Thursday, October 10, 2024

A change of Government Will Come with a Lot of International Goodwill


HH meeting with investors in the US after he concluded his presentation on State of Play in Zambia
HH meeting with investors in the US after he concluded his presentation on State of Play in Zambia

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

The recent invitation of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND), to speak at the Woodrow Wilson Center and address an audience of esteemed leaders from.the world of politics and business, is a clear demonstration of the confidence and the highest premium the international community continues to place on his ability to provide leadership at the highest level of government.

The invitation of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema also underlines the desire by the international community for there to take place constructive and productive political and economic change in Zambia, the kind of change that would benefit both the citizens of this country, as well as our international partners.

It is also important to note, that serious investors will always put a heavy premium on sound political leadership that guarantees adherence to the rule of law, consistency around macro economic policy, guarantees a respect for human rights and leadership that is committed to stamping out grand and political corruption as these pose and impose a danger on the credibility and integrity of the investment environment.

The $25bn in active investment pledges are a further unequivocal endorsement of the quality and standard of public leadership the International community expects Mr. Hakainde Hichilema to enforce should Zambians trust his enough to form and lead the next government post 2021.

These $25bn investment conversations should in essence be taking between investors and the PF government of PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu, but that is not the case. And I do not want to leave Zambians in any amount of doubt about why this is not the case – Investors cannot and will not trust their big money projects with the PF government. It will cost investors anything between 10% – 25% on top of the actual investment value to invest in Zambia, owing to corruption and bad business environment managing practices being perpetrated by the PF government.

But what is heartwarming to note, is that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema emphasized to our international friends that while Zambia remains open for business, we seek constructive and actual business partnerships between our local and international investors.

We cannot build long-term resilience within our local economy by settling for 20%.

We need investment partnerships that will substantively enhance capacity and confidence within our local investor community. This is why the UPND is keen to reinvigorate the capacity of our local banking system to fully respond to this strategy by reposition the balance of resources away from government control and much towards individuals, households and SMEs.

As citizens, we must never underplay the value of sound political LEADERSHIP.

Everything rises and falls on it.

Future opportunities for the next generation of Zambians firmly rest on what we will do at the ballot in 2021.


  1. Anthony Bwalya that is exactly what the colonialists when the first stole African lands. They wanted people to change to their warped understanding of civilization. Ask the natives of the USA and the aborigines how that worked out for them. Idioots like you that worship white people are the reason Africa is not developed. China and Japan did it their own way, traded on their terms and didn’t need “ validation “ from white people. Africa is developing, the sooner we have independent God blessed intelligent minds in charge, and not gaay agenda and deviil worshipers like some; the better for Zambia and God’s people.

    • Mr. “Author”, you are working too hard to promote Hakainde based on very flimsy and suspects reasoning and conclusions. Please stop lying to yourselves if indeed you have even an ounce of honesty and understanding of HOW THE WORLD WORKS!

      Truth be told, no investor worth their salt would invest in a far away nation based on who the curent president is. Please lets get this straight, with or without Hakainde in power, Americans (Westerners in general) would invest in Zambia if they saw an opportunity for hefty returns. Mind you, these are people who invested in these lands even before we had organised Central Govt systems and Presidents. What they saw was an opportunity to exploit and get rich on the cheap. If things like corruption and human rights were high on their agenda, they…

    • continue….

      they are plenty of Countries they wouldn’t be interested in right now as we speak. Talk of countries like Saudi Arabia, China, DRC, and plenty others. So don’t cheat yourselves that these are the things and issues that these people care about.

      Also keep in mind that foreign investments is NO CHARITY. So what is HH willing to give up (in CONCESSIONS) for these pledges to materialize? By the way, let us not forget our recent past so easily. Remember the Vendenta/Mwanawasa concession debacle? The consequences of which we are still dealing with today, aren’t we!?

    • Yambayamba . Thank you for educating the writer of this article.

      The Author of this article is not being truthful. As it stands investment money is still coming from Zambia from foreigners. He/she is talking as if there has been a Total Freeze of investments for so many years or decades.

      Foreign Investments have been becoming to Zambia from UK, USA, JAPAN, INDIA, CANADA, FRANCE DENMARK, SWEDEN … etc into this country from the UNIP, MMD, PF days and will continue coming as long as Zambia remains a peaceful nation and investors see opportunities to make $$.

    • cont..

      What happened in the USA with HH were pledges. And we hope and pray that remains the case that these investors honor their pledges.

      Anyone who understands the business or investment world will attest; you don’t get all pledges that are put forward because of () Global economics and () Demand for Services and Products changes all the time. Anglo America was in Zambia when the price of copper dropped, they walked away.

    • cont…

      ++ The bedrock of any powerful economy is Small Scale Business because they are the ones that create the jobs and contribute more taxes to the government.

      Last and not least, right now HH is making investments from his money into Zambia. Its because he knows Zambia is friendly to investors and his investments are demographically safe.

      Therefore, if he was patriotic enough he would ask these guys in USA to come now and not when he comes into power.

      ++ We are not here to stop HH or undermine his efforts of lobbying investors. His efforts are very much welcomed.

