Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND’s Ties to Global Gay Rights Groups Unsettles Zambians


UPND Youths at a conference
UPND Youths at a conference

By Teboho Mantswe

It is probably the oldest and most common adage that there is “no smoke without fire,” but it still appears applies to the recent confusing series of events surrounding public statements made by opposition figure Hakainde Hichilema with regard to gay rights and same-sex marriage.

The issue first started with an AFP news story circulated on social media that had been filed in Lake Como, Italy, which quoted Hichilema as saying that “…in a democracy, people must choose where they belong and whom they have intimate relationships with. As soon as we form government, these are some of the rights our Constitution will enshrine.”

Following the overwhelmingly negative public reaction to his comments, Hichilema reversed course and denied making the comments, calling the interview “fake,” and then for good measure denounced homosexuality as “unbiblical,” claiming that UPND does not advocate for rights for these communities.

But is that really the case? Many commentators have pointed out a very troubling series of associations held by both Hichilema and the United Party for National Development (UPND) with international organisations that provide them funding, and indeed very much pursue a different agenda. First, let’s take a closer look at what was happening in Italy, and why Hichilema found himself there among these other parties.

The reports were prompted by Hichilema’s appearance at the Brenhurst Foundation meeting held in luxurious resort town of Lake Como, Italy, which was titled “Can Africa Be the Next Asia?”

According to information of the gathering, the meeting had attracted a host of “dignitaries” including opposition leaders from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa and others in the region. In addition to the Brenthurst Foundation, which has helped finance UPND for years now, there was also the presence of the Africa Liberal Network at this meeting.

Based in South Africa, the Brenhurst Foundation was established by the notorious Oppenheimer family about 19 years ago and is disguised as an economic expansion and policy strategy think tank. Yet the main aim of this family group, under the leadership of quasi-academic Greg Mills, was to work with politicians especially in Africa whose agenda it shared closely – to help them secure power by any means necessary.

Interestingly, UPND has done very little to hide their ties with Brenthurst – in fact both Greg Mills along with Hichilema’s top fundraiser, the lawyer Bradford Machila, are publicly listed on the board of the London-based consultancy Sabi Strategy – a firm run funded by the Oppenheimers which serves as UPND’s main election strategists.

In addition to its purely profit-driven mineral rights interests, the Brenhurst Foundation has other covert operative missions that include promotion of gay marriage and LGBT rights through which it raises massive resources to fund both the opposition and friendly civil society.

Working in close association with the Africa Liberal Network, whose members were present during the Lake Como meetings, there is a clear and determined campaign underway in their member countries and parties to advance gay marriage and LGBT rights.

According to the ALN Manifesto, the group is “committed to minority rights, gender equality and freedom of worship. It is for this reason that the Network advocates for the separation of religion and the state. Moreover, the application of fundamental human and political rights of Africans as individuals should not be unduly constrained by the state in its desire to promote common goals. Liberals believe that recognised and secure private property rights are vital, not only to economic development, but also to underpin individual civil and political rights.”

According to the group’s Johannesburg Declaration, the purpose of the organisation and its members is to advance the power of liberal political parties in Africa, which uphold aims specifically including “ensuring religious, gender and minority rights” which by association entails the promotion of LGBT rights.

Mr. Hichilema has developed a known close relationship with ALN President Stevens Mokgalapa MP, the South African Shadow Minister for International Relations and Co-operation (Democratic Alliance). Mokgalapa was instrumental for example in speaking up and advocating for Hichilema’s release from detention when he had been held briefly in 2017 on treason charges, and is known to be helping HH and UPND on developing their strategy for the upcoming election.

Mokgalapa has also been one of the leading voices for gay rights in South Africa – he has repeatedly attacked the ruling ANC party over issues pertaining to protections of gay rights under various United Nations bodies. According to a statement Mokgalapa released in 2014, he has said that “South Africa has a proud history of fighting injustice with a liberal constitution which enshrines rights on sexual orientation. … We should therefore be the first to argue for same sex inclusion, and oppose any attempts to limit this in any way.”

So, when Hichilema was mentioned in the same light as an organisation, and when he is fast friends with Mokgalapa and other DA figures who are committed to promoting gay rights, it was not far from true in determining how there can never be smoke without fire.

There is no way this would be a subject that came from nowhere.

If the subject was so alien to Hichilema, will he also denounce his association with this masonic movement? Why is it that he is so eager to take their funding, agree to subtly and quietly advance their agenda, while at the same time giving these incoherent and angry press conferences to deny that very agenda?.

