By Joseph Kangwa
Zambia is truly going in the wrong direction economically, socially and politically. All this is as a result of the irresponsible and selfish leaders we have entrusted to run our national affairs. What the Zambian citizens are witnessing and going through today is simply a tip of worse things to come, we are heading to a catastrophic end. Having poor and inept leadership in government, one that does not serve the interest and wellbeing of its people and the Country but theirs and those connected to them.
We totally agree with the outgoing British High Commissioner’s concerns about the direction the country is headed to, it’s the wrong one. The issues Mr Fergus raised in his goodbye statement are genuine and very cardinal. If we had responsible people in government, who care for the masses, they would have taken time to reflect seriously on all the issues that were pointed out. Comparing the questions posed by Mr Fergus and the government’s response, the following are our views:
1. Debt: why has it soared to unsustainable levels? Government has been consistently spending more money than the taxes it raises (including other sources) which are mostly used on allowances, Public Service official’s trips and so on and so forth. A government that is serious and committed to repay its debts, should focus on revamping its economy by concentrating on measures that would improve that economy rather than spend more on consumption. Instead of essential services that will add value on the general wellbeing of the masses.
2. Corruption: what should we make of persistent reports about rampant corruption? The Auditor General’s and FIC reports among other information. There is a popular English saying, “he who seeks equity must come with clean hands.” Unfortunately, the approach to the fight against corruption seems to be a comedy of errors where some high profile cases end up nowhere after a lot of assurances by government that the perpetrators of such corrupt activities are going to be brought to book. A very serious example is that of the 48 houses in Chalala area of Lusaka which smelled of high-level corruption but the case ended nowhere rather in a mysterious manner.
3. Political Dialogue: Has the National Dialogue Forum done anything to foster reconciliation and reduce political tensions ahead of the 2021 election? Or is the proposed legislation only generating further controversy? How do you expect NDF, which was rejected by the masses through their representative organizations like religious institutions, CSOs, political parties among other stakeholders, to genuinely foster reconciliation and reduce political tension? It had nothing to do with reconciliation neither was it aimed at reducing tension. As evidenced by the resolutions of the forum, the NDF had nothing to do with the wellbeing of the poor masses nor the country at large but only to benefit a few people who are politically connected. That’s the reason why it has been rejected by many.
4. Drought/Poverty: Neighbouring countries have declared food security emergencies. Why hasn’t Zambia done so? It is because not all of us are affected by hunger the same way, no wonder it cannot be declared as a National Disaster because some (from the elite group) have the capacity to feed themselves while the majority are wallowing in abject poverty and starvation.
5. Freedom of the Media/ Expression: Is Zambia becoming more or less free? Are Zambian journalists and institutions inclined to exercise self-censorship over fears that their licenses might be suspended? How can there be freedom of media and expression when ruling party cadres harass media houses that try to report objectively in maintaining checks and balances by covering different political parties and sharing their views or labeled as opposition’s media institutions? Journalists are being threatened and beaten by the minions of certain political parties while others are detained or jailed for giving their opinions on national issues.
Suffice to say, the PF government’s response to the outgoing High Commissioner of the UK was unacceptable and a mockery to the victims of the challenges the country is experiencing. The manner in which the government has responded to the issues raised by Mr. Fergus shows how irresponsible and arrogant people in this regime are. It’s sad to note that any organization, institution and/or individual that tries to tell the PF government the realities gets hated or labeled as partisan and enemy of the state. It seems like there is no room for criticism and advice to government leaders.
The Socialist Party in the Province is urging them to be honest when it comes to dealing with national issues. The issues that face this country are beyond political parties. Hunger, for example, chooses not which political or religious persuasions you have.
We, therefore, challenge the government to address the situation of poverty as soon as possible- especially the government has stated clearly on the availability of resources to deal with food insecurity. They need to ensure that prices for the staple food are reduced and where there are shortages the commodity is made accessible. This is not difficult to deal with but of course, this calls for seriousness and great responsibility by those tasked to lead us.
The Author is the Copperbelt Provincial Spokesperson for the Opposition Socialist Party in Zambia, led by Fred M’membe and Cosmas Musumali
Almost everything that the PF ministers do soils their fingers. There are whispers that even the National Health Insurance Scheme has been rigged as somebody has demanded 60% ownership of the Health Center of Excellence, the institution that will be the largest beneficiary of the funds. I expect MoH to issue a statement on this. I hope it’s not true. God is watching, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
Ooh no, the sky is falling in Zambia! Says outgoing High Commissioner.
