Thursday, October 10, 2024

HH thanks US for aid, refuses to support sanctions on Zambia as he attracts US$25.8 billion in investment pledges from US investors


HH with US Investors
HH with US Investors

Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema used his trip to the United States to thank that country for assisting Zambia in various sectors of the economy.

And Mr Hichilema has revealed that private investors from the US have pledged to invest over US$25.8 billion in Zambia in the first 5 years of his administration.

Mr Hichilema was speaking in Washington DC at the Woodrow Wilson Centre where he discussed the State of Play in Zambia.

When asked if he would support sanctions through withholding aid, Mr Hichilema noted that this support to the Zambian people remains critical and should continue.

He said withholding such assistance would only harm poor Zambians.

Mr Hichilema thanked the America taxpayers for supporting Zambia’s HIV and AIDS programme.

“Aside from promoting investment opportunities available in our country, we thanked the American taxpayers for their engagement through successive governments on HIV/AIDS through its PEPFAR program that has benefitted and continues to save lives of many Zambians,” he said.

“We also acknowledged the Millennium Challenge Compact in Zambia through which the U.S. government invested in water supply, sanitation and drainage infrastructure to decrease water-related diseases and flood losses.”

“On the security front, we noted with gratitude the role that the State Department and Department of Defense have played in training Zambia Defence Forces through the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) and the Africa Contingency Operations Training Assistance (ACOTA) program,” he stated.

He said the engagement has been central to Zambia Defence Forces deployment for United Nations Peacekeeping missions.

“As of August 31, 2019, Zambia was the 22nd leading contributor in the world to UN peacekeeping missions with 1,025 personal. It was humbling meeting with some of the previous American Ambassadors to Zambia.

He said the audience’s main interest were the human rights and economic situation in the country.

Mr Hichilema said the audience were also interested to know what the UPND would do differently if it were in office.

“On the human rights abuses, we assured them that we as opposition charged with the responsibility of providing checks and balances will continue holding the PF government accountable.”

He reiterated the party’s resolve to amend certain pieces of legislation such as the colonial Public Order Act that limits people’s freedoms of assembly and does not conform to the current international standards and norms.

“On the economy the various stakeholders we engaged in a side event, especially investors, are very worried about the mounting debt. We requested that the investors in the room could begin to speak to their fellow private sector players on possibility of debt restructuring. They made a commitment that once they see a serious commitment to fiscal discipline, they are willing to help the country to renegotiate the debt held by private sector.”

“We spoke about the opportunities for the investors to come and partner with our Zambian businessmen. They had no objection to creating joint ventures. They pledged investment of about US$25.8 billion over a period of 5 years. They are interested in electricity, agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, infrastructure and mining. The bulk of their investment will be in electricity generation and portfolio diversification, they also see agriculture and tourism as main foreign exchange earners.”

He said the investors believe that reliable infrastructure will also provide dividends to their investment.

Mr Hichilema stated that the investors repeated the pledge for joint ventures as long as the government has policy consistency and fiscal discipline.

“Ultimately the stakeholders we met are very optimistic about the country after we shared our plan for revitalising the economy. They placed the onus of creating a Zambia we want, on ourselves as citizens of the country.”

He added, “Our appeal to all Zambians is that we need to work together and ensure a peaceful and democratic transition by massively voting for UPND in 2021 so that these investment pledges can come forth. We have a great plan and vision for Zambia. Let us all seize the moment to rebuild our great country.”

HH’s investment pledges from US investors
HH’s investment pledges from US investors


  1. Well done HH. Everyone agrees you are a capable man even when they do not want to say so. Maybe after those prayers, some of these people can admit and learn from you.

    • HH lobbying for investment is a good thing. And (+ Kudos ) to him.

      We have encouraged HH all long to do so. That is inviting investors into Zambia and NOT alarming foreigners that Zambia is a (- Failed State) .

      Because if Zambia was a Failed State, HH would not be lobbying for investments today. So he has come to senses. !!!

      However, Lusakatimes stop lies. What do you mean Sanctions and from whom in the USA? There is no one that has raised the notions of giving Sanctions to Zambia.

      And ( if ) the sanction narratives are coming from HH’s mouth, then he is not being truthful.

    • You know am not UPND, but I like their president, I can accept to call him “His excellency”, because what he has just done in USA visit is truly EXCELLENCY!!
      I am shocked that the man HH was and is so positive about Zambia and its people. You can’t get better patriotic person than that.
      Read what and how he was thanking for, so technical and direct. Even Ba Edgar would’t list all those good things US are assisting Zambia, but HH was there to mention categorically.