It certainly can’t be a coincidence Hichilema is part of this cabal of conspiracies associated with Brenthurst. Apart from being linked to the global gay rights movement, Hichilema also holds keen interests in businesses cutting across the mining sectors.

These are elements that should cause Zambians to question and question these issues seriously to safeguard the sanctity of this country.

When the discourse emerged Hichilema and his Brenhurst Foundation were promoting gay rights, he said, “I don’t get bothered when I hear PF chaps feeding the nation on diet of lies over lesbian and gay rights. We are God fearing and there is no single chance of us supporting unbiblical things. Let’s focus on fixing this broken economy!”

Well any God-fearing individual would know that serving two masters is not a good example of someone professing the gospel.

Hichilema is serving the masonic world and still claims he is serving God. How? It would not work that way but, anyways, that is Hichilema for you.

So, while Hichilema may deny these revelations about his advocacy for LGBT rights, the fact remains that there is no smoke without fire. Zambians ought to hold firm and watch.

The Author is a Public Policy Analyst, based in Johannesburg, South Africa


  1. Shame on oval head. Why has he denied his dealings. Let him come out in the open. Zambian people are clever. They are able to research, read and analyse

    • @ Henry,
      AFP have denied interviewing HH. You (PF) have failed to provide the AFP website where HH’s interview is. He has denied the accusations.
      You think we are so stup!d that we will believe you (PF) without facts? This is a diversion from your failure to deal with the economy!

    • Six double h Evils

      1.Free Masonry.
      3 Privatization
      5.Tax evasion by foreign investments.
      6. Refusal to observe National Day for Prayers.

      Most millers I know over my 57 years of existence on earth are Masons. They practically feed us. You wonder why mealie meal prices soar and can’t stabilize?
      H² has sold his soul to the devil, the 6 evils are a sell out to Zambian. Explains why he is so unpatriotic. His interest for ore in our mines is astounding. He now invites evil FQM to put pressure on our economy through job cuts. Panama papers database by ICIJ explains the deviousness of H². His evil nature wants Zambians to rise against Government.

    • Ba LT.
      You have a moral obligation, to be neutral in your political dealings, this, for the betterment of our country. You do the nation a disservice overly-reporting on non issues. 5 days running, UPND-gay non issue, yet no reports on people’s misgivings about corrupt governance, lack of pension funds, University closures, to mention but a few things that truly impact us. Come on now, this is pure foolishness.

    • God will not allow a country like Zambia that is God fearing to be ruled by a person who is at variance with Christian values. Impossible.

    • HH will do anything to get into State House even bending over for a fellow man…..HH wants to bring gay marriages to Zambia in exchange for funding from Gay organizations….his resources have dwindled…losing elections for more than 6 times brings in some financial challenges….thank God he will never be President of Zambia

    • Just add 1 and 2 together….HH was so happy when he was in Jail…and he always does stupid things to land him in Jail…he probably has a lot of boyfriends at Mukobeko and chimbokaila…yabija makani

    • You don’t become a Three MAnsion by accident. You don’t become a Money launderer, Privatisation Thief, Tax evader or a sex against the law nature by accident. YOU CHOOSE. Under Five Dept.

    • South African author Teboho Mantswe ni mwamuna or nimusankwa (if he is a man!) He has exposed the devil. Good investigative journalism. Let some guy or girl from Evelyn Hone now write about PANAMA, NAMWALA, Three Mansions in Livingstone, SEJANI (to SAKWIBA) and we can finally say “May his soul rest in peace.)

  2. We are very unsettled by Kainde’s links to the African Gay Liberal network and Openheimer Brenthurst Foundation. His Under 5 carreer is finished. Zambians don’t have time to be mixing with homosexuals. As if privatization theft Copperbelt Panama papers wasn’t enough he now adds homosexuality to his baggage. Very poor at politics though he may be a good businesseman. Garry Nkombo is laughing in the background at the dullness of Kainde.
    This Homosexual Hunder 5 (HH) has to propose a new leader for UPND and they should hold elections.

    • @Mr Kudos!
      Why should you determine who leads UPND? Are you guys that terrified of HH!
      You know that there is no truth to this manufactured story. Up to now, no one (not even ECL or Dora) have give a link to the website where this interview took place, but everyone in PF is talking about it like a rabid dog.
      Is that how much you fear HH? Kanshi HH munthu sana!!

