Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Zambia Police deny PF permit to match Against Kambwili


The Event where PF Cadres Presented a Petition against Kambwili
The Event where PF Cadres Presented a Petition against Kambwili

Zambia Police has rejected the application for a permit by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to match and deliver a Petition to National Democratic Congress (NDC) Leader Chishimba Kambwili.

In a letter released to the public, Zambia Police said that the security situation in the capital was not conducive and could put law and order in danger.

All throughout the week, PF members have been matching to their secretariate in protest against Mr. Kambwili for allegedly insulting the president.

Meanwhile, opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Stephen Katuka has said that the planned protest by the Patriotic Front against defunct NDC president Chishimba Kambwili over his alleged insults against President Edgar Lungu was not necessary because the matter is already before the courts of law.

Mr katuka added that there was no need for the ruling Patriotic Front to start protesting against an individual when the country is faced with a lot of challenges ranging from high mealie-meal prices to load shedding among others.

Mr. Katuka stated that the planned protest by the ruling party will not benefit anyone.


    • 1. We haven’t failed to organise people and…

      2. Madame Editor/Admin, the correct spelling and connotation is ‘MARCH’ not ‘match’… I’m kind’a getting tired of this agony…

      3. Keep up the good work LT (y)

    • Good job well done, Zambia Police. You handled this professionally. Thanks. No one should be above the law.
      And Lusaka Times, it’s “MARCH” not “MATCH.” Please find an editor. Maybe the Zambia Police should arrest you for misusing words.

    • They don’t need a permit, they just need to notify ZP like they usually do and go on. The truth of the matter is that they know that the starving masses have had enough of this PF nonsense.

  1. There’s sense in what the police have said,PF cannot fail to mobilize the cadres. Good move ZP keep it up. CKinsultor is not a threat where politics is concerned that’s why he has resorted to insults.
    Let the law take it’s course. Katuka whatever the case you cannot justify insults, hunger or no hunger we cannot accept insults.

  2. What is the problem with these caders just simple issue which is in the court they want to protest even if you want money fimbi kuloleshafye

  3. we a not interested in pf protest wen theres killings of our brothers and sisters in s africa , high prices of m meal heavy load shedding, no time for politics of tummy

  4. Police should not just end at denying PF the permit but also charge Davis Mwila for his criminal offence of proposing violence on Kambwili’s family! Such behaviour by Davis Mwila should not be tolerated! Your political differences should be dealt with by established institutions like the Courts! Taking the law into one’s own hands to want to settle political differences, especially where one wants to unleash thugs to inflict mob justice even on innocent members of a politician’s family, is rather taking a joke too far and must not be tolerated! This barbaric act is worse than Xenophobia!

  5. Reads like a normal country for a change. Zambia Police should not give a permit to PF even if they want to match against themselves, that would be fair application of the law. These PF and UPND reasoning or the lack of it is exactly the same just differ in names. That is why they are always at each.other’s throats, trying to outdo each other with the loudest rubish.

  6. The police are playing a rat game. They just want to block another threat to PF so that pipo shud compare that even PF were not allowed. Cheap politics. Just wait and see their next move over these permits!!!!

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