    • Well done HH. I know others are so jealousy right now, which is understandable if you ask me.
      They have never been invited at any think tank group to present their agendas, implementations and challenges if any.
      All they know is hooking on to annual global events and present speech to empty chairs.
      If not that, then they travel with huge delegations to receive second hand fire tenders. So, there jealousy is understood. The other day, they tried spinning this important event at woodrow wilson as not being their.
      Trying to sound as though HH went somewhere else. It’s really laughable.

    • Hogwash
      It is not always that when you go for a fishing expedition, you will always come back with a handful.
      Already, H² is preempting his hunger for foreign direct investment and lack of leadership qualities, a recipe for the suffering Zambians are going through, characters make greedy concessions and sell our resources. Solutions for Zambia are in Zambia. Zambia needs a president who will take over from ECL in 2026 who is not outgoing. The one who is not gay/ tribadistic, not tribal, not a tax evader and not divisive figure.

    • @ Thorn in the flesh,
      So according to your logic, when president Lungu went to India with a huge delegation, you mean it was useless to court Indian investment.
      Argg, you pf cadres never cease to amaze me. Just admit it, HH is smart and has made substantial influential connections internationally which will be good for this country.
      Where as your president is only given audience by chinese and indian investors, HH is given audience by American, German, French, Australian, South African and other industrialised nations too numerous to mention.
      If you this isn’t a factor, just find out how Indian and Chinese companies pay compared to American or Australian companies. That is before you even asses their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility..
      Wake up!!

    • Meanwhile his opponent is trying to squeeze Zambians in the name of taxes. Two very different ways of gathering money. Wisdom speaks for itself

    • My MO is clear.
      I don’t support FDI period. Whether it is coming from the people’s POTROZ ECL or a perpetual loser H², a begging heart is a sit and wait, they will fix it for us.
      My kid brother from another mother h² the prodigal is appeasing himself, feeling presidential. Even you can have a feel good moment. It is fine too. Sekesha umupashi.
      Ala ababemba batila “Insala ni ndiminwa, te mpulilwa”.
      Foreign Direct Investment my cracked foot. Empower your people through education and a heart to develop this thing.

    • @Thorn in the flesh,
      Why do you use hateful, and incendiary comments? Please stop using that type of language. This is reflective of an individual background. Try to discuss real issues and problems. I think a course in critical thinking would be very useful for you.

    • Why is it that many will want to make a contribution but instead pivot away from discussing the issue at hand and engage in foul language and personality disparagement? This is typical of being small minded and lacking desire to be counted among those with bigger ideas and vision! The trivia being shared and enjoyed by some privileged to have access to electronic media is abuse of having had an education and access to internet.

    • Lipkwa

      What’s fun about a begging opposition leader parading himself here in the US of A saying a bunch of nonsense? God punish tge nigga if he is making concessions with questionable people here. Zambia ain’t ripe for tribadistic personalities.

      Sorry if hurting your feelings.Yo also not making sense. I say things as I see them not as you see them. Stop being subjective.

    • While asking for aid may not be fun, it is the logical bridge to the gap created by multiple factors, including several years of lack of able leadership. While we all understand the argument that “to be self sufficient is the goal“, it is simply impractical at this juncture, to do it without aid. Truth is, HH has always articulated well on issues affecting us and he certainly has always offered timely solutions. He understands we need the help. Done right we can one day be less dependent. HH gets it. Chipimo did get it. PF are clueless. It’s simply more money in their pockets at whatever cost to us.

    • This is why I will not vote for HH because he will sale the country. Ther is no free lunch in the USA. What is HH offering these investors for them to throw $2.8 billion dollars at him. Why would the Americans want to impose sanctions on Zambia? Because HH is not president?
      ZAMBIANS OPEN YOUR EYES and avoid making this man president

  2. Thats having the country at heart. But the PFools are busy stealing even the little that the country can reap.

  3. Why sanctions against zambia. What wrong has it done to the USA? Is it refusing gay marriages? While Saudi Arabia kills people who are against the prince, kills gay people etc but no sanctions . Yet they want to impose sanctions to zambia without proper reasons. It’s such double standards I sometimes don’t like aid from USA and those who go there.. they don’t have interest for the people but their puppet in power shame.

