Thursday, October 10, 2024

Despite the loss in Kaoma, PF has gained exponentially-Davies Mwila


PF Secretary General Davis Mwila
PF Secretary General Davis Mwila

The Patriotic Front Party Secretary General Davies Mwila has said that despite the loss in Kaoma, the party have gained exponentially, more than they had before while the UPND have lost exponentially more than they had before.

Speaking at a media briefing after the Kaoma loss , Mr Mwila said that in 2016 UPND had 70% of the vote for the Kaoma Council Chairperson election, while PF only had 15%. But in yesterday’s election PF has made substantial gains and the difference now is only marginal.

Mr Mwila further said that the PF victory in Chikonkwelo Ward of Kabompo, where they got more than 60% of the vote and whitewashed the opposition in a former UPND stronghold is massive.

He said the people of Kabompo have embraced development and liberated themselves from agents of selfishness, bitterness and under-development!

Mr Mwila also announced the immediate dissolution of the Provincial Committee for Western Province following their loss in the Kaoma Council Chairperson by-election, adding that the interim Committee has since been put in place and elections will proceed in all the Districts.

Mr Mwila said the date for elections will be announced in due course, adding that the dissolution was supposed to be done before elections but was halted to avoid confusion.

Below is the full statement

Below is a full statement…

Friday 11th October 2019



Members of the PF Central Committee Present

The Leadership of PF Structures,

Members of the Party

Members of the Press,

Ladies and gentlemen,


1.1 Let me begin by saying that if we were to all summarise yesterdays by elections into one sentence, it would be:


1.2 We are therefore once again jubilant with thanks giving to our Lord God Almighty, for the unstoppable momentum of Patriotic Front’s continued wind of change of development blowing across former UPND strongholds.

1.3 We certainly have every reason to walk with our heads high.

As Eric Liddell once said:
*“In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory, there is a glory to be found if one has done his best”.*

1.4 We did our best and over all the result is glorious and the dust is merely a badge of honour.


2.1 We celebrate our very significant victory in Chikonkwelo Ward of Kabompo, where we got more than 60% of the vote and whitewashed the opposition in a former UPND stronghold.

2.2 To the people of Kabompo and our gallant grassroots structures we say: *“TWA SANTA MWANE”.*

2.3 You have embraced development and liberated yourselves from agents of selfishness, bitterness and under-development!

2.4 Congratulations also go to our candidate. The work in serving the people has only just begun.


3.1 First of all, it is important to remember why there was a by-election for Council Chairperson.

3.2 The by election was caused because the opposition UPND victimised the previous Council Chairperson for merely exercising his official civic duty, by greeting the President of the Republic of Zambia His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

3.3 On the surface it may look like we lost the vote count; but the reality is that we have gained exponentially more than we had before; while the UPND have lost exponentially more than they had before.

3.4 In 2016 UPND had 70% of the vote for the Kaoma Council Chairperson election, while PF only had 15%. But in yesterday’s election PF has made substantial gains and the difference now is only marginal.

3.5 In fact the result from the slim margin could have easily swung in our favour, had it not been for the UPND violence which triggered voter apathy, and many of our voters were traumatised by UPND brutality.

3.6 However, the huge positive swing of votes in favour of PF echoes those from Mangango; and it shows that the people of Kaoma and Western Province are fed up of being under the bondage of underdevelopment, just because of the selfish agenda of one man.

3.7 Going by the trend and momentum, we have cause to celebrate our performance in the Kaoma District Chairperson by elections.

3.8 We salute the people of Kaoma and Western Province as well as our structures and we commend our lady candidate for conducting a gallant campaign.


4.1 However, even as we celebrate the momentum and trends in favour of PF in Kaoma, we condemn the UPND acts of provocation and violence that led to the senseless loss of a young precious life.