  3. Kainde was caught red handed pants down by Canicius Banda in an unnatural sexual act and Katuka tried to deny it.

    • Zambia has a big number of Masonic Temples. Government should going forward promote a lot of Millers so that we have a chance to choose between H²’s Masonic friends and Normal Millers.
      As if this was not enough, double h’s greed and love fo metals and investment in metal through his proxies (profit making FQM and others) is a ticking time bomb. Let’s normally benefit from our ore through balanced taxes.
      Elder at SDA my foot. All parents who have sent children to Colleges and Universities should teach their children to stay away from UPNDEAD and its H²; you never know when it is sacrifice time.

  4. A South African journalist has written very well about HH Panama.

    I would ask Teboho to write something also about Panama account.

    People of Zambia deserve to know HH Panama very well so that when they vote they vote knowing what they are voting for the same applies to Lungu.

    Unfortunately, Zambia journalists are all dull. Sorry to say that but it’s true.

    • I did a search for this journalist. He does not exist. A further search found someone of the same name residing in Sunday Chanda’s @$$hole. Sunday is just lucky dull PF supporters are thick skulled and believe anything. Yawn.

  5. These gay rights revelations spell the death of UPND and loss of business by the western industrialists in Africa. Liberal African states are quietly re-aligning their development strategies with civilized nations of the Eastern block.
    On a lighter note: what prompts HH and UPND to discard our God-given beautiful women in Zambia – the pretty women of Southern Province in particular – by advocating homosexuality among men? Scientists must conduct research on the nature of hormones that have been genetically implanted into the blood & minds of these weird (strange) UPND MEN.

    • That’s why he loves SA a lot.
      Government did well to deny double h a chance through his fellow masons to print extra ballots for him in 2016 in SA.
      Masons are in and operate big businesses worldwide. Going forward we ought, must, should print our own future ballots.
      KAPITA, GVBM, CANISIUS did well to ditch these deads. Let CKinsultor blindly join UPNDEAD. He will be sacrificed.
      Masons are also in the Mining sector. Zambia’s economic quagmire is also dynamically controlled by masons, h² associations that aspire that their stooge was installed POTROZ. The arm twisting nature of Masonic investment (in mining and milling companies) in Zambia over taxes uses h² as a political underhand poxy beneficiary. This explains why h² is spooky. Be warned.

    • When GRZ denied printing extra ballots for him in South Africa, he was fuming in the mouth and nose like one of those stuff in NAMWALA.

    • The Brenhurst foundation,, is a think tank organization like any other think tank in the USA,, the overall objectives is a prosperous Africa,, to achieve this, intelligent technocrats, entrepreneurs are incoparated to think tanks,, to share ideas on how to build a better Africa,, it is very unfortunate that people will be persecuted becaus of being outstanding theoretically and practically,, prompting think tanks into wanting to incoparate your developmental principles,, it is obvious that characters like GBM or Kambwili can never be incoparated to think tanks because their rise can not be mathematically proved,, can you prove the net worth of our President or Lusambo?

  6. You fool what do you mean he should come out in the open?Did you see his press conference when he addressed this issue unlike others who just make statements on the runway in any case Zambia has a lot of issues which need addressing like power cuts from 5am to 10pm making it difficult to work from home , hunger situation and high dollar to mention but a few and yet you people want to prioritize an issue with a person who isn’t even in government about an issue which can’t be imposed on anyone,hh won’t make people gay we already have these people in our society today

  7. It is unfortunate for HH his calibre and level of his political stature does not allow him to proceed beyond being a heir to the thrown of UPND leader.

    • I wonder who killed Anderson Mazoka Kambela in that Mason Association.
      It’s weird, h² just popped up from nowhere and hijacked everything UPND.

      Sole candidate forever.

  8. “…in a democracy, people must choose where they belong and whom they have intimate relationships with. As soon as we form government, these are some of the rights our Constitution will enshrine.” I would like to know where HH said this and when, provide evidence like a recording. Don’t quote sources who’ve failed to provide evidence of when or where what you report was said.
    We need a recording like that one of MC Sata in which he said, “the law of Zambia recognizes gays, the law of Zambia recognizes lesbians, what we need is to implement the laws”.
    And then HH in the same year which was 2010 responding to Sata said, “we in UPND are against homosexuality, and that it is extremely important that as a Christian nation we understand that God made man and woman and these 2 must live…

    • cont’d
      and that it is extremely important that as a Christian nation we understand that God made man and woman and these 2 must live as partners, now our colleagues are promoting homosexuality maybe it is why our friends didn’t want to talk about our programs, our policies…”
      video link www dot facebook dot com/upndsm/videos/509418036505462/

    • I suspect then that one dude love gave double h a strong gay treat at Mukobeko Maximum Prison. He must have had fallen in love with it. How then do explain his ‘sudden’ love, support and lust for his fellow men.
      Why attend that LGBTQ conference.

