in every aspect are dormant.

  7. Ati “by Anthony Bwalya-UPND’s Kabushi aspiring candidate”.People really have time and money to waste.So this Bwalya thinks he can beat PF in Kabushi-Ndola in 2021?Shocking stuff!!Do these people have parents,brothers&sisters,wives to advise them?HH’s UPND has failed to win in urban areas of CB and Lsk since 2006!!NOTE THIS-SINCE 2006!!So what will change in 2021?Am not a prophet but i can easily tell this Bwalya that under UPND,he will 100% lose in Kabushi in 2021!!
    As for INSULTING KAMBWILI,he deserves to be in jail for insulting the presidency!!No sane Zambian can support Kambwili’s nonsense!!ALMOST ALL ZAMBIANS HAVE CONDEMNED KAMBWILI’S EVIL MOUTH!!

  8. Get out owe kontwe, just say PF has condemned CK, was it not your fellow iiiddiioott who was pleading with the church to condemn CK? Which Zambians are foolishly saying almost all. I and other 14million Zambians have not condemned him waunfwa iwe kakoswe mompoto?

  9. Get out iwe kontwe, just say PF has condemned CK, was it not your fellow iiiddiioott who was pleading with the church to condemn CK yesterday? Which Zambians are you foolishly saying almost all? I and other 14million Zambians have not condemned him waumfwa iwe kakoswe mompoto?

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