4.2 We note with great concern the UPND trend of winning elections through violence.

4.3 Is it a coincidence that UPND only win an election when they engage in violence?

4.4 Is it a coincidence that this electoral violence routinely happens only in their so called strongholds?

4.5 The trends reveal the fact that UPND only win when they use violence to trigger voter apathy.

4.6 We saw UPND violence in Sesheke when they brutally attacked our camp;

We saw it in Katuba when again they attacked our camp and a Human Rights Commission Worker;

And we saw it again in Kaoma when they attacked our members.

4.7 Should Zambians murder each other for the sake of one man’s elusive political fantasy? This should stop.

4.8 The continuation of their so-called Mapatizya Formula has no place in our peaceful and democratic Zambia.

4.9 We therefore particularly appeal to their party leader to demonstrate level-headed leadership.


5.1 Just like the Kaoma Council by Election, on the surface it hmay look like we lost the vote count; but the reality is that we have gained much more than we had before; while the UPND have lost much more than they had before.

5.2 We therefore wish to thank the people of Mwinilunga and North-western Province for choosing development over ethnic alliances advanced by some political leaders.

5.3 We also salute our structures in Mwinilunga and North-Western Province as well as our candidate for their hard work.

5.4 It is now increasingly obvious that UPND are just warming seats for PF in North Western and Western Province until 2021, when the peoples wish to have representatives that are serious with development will be achieved.

5.5 We consequently prod those in the UPND that are progressive and have a conscience, especially MPs in North Western, Western and a few along the line of rail; to wake up and smell the coffee.

If they don’t, they will be made irrelevant by the power of the wind of change.

5.4 Those that have the development interests of the people will flow with the PF Driven mass movement of the people under the leadership of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

However, those who choose to continue being intimidated and blackmailed into serving the interests of one selfish person, will be swept aside together with their master.


6.1 While we are entrenching ourselves and growing in our strongholds, we are simultaneously gaining critical ground in so-called UPND strongholds.

6.3 The trends also reveal the significant fact that UPND only win when they use violence to trigger voter apathy.

6,4 Compared with 2016, PF has every reason to be proud because the Party is gaining major ground in former UPND key strongholds, namely Western and North Western Provinces.

6.5 The UPND Margin is haemorrhaging so fast in their so-called strongholds that it won’t survive by 2021.

6.6 With these severely eroded margins UPND have every reason to worry – *“Ni Mwapusukeni”* … but it’s just a stay of execution, they cannot delay the inevitable any further!

6.7 The PF Development Agenda is an inclusive one without leaving anyone behind.

6.8 North-Western and Western are steadily becoming PF Strongholds.

6.9 To Western Province we say: *“Lwi tu mezi ahulu”* and to North-Western Province: *“Twasanta Mwane”!*


7.1 In conclusion, I wish to pay special tribute to our team Captain, the President of the Patriotic Front, who is also the Chief Campaigner of Peace and Prosperity for all Zambians; His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

7.2 Even under a barrage of malicious attacks from some bitter detractors, he has exercised commendable self –restraint and demonstrated how meekness is not weakness; but rather power under control.

7.3 Let me thank our gallant men and women for taking on the UPND, for increasing the Party’s footprint, punch for punch, in their strongholds. This is a dress rehearsal. We shall continue to be peaceful and law-abiding because that is, in fact, one of our selling points as a brand. Violence and lawlessness have no place in Patriotic Front.

7.4 The expansion of Patriotic Front into former Opposition areas is as a result of his all-embracing leadership ethic of leaving no one behind in the PF National development agenda.

We salute him!
God bless His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu
God bless Patriotic Front
God bless Zambia.


Hon. Davies Mwila
Patriotic Front Secretary General


  1. Seat Warmers, …….2021!


  2. In your little small brain you are gaining. Even when your vice president hails from that region and even after buying people with food and drink and money you still failed to win. That in itself says a lot about your popularity. You must be first African country where the vice presidents region is in the hand of opposition. By the way presidental election voting trends differ from local ones. All those votes will vote for hh. Mark my words.