  4. Sanctions on Zambia, sanctions on Zambia what do you mean for what is there something hidden behind what this politician is doing with this country.
    Really does anyone have power to request for sanctions on any nation without any reason or is there any poor reporting here , I for one feel it is immoral for any politician to hold a country captive just because he is not the one in power .
    It is the common Zambian that decides who should have the right to rule them yes indeed if you get the majority of the Zambian vote you can rule no problem .
    By the way it is God who allows who should be the leader of a nation either good or bad leaders.

  5. US wanted to give you sanctions because of ubomba mwibala alya mwibala corruption is too much in Zambia how can you fail to find the owner of those 48 houses stealing donor funds now you are stealing even animals why can’t you get sanctions you should thank HH.

    • Prof. HANSONI well spoken! Please put that in writing on your University Letterhead and send it to the U.N! If you don’t HAZALUZA HAGAIN!

  6. Yes the PF has committed a lot of human rights violations.The have also perpetrated political violence that has led a number of dearths. Corruption also under this PF regime has lead to lot of deaths. When you and your poor relatives go to the hospital and cant receive appropriate services on time what follows is unnecessary loss of life. When the cost of living goes beyond a common citizen’s capacity due to carelessness by those entrusted with the well being of the whole nation, genuine people aught to get concerned. Therefore, sanctions against the PF regime are not so far fetched. Indeed if there is a way to punish only those in leadership so be it. Some comments here seem to question why talk about sanctions. Certain people somehow seem to be blind to the fact the PF is undoing…

    • I now agree with Sharon that this thing is unelectable. The free Mason is a liar. The Panama Investor is a cheat.
      1. Talking to birds of the same feather and telling them about what you think are problems in your country and one telling you, off the calf, that they can arrange the money that you want when you are in power does not amount to anything. It is close to two years before elections and $25billion is nothing to write home about.
      2. Did he also tell those inferiors that his prayers for Zambia have been for Zambia to have Armageddon as long as he is not leader of Zambia?
      3. There is no Chainama in USA we, for that reason, ask his friends to bring him back home quickly as he needs medication. Is it the duty of a club to impose sanctions on a country?

  7. ….fact the PF is undoing every little gain that Zambia has posted in the recent past. If we continue with this mediocrity, one day we will wake with a Zambia in ruins. Bane ubukopo tucefyanyeko. Nokusala intungulishi ifikopo tuleke. Ba president bakupanga ama speach nobwalwa mumutwe nabena awe.

    • @Common Sense. You mean like the country is currently being given to China for a few buck that end up in personal pocket? Learn to appreciate and give credit where it’s due. There is no country without foreign investment and the more of it you can have the better the country will be. Open your eyes to see beyond tribal lines. How much foreign investment has been pledged by foreign investors since Lungu and his thieving government have been in office? They are just racking up more and more debts. If you ask me, this clearly shows that HH is way ahead of Lungu in as far as bringing much needed investment into the country is concerned. The current government is a consuming government, the next one will be a very productive government! Zimbabwe had sanctions imposed on it, did it learn to…

  8. Better to have those sanctions and learn to live independently than having much of our land in foreign hands in the name of investment. This is our last stand on earth. Zambian land must be for Zambians.

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      Mate you must living under a rock not to realize that almost one third of the Zambian land is already under the Chinese hands and control, sold out for a song… it will be more when you fail to pay back all those inflated debts that were negotiated in the cover of darkness with the money ending up in the PF of Lungu and his minions.

      Direct investment is what we need and not the loans with conditions attached to grabbing the land you are singing about. The issues you PF cadres are worried about are exactly what your Humble Supreme Leader in Lungu is already doing to this country.

      Lift your veil of hatred and realise that Lungu has messed up this country and I doubt even HH would be able to save it from this damage… but at least he appears to have better ideas than this corrupt,…

  9. I thought the absence was to avoid National Prayers? These events are never intended to pledge money but to provoke thoughts. Responsible journalism would be to ask for minutes of the meeting and use those to publish the story. $28 billion is more than the USA pumps into Africa as a whole in 5 years. Just saying

    • So, you can’t believe that an opposition leader is able to realise such investment pledges.
      Compare that to your current government that went in large numbers to receive second hand fire tenders.

