Thursday, October 10, 2024

Zambia expected to produce over 3 million metric tones of maize in the 2019-2020 farming season


Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo
Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo

Minister of Agriculture Hon. Michael Katambo has stated that Zambia’s agriculture sector is expected to produce over 3 million metric tones of maize in the 2019-2020 farming season, and an increase of about 3.5 million metric tones in the 2020-2021 farming season.

He said going forward the entire sector is poised to produce over 5 million metric tons of maize.

“We’ve opened up a formal trade agreement with the Democratic Republic of Congo and of course on various commodities not only maize but several leguminous seed varieties.” He added.

He said these increases will increase the income of Zambian farmers who will engage informal trade with the DRC and other surrounding countries.

Mr. Katambo was briefing the media shortly after a Regional Cluster meeting on Economic Diversification and Job Creation Chaired by His Excellency President Edgar Lungu at Statehouse Wednesday Morning.

Earlier, Chairperson of the Regional Cluster on Economic Diversification and Job Creation Hon. Nickson Chilangwa highlighted among many other things the need to fast track the northern circuit through the Kalunguishi Basin Hydro Power potential.

He also emphasized on the need to localize afforestation rather than giving it to foreign companies.

Mr. Chilangwa who is also Northern Province Minister expressed gratitude that President Lungu received all the recommendations made by Provincial Ministers and their permanent secretaries favourably.


  1. If there is a Minister that must be dropped immediately, this one must go. Typical example of why people should not appoint friends to positions.

  2. All talk, no works! Naturally, one can be sympathetic to people who talk less. The problem is some of these folks are scared due to lack of confidence. The epitome of cowardly and laziness is Lungu himself masquerading as president.

    If you can talk less and achieve a lot of things you are blessed. But if you do not talk and there are no works, then you are a loser.

    • This is truly the proverbial counting the chickens before the eggs are hatched. Are you sure Bwana Minister the rains will be there?

  3. ..nimwe mukalila nokutapilila ba Katambo???kabova thinking has hit national now, you can’t plan for something you have not seen and have no control over….is he the source of all parameters needed to have such a harvest???iyo kwena pa Zed imitwe nashifwasa….no thinking bwino, bwino….talking is there, implementation awe sure….

  4. ..nimwe mukalima nokutapilila ba Katambo???kabova thinking has hit national now, you can’t plan for something you have not seen and have no control over….is he the source of all parameters needed to have such a harvest???iyo kwena pa Zed imitwe nashifwasa….no thinking bwino, bwino….talking is there, implementation awe sure….

  5. I have never heard dull speeches before full of ignorance. Just how when you are not in charge of a lot of things – inputs, labour – not to talk about the weather patterns and climate change, drought – list is endless. Ask Zesco they are not saying more power will be generated next season ni ziiiiii. Just to be heard saying something and make wild statements.
    Just how do people become Ministers in Zambia. This crop of Ministers Awe!!!

  6. This minister is in fantasy land.Dreaming and reality can sometimes match but only when genuine efforts are made to address the risks and challenges, and, these are many that affect maize production including low productivity among the smallholder farmers that produce 95% of the maize we eat.Even if you gave them all the required inputs ,their maize yields barely go beyond the mediocre because of depleted,exhausted and uncared for soils.What has the Minister done to address these problems? You can not just wake up and announce such huge increases in national production of maize without explaining.This is deceptive and dangerous politics.The current negative economic realities arising out of several years of indisciplined, careless and abusive leadership by the PF has totally confused them…

  7. The Minister is making wild statements without data to back it up. For you to estimate expected yields you need to know how many hectares of land have been planted and with what crops. The maize is rain feed , what is the weather forecast ? If its irrigated crops , where is the electrical energy – nothing . Of course he has no idea about all these issues.

    The same Government mourns on daily basis about the effect of Climate Change on ALL issues – even those that are not affected and the Minister wakes up one morning and starts day dreaming.
    We deserve better leaders than this chaff!

  8. Be patriotic. Respect your leaders. Comment politely.Insults will never build this country.You gain nothing from abusive language.

  9. We deserve better,ati Minister,Sata really destroyed this country, dont even blame Chagwa,he could never have been president if Sata was a responsible person,let Sata’s legacy be the person who destroyed our nation,Lungu will only be remembered for his crimes and total and incorrigible incompetence

  10. But how do you know?

    The rains are not even here and you never know what the army worms may behave!

    This is totally absurd and senseless!

  11. #Let_the_Truth_be_Told!

    Let every person be subjected to governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God,and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed,and those who resist will incurr jugdement. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct. Therefore one must be in subjection not only to avoid Gods wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

    Issued by
    Moral Clarity Media Team

  12. The whaeather focast for Zambia is that a greater part of the country is expected to receive normal to above normal rains in the 20219 season. The minister of Agriculture has technocrat advisors who understand factors associated with among others crop production. So the minister is write to have expectetions just like anyone else. The problem arises when you have arm chair experts who think that they understand everything and that is where the problem comes in.

  13. He is already talking of exporting. WHY??? Keep all the maize in Zambia and produce Mealie Meal for Zambians. With all that maize they should be enough for Zambians at an affordable price. More maize more mealie meal is equal to a low price. So why talk of exporting??? Are you crazy

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