  3. Stop please, in a general election you won’t have time to go to these tu ma small places. There will be too many places to go to and most likely you are going to neglect going to these rural areas. You won’t also have enough money to bribe the whole country. Stop comforting yourselves, on a serious note your losses are piling up, momentum is also going the other way before you know even Copperbelt and some parts of Lusaka will be snatched from you. Go back to the drawing board because your strategy is becoming less effective and not giving you the results you want.

  4. With such baseless analysis, how can any one have hope in these people? Let us argue with facts: In 2012 Pf won the Livingstone and Mufumbwe seats; in 2014, Pf won two by elections in Mangango and Zambezi west. All of these were lost at the general election in 2016 by huge margins. I leave it to you to figure out why.

    So when this well known illiterate writes such articles, it is not that it is deliberate. It is because he is ignorant. The only danger with such people is that they misinform others. He wants to appear to be working and prove wrong those who say he is illiterate.

    If you are an opponent, take such people seriously by working harder to exceed expectations.

  5. The PF and Zambia Police have been innocently taken in by the UPND observed COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA Its was the COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA that won the elections for the local Gov in kaoma It computation in the sense that it skewed the votes from the PF to UPND at the last minute and the COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA engagements in UPNDs tactics appear to be winning sympathetic votes and its time the ZP and PF respond intelligent to this COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA to brand the Presdo ,PF and ZP as being authoritarian,violent and oppressive like John of TZ in the eyes of the people and the world leaders Its this COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA that has continued to be used by UPND to skew elections…

    • What does “Computational Propaganda” mean? Seems like this is the first time you are coming across those two words! Confused and confusing posting.

  6. and win on sympathetic VOTES We have seen and observed even the use of Funerals to stage manage this “COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA ” like we saw in Lusaka and at church by musebo

    You will need to act and respond intelligently within the electrol act and public order act without being COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA managed by UPND

    This is what the SG should teach his cadres to respond to UPND COMPUTATIONAL PROPAGANDA and win those sympathetic votes in kaoma that could have made a difference

  7. Mr President!!
    Please remove this man from position of SG. This kind of mediocrity will not get us anywhere. They say this just to secure thier jobs but, mr president, these characters will not be with you when you lose power. Davis Mwila is a liability

  8. Who is writing these articles with loopsided analytics For this f**k.
    When last did they (PF)win a serious bye election.
    Rigging out thought

  9. Let us be serious. You use government resources to campaign and lose an election and you want to console yourselves. Can we stop misusing government resources on these useless ventures?

  10. No comment from Trible HH, is it true that he has gone into hiding outside the country? For fear of arrest after his inflammatory statement inciting violence.

  11. Mr. Mwila,don’t try to comfort yourself, in PF things are bad.We have made up our minds to vote for UPND.You acquired those votes because of intimidation otherwise kuya bebele.

  12. Country men and women we are apealing to parents and relatives to all the youths in this country to be responsible enough by thinking outside the box, all these energies and anger for one another can be exhausted to developmental issues by way of creating their own wealthy.

    Chinese, Rwandes, Burundes to mention but a few are doing very fine in this country and their focus is to work hard and make money while you are fighting. We need to sit down with our youths and counsel them and make them understanding the importance of life we live once, and what legacy are you going to leave? fighting? hatred? insults? God created as in His own image, the need to contribute to national development. We only have one ZAMBIA and we are ONE..

  13. I like the comments of the majority here which have silenced and sent SHARON and THORN IN THE FLESH into hiding. Very soon, the PF Media Team which is writing under these two pseudo names SHARON & THORN IN THE FLESH will be the only remaining PF voices here. BR Mumba has already chickened out having the smelled the coffee of PF’s kuya bebele in 2021.

  14. kikiki!!!! Six points failure indeed. Ati gained exponentially – does he even understand the word he is using or just parroting what someone somewhere said with no relevance to his argument. Copycats dont have brains of their own. This is disaster!!!!

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