The Independent Church of Zambia has reiterated its position on the need to maintain Zambia as a Christian nation in the constitution amendment bill no.10 of 2019.
Recently the Ruling Patriotic Front recommended the deletion of the word Christian in article 4 of the constitution amendment bill no.10 of 2019.
Appearing before the Parliamentary Select Committee scrutinizing the Constitution Amendment Bill no.10, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said while his party supports the idea that Zambia remains a Christian nation, it still believed that other minority religions in the country should be protected.
“As Patriotic Front, however, we fully support Zambia’s declaration as a Christian nation, we are alive to the fact that Zambia is a multi-religious society. Therefore, we submit that the words multi-religious be retained, ” PF said in its submission and that the Bill of Rights still guarantees freedom of worship and conscience.
But ICOZ Board Chairperson Bishop David Masupa has said that there is no need to remove Christian in the constitution amendment bill no.10 of 2019 stressing that this is because Zambia like any other counties has its own spiritual nature and character and that there is no need to remove that preamble from the constitution.
There is nothing wrong with having a clause in the constitution declaring Zambia as a Christian Nation; indeed there are over 80% of Zambians who are Christians. This clause does not prevent other religions from exercising their faith because Christianity does not force people; it is by choice and besides Christians are very accommodating, unlike other religions. God bless Zambia! Psalm 33:12
That christian nation clause contradicts the bill of rights which is contained in the main body the constitution.
Must be a lie that PF want to delete “Christian”, unless they are idyots.
So many constitutions identify themselves with religion. India is Hindu Nation.
The worse could be to call Zambia as a blackman nation.
In American constitution it is clear that America was for whites, they never thought that one day blacks including Zambians will be US citizens.
So why change their constitution to include Zambians?
@ Nostradamus
You are lying about India being a Hindu nation. The preamble of the Indian Constitution is very clear;
“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
Dare not!
If Christianity doesn’t force people like you are saying why are you forcing those of us outside of Christianity to be declared Christian? The state should have nothing to do with religion because that is a personal matter
Nostradamus stop lies! India has many big religions including Islam Hinduism Christianity Buddhism tamils and Sikhs. It can’t politicallly declare allegiance to any one of them as that would be very foolish
Include ‘Christian’ or leave it out doesn’t change anything with challenges Zambians are facing! Since the declaration and adding the day of national prayers what has changed for the people as no manna has fallen to satiate families The Zionists for fear of obliteration laid the claim for recognition of a Jewish state for self preservation and are they ejoying any peace?
With due respect, Reverend Masupa should have even submitted that the word Christian be substituted with the word Pentecostal because it’s only Pentecostals that insisted and are still insisting on this declaration. We know that sober churches like the Catholics have not supported this declaration because they’ve a better understanding of religion. We still remember how Reverend Stan Kristafor behaved immediately FTJ made the proclamation, we still remember how the late Dr Mannaseh Phiri was hounded out of ZNBC by Pentecostal fundamentalists. You can’t pass a Law you don’t intend to enforce so we are waiting for you. If you misbehave like last time we won’t allow to trample on our rights because of a styopet declaration. Edgar must know that these are the same people who chewed more…
from FTJ’s notorious slush fund. Godfridah is waiting for gratuity without even a Constituency. God must save of us from these people. It’s better to live next to a night club than be neighbours with a born again chap. They’re more noisy than the devil!
Mwila and your group dont temper with our only spiritual vibe left to us by Chiluba. If you see no value in it keep
your mouth shut.
We are were we are due to non respect of christian values by Pf headed by Mwila. All that has remained is because God has been gracious to us.
Please leave us witb our christian national declaration.
Delete and lose all christian votes. Why do you choose to an antichrist yet when the real antichrist is not fully matured but forming.
Shame to you PF-Mwila SG.
Zambians need to be reminded that the constitution has the Bill of Rights. You can not put clauses in the constitution that contradict.The constitution cant say Zambia is a Christian Nation and at the same time state that every citizen has the right to religion and association.
The 1996 amended Constitution stated “Zambia is a Christian nation tolerant of other religions” which is just nonsensical. Better go back the the 1991 constitution which declares Zambia to be a multi-religious state and is in agreement with the bill of rights.
Very good, you can’t determine the degree of tolerance. What’s important is being a human-being, then next is being Zambian. Now these goons want to create classes of Zambians according to what they believe. Pentecostals want to be more Zambian than the rest of us. This is nonsensical! How can they tolerate us as if Zambia is their motherland alone? This is what poverty does and indeed it has no heroes. Religion isn’t a natural science that you can precipitate in a lab to come up with a true religion. You might even kill others based on your wrong belief! Leave that to God, He knows us better than these con men and women
For the first time I agree with Davis Mwila, Zambia has many religious groups including people who do not believe in God, all mention of Christianity should be removed and replaced with religious beliefs because no one religion can claim they know the truth.