  10. Nothing new here….same old style of inviting investors to come and rip off our country….!!!! And some f00ls are ignorantly praising HH…!!!! You will be very disappointed with your HH if by miracle he becomes president…! Just hearing USA makes some muzungu brain washed minions think Zambia will be paradise under HH. What is wrong with black skin???

    • @Munene, A typical PF mind. Low IQ,trigger happy, and quick to insult anyone who doesn’t think like them.What more can we say? Ama jokes yaba kateka babo noyo bwafya….

  11. Sanctions have just become a standard compliance tool for the globalist. Here’s billions of dollars in pledges, but we can always sanction your country if you don’t sweat the poor enough to pay our loans.

    Remember the sanctions against Zimbabwe that made the dollar collapse in 2002? Those sanctions are still in place. The mantra was ‘Mugabe, Mugabe, Mugabe’, now President Mugabe is gone, and the sanctions are still there.

    I say to hell with US money, there are always China and even India. The west has become too accustomed of ruling Africa to be trusted with anything. And their economic and geostrategic interest is in not creating a powerful rival on it’s southern border. Not a concern for China or even Russia.

  12. Well done HH. I know others are so jealousy right now, which is understandable if you ask me.
    They have never been invited at any think tank group to present their agendas, implementations and challenges if any.
    All they know is hooking on to annual global events and present speech to empty chairs.
    If not that, then they travel with huge delegations to receive second hand fire tenders. So, there jealousy is understood. The other day, they tried spinning this important event at woodrow wilson as not being their.
    Trying to sound as though HH went somewhere else. It’s really laughable.

    Currently, Zambia is a failed state and the writing is on the wall. However, notice that private investors from the US have pledged to invest over US$25.8 billion in Zambia IN THE FIRST 5 YEARS of his administration.

  14. No, I maintain that we need to change both leaders if we are to see real development in a corrupt free Zambia. And American investment is not all roses when you see what Trump tried to do with Ukrainian President. Trible HH is just another kind of Trump.
    You can rest assured that Trible HH has struck shady corrupt deals setting the stage for more and vicious corruption if he became……what? God forbid!!

    Let’s just ensure that we kick out both from our political space in 2021.

    • And ECL always beats the hell out’a H².

      We are gonna retire the sadist, tribal and tribadist h².

      If he tries 2026, we will have another in mind.
      No room for nincompoops at plot 1.

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      @Thorn in the Flesh… no Edgar Lungu doesn’t always beat HH, rather he always steals the elections from HH. That is a fact. Lungu knows in his heart of hearts that he is an illegitimate leader who stole the elections from HH.

      The advice I can give to UPND is they need to invest heavily in how they will stop PF and Lungu from stealing the elections again… they need to be very smart about it or the results will be the same.

      Few tips:
      1) Buy cameras and install in every polling station around the country and record everything (it’s cheap);
      2) Put your own observers in every polling station;
      3) Verify the electoral roll details prior to the elections;
      4) Pay attention to what happens before, during and after the elections;
      5) Help fund international observers like the UN so…

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      ….5) Help fund international observers like the UN so they can field an observer in every polling station.

    • Take it from me kid, there is no vote rigging in Zambia.
      The only and last time I felt like that was when LPM was installed as POTROZ. After careful soul searching and critical analysis, it was not true. LPM beat the hell out’a Kambela at the polls clean anso.
      One ECZ, one ballot, one voter and bam double h was hit not once by ECL but twice despite the deads ECZ truck disruptions. Once by MCS, Once by RBB, Once by LPM. H² is beatable that’s why is has tribally held on to SP.

  15. @15.1 Lezgee, you can rest assured I have taken my medication for headache. You need some for a debilitating mental condition.


  16. Only UPND sycophants and zealots and enemies of progress can believe what their Supreme leader HH of the UPND who has hidden the privatisation loot in the paradise papers has said all because of group think mentality… Who is HH in Zambia anyway… We shall see if those Gay investors will vote for the sadist…Majority of Zambians ln 6.5provinces cannot vote for a crook who who is worshipped by UPND lapdogs…

  17. Its good to solicit for foreign investment and this is what every politician should do regardless of whether they are in power or not. Nevertheless, the conditions attached to the investments promised to HH renders the promised investment not genuine. Any businessman who is sincere would not attach investments to individuals. Given HH wins elections in 2021, they bring investment and in 2026 PF bounces back to power they take away the investment. Is that the kind of investment UPND is attracting to this nation? There are companies operating in DRC, Nigeria, Burundi, even Syria because they have seen opportunities there and not politicians. Lastly what wrong has Zambia done to warrant sanctions from USA?