    • No Thorn, the only dude I piped was your ballie when I found him bent over picking up trash in a ditch. I have never been to Mukobeko.

  9. Well written, factual and researched article. I expect the PF media to be at this level of critical thinking and exposing sellouts like HH and UPND as has been done by the author of this article. We have stated here before that Zambians must be very careful with HH because its always been clear and bare that HH has sold this country to its illicit sponsors whose many objective is to come and enslave Zambians yet again. Remember the Anglo America chaps? To those that may still be in denial about HH and UPND evil moves please open your eyes. Today, news has it that a foreign plane with six foreigners and hundreds of millions of dollars destined for a known opposition political party leader, a vocal NGO (Yellow Campaign), gay rights advocates and some crooked lawyers has been detained after…

    • Your !d!ot PF Media Director of HH affairs is the one who wrote this and attributed it to a non-existent S.A journalist you dull cow. Ba PF che, smh. And if you think these fake stories will demonise HH mubepelefye. The same was tried on your dull Sata by MMD as well and then like m0r0ns you take the same path since you are too stup!d to come up with new propaganda material. No one on the streets or anywhere is talking about his nonsense. People are just insulting you for the loadshedding. Twits.

  10. contd
    Today, news has it that a foreign plane with six foreigners and hundreds of millions of dollars destined for a known opposition political party leader, a vocal NGO (Yellow Campaign), gay rights advocates and some crooked lawyers has been detained after it was diverted from Kenneth Kaunda International Airport to ZAF base. The money on the plane is meant distabilize the country especially the PF strongholds in Luapula, Copperbelt, Lusaka, Eastern and Northern Provinces. In case you are still doubting, recently HH had the audecity of declaring Hunger Crisis in the country and was quickly seen trying to distribute “relief mealie meal” in places like Bauleni, Kafue which have plenty mealie meal instead of taking the same “relief mealie meal” to areas which are truly affected in…

    • HH does not need to bring in anyone to destabilise the PF strongholds. All these are gone to the opposition. Why do you think ECL goes to the Copperbelt straight from the UN?

  11. contd
    In case you are still doubting, recently HH had the audecity of declaring Hunger Crisis in the country and was quickly seen trying to distribute “relief mealie meal” in places like Bauleni, Kafue which have plenty mealie meal instead of taking the same “relief mealie meal” to areas which are truly affected in Southern Province. This is all calculated by HH and his emissaries because they have pumped in so much money in UPND and to HH so that they can influence regime change in exchange with the rich minerals especially found in North Western Province. We have questioned why HH has never allowed anyone to challenge his position in UPND but the scary and unearthed scheme is that his dirt sponsors have told him NOT to allow that nonsense because the cause of UPND is not about…

  12. contd
    We have questioned why HH has never allowed anyone to challenge his position in UPND but the scary and unearthed scheme is that his dirt sponsors have told him NOT to allow that nonsense because the cause of UPND is not about Zambia but his foreign sponsors whose agenda is in black and white, to kick out Chinese investors, bring back Anglo America and legalize same sex relationship. Zambians must watch out of this evil in UPND, dont come and say you were not warned. Suddenly ba Bob Sichinga has woken up from slumber, hmmmmmmm?

    The Tonga men have lost their genes of being “Tonga Bulls”. The Brenthurst Foundation has genetically modified Tonga men in Italy and South Africa, by doctoring their tea with a lethal gene that has killed their power of marrying several Tonga women. Since the Tonga men No longer appreciate their precious female human resources, the Kaonde, Lozi and Luvale men are urged to rush and grab Tonga women in Southern Province. Mazhandu Buses can ferry them from Lusaka south of Kafue River. Method is simple: (1) Just market your personal CV to a Tonga lady. (2) Apply the Tonga’s preferred culture termed “KUTHIZYA” – meaning elope and run away with a lady and discuss marital matters years after engineering a set of lovely children. Message is URGENT!

  14. @16 Mwansa Kabinga Thanks for that elaborate information. The question is , has Mazhandu been informed for the transport from Lusaka south of Kafue River? Kindly confirm ASAP. Am game with KUTHIZYA!!!