This Christian hogwash is there to hoodwink Zambians from questioning the wrongs of P.F.
Whats Christian about The Stealing, adultery, lies deception of P.F?
Whats Christian about “playing with” V.a.l.d.e.n & his dirty trafficking reputation?
Whats Christian about State House resident Boxer Kaizer beating up Female officers in full view of his equally corrupt Leader Jona, & kidnapping young boys enjoying themselves on a weekend outing?
Whats Christian about (Chimp)yongo the ex illegal Currency Brute, assaulting opposition members, using his Brown Shirts -P.Folice, & stopping non P.F associated citizens from exercising their constitutional right of free assembly?
Whats Christian about Toll gate theft, Mukula, Eswatini, 42…
Whats Christian about toll gate theft, Mukula, Eswatini Mansions, 42 Wheelbarrows, 42 Mysterious houses, I coud go on ALL DAY LONG!!
There is so much ignorance on contents of Bill 10 or current Constitution. In 1st para of preamble of current Constitution we people of Zambia recognise supremacy of God Almighty. In 2nd para we declare our country Christian Nation. In para 7 we recognise multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-religious etc. Bill 10 proposes deletion of this reference to ‘multi-religious’ in para 7. If PF SG is quoted correctly in article its para 7 he’s proposing be retained with reference to ‘multi-religious’ rights. It’s either ICOZ doesn’t fully understand Bill 10, or is being misquoted by LT since even title of article is erroneous. Only the TRUTH shall set us free. God Bless Zambia.
What’s important is to live a truly Christian way of life, in deeds and thoughts.
What’s important is to truly live a Christian life, both in deeds and thoughts.
Why maintain the word when the behaviour contradicts it completely. That’s like saying you will all call me a saint while the actual behaviour is that of the devil.
What has been a Christian nation achieved for you ? Apart from theft by the Same short chap who declared this nation Christian. Why would anyone trust Christians when they are tbr most hypocritical liars on earth. In Europe no one even considers them a force. They are known for touching little kids and corruption. You are better off declaring Zambia a poor country. It is more accurate
100% Truth.
This is Gospel, NOT Religious lies, & deception.
Zambia should continue being a Christian nation full stop.Ba chisongo like Davis Mwila mukafwa nefyebo mukanwa. Iwe Davis Mwila na lesa tawamwishiba .An example you go to north africa those countries are declared Muslim countries but they have Christian’s as well but in minority .I PF want to sell everything including the religion. They have sold the country to Chinese, the Confucius who have told them one mode of paying inkongole is to declare Zambia amulti religion nation.So that they chinese can erect temples throughout zambia.Shame on you ba PF retards
Those that are against the Declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation will surely die.
Sir, Christianity is very personal. The relationship I and others enjoy with Jesus is very personal. Zambia has not, is not and will be a Christian nation yet it shall always have Christians. Christianity is never a forcing matter like Islam. And the behavior and conduct of MOST Zambians including so-called Christians so contradicts Christianity that as a born again, spirit filled and tongue talking Christian Believer I am left wondering what impression the people I (we) call heathens make of Christianity.
Declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation was done, maybe in good faith, but erroneously by an overzealous Christian with little knowledge. Just look how he ended up; and for sure he is in Hell right now. No, please, no. Kindly don’t misunderstand me but let us accept one fact. Mr…
Why? You Christians are so lonely you want all of us to declare that we are with you. That is a psychological problem. Sort it out on your own. Don’t involve us
Christian Nation kwiba, utuswende, na violence.
Mr Chiluba erred when he made that declaration. Being called a Christian Nation when your conduct is that of a sinner will not see you to Heaven. You must be born again. Let us accept one fact-persecution of Christians is coming and the best we can do, as Christians, is work hard, win as many souls as possible and prepare ourselves for Christ’s second coming. The declaration was done by an overzealous, ignorant “Christian” dictator. Look how he ended up. For sure he is in Hell.
Witches and wizards wanting the declaration of a Christian nation removed. We know your allegiances; maisons and satan.
The inclusion of the clause is just window dressing in line with the appeasement policy to calm down the christian dim witted sheep. In a country where the Bible is not allowed to be used when debating in parliament such a clause is meaningless. Let the church bodies fight for the introduction of biblical nonsense as law so that women can be forced to marry their rapists, girls can be sold into slavery by their fathers, and disobedient and drunken sons can be stoned to death.