Monday, March 17, 2025

Two new ZAF jets delivered in Zambia


Aircraft: Alenia C-27J Spartan
Reg: AF003 photos
Serial #:
Airline: Zambia Air Force
Photo Date: Aug 21, 2019
Uploaded: Aug 21, 2019
Johannesburg-Lanseria-FALA, South Africa
Notes: Mega happy with this super catch out of Lanseria! The Zambian Air Force C-27J Spartan climbing out of runway 07.

It appears the Zambian Air Force has taken delivery of its two C-27J Spartan transport aircraft, after they were ordered in 2015.

This is according to Defence news, a respected publication that covers Defence technology and business.

One of Zambia’s C-27Js, registration AF003, was seen at Lanseria International Airport on 21 August, indicating deliveries have been concluded.

The first aircraft was spotted in July 2018 in Italy and the second was seen undergoing test flights in December last year at Torino Airport.

It was still in Italy in mid-February this year, but in full Zambian colours with registration AF002.

Zambian C-27Js have registrations AF002 and AF003 as the serial AF001 is allocated to the Zambian Air Force’s new Gulfstream 650ER jet that first flew in February 2018 and was delivered to Zambia on 28 February this year.

It is believed to have been ordered for $65 million via Israel, where it was fitted with a self-defence system.

The G650 takes over from the Challenger 604 (9J-ONE) used by the Zambian government for VIP transport.

In Zambian service, the C-27Js will most likely replace the Air Force’s BAe 748s and supplement its Y-12 and MA60 transport aircraft.

They will be based at Lusaka/Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, according to Scramble Magazine.

The Alenia C-27J Spartan is a military transport aircraft developed and manufactured by Leonardo’s Aircraft Division.

The Spartan was developed from the G.222/C-27A, using the engines and systems of the Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules to provide 30% lower operating costs than the G.222 and 35% greater range.

It first flew on September 24, 1999.

Aircraft: Alenia C-27J Spartan
Reg: AF003 photos
Serial #:
Airline: Zambia Air Force
Photo Date: Aug 21, 2019
Uploaded: Sep 02, 2019
Johannesburg-Lanseria – FALA, South Africa.
Notes: Our good run of interesting African military transport aircraft continues in the shape of this C-27J of the Zambian Air Force. This was the first visit of a Zambian C-27J to South Africa. Seen here just after startup for its return flight back to Lusaka.
PHOTOGRAPHER: Timothy Brandt

The Spartan offers the ability to carry up to 60 troops in high density configuration and a maximum of 46 paratroopers.

In the medical role, 36 stretchers and six attendants can be carried.

Normal payload is 9, 000 kg for the C-27J, although maximum payload is more than 10 tons.

Elsewhere in Africa, Chad, Morocco and Kenya have ordered C-27Js (four, two and three respectively).

Chad and Morocco have received their aircraft while Kenya’s aircraft are destined for imminent delivery, with flight testing last year.

Zambia has acquired a number of new aircraft in recent years and is expecting more.

In October 2018, Russian media reported that the Zambian government had bought five aircraft from Russia, two from Italy and one from Israel.

One of the Russian aircraft is a Sukhoi SuperJet whilst the two aircraft from Italy are the C-27J Spartan transports.

Subsequent media reports stated that Sukhoi would only supply a single VIP-configured SuperJet for President Edgar Lungu.

The SuperJet will be delivered this year at a cost of $45-49 million, Sukhoi Vice President Yevgeny Andrachnikov said at the Russian Business Aviation Exhibition last year.

Ministry of Defence Permanent Secretary Stardy Mwale last year said the Ministry of Defence through the Zambia Air Force had purchased five aircraft and explained that one would be used for VVIPs, one would be used to maintain airspace and monitor poaching, while the other three would be for commercial purposes.


    • They buy ZAF Planes, Gulf Stream Place for Lungu etc but forget to import drugs for out Hospitals. Our Priorities are upside down. Meanwhile the National Debt has ballooned and no longer sustainable. The ZAF planes have arrived in time for the 2021 Elections. PF want these ZAF Trasporters fo Election Rigging no doubt.

    • A jet aircraft (or simply jet) is an aircraft (nearly always a fixed-wing aircraft) propelled by jet engines. The planes shown in the picture are propeller-powered aircrafts and the propellers are very much visible like the Hawker Sidelly (sp) of yesteryear one owned by Zambia Airways.

    • On this issue, the planes the Zambian Air Force had were too old. They had reached the end of their useful life. Continuing to fly them would hv just risked the lives of pilots and passengers.

  1. Who will mediocre Chambia fight? Civil war with local Rebels)
    World too dynamic for Chambia to keep pace.
    Winning modern warfare has gravitated towards PRECISION WEAPONS -precision-guided munition (PGM, smart weapon, smart munition, smart bomb) Even individual Jihadist Rebels are being taken by smart weapons even from drones.
    It’s useless to have a country with too many Doctorates without INNOVATIVENESS. We need our education to solve own problems. Always rushing abroad and South Africa: Bakula tushokashoka!

  2. Now wait for the Corrupt deals & kickbacks linked to these purchases to be exposed.

    • Uli tole sana defence ya chalo ubikemo na chi Findlay? Put your PS, Ministers to work and voice your concerns it will take time but push Zambia is great nation

  3. Pathetic reporting!With such quality of journalism can the nation really be well informed? This is either a problem of leaked at Evelyn Hone College and UNZA, or a result of attending training at sub standard institutions situated in someone’s residential compound. Worse still, how can an editor expose such mediocre reporting to the public? Journalist of nowadays have poor reading culture and weak research competencies.

    • Hehehe logistics man that’s why you have the rest of the aircrafts and helicopters in the military. SHUT UP sit down. The world has changed and we send so many troops on multiple tours the army and the nation must be ready stop adding the HH and Goswami nonsense the fact is that we are prepared to defend ourselves regardless of the poverty that is a whole other topic

  4. Hichilema must understand that it’s not money alone that wins elections, you must be smart as well. Goswami sponsored Dean Mungómba but he lost terribly. There’s no way Mwaliteta and Siandenge can ambush these birds to steal elections materials. That’s the most awkward way to defend the ballot. UPND goons were even waylaying empty trucks. Now we’ll see how they will misbehave. The question that must be answered is: Can these birds land in Nabwalya and Chilubi?

  5. This is food news despite all the horror of the bad economy our army must be equipped the world has changed and we must be ready to defend our nation.

  6. I am so disappointed with my country politicizing everything,don’t bring drama to the aviation sector
    About c-27j the first one was spotted in July when it was doing its touch and goes at kk international airport and for the Sukhoi jets is a signed off deal,the super sukhoi jet was supposed to be used to revamp the National airlines but due to the costs of the planes we signed a deal with the Ethiopians please don’t bring politics in the aviation sector cause they don’t match and politics are not there driving force so gather your information correctly

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