GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Home Affairs has said that all the Political Parties in the country are bound to the same law under the registrar of societies Act.
Speaking during a joint Press Briefing with Minister of Information and Broadcasting this morning, Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo said it’s unfortunate that members of some political parties are on rampage politicizing everything without reading what is provided for in the political parties’ act of the registrar of Society.
The Minister was responding to a question from a journalist who asked on the de-registration of the National Democratic Congress Party and what action has been taken by the party.
In his response Hon. Kampyongo said unlike what is being peddled in some section of the media claiming Minister of Home Affairs controls decisions of the Registrars office all political parties are governed by the Registrars Act.
“It’s laughable when people say I am controlling that office. Today, we have close to 50 political parties that are all bound to the same rule of law under the registrar of Societies act CAP 119 of the laws of Zambia which regulates their existence, de-Registrations, registrations, Suspensions are all done in accordance with CAP 119”
When asked if the NDC has started its re-registration based on what the Secretary-General Mwenya Musenge said, Hon. Kampyongo said only the registrar of Societies office can ascertain as the only role the Minister plays in such scenarios is dealing with appeals such matters get to his office as the last office of appeal and even then he follows the law in exercising his authority on such matters.
In view of the Court’s ruling, The Office Of The Registrar Of Societies Invoked Section 13 (2) (A) Of The Societies Act Cap 119 Of The Laws Of Zambia And Cancelled The Registration Certificate Of The National Democratic Congress; This Was done in accordance With Cap 119 Section 13 (2)(A) Of The Societies Act, Which Provides That:
“The Registrar May, In His or her Discretion Cancel At Any Time The Registration Of Any Society Affected Under Section Seven If He Is Satisfied That It Is Expedient To Do So On The Ground That-
A) The Terms Of The Constitution Or Rules Of Such Society Are, In His Opinion, In Any Respect Repugnant To Or Inconsistent With The Provisions Of Any Law For The Time Being In Force In Zambia.”
And asked whether or not the NDC Member of Parliament will become independent or it’s a call for another by-election.
Hon. Kampyongo said “this is another issue that calls on us to acquaint ourselves with the constitution of this land. In short, the constitution provides for such scenarios in Article 72(9) under the constitution of Zambia which is effected when a party is de-registered and they have a member of parliament and the option is provided for”
Article 72 (9) states: If a political party is dissolved, a Member of Parliament shall retain the member’s seat as an independent member.
This PF outfit has a very scrappy leadership style. The aesthetics, even when you are not involved, speak otherwise. What is concerning is we do not even seem to have a viable alternative.
I don’t advise these kind of styupid guys. And if they die their funerals are poorly attended.
Imagine if Kampyongo died this week, what will people write?
Don’t even bit about the bush NDC was deregistered becauseit is a threat to you, Kambwili is giving you sleepless nights. Why did you register it in the first place if they did not comply with rules and regulations? You think the people of zambia are fools? Your days are numbered you will soon join us in the streets. most of you politicians don’t know how to use the money you steal yours is hand to mouth immediately you leave govt you will be broke.
You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
DISGRACED State House Aide Kaizer Zulu his counterpart Amos Chanda, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and Minister in-charge of National Development Planning Lucky Mulusa on Tuesday night celebrated the arrest of UPND President Hakainde Hichilema in style at a pub on 8 Reedbuck road in Kabulonga.
The four senior PF officials took turns boasting how they had made sure they had fixed the opposition leader and how they were controlling state institution.
The officials who were in the company of another mercenary, Lewis Mosho and some former Post Journalist and what looked like prostitutes, drunk the night out and only left 8 reedbuck after midnight…
“Natuka chita ka cikala…kalemona kwati ni ka President nako. In fact Ba (kakoma) Kankanja is very weak if I didn’t direct him upto now that ka cikala would still be enjoying the comfort of his house,” Kaiser Zulu was heard bragging before Kampyongo interjected,
“Awe kachepa sana. We are in charge …we are serious operatives. In fact kulefwayika fye kafwile mu jele. Ni mweba Amos you are too soft this should have been done immediately we came from Mongu,” said Kampyongo.
“Zambia is home to over 70 different ethnic communities, which generally live together in peace. Compared with other countries in the region, it is regarded as politically largely stable. Yet, increasingly, there are governance deficiencies.
President Edgar Lungu’s government is moving to curb freedom of assembly, freedom of opinion and freedom of the press and obstructing the opposition and civil society organisations.”
the world is watching and AI.
A people with the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”-Marcus garvey
“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”-Marcus garvey
Which thief can plead guilty even with evidence in his possession? How did the PRO at the Home Affairs Ministry assume the role of the ROS? How many political parties do we know and are even certain that they did not meet the required numbers to qualify for registration except that they are thin branches of the PF or surrogates? All we see especially from the most rotten media in the country are presidents of such parties no single member. Even their wives and relatives watch in shock when they hear them being referred to as party presidents.
I just have one question. If the NDC had an irregularity in its constitution how were they allowed to be part of an election and why was the irregularity not spotted by the registrar before during the musenge’s rule?. Something does not sound right here.
He can’t accept publicly but even he knows everything. CK mentioned a month before that kampongo through musenge wanted to de-registered NDC.
The problem with trying to be clever when you aren’t is that you leave certain details unattended. The Party that should’ve been de-registered is the MMD which has 2 Presidents in Nevers Mumba and Felix Mutati. The Ministry of Homes Affairs ins’t in capable hands, unfortunately. It’s clear that Kampyongo leaned on the Registrar to take that action on NDC. You might not like Kambwili but the fact still remains that he’s a Zambia and he will enjoy certain rights. You must learn to live with some of these things. There’s a lot of power in tolerance.
He is lying Kambwili gives them sleepless nights that is why they want to put out of the political picture. He thinks we are stup1d, why did they register it in the first place if there where irregularities? The problem with these useless politicians is that they think they will
be in those positions forever that is why they suffer after leaving office.Kampyongo will join us in the streets very soon.
Meant put him out of the political picture.
Have the people who stone helicopters carrying opposition members in Shiwang’andu every election been ever arrested? I mean the perpetual sent lawless thugs who cause damage to property and maim opposition members.
Cowards we seeing everything and don’t think we are blind