Sunday, October 13, 2024

Disaster Management dismisses HH allegations of being blocked from donating relief food


Mr Hichilema speaking at a news conference at his residence.
Mr Hichilema speaking at a news conference at his residence.

The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has urged the United Party for National Development (UPND) leader, Hakainde Hichilema to stop lying that he was blocked from donating 25,000 bags of mealie meal to vulnerable communities.

DMMU Communications Officer Rachael Chama said at no time has the UPND leader engaged the DMMU, which is mandated to coordinate the relief provision and distribution in the country, over his desire to make the donation.

“DMMU has extended a call to all well-meaning Zambians who wish to complement government efforts in providing relief, to do so through the Office. To that effect, DMMU has since been receiving donations from different stakeholders and individuals with the aim of mitigating the food insecurity being experienced in parts of the country,” she said.

Meanwhile, the DMMU Communications Officer disclosed that her office has since February this year distributed 37,435 metric tons of maize, mealie meal, and maize bran, benefitting a total of 1, 677,000 identified vulnerable households across the country.

“Relief distribution by DMMU is not meant to replace people’s coping capacities and is purely to supplement local abilities of sustenance and strengthening of resilience and reducing vulnerability. The Unit is guided by the four principles namely; Humanity, Neutrality, Impartiality and Independence, in the execution of all humanitarian programs and the current distribution is no exception,” said Ms. Chama.

“In addition to the mealie meal, DMMU is also distributing maize bran, the by-product of the mealie meal to identified livestock and fish farming cooperatives in selected districts. The maize bran is specifically meant for livestock as supplementary feed.”

She added that the Unit is also mitigating the drought situation by drilling community boreholes in areas facing water challenges.

Ms. Chama stated that the Unit, in partnership with cooperating partners has so far drilled a total of 46 boreholes across the country, with Southern province receiving 31 boreholes.


  1. 1. Why should anybody with functional brain donate anything to the very same people which are living in denial of the famine?
    2. Either rapist loving Dora has been lying or “disaster” paperclip pushers have become official spokespersons for PF?
    3. Which Act of the Laws of Zambia prescribe that a individual person MUST make any relief donation thru DMMU?

    • Pathetic responce!
      Surely Zambians are being taken for id10ts.
      The ruling party secretariate guided that this particular Doner should feed his donations to his cattle.
      The GRZ Spokesperson issued a statememt that there was no hunger in the country and the that this Doner should take his donations to his village. None said DMMU was the channel for such humanitarian action.
      Surely this Tom and Jerry way of approaching life saving measures is getting to be sickening.

      All the spokes person for DMMU should have done at this stage was to invite the said Doner/s bring donations to DMMU to be distributated by them if that is the proceedure. If he failed, then they would be justified to use liar tag.

    • HH trying so hard to look like a caring person….this man is the worst Politician in the world….worst pretender….people that help genuinely do it quietly not causing a scene so that you can be in the news…..No matter how much you try bwana HH….if it’s written that you will never be President then you are just wasting your time

    • Well said my Brother. Dora Siliya and other PF Cadres have blocked HH from distributing food in the Country except Dudumwezi his Stronghold. HH is a Zambian Citizen with Rights to visit any part of Zambia and donate Relief Food to the needy. Lungu and PF Govt are daily violating HH’s Human Rights. They are so scared of HH’ s Popularity and fear losing the 2021 Elections. That is why they are desperate to pass Bill No.10 designed to mutilate the Current Zambian Constitution and transforming Zambia into a One Man One Party Dictatorship led by Lungu. Bill 10 is a vehicle by Lungu and PF to rig the 2021 Elections and Retain Power. Lungu and PF have committed too many crimes against humanity and fear to be prosecuted for Corruption and these Crimes by an HH Govt.# Stop Bill No.10 at all…

    • Truly it is a DISASTER at DMMU.
      OK they want HH take maize to them, from all the way from his village farm
      What about Lusambo and Binwell Mutale, did they take their trucks to DMMU ?

    • ^

      Bwana where are U?
      Me just EAGERLY waiting
      how you will attack HH on this one.
      Knowing you hate
      the UPND family.

    • Chawama clinic is a big institution. whata kind of a genset was he trying to donate? can he give a heavy duty, idustrial genset with his akaso? lets not just buck like headless dogs.Since when did HH have a giving heart? The man is nowhere near charity. These are fake donations. THE MAN CAN NOT JUST GIVE!

    • Tobias #1.5

      You don’t have to EAGERLY wait for my comments on lusakatimmes.

      Take your energy and channel it to something (+)Positive, (+)Optimistic, (+)Tangible and (+)Worthwhile. You will be surprised how your energy will change your life, help those around you, make a difference and better Zambia.

      Don’t spend time in life looking Quarrels, Arguments and getting addicted to Negativity. It will destroy your “Falculty” and The “Will” do something worthy.

      Above all, to my above advice, just be good at managing your (+)Thoughts and (+)Priorities in life.


      Enjoy the day.

    • {2}
      Secondly, don’t live on assumptions. They will kill you for nothing, while the person you loathe is busy enjoying their life and doing well.

      I don’t hate the UPND Family. !!

      +++ I have 3 close friends who are MP’s in the UPND Party. When they fly in UK they spend time at my home and I host them. I have come a long way with them from secondary school in Zambia and University days in UK.

      +++ Just as well, I have 4 PF MP’s who are friends that I host when they come in the UK. I grew up with all these 6 guys and 1 female MP in total. All these people get along even when they belong to different political parties. We talk about PF and UPND, Our Careers, Investment, Zambia, and where we all are taking our lives. Nothing wrong about that. !!!

    • Gosh! I hate attention seekers.

      Is h² attention seeking.



      Wonders shall never ever end.

  2. The charlatan Akainde Ichilema is a drama queen. Politics is not for him. He should retire.
    He’s a naked Emperor without even a loin cloth. UPND have seen his nakedness

  3. The power shortage in Chawama clinic is leading patients (Zambians) die unnecessarily all because PF DMMU rejected a gen set donated by HH to alleviate Zesco’s inability to constantly have power at Chawama clinic.
    PF takes delight in poor people die, first because there are no medicines and now through power shortage at clinics and hospitals – all in the name of political expediency- ask Dora Siliya.

  4. TAKING advantage if the hunger sitiation as usual. How he hope it contenue up to 2021. Sadist of the century. ABWAFWE bwa bambi ma vote kuli bena. Only evil poeple think like him

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