  18. any way his approach does not show significant difference from the current approach by the current government.
    Investments in mining agriculture, electric it, tourism, infrastructures(too general),etc
    The approach still has a component of international dependence which is leaving us in perpetual debts
    Is his vision going to see us move out of debts and attain sustainable economic and social growth,?
    The answer is no. Let him think of ways which will encourage production of foreign products flooding our shops now and encourage economy that can compete internationally , reduce on mining else all the minerals shall be consumed by foreigners and our future generations will remain with nothing .it is high time to think of sustainable economic options now

  19. Today’s Article in Zambia Daily Mail about UNIP and ANC (which was for tongas) has made me conclude that tribal1sm in southern province has been there beyond 1964!!These people must not be allowed anywhere near state house!!!HH can only cheat his fellow tongas about that $28billion.If this is the gimmick HH thinks will usher him into state house,then let him continue dreaming!!!No amount of such lies from Kainde can make majority voters in 6.5 provinces to vote for him in 2021!!Yes HH is too despetate about 2021 but we shall retire him 100%!!!

  20. Few vexing issues:
    1:did the converners of the meeting represent the US gorvernment .
    2. Has the US decided to disengage bilateral relations with the Zambian government and deal with the opposition.
    3.does an opposition leader have the authority to discuss matters relating to our military with a foreign super power.
    4.where does the opposition leader get the authority to discuss or lobby for or against sanctions on our country.

    With or without US aid, pledges etc. Zambia will still exist .
    Please we only have one Zambia .

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      Jeez common thinking in Zambia is a bit worrisome. HH met with private investors who are willing to come and invest in Zambia if political climate changes (stable, unpredictable political climate; better economical conditions like tax; reduced debt and borrowing; less or no corruption; etc.).

      These are US private investors pledging and not the US government. Of course he thanked the US tax payer who help Zambia through US government agencies (this was unrelated to the investment pledge).

      I hope that helps to you and others like you who are kinda ‘confused’.

  21. Haters have something in common – they don’t, or are incapable of articulating on serious issues. Always ready to merely render personal irrational unsubstantiated attacks. e.g. the likes of ‘Sharon’ and ‘Thorn in the Flesh’.

    Zambia does have serious human rights issues, is in great debt, needs value added industries and should harness alternative energy sources. The PF regime has offered nothing constructive in solutions. What’s untrue about that?
    The new governments first task will be to reinstall fiscal discipline, negotiate debt restructuring and invest savings in energy and industries.

  22. Well done to the incoming President of the abused Republic of Zamunda. Your excellency, we await your wise rule. We are aware that the PF is desperately trying to discredit your visit through the old tired sing-song of you visiting ‘masonry friends’. The truth is that they are experiencing serious diarrhea at the exhibit of your governance and economic acumen that is respected by normal reasonable citizens of the world. We can’t at this point wish them (PF) any quick recovery as this is all through their own doing.

  23. No amount of sugar coating gayism or other hidden agendas by an individual or group of people will be allowed in Zambia.We have learnt it the hard way through privatization and so we remain vigilant to protect the vast and enormous natural resources God has endowed us with as a country.

  24. Can I be educated on this by the large number of bloggers congratulating HH on his historic achievement? Once upon a time, in the 1990s, I won a research bid with the USAID to conduct research on reproductive adolescent health. The USAID Office in Lusaka told me categorically that the American government never enters into contractual agreements with individuals. I was forced to find a registered company before I could sign a contract with the USAID. Have these conditions changed because of the powerful influence of HH? How did he get those billions of dollars in his personal capacity without Zambian involvement?

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      Jeez common thinking in Zambia is a bit worrisome. HH met with private investors who are willing to come and invest in Zambia if political climate changes (stable, unpredictable political climate; better economical conditions like tax; reduced debt and borrowing; less or no corruption; etc.).

      These are US private investors pledging and not the US government. Of course he thanked the US tax payer who help Zambia through US government agencies (this was unrelated to the investment pledge).

      I hope that helps to you and others like you who are kinda ‘confused’.

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      Jeez common thinking in Zambia is a bit worrisome. HH met with private investors who are willing to come and invest in Zambia if political climate changes (stable, unpredictable political climate; better economical conditions like tax; reduced debt and borrowing; less or no corruption; etc.).

