Saturday, October 12, 2024

Poor Funding From Government Making it Difficult to Fight Corruption-ACC Chairperson


ACC Chairperson Justice Anderson Zikonda
ACC Chairperson Justice Anderson Zikonda

The Anti Corruption Commission has bemoaned the poor funding from the government making it difficult to carry out its mandate effectively.

Speaking at the launch of the 2019 Zambia Bribe Payers Index Report in Lusaka, ACC Chairperson Justice Anderson Zikonda said that the commission lacks resources to be present in every corner of the country.

Justice Zikonda said that it was impossible to attain a corrupt free Zambia without the involvement of every Zambian in fighting the scourge.

Justice Zikonda observed that the increase in the overall aggregate bribery index from 10 percent in 2017 to 10.9 percent in 2019 underscores the seriousness with which the fight against corruption is being approached.

Justice Zikonda said that the commission remains resolved towards addressing the corruption scourge and is determined to ensure that the current upward trend is reversed.

Officiating at the launch of the report, Minister in the office of the Vice President Olipah Phiri reiterated the government’s commitment to zero tolerance to corruption.

Ms. Phiri urged the Anti Corruption Commission to expedite the review process so that there is a national framework to coordinate and harmonize all efforts aimed at fighting corruption in the country.

And Transparency International Zambia chapter President Reuben Lifuka said that TIZ is encouraged to see some positive trends in the bribe payers Index for some critical target institutions such as the Zambia Police, which previously had 63.9% likelihood of the public paying a bribe dropping to 40.7%.

Mr Lifuka stated that while this was commendable; this was still a high percentage.

The 2019 Zambia Bribe Payers Index Survey Report has revealed that bribe seeking incidents are mostly in the Zambia Police Service standing at 41.7 percent, Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) at 41.2 percent, with the local authorities at 10.3 percent and the Ministry of General Education standing at 8.1 percent.

Reasons for paying a bribe demand to the Zambia Police including avoiding delays, avoiding penalties or sanction, fear of service denial and other factors.


    • The problem is not corruption but inefficiency, inefficiency is the breeding ground for corruption. You go to a govt office at 10hrs to have a service done you find over 20 other people waiting to see the same officer but the officer has knocked off at 11 hrs and will return after lunch at 15.30 only to leave some instructions with his secretary then he knocks off again at 16.00hrs. What do you think will happen? You mount illegal traffic roadblocks blocks everyday instead of carrying out mobile patrols, what do you think will happen? You have cases in court dragging for years and unjust verdicts because there is no proper legal review board that is efficient in seeing that cases are disposed off promptly, what do you think will happen? Kill inefficiency and you kill corruption.

    • Now you question why ACC is an almost non-existent….no surprise now, how can you let this fossil to manage such an institution?

      Anyway, he is right on one thing that “overall aggregate bribery index from 10 percent in 2017 to 10.9 percent in 2019 underscores the seriousness with which the fight against corruption is being approached.” Personally would rate it higher, at least 20%
      Now ba Dora, tell us what you meant by GRZ fighting against, corruption?
      There you go in back and white.

  1. This poor funding is obviously by design .Lungu’s GRZ can’t feed the sharks that were purposefully set up to bite their filthy hands.

  2. What poor funding when u can fail to find the owner of 48 houses in broad day light. You are useless and compromised. When we are in power we will overhaul such organisations and retrench you thieves

    • That is where poor funding actually comes in, the ACC needs money for computers and to hire forensic accountants to trace the most minute of spending.


  4. You do not need a billion to know the owner of the 48 flats, do you chair? Just walk to site, pass through Zesco and the council on your back to the office. You would have already collected data you need.

  5. Poor funding is subjective. It is unlikely that other countries in the region, such as Botswana are spending far more on corruption than the country is doing. Where are the statistics? Without figures, it could be neither here nor there. Available resources need to be well utilized before requesting for more resources. It is necessary to hold a national Indaba on Trends in the Fight against Corruption in Zambia where ACC can also tell its story. Funding is neither here nor there. How about informers and whistle blowers? How about Part Time staffing? How about Integrity Committee for each employer?