    • This writer is extremely dull.

      I thought I commented on an article similarly headlined. Is it a version II?


    • 1.2 Mr. Yambayamba very well articulated and presented information. You cleaned out my highly emotional first comment. Zambia is a very stable nation in terms of peace. It’s burden is corruption and entertaining those that have sold its mines UPND and those in the new government that borrowed carelessly Sata’s PF ministers and technocrats. All that is needed is as one thief Chiluba once stated “ tightening of belts.” More austerity measures will infuse vigor into the economy. Plus the changing of Chitotela, Jean from ministers into regular MPs.

    • those who did it as you say china and japan had visionary leaders and made sure there was prudent accountability of resources that they generated locally to support there developmental targets unlike the thieving governments we have which must not be entrusted any more with any thing becouse even money ment for vulnarables is stolen in broadday light!

  2. Here is what Private American Investors think about investing in Zambia:
    1. They are skeptical about the safety of their investments in Zambia because of deteriorating situation when it comes to rule of law and human rights abuses. The grabbing of KCM by GRZ has unsettled investors!

    2. Because of human rights abuses and break down of rule of law and the killings, the only thing Americans think of to help the situation is sanctions! It’s remarkable when an opposition figure puts the good of the country first by speaking against sanctions which only hurt poor people and not the bad leaders.

    3. PF must understand Geopolitics! Every bad thing you have done as government is known worldwide especially by the Americans. The militarization of Police sends a very wrong signal out there…

    • Regular change of leadership in any country is one huge economic booster, ask Americans, British etc, all big economies in world rarely stick with same leader for more than 8 years, look at USA very few presidents have had the chance of having a second term, but every leader ensures they do all their best in 4 years, because a next term is never guaranteed. But in Africa politicians always want to lie that staying in power will make them finish the projects they have started, forgeting that economic dynamics are ever changing, that’s why there is need for regular leadership change. 2021 will be a IQ test for electorates.

    • I beg to differ! Our Zambia is top end in terms of stability and enabling environment – too much concession almost to the point of ridiculous! That is why it’s number 1 mining investment destination. Just to prove a point even HH is on record that we don’t get a fare share of what is due to us as a country – community social responsibility, royalty & mineral taxes etc

  3. The militarization of Police sends a very wrong signal out there. Everyone thinks there is something very wrong in Zambia! Why is it that when you go to other countries, Police is not as heavily armed as ours! Why should a “democratic” government arm itself so heavily against its own citizens? The US government may offer us grants here and there but we are missing out on bigger investment opportunities offered by private American investors who are skeptical investing in rogue states!

    If you want these opportunities to come to Zambia NOW, advise Mr Lungu and his administration to do the right things right! Otherwise, Private American Investors have said they are not ready to invest in Zambia under the prevailing situation! Even IMF is skeptical about PF doing the right things knowing…

    • Booza iwe!

      Come to America and watch how Police will treat you. Especially if you are black. Every year there are hundreds of Americans shot and killed by Police. Just recently we had a female Police Officer in Dalas, Texas, convicted and sent to prison for killing a black man in his own apartment. And just last month we had another Police Officer indicated on murder charges for shooting a black woman through the window of her own house while babysitting her 8-year old nephew and playing video games. This was in Fort Worth, Texas, again. And there are many such incidences of innocent Americans being shot and killed by the Police every year across America.

      On top of that, we have this lunatic in the White House, Trump, putting women and children in cages like animals without any…

    • Booza iwe!

      Come to America and watch how Police will treat you. Especially if you are black. Every year there are hundreds of Americans shot and killed by Police. Just recently we had a female Police Officer in Dalas, Texas, convicted and sent to prison for killing a black man in his own apartment. And just last month we had another Police Officer indicated on murder charges for shooting a black woman through the window of her own house while babysitting her 8-year old nephew and playing video games. This was in Fort Worth, Texas, again. And there are many such incidences of innocent Americans being shot and killed by the Police every year across America.

      On top of that, we have this lun@tic in the White House, Trump, putting women and children (some of them have died) in cages…

    • Continue….

      like animals without any regard to your so called “human rights.” Their only crime is fleeing violence and persecution in their own respective countries and seeking asylum here in America. Can you just imagine if a country like Zambia was doing similar things to would-be asylum seekers and refugees and what America (and the West collectively) would be saying and doing…..O yes, their favourite….SANCTIONS!

      Yet this is the same country from which your so called $25 billion investment “pledgers” are coming from to come and preach the so called “human rigjts” to you. And you sit there like !d!ots and just take it without any critical thinking. Wake the up!

  4. Even IMF is skeptical about PF doing the right things knowing how they have behaved before when Mr Chagwa told them to go to hell!

    Instead of demonizing HH, if PF had intelligent people, they would use HH’s visit as a situation analysis and an opportunity to change course and reset the country on the right course! Value your fellow citizens input!

  5. Even IMF is skeptical about PF doing the right things knowing how they have behaved before when Mr Chagwa told them to go to hell!

    Instead of demonizing HH, if PF had intelligent people, they would use HH’s visit as a situation analysis and an opportunity to change course and reset the country on the right course! Value your fellow citizens!!!