      These are US private investors pledging and not the US government. Of course he thanked the US tax payer who help Zambia through US government agencies (this was unrelated to the investment pledge).

      I hope that helps to you and others like you who are kinda ‘confused’.

  25. How did he get those billions of dollars in his personal capacity without Zambian involvement?

    I meant Zambian government involvement?

    • Facts
      The man is campaigning and he knows that Zambians can easily be swayed by false promises.
      In my own opinion, congratulating someone who has not done anything is stupidity. HH went to campaign and his usual donors made pledges to him as an individual. Those are UPND supporters who have clearly stated that they can only give money to Zambia if HH becomes President in 2021.

      A devil (Lungu) that you know is better than an angel (Hakainde) whom you don’t know.

      As for me and my family we know Hakainde Chitombwa he is not good material to lead a country like Zambia. He stole when he privatized a few companies. Think of what he can do when you give him a country called Zambia. The $25billion dollars will end up in his pocket. ASK HIS WORKERS.

    • Hey you two nitwits, HH did not ‘GET’ billions of dollars he got ‘PLEDGES’ in billions of dollars and he got those pledges from PRIVATE businesses and that is why there was no AMERICAN GOVERNMENT involvement. Read this at least ten times a day until it seeps into your atom-sized little brains. PF che.

  26. It is normal to plan and create potential opportunities if per adventure you are in power. Only Green Party has a locally grown innovation on how to revamp our economy. We have enough resources to put our development agenda on track. Let us debate issues surrounding the potential in the country by using our brains through research! All these foreign companies we are trying to work are mere parasites. No one is interested in developing our country. All these guys HH is talking about will never bring development but come here to exploit us. The opposition should stick to areas they can offer checks and balances. The Government of the day, which is in power should be left alone to handle security matters. Badala Ba HH let us be careful with what we say concerning military or security…

  27. This is amazing indeed! Who told HECHI HECHI that hes forming the next government! In 2021 hes going to lose even worse than 2016! Why? Edgar Lungu has campaigned through out the country and is more established than 2015 and 2016! As a result the PF, despite all the lies and mudslinging from the crooks in UPND, has closed in on the so-called UPND strong-holds! And Hichilema’s popularity in the north has dwindled because of his crookedness against Geoffrey B. Mwamba and Chishimba Kambwili! These two are busy campaigning against him in the Northern part of the country. So my humble question to the blind and tribal UPND supporters is, WHERE IS YOUR HH GOING TO GET THE VOTES FROM FOR HIM TO WIN AND FORM GOVERNMENT IN 2021? HH will never rule Zambia because of hes a prioritization thief and…

  28. HH is danger to our nation and does not represent the views of zambian but imerialists and is prepared to do anything to plug this nation,must not be allowed to do so.I there instruct all security and law agencies to be on high alert and start documenting any piece of evidence concerning the activity of this man and gather sufficient evidence against this man sothat he can cagged for treason come 2020.

  29. Zambians amaze me. A witch kills the most promising child and spares the useless one. We surely deserve what we are currently going through in Zambia because we are never independent or objective when it comes to decision making when opportunities such as elections present themselves. A zambian man buys some of the privatised assets in order to do something that will employ people but here we are hating him and accusing him of theft. Lungu went to solicit for investment in India and China and that was ok but HH tries to do the same he receives a lot of condemnation. How many things have been done to HH to hinder him because of his tribe, May God fight for this man and prove his haters wrong. Having foreign investment is not wrong when done in a way that equally benefits the country and…

  30. Please DONT CALL ME MUNENE my full names are Luckson Melu. What HH is saying is that his friends will fund his election to PUMP in that 25ngwee, which very little money anyway, our company makes beyond US$25BLN IN 1 YEAR ELEO APA AKAMBA SPREAD IN 5YRS Hmm..bring that ka money now although ni ka CHANGE CHABE

  31. The triblism makes HH unelectable, you cannot understand that to this day 13 years since it was pronounced?
    Zambians vote in this country, not American investors. In 2021 trible HH will maintain his strength but has been eroded somehow. In 2016 the difference in presidential elections was narrow because of two main factors
    I. Overwhelming support from Trible strongholds
    Ii. Some good support from non strongholds.

    However the voting pattern in strongholds, the trible xenophobia in Namwala, and trible HH’s unguarded hatred and statements against easterners (Esau Chulu) all worked against him during 2016 post election postmortem and these are still fresh in our minds. Trible HH has lost all votes in the eastern, luapula, and others due his behaviour in 2016.

