Saturday, October 12, 2024

Grant’s Global Brand Ambassador Daniel Dyer visits Zambia to officially launch Grant’s Triple Wood Whisky


Daniel Dyer with Models

Grant’s, the world’s number three Scotch whisky has announced a global brand refresh which includes a striking new packaging with a renaming of its signature blend. Grant’s Global Brand Ambassador was on a three day visit in Zambia last week to promote the new Triple Wood campaign and meet various stakeholders.


The Grant’s Triple Wood  Whisky was globally launched in 2018 after which Daniel Dyer continues to tour the world sharing the news in networking interactions with consumers sharing his skill and wealth of experience as a whisky connoisseur. During Dyer’s stay in Zambia, he conducted a whisky masterclass for bartenders and met with consumers at a cocktail event held at Le Elementos Hotel in Lusaka. Daniel addressed key players in the hospitality and entertainment industry and shared his unique journey as the Grant’s Global Brand Ambassador.


“The Triple Wood Whisky is a new way of communicating the superiority of the liquid through its whisky making process for a smooth, rich and mellow taste. Grant’s believes that great things happen when working together and it is through this power of collaboration and shared passion that Triple Wood is made” stated Dyer. Aged in three distinct woods for a smoother taste, the Triple Wood Whisky is the biggest change the brand has made in twenty years so it comes as no surprise that Zambia has received the news with great excitement.


  1. Grant’s is a below par whisky, if it was jack daniels or jim beam we would have taken you seriously. But nice move, Zambians are drunks and anything with alcohol in it can sell to our lovely people. But grant’s puuuulease……They don’t even have it on the menu at my favourite scottish bar owned by my scottish friend so you know what that means, trash whisky.

  2. I haven’t had alcohol in a while now…so I don’t even know these things. I miss katata from chinsali/kasama though lol
    I only do cbd oil now

  3. See how the clowns from PF and UPND are not condemning this. This is when Zambians should have united, alcohol is the world’s number one drug. The gateway to other nefarious drugs. For once can we refuse the devil’s nectar; here quite literally the devil is holding his nectar in his hand and four of his minions in red dresses are by his side. Zambia and Africa wake up.

  4. Forget about the ‘Grant’s’… the girls are sexy as h3ll… the short, small one, wow! and the one on the far right, what a luck dude this dude is. Are these Zambian girls?

  5. Zambians can’t handle a ABV (40%) alcohol content. They can’t deal with 5% in Mosi.

    Drunk drive warning alert.

  6. Very terrible picture depicting poor desperate Fat zambian women who are paid to film blue videos . That is why in most cases when a black zambian women is with white man it is because she is desperate and the white man sees her as easy control. Whereas the other way round with white women and black men you know it’s real love because many white women are financially independent and will not settle for any loser . Trust me I have white wife. All those with negative comments are black women who are a desperate for a meal ticket. Watch

  7. In Luke 17:28–30, Jesus compares his second-coming to the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah (RSV):
    Likewise as it was in the days of Lot—they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom fire and sulphur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of man is revealed.
    Corollary, in the city of Lusaka, the pastors, ministers and the like drunk, sold, stole and built mansions till the the day the son of man returns.

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