So suddenly were all gonna die off and aliens will takeover Zambia. Ouch!
Miserable Chichen little.
Concentrate on growing your Post news paper party and out run the useless underperforming updeads.
This analysis is correct. But of course the corrupt, greedy individuals that are feasting at the table of corruption will insult and trivialise it.
Greed is such a blinding evil. No wonder Paul says “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”.
Someone can sit in the midst of suffering and corruption due to bad leadership, but as long as he is enjoying the crumbs that fall from the corruption table, he doesnt care. Greed makes people more heartless than beasts. Animals only kill what they need to survive. But the corrupt arw gluttons that devour even what they do not need. Steal on and fill up your cup of wrath. You will certainly drink it
That high commissioner is being abuse mwee, now anyone has to use him like the most abused name in Zambia called Chagwa.
There’s no institution in the world that is competent enough to investigate and punish all PF crimes, that’s why we are appealing to God. PF cadres will continue to argue even when effects of corruption are all over. Buildings without known owners are mushrooming everywhere, the amounts of money PF spends on by-elections is even confusing the beneficiaries like Dandy Crazy. Ilunda Chalo went with Wynter Kabimba so can they explain who their donors for such amounts of money are? PF has no money generating ventures. God has put a seal on their eyes and hearts so they can’t see and feel what we are going through
Zambia went to the Hound’s as soon as late old demagogue Sata brought his band of tribalistic violent thieves to power!
@2, you are wrong. Sata brought some sanity, and in mid of his term he DIED… too bad. And then the MMD regrouped and joined Edgar, and we went back to dark days of RB.
MMD was kicked out because of such shiit going on.
Mugabe’s legacy in Zambia and Zimbabwe
ZANU PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa allegedly pulled USD5,9 billion out of the government coffers and the money disappeared without a trace, it has emerged.
All this happened within 4 months of removing former President Robert Mugabe (Nov 2017).
Former Finance Minister and current chairman of the portfolio on the Public Accounts Parliamentary Committee, Tendai Biti made the revelations in Glen View on Sunday.
He was speaking while curtain-raising for his boss, Nelson Chamisa.
Said Biti, “Cde President these people steal.
“I sit in the Parliamentary portfolio for public accounts. I have never seen this kind of theft. Mnangagwa and his people there is somewhere where they actually go and beer is brewed for them, and they are told to go and…
I agree with number 2…but we had a chance to redeem ourselves but Esau ischariot Chuulu and Priscilla Mulenga (isaacs) dragged us back in the mud.
…, and they are told to go and steal lions. I have never seen this kind of theft.
“On the 27th December 2017 one month after the coup, USD2.7 suddenly came direct from the ministry of finance; where it went is not known and there is neither a voucher for it, there is not a single statement for it.
” 3 months later, in March 2018, 3.2 billion dollars was siphoned from the ministry of finance, there is no voucher, there is no invoice, neither is there any paper trail, there is nothing you can put a finger to show where it went.
“The money has disappeared.
“Cde President, we grew up being taught there is a thief called Mobutu Seseseko. ZANU PF has redefined Mobutu Seseism; if Mobutu was a thief, he was just a pastor. The Bishop, the ArchAngel is this one you call Mnangagwa here. These…
…, These people steal.
“So Cde President, we have a duty to lead,” concluded Biti.
While efforts to obtain a comment from Emmerson Mnangagwa administration, the “revelations” are not new. They have been the subject of parliamentary portfolio discussions in recent weeks and the latest one was last week.
Bastado. If you parents were not born pre and after Independence, no wonder South Africans are taking advantage of your hate and stupidity to vile and pray for your only country to fail. As Dr Kenneth David Kaunda would say, ‘ stupid *****s, mwebana bama shilu imwe.’
Wasn’t Emmanuel Mwamba as PS information then openly blasted by Sata for trying to issue Radio Phoenix with broadcasting licenses in the rest of the towns apart from the line of rail?
Radio Phoenix is slowly sliding into a mouth piece of the Supreme leader of the known opposition party but in a camouflage way…
It is obvious this regime has committed more wrongs in less than 5 years in power than the Chiluba administration did in 10 years. Today they think they are very clever but time will definitely catch up with them just the way it did with Chiluba
“But time will catch up with them” I see this on blogs a lot. We are good at procrastinating. The way PF is going, we’ll have nothing left.