  32. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Jeez common thinking in Zambia is a bit worrisome. HH met with private investors who are willing to come and invest in Zambia if political climate changes (stable, unpredictable political climate; better economical conditions like tax; reduced debt and borrowing; less or no corruption; etc.).

    These are US private investors pledging and not the US government. Of course he thanked the US tax payer who help Zambia through US government agencies (this was unrelated to the investment pledge).

    I hope that helps to you and others like you who are kinda ‘confused’.

  33. Reminds me of one presidential candidate (MHSRIP) who claimed he had a cure for AIDS but would only reveal it once he was voted into state house. He died before the elections. Another one claimed he knew where Zambia could extract oil but would only release the information after winning the presidential elections. He has now retired from politics. In Zambia we have a lot of political comedians. This latest one from America is just another one. Ignore it.

  34. HH leave us we will eat our kapenta,with integrity.Please tell the US and your Homo friends that we dont need homo money, we will introduce gay rights,homosexuals and lesbianism please inform them to keep the 25.8 homo billion dollars.

  35. Rowdy,
    Don’t worry about these Bemba and Kunawan lumpens puking vile tribal bigotry against HH here, only because he is Tonga! For these chaps, they would first vote for a Bemba baboon or Nyanja rat before voting for a Tonga, Lozi or Kaonde.

    • This one deserves to be congratulated.
      Congratulation Manenga!! You have just decampaigned your god, HH.
      With your insults only a very abnormal person like you can vote for HH.
      Just to give you a bit of history on how HH became president of Up and Down in 2006.
      We lost a real Zambian in Anderson Kambela Mazoka. Had he not passed on, the results for the 2006 elections were going to be different.

      The time to replace Mazoka came and all people expected his loyal Vice President, Sakwiba Sikota to take over. Some mad man from the cloud shouted- ONLY A TONGA CAN BE PRESIDENT OF UP AND DOWN and that is how HH who had no position in that party became president and from that time up to now that party has been a tribal organization.
      Lozis and Kaondes my free advice to is: Let us not allow…

  36. Most of these comments are tribal…
    The owners of Zambia are talking with authority trying to show that God is under them, telling God that he made a mistake to create other tribes and that God doesn’t know that these other tribes can never rule Zambia…trying to outhink God…kosenipo bane maybe you can prevail against the immortal one…as far as am concerned no one comes head on with Jehovah and prevails…You even shame yourselves on 18 October that you are praying, praying to who…I bet it’s not to The I am…nifimbi fye mupepa kabili ukupepa kwaba apengi
    God is never mocked bane
    akamilanga icintu…

  37. Kambwili asked God where Lungu came from! In good or bad faith, the same question can be asked where kambwili is going to come from. Zambians don’t forget that, when Lungu is praying hh is also praying but remember there was 2 gentle men in the temple praying, the first one prayed God bless me I have everything I even help the poor am not like that poor in the corner. The other prayed, God forgive me of my sins give the heart that love my enemies, so please don’t ask God why he has done that or this. Remember, Zambian presidential history no one became a president because have financial muscle but humble. If you aspire plot 1 burry your pride first then put yourself in the same atmosphere as poor as every Zambian

  38. ZAMBIA is for JESUS therefore, Leaders who are aspiring for the highest office in this country should be scruitinized in the way they respond to Christian values. Country MEN and WOMEN its our time to ask God to show us leaders who fear Him. You can have money but if you do not fear God then that money is nothing, you can have world connections but without Jesus those connections are in vain. The challenges we are facing in this country are worldwide it takes Spiritual understanding through prayer what exactly God is telling us, for it is written in the Holy Bible that the end times are near, so lucifer is fighting the believers to start receiving his marks through his agents, who are calling themselves rich. The riches are in God in the name of Jesus Christ, The Children of Isreal…

  39. Sharon,u are a jealous person.Whether u say anything negative we will still give hh a mandate to rule us. If he fails then we will try other people.U are the same people who we so negative about mwanawasa but there he was he worked even better than sata,rb and ecl

  40. This is what a valuable and relevant does, that he can woo foreign private investment even when he is in opposition. He shows clout and promise, by conducting himself in a more presidential manner than the drunken one who address near – empty chairs at the UN because he has lost international respect and relevance as a leader due to ineptitude and corruption. Can’t wait for 2021 to have an occupant at plot one that we deserve!!

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