    Zambia needs a Constitution where the President is not allowed to be the appointing authority to such organs as A.C.C, PFolice, etc.
    If a Cadre like you Mr ZIKONDA, or Chief Cadre Kanganja ku PFolice uko finds out your appointing Boss Jona, or his daughter own 48 mysterious Mansions, you will NOT bring Jona or Daughter to book, as he will simply revoke the appointment he gave you, & then Ninjala yeka, & belly shrinkage.
    It’s because he is Jona’s Chosen Special adviser for Corruption, + violence, & even if you threw bucket loads of Cash (Billions of U.$.Dollars) into your useless A…

  7. Corruption can occur on different scales.
    Corruption ranges from small favors between a small number of people (petty corruption),[8] to corruption that affects the government on a large scale (grand corruption), and corruption that is so prevalent that it is part of the everyday structure of society, including corruption as one of the symptoms of organized crime.
    A number of indicators and tools have been developed which can measure different forms of corruption with increasing accuracy.
    Petty corruption:
    Petty corruption occurs at a smaller scale and takes place at the implementation end of public services when public officials meet the public. For example, in many small places such as registration offices, police stations, state licensing boards, and many other private and…

  8. Cont…
    and many other private and government sectors.
    Grand corruption
    Grand corruption is defined as corruption occurring at the highest levels of government in a way that requires significant subversion of the political, legal and economic systems. Such corruption is commonly found in countries with authoritarian or dictatorial governments but also in those without adequate policing of corruption.
    The government system in many countries is divided into the legislative, executive and judiciary branches in an attempt to provide independent services that are less subject to grand corruption due to their independence from one another.
    Systemic corruption
    Systemic corruption (or endemic corruption)[14] is corruption which is primarily due to the weaknesses of an organization or…

  9. Systemic corruption
    Systemic corruption (or endemic corruption) is corruption which is primarily due to the weaknesses of an organization or process. It can be contrasted with individual officials or agents who act corruptly within the system.
    Factors which encourage systemic corruption include conflicting incentives, discretionary powers; monopolistic powers; lack of transparency; low pay; and a culture of impunity.[15] Specific acts of corruption include “bribery, extortion, and embezzlement” in a system where “corruption becomes the rule rather than the exception

  10. We have all this craps in our country, God forbid, what a tragedy. Who will save our Country sure, awe mwandi, ubulanda kuli our future generations

  11. My proposal would be: Why doesn’t ACC make its own funds unlike relying on government. How do you expect funding from the same people within in which you are trying to fight??? Whats the best possible way that ACC can be independent and generate its own revenue

  12. Well done PF! An Agency that cannot tell the nation who the owner of the 48 houses is does not deserve funding! It takes Integrity first to fight corruption and not poor funding! If GRZ starved you of funding, donors will be more than happy to fund great work! The excuse of lack of funding sounds like the excuse given in parliament of climate change! We never heard FIC giving lame excuses! Any person who likes excuses for not doing their job is not fit to lead! Please expect no funding because we are now in Austerity! ACC should fund itself through a fixed commission from whatever they recover as proceeds of Corruption! Innovative or become irrelevant!

  13. What do you expect when you keep giving poor results. Your institution only mattered in the mwanawasa government RIP. Now you are simply rubber stamps for corrupt politicians. You are not professional as well as independent in your dealings that is why your institution is a compromised one and outlived it’s usefulness to the Zambian society.

  14. It is interesting that upon assumption of the chair of ACC you have identified poor funding as a cause of inefficiency. One of the functions of a Chair would then be how to get the treasury to better finance the agency. Sit down with the DG let her role out what her program for the year is see what the deliverables and the cost of each. Prioritize what is urgent and then cap the envelope. Go and see the Minister for finance, see the Sec to cabinet, speak to the minister for home affairs, get someone to move a private members bill for funding. Read and see what international support is out there! You will have funds just don’t use it for sitting allowances to holidays for the top brace. Wake up smell the coffee.

  15. Government funding ACC is shooting themselves in their own foot, why would you fund an organisation that will investigate you

  16. Judge Zikonda, the biggest problem with ACC is state capture. The new style is that ACC “investigates” cases to pretend to be fighting corruption but in court they are selective what evidence they present, they leave out critical evidence. In a recent acquittal of a politically connected person, they kept away the $300,000 that individual received from a Chinese donor. The magistrate himself pointed that out. In the 48 houses the ACC “failed” to find the owner and quickly shut the case. Some political leader “tried” to reopen the case but the case has died a natural death because there is really no intention to reopen the case, just political leaders playing to the gallery.

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