Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Zambia Airways cabin crew sent for advanced training.


A Zambia Airways 25-member cabin crew
A Zambia Airways 25-member cabin crew

A Zambia Airways 25-member cabin crew has left for Ethiopia to undergo an intensive three months training at the Ethiopian Aviation Academy.

Speaking at the send-off ceremony for the cabin crew at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA), Zambia Airways Chief Executive Officer Mr Bruk Endeshaw said the trainees will be subjected to training in customer service, safety and other programmes to enable them offer quality standards of services.

Mr Endeshaw said Zambia Airways has recorded important milestones towards operationalisation of its services through application for required international and local certification and registration processes.

He said the company has since obtained certification from the Zambian Civil Aviation Authority and is waiting for codes’ registration with International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

Meanwhile, Zambia Airways Board Chairman Mr Bonaventure Mutale encouraged the crew to acquire necessary skills since the Academy offers the highest professional training standards.

Mr Mutale also advised the trainees to continue making the institution proud by raising the Zambian flag through exhibiting good behaviour.

Zambia Airways is a partnership between IDC and Ethiopian Airlines.

Zambia Airways Chief Executive Officer Mr Bruk Endeshaw speaking to trainees
Zambia Airways Chief Executive Officer Mr Bruk Endeshaw speaking to trainees
Part of A Zambia Airways 25-member cabin crew
Part of A Zambia Airways 25-member cabin crew


    • Toughest challenges always bring Greatest Rewards. This is a big step after years of Nay Sayers wanting this to fall flat and fail.

      Zambia is regionally and demographically positioned in a good spot of Southern African Nations.
      We +(will) and +(shall) use this as a hub to interconnect commercial and tourism potential opportunities to all our surrounding neighbours, Africa as a whole and oversees destinations.

      Already, we know that ANA ( All Nippon Airways ), the biggest airline in Japan want to use Zambia as one of its Africa Destination, en’route to South Africa. So far, they have been waiting for the upgrade for our National Airport.

      +++ We cannot leave everything to the government. So we continue to lobby for our Japanese Associates to come…

    • cont…

      +++ We cannot leave everything to the government to develop Zambia. So we continue to lobby for our Japanese Associates to come to Zambia as private citizens.

      This calls for everyone to do their best, especially those in Diaspora who very well know that there is thousands of companies & private investors with $ Billions of Dollars in the western nations hungry to sign up with African Partnership.

      +++ So there is no excuse at all. The world has more money waiting in Global Banks, against less ideas !!

      It Is Not Want Your Country Does For You, But What You Can Do For Your Country {JFK}

    • You see they woke up after we said the CEO is paid for nothing.
      They are not going for training, they are going to practice sexual acts.
      At least 5 women we immediately go on maternity leave upon arrival.

  1. When were these jobs advertised? Or are we seeing a collection of cadres again?

    And these board persons seem to be the same faces popping up in all public institutions. Is it a birthright reserved for a select feww or ninshi kanshi? What is it about them is so special other Zambians don’t have? Dont tell me these are the only citizens with mouths to feed?

    This is how the mismanagement that we worried about begins.Not a good sign.

    • @ Chalo Nkhanza
      You wanted to know when these jobs were advertised, you live in the past bwana or could it be that you have been so brainwashed and blinded by the negativity of HH and UPND such that you dont see the opportunities that PF Government is availing. Are you saying you are not aware about the re-launching of Zambia Airways? Wake up bwana, whilst you are busy complaining aimlessly, your friends are seeing opportunities. Open your eyes, HH will NEVER and cannot creat employment for you, its you who is expected to be more agile and innovative.
      By the way, which airline worldwide have you seen advertising for jobs like pilots, air hostesses, safety officers, ground crew etc?

    • I kid you not, 99.9% of these candidates are either related to current ministers or PF. Let them publish the names I will prove my self correct!

  2. Good move. This is how Zambia Airways was created in the first place. The closure of the national airline has set us backwards in aviation but safety should is paramount and key to success. Keep politics out of this and maybe we will see “Nkwazi” back in the sky again.

  3. Yaba, so how much debt are we sinking into this one? Airlines are failing all around us and Brain Mushimba starts his own. …”….doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…..”, someone complete this one for me in case I am sued.
    When this project fails, I hope that Brain Mushimba will face the nation on ZNBC Sunday interview. The poor brain can’t even differentiate GMO from Hybrid, and he is a PhD graduate! Hon Katambo please teach this brain when next you sit in cabinet.

