Farmers in the country have been encouraged to venture into early planting of seeds in the fourth coming 2019/2020 farming season.
Small Scale Farmers’ Development Agency (SAFADA) Executive Director Boyd Moobwe says that with the rain forecast released yesterday, farmers should now consider planting drought-resistant and early maturing seed varieties.
Mr Moobwe explained that in the wake of climate change farmers should grow crops and rear small livestock so that they cushion shocks from climate change.
He told ZANIS in an interview today that SAFADA has embarked on the village to village engagement programme with farmers, aimed at highlighting the right varieties to grow in the view of climate change.
Mr Moobwe urged the government through the Ministry of Agriculture to enhance the implementation of the weather index insurance policy as it helps farmers affected by drought.
“We urge the farmers to plant early and make sure they plant the right variety. Since most areas will receive normal to above normal rainfall in the months of November to January 2020, there is need for farmers to strategize and come up with workable measures such as knowing the right variety of seed.” he stressed.
And National Union for Small-Scale farmers of Zambia President Frank Kayula noted that agriculture diversification is the only answer to changes in the weather patterns.
Dr. Kayula said farmers should diversify from crop production to small livestock production in the wake of climate change.
He reaffirmed that farmers should diversify to small livestock such as pigs, goats and chickens as they grow quickly with low costs but have a readily available market.