Thursday, September 12, 2024

K418million not collected In 2018


A man counts out Zambian kwacha 50 denomination banknotes in this arranged photograph in Lusaka, Zambia, on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015. Zambian Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda is seeking to restore confidence in the economy to help reverse the world’s worst currency performance, record borrowing costs and sliding growth. Photographer: Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg

The Auditor General’s report for the financial year ending December 31, 2018 has highlighted failure to collect K418 million in revenue as the highest irregularity for the period under review.

Head of Public Relations in the Office of the Auditor General Ellen Chikale says the implication of the irregularities will affect the much needed development and service delivery.

She said the report has also highlighted unaccounted for stores items worth K134 million.Ms. Chikale said there is no evidence of how the missing stores items were received, utilized or disposed off which may indicate a way of siphoning public resources.

She noted that the figure for unaccounted for stores has recorded a huge jump from K6million in 2017 to K134 million Kwacha in 2018.

In a statement to ZNBC News, Ms. Chikale disclosed that other irregularities that have increased in the report are overpayments from K7million in 2017 to K16 million in 2018.

She also disclosed that undelivered materials increased from K1million in 2017 to K9 million Kwacha in 2018.

Misapplication of funds rose from K61 million in 2017 to K62 million in 2018.Ms. Chikale has also noted that the report highlights unacquitted inputs worth K24 million.


  1. Bakabolala, someone knows where all this money went, unfortunately, it’s the story of uubomba mwibala. Ba auditor consider publicizing these findings in local languages as well. Many people my have gone to school but this is beyond an average Zambians’ comprehension and hence no action on the part of the majority. How is it that no one knows where these funds are? Who was allocated this money? C’mon now

  2. Every year more and more money misappropriated but no one sent to jail. And here I’m talking about politicians and controlling officers

  3. #Let_the_Truth_be_Told
    Let every person be subjected to governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God,and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed,and those who resist will incurr jugdement. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct. Therefore one must be in subjection not only to avoid Gods wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

    Issued by
    Moral Clarity Media Team

    • A very good weapon in the mind of the oppressors who misuse scripture to lord over the masses! They don’t want you to question their corruption! Unfortunately, when the masses are brainwashed by religion, such scriptures freeze their brains! The example of Jesus teaches differently! We are not to entertain wrongdoings in high places because that destroys many people’s lives! Why is it that the leaders who decree religious observances turn out to be the most insincere and corrupt? Be careful with religious leaders! They tend to be deceivers and thieves! Sorry, don’t count us in your 6 + 6 + 6 = 18th October observances! Find the killers for Lawrence Banda, Obed Kasongo, Vespers, Mapenzi and all who have been killed under PF!

  4. Eeeat, if you koswe thieves can say Jesus name one second then go to steal and drink the next day what makes you think HH cannot do that. HH is in church more than Lungu and Kaiser who only show up when it’s election time. PF are the worst sinners, stealing, killing people, drinking and mocking those who are suffering. PF you need to pray yourselves then the economy will turn around otherwise it’s pointless for God to bless us only for the blessings to go missing without a trace.

  5. Yet with all these abuses and misuse theft etc we are proceeding with the same people into the national day of prayer and reconciliation. Reconcile your accounts first!!!

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