  4. Sent to a country with questionable flying safety records. That is why my wife and I always fly with British air ways or first class Emirates. We hate poor services on most African flights. Mostly that women on African owned flights tend to be very abrupt and angry. I also get stares for kissing and holding my white wife.

    • Questionable flying safety record? Ethiopian Airlines air safety record is very good. There has been a highjacking that ended in one of their Boeing 767s ditching in the sea, and one or two accidents spaced far apart in time and the recent Boeing Max accident which is more of a manucturer’s problem. Ethiopian Airlines was founded in the 1950s with the help of the former Trans World Airways who provided management and operational assistance in the very beginning. Through decades of famine, strife and civil war, there was one thing that Ethiopia could be counted on – running a safe, efficient and relatively reliable, world class airline.

  5. Wow! Zambia Airways finally takes to the skies??……Ethiopian Airlines itself is aided in its operations by some unnamed European airlines. I guess congratulations are in order. All the best Zambia!

  6. Please sir get your facts right ET has one of the best safety aviation records in its many years of existence it has only lost two aircraft. One was hijacked and the other we all know the MAX had manufacturing issues…BA in its current state with its old and tired fleet, not to mention the crew….is a distant from the likes of ET.

  7. Misplaced priorities once again. Come on guys, we’re not learning from our mistakes….we have bigger problems to take care off and that also urgently. Plus we have limited resources…

  8. When were these jobs advertised? wako ni wako and then you say one Zambia one Nation thats why Kambwili toots his horn this very unfair.

  9. Zambia Airways Chief Executive Officer Mr Bruk Endeshaw . The CEO is not Zambian, clearly, this is a subsidiary of Ethiopian Airways. So, hold on to your champagne bottles.

    • @ Alibaba
      And you guys in UPND claim to be more intelligent and VERY educated than everyone else yet you dont have slightest clue on how airlines operate world wide, SHAME. Look at Emirates and see the people who employed to run that airline, nganimwebo ati corruption! Emirates CEO and Chairman is British and the entire air and ground crew is from the globe including Zambians, now stop hallucinating with your HH mentality.

    • Do we have the training facilities in Zambia that are required for such Training. No we dont the reason why the group has to travel to Ethopia, as simple as that

    • Training is not just seating in the class or watching one trainer through video. It may be as many as 10 trainers over this period. Safety, heath and medical issues, first aid, evacuations, customer relations, handling of food and serving, communication etc can be handled by specialists in each field.This can be a set of trainers. On top of that some training may require simulations for the different aircraft available. Furthermore towards the end they may have some practicals on ET planes in the region with the tens of ET plans in Ethiopia, its an opportunity for them from there.

  10. How about video conferencing, webinars, Skyping etc. we live in a world where these things can be accomplished with minimal cost but I guess we do not think like that. Also if it was absolutely necessary for these employs to go, maximum 5 and let them come back and teach the rest, it’s a no brainer

    • Iyee imwe wamene awa! Nanga ni ndalama za nyoko? Awe shuwa. Let them go and get trained from source, each one of them. Awe mwandi ine na dabwa koma..?

  11. Always operating from the sky. For me, every opportunity to fly is a horrible experience. I usually travel with my heart in the mouth. I don’t admire this kind of a job. I would prefer being a security guard to an air-hostess.

    • John Phiri you are like me. I just can’t imagine being up there everyday, every night. And for the pilots it is even worse as the lives of so many people depend on them flying and landing them safely to their destination

    • No the Russian plane is for personal-to-holder to Vasco de Lungu!

      So he can spend all his time in other countries where there is no LOAD SHEDDING!

  12. As a patriot, I can’t wait for the first commercial flight. Roll it! Good job! Well done!

  13. The questions are; How much stake does Zambia actually have in this? Who will be the top management and technical staff? Where are the planes coming from, cost, etc.? Routes to be served? Will it really be Zambia Airways?

    My concerns on the other spectrum; the competition – airlines are struggling all around us. No point in establishing a white elephant that will be run down and collapse like so much else has in this PF environment. In short, I wouldn’t trust the PF to have a hand in even a ‘Kantemba’.

  14. Soko says – The jobs were advertised in the media of Zambia. Where have you been? Sleeping or Diaspora ?

    Blake says – I have a screenshot of the advertisement. It was on zambia jobs portal.

    Malinso says – By the way, which airline worldwide have you seen advertising for jobs like pilots, air hostesses, safety officers, ground crew etc? kikikikikikikikikiki cadres don’t stop amazing me.

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