  15. While you’re busy with fake news propaganda against innocent HH, tell your malabishi govt to reduce mealie meal prices, reduce external debt, reduce load shedding, reduce price of fuel, provide food to hungry Zambians, find owner of 48 houses, give university students meal allowances, …..

  16. The Brenhurst foundation,, is a think tank organization like any other think tank in the USA,, the overall objectives is a prosperous Africa,, to achieve this, intelligent technocrats, entrepreneurs are incoparated to think tanks,, to share ideas on how to build a better Africa,, it is very unfortunate that people will be persecuted becaus of being outstanding theoretically and practically,, prompting think tanks into wanting to incoparate your developmental principles,, it is obvious that characters like GBM or Kambwili can never be incoparated to think tanks because their rise can not be mathematically proved,, can you prove the net worth of our President or Lusambo?

  17. Another concoction from Sunday Chanda’s chest of lies.You tried it on the late Sata and it did not work.
    Trying to distract Zambians from their perpetual suffering

    • @ Independent
      Bullsh1t!!!!, You shall die trying with your HH who will never smell the best of State House muzalia again ba UPND just wait……we know what we are doing and you with your HH and foreign messanaries, NO CHANCE in the next 15 years.

  18. Which Foundation do you then belong to? Create your own foundation first. Then, use it to promote your own ideas about democracy, good governance, rule of law, xenophobia and any other values. It is the right of any individual to promote those moral values that may be considered acceptable, appropriate, desirable or suitable for their fellow countrymen and countrywomen. There is no need to attack individuals showing signs of commitment to non-violent lifestyles.

  19. The author is misleading. There are always different agendas trying to influence people or organizations. At the end, let the leader decide what he wants to get from the given plate. That is how it works.
    Gay rights is non starter in many african countries except SA becuase of the nature of the country. It has liberals who also control the economy.

  20. I nave liked the style by this author @Teboho Mantswe. I tried to look for his other essays but I cannot find anything eithr on Twitter, Fb or Instangram.
    Can a good samaritan please give me a link on this platform.

  21. As usual PF sycophants concentrating on something that is not a priority – to divert people from their mess and lack of governnce acumen. By the way, one doesn’t have to be a christian to be President in Zambia. Zambia is a pagan nation for all intent and purposes. Full of pretenders and ‘sinners’. Very shameless hypocritical attitude of ‘holier than thou’. There is also nothing wrong in treating everyone as human, regardless of sexuality.

  22. The writing is on the wall. The government has failed, and failed completely. Fortunately, they can helplessly read the writing for themselves. And indeed, they can smell the eminent loss of grip to power. They are now helplessly resorting to mad swinging innocent HH. Alas! There time is up! No matter how hard they try, time is up, and they are on the way out. It is a question of time. And it is very clear that they know they are on the way out. The fear is acute among .PF. And indeed, what they are scared of is real, and they can feel it. It’s deep into their bone marrow. They trying so hard, but alas everything is pointing to their exit. They tried witchcraft, but even that does not seem to work any longer.Now some are even resorting to eating snakes. Alas, even that is only futile…

  23. Red is an effeminate colour much suited to women.

    Usually worn sparingly by men worldwide, but UPND men practically live in the colour.

    Just wondering……..

    • This article is obviously a wind-up job……for no humour UPND.

  24. AFP refused openly. Wether you bring fake news, or you usher in 100 people in the strong room this time it wont work. there are a lot of visionles people who give comments here like their boss with NO VISION. he gives himself 100% salary increament, you get 4%. tomorrow water tarifs will go up. Commandless no follow ups on health facilities not have load shading, 48 houses, toll gate funds, findly, speaking on airport tarmark failing to face questions on state of the nation, failling to fire kaizer z the boxer/shooter/abducter and his corrupt minsters, fake bill 10 etc etc. dora the wafler. start packing the new owner of that seat is warming up, open your eyes and see him. if you cant, then u are visionless like your father. (like father like son). 2021. one will have chipumputu.

  25. It is sad to see how some Zambians fail to analyze whatever they come across. This so called letter was written by a shameless Zambian. Just a look a the use of non-restrictive relative clauses reveal that the author tries very hard to justify whatever he has written.
    In addition, the author has used words which are very common in Zambian. For instance, “….these elements should cause Zambians….”. ….. that is Hichilema for you.
    Look at this incomprehensible fragment “…When the discourse emerged Hichilema and his Brenhurst Foundation were promoting gay rights…’.
    Moreover, Zambians are fond of using cliches such as… there is no smoke without fire.

  26. The bible says that the truth will set you free. And what is dangerous is hiding in the word of God while you know that you guilty.

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