Just because the Supreme leader HH of the UPND has been rejected and cannot be elected does not make the PF bad… They have scored some success which the MMD failed in the twenty years…
Such as……… a $10bn debt thereby pulling us back into a debt trap?? Which are those successes?
Where is Britain going? Even its European counterparts want nothing to do with it! Even Trump!
Why did RB put us in this PF mess?
If only he had followed through the footsteps of Levy, we would not have had a Sata who came to unleash street kids on us most of whom are now ministers! Even FTJ would be shocked to hear that Zambians made chaotic Sata president! And FTJ was right when he said he could not anoint Sata as his successor because he could cause people to hate one another! The undemocratic and unconstitutional crusade to starve opposition strongholds of development and employment opportunities started with Sata! Sata’s successor who is also his nephew tthrough Malawian maternal lineage is just following in his uncle’s footsteps! 2011 to 2021 is the darkest period in Zambia’s history and Zambians need to redeem themselves before they are scattered abroad!
Is there really nothing good the PF government has done since coming into power? There may be hunger but Zambia has really been transformed. Whoever is going to take over, will will definately going go Finns it easy to take development to any part of the country because the pre-requisites have already been done by the PF. May be, they only lacked priorities.
Wakishale to you too, what ever that means!!!
Same opposition, same cr.a.p!! Socialist party has no councillors or mps to prove their worth, so who are they to tell us the direction of our nation?? PF is staying in power after 2021 because we have a useless and inept opposition who believe they can overthrow a legitimately and democratically elected govt. by slander and fake news-a plot hatched by an unholy alliance of Fred Mmembe and hh and shady International financiers: hh’s now infamous “armageddon”!!
How does your political rhetoric help the poor people in your soil. the moment you stop being a blind cadre and face issues with a straight mind will be the moment we will look at you normally. This is the reasoning which is collective of PF fools who think anyone who complains and raises cardinal issues is an enemy.
Indeed…tell that cocoon, whatever his name is to tell the world which direction his country is going. Everyone thinks they are heading off the cliffs. Clean your own closet first before you start pointing at others.
Imagine if it was in Zambia where Parliament was to be suspended the way it has been done in UK… how would have the disgraced outgoing High Commissioner and it’s donor funded NGOs and good for nothing sycophants and zealots and enemies of progress of the UPND would have been making noise on anthills…
The arrest of Julian Assange is an even greater blight on western democracy. And all western capitals and media are silent.
As along Zambia maintain the multiparty arrangement with this useless type of opposition politicians, the country will not move at a fast rate. All they know these charlatans is oppose everything and not put anything new on the table.
Let them sell what they can do best and just oppose. Sometimes I pity online reporters who carry their useless and stale stories.
In 2011 most western diplomats and western media the BBC in particular were pro PF because they bought into the anti China rhetoric. Would have a person who understands Zambian politics bought in to that!
Former president and long serving president of Zimbabwe used to say Zimbabwe is for the Zimbabwens let Zimbabwe be for the zimbabwens so is Zambia.We need such caliber of Presidents.To British high commissioner,honestly these guys have failed to solve the inequation of BREXIT.This is not ZAMEXIT.It as taken them years and years to solve their issues.Balitubepa sana.So Furgus go solve the BREXIT issue plz
Thank to everyone who is reading this… EVERYTHING is the truth, look we are one Zambia one nation yess, but we are fond of picking sides we jst hav to learn to accept advice, I don’t know its more than that. If we hav eyes nd ears look wer the country is going ‘its a dead end road. We don’t care 4 our fellow Zambian brotherhood even generations that ar spiritual to come. We keep on building stuffs that feed us.
The man can Foxtrot Oscar to where he came from. We don’t deal with hypocrites. You preach corruption with one hand and offer bribes to opposition with the other. Uko Kwine!
Yet they make noise when South Africans defend themselves politically, economically and socially. Wake-up and smell your armpits Zambians
Cry for the beloved country .things have fallen apart .In our Motherland normal people are rearded insane while those who are insane are regarded as heroes.Speaking the truth has become a crime while telling lies is now appaluded as being the right thing to do.What a country ,this is now true animal farm at its best.Very soon people will be arrested for ‘ thinking ‘ and charged with Thought Crime.This is happening because good people have become quiet to save their necks.God help mother Zambia.
Pray and Cry for the beloved Country”.