Sunday, October 13, 2024

Zambia has welcomed the apology rendered and regret expressed by South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo says that Zambia has welcomed the apology rendered and regret expressed by South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa on the attacks on foreign nationals.

Mr Kampyongo said Zambia has accepted the public apology rendered during the funeral of ex-President, Robert Mugabe in Harare, Zimbabwe, adding that Zambia would also welcome the special envoys that President Ramaphosa would send to meet President Edgar Lungu or government officials, to discuss the same matter.

Mr. Kampyongo said this in Addis Ababa when traveled to Egypt from Lusaka enroute Ethiopia.

Mr. Kampyongo is in Egypt to attend a Pan-African Forum on Migration being held in Cairo.

Mr. Kampyongo said the forum was important as it would address the myths that surrounded migration that in turn led to challenges such as xenophobic attacks.

The Minister further said Zambia had performed well in embracing migration through mechanisms such as integrating foreign Nations in communities.


  1. The most sensible thing we should be hearing from South Africa is that xenophobic attacks perpetrators have been arrested and have started appearing in court, not this worthless apology. After those thugs are sent to prison that’s when we want to hear this apology

    • So at that forum in Egypt, Kampyongo introduce himself as a PF minister? Even South Sudan is wondering what the hell is going on in Zambia.

    • Kissing South Africa’s asssss…..they still need to waste more tax payers money at South African clinics all these PF bandits…..

    • Cross border migration is normal but when we have a situation as is the case today in Zambia where all top professional jobs in Mines, Agriculture, Engineering are being given to whites from SA And Zimbabwe then we know there is something very wrong. What is happening is the Boers or Rhodies (White Zimbabweans) enter these companies holding top positions and set up their own networks which see to it only whites are employed in top positions or engaged as contractors to provide supplies. This is such an evil crime because what these people are doing is stealing jobs and opportunities from locals and well qualified Zambians keeping our people in poverty and yet investment on the surface is supposedly increasing. Labour and Home Affairs must step in to correct this. As Zambians you know…

    • Ctn… As Zambians you know how difficult it is to get an expatriate position In South Africa or Zimbabwe so why do we allow these people to abuse our system here.

    • Has he been arresting perpetrators of crime? Has he accepted it happened in South Africa? Our boy has never accepted that the crime happened in NAMWALA nor has he apologised to the Zambian people! If you hate your own country as this UPND leader and his people show, I wonder how you would want to rule a country you hate so much! Zambia, DO NOT ALLOW that disgruntled element to be any near State House! The good news is that he is UNELECTABLE.

  2. The apology should be coming from you the useless pf government for failing the economy so bad such that zambians would rather risk their lives living in xenophobic South Africa that return to deplorable Zambia. People would rather die than endure the suffering in Zambia. Think about that. My white wife says good morning to you all Lusaka times bloggers

  3. The simple thing south Africans want is us to go back and work in our countries. We are only welcome if we come as tourist not economic emigrants. So Mr minster fix the real issues here ,you guys have failed to create opportunities. May you go back to the drawing board and fix this issues or else xenophobia will be worse than you think ..don’t worst taxpayers money by going to Egypt when the real issue is visible….

    • Sorry, but they don’t want other black Africans as tourist. They attack any foreign African as they see fit. Admit it, that Black South Africans are finding no consequences in attacking other blacks because the West do not care to impose sanctions and UN power is centred in Western members. No sanctions, no president condemnation because as long as their investments are safe from marauding black South Africans, they are free to act like hypocrites. Look at the difference in media reporting to that of Robert Mugabe.

  4. Why are we so hash on ourselves? People the world over are on the move in search of a better way of living. Even Donald Trumps mother moved from Scotland in search of a better life and look at the consequences. We are all decedents of migrants

    • HaJonny! How is Prof. HANSONI? Has he asked you to mail the UN another letter on his University Letterhead complaining of xenophobia in South Africa and NAMWALA? UNELECTABLE.

  5. Life for life, Eye for eye and tooth for tooth, then justice will have been served! Apology not accepted! That apology won’t bring back those souls that were ruthlessly taken – some stoned to death, some burnt alive! How do you even say sorry when people are dead? The same leaders of SA were paying lip service to the problem, even encouraging it! Only f00ls will be f00led by those fake apologies! For justice to be satisfied, South Africa must give up the thugs behind the killings to countries that have lost loved ones for proper execution! If a country lost 10 citizens, 10 criminals must be handed over! That’s how it’s done!

  6. Rubbish!!! What apology is that when people have continued being killed in SA. Its all about what he said and he has not retracted what he said to his people to start killing black foreigners and Zambians in particular. As Malema rightly puts it when they are done with (gotten rid of them by chasing and killing) foreigners they will turn on each other as blacks and thats the bottomline because RudeMonk says so!
    But there will still be no jobs for them because SA production is in the hands of foreigners and not indigenous SAfricans – NO.
    Great disaster!!!!

    • Apology NOT accepted. Foreign Minister cannot accept apology as if he is the one who is being killed. Besides did not create life to accept apology for the killings. Not even his child has been killed in SA. Ati accepted the apology marubbish – better keep quiet. Instead demand for the stoppage to the killings because even now people are being killed on everyday basis. We have ifikopo for Ministers in this country… someone could do a better job here!

    • Is better to comment to something you know, rather than proofing your foolishness to the whole world.

  7. A lot of lives have been lost in a brutal way and a simple apology like that means nothing. What has the South African government done about those killers?Nothing and you dare to apologize. Minister you are not Zambia, you have no clue of the ramifications of that ruthless acts by South Africans.

  8. Ramaphosa sent his people with fake apology. He is scared that their businesses will be affected in other countries. These xenophobic attacks started in 2008 and each president in S. A is encouraging the attacks including that Zulu chief. What is needed is for the government to increase industries so that we are not dependant for target etc on S. A.

  9. Nonsense words from Ramaphosa. He is the most of ignorant African President of all times.

    Last night I watched BBC’S Stephen Sackur’s Interview with BBC’S ANC government minister Naledi Pandor on xenophobic attacks on fellow Africans. Shockingly, she justified the xenophobia as being caused by Asylum seekers, Economic migrants from neighbouring countries. The poor from those countries are …….taking away blue collar low paid jobs from (ignorant), black South Africans. It was made clear White migrants were more welcome. Is this the kettle calling the pot black? Is that not what the neighbouring countries had to put up with when black SA ciyizens came over our borders in the apartheid era?

    • More disconcerting, is the similarities with the White Farmers situation in Zimbabwe, where Western countries responded with condemnation and sanctions.

      Is there less anger from the West, because it’s black on black violence. People are having their properties burned. Threatend and beaten to for e them out of South Africa. How different is that to the white Zimbabwe treatment. There needs to be sanctions on South Africa and Human Rights prosecution on Ramaphosa at the I ternational Human Rights Court.

    • They attack any foreign African as they see fit. Admit it, that Black South Africans are finding no consequences in attacking other blacks because the West do not care to impose sanctions and UN power is centred in Western members. No sanctions, no president condemnation because as long as their investments are safe from marauding black South Africans, they are free to act like hypocrites. Look at the difference in media reporting to that of Robert Mugabe.

  10. Comment: u are good at that but still we need to isolate our selves as Africans from south Africa. Let that nation be independent for now until further notice.

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