    Don’t be fooled. HH is a thief. U failing to trace the one of 49 houses can u trace HH stollen many he has put in the offshore accounts?

    If he becomes president he would take all the money and put in his offshore accounts. And no Zambian will trace that money.

    HH doesn’t mean well for u Zambian people.

    Be careful what u support.

    He has contributed shamefully to the sufferings of people Zambia.

    He sold the mines and put the money in the offshore accounts.

    Think before u vote. Ask if u don’t know what it means to have an offshore accounts.

    • As some of you 1d10ts support and laud shortsighted and mediocre leadership proposition from one disgraced h² who insults the chinese and their investment portfolio for Africa and other economically weaker countries around the world you forget to grasp the idea that the same foreign infestors this time from Canada are looking to sell Kalumbila to these same Chinese.
      Be like China. Find solutions inside your country; isolate selfish characters like H² and CKinsultor for masquerading as politicians. China believes in what its leadership call Will Power. The energy and desire for development inspired by spreading its people across the globe, copy and paste the worlds Technology and Knowledge and then go conquer the world.

    • An opposition leader ought not bank his dream of developing the country based on FDI. It’s crazy. It’s visionless. It feels like donations and spooky HIPC conditions of the 2000s.
      Then these crooked infestors will be reselling their ill gotten investments to their fellow crooks or else arm twist Governments for more concessions.
      That’s total bu11sh1t.
      I ain’t a fan of Donations and FDIs.
      Leaders who tell me this scratch me wrongly. I get flabbergasted.

  7. Lots of foreign interest and good will. We must now do our home grown vision and programs to run our affairs so that the international community will compliment our effort. We are not learning from our past mistakes, pf left everything to China and the results are there for us to see. Good results or bad ones depend on your side – pf it is unprecedented development while Upnd it is grand corruption. Ordinary zambian, we left maulesi. Now, we are promised the American windfall. We thank God for that good will. We need a local post war reconstruction think-tank to move zambia forward. Those who will add value to what HH and Ecl may see and visualize. I have said Ecl as well that is if zambians vote for him going forward.

  8. UPND machinery at work! Are they firing blanks or live ammunition? The electorate of Zambia hold the real answer. Zambians have learnt to distinguish between promises or pledges and reality. It remains to be seen whether or not these talk shows are adequate to change the five times loser’s fortunes. Whatever happens in 2021 Zambia needs to move their democracy forward. Other than the promise of money from the Gays and Lesbians UPND have no real story or promise to make to the electorate of Zambia only old discounted stories of “ dictator” police state. And yet UPND continues to garner the most absentee parliamentarians on earth. Wait and see!!

  9. “Testosterone” levels are going to rise bore the 2021 Zambian elections but we must remain united and live true to our virtues of a peaceful nation. “ Imfula pakuya Epo yonaule fissbo” loosely translated” the last rains destroy crops “

    • Zambia has a very effective defense wing. If the PF or UPND want to try the national service, army and ZAF uniformed officers, they are welcome. Like Mushala or Lenshina, they will quickly learn that it is Zambia first. God has blessed this nation, only evil that exists is politicians, lack of planning and laziness. The biggest evil though is politicians.

    • Action Plan is the finisher:

      Home grown Goals for National Development excite me. It’s like eargasmating.

      Insala nindimimwa, tempulilwa iyo.

      Plans and strategies make businesses rolling folks.
      Plans and strategies make Governments roll.
      FDI benefits infestors in the short, medium and long terms. The country only ends up giving 1d10t infestors tax holidays, when it matures, they apply vanishing cream and surely effectively vanish.
      That boy H², is sick. Don’t excite Americans with investment unless you wanna end up like DRC.

  10. Mr Anthony Mulenga @aka
    Want will happen if HH and UPND lose in 2021 general elections? I know this is a TOUGH QUESTION TO ANSWER but it has facts…..

    • Answer to that question is, when they loose like they did in 2016, they will go to the concourt, cry to the international community and then continue insulting the leadership.
      There’s so much development being witnessed in Zambia, but still the govt is being accused of promoting corruption. If corruption means development, then there’s nothing wrong with it.

  11. don’t you think its too early to start arm twisting Zambians to the colonials agendas, its funny, actually laughable to think these foools of a white skin would expect Zambians to vote for HH based on their funding, what they are saying is, put this black puppet as your head and we shall give u candy…and you think slavery has ended.

    I’m breaker, I’m transcendent, I’m far and beyond and I approve this message

  12. Those who think PF will win are cheating themselves. Those who so are insulting Zambians’ intelligence. How can Pf win with massive hunger, not jobs, high cost of living, high debt etc. Of course, they will manage to hoodwink a few people but the majority of people will vote based on their living conditions.

    • You didn’t know Zambian politics, do you?

      And what has UPND done to convince Zambians that they mean well and will do things differently? Taking trips abroad by Hakainde and bragging about it? Good luck with that!

    • Development starts today, not 2021. When HH loses 2021, what will UPND do? You cannot for the sake of democracy keep on running the same character. For the sake of Zambia in fact. Even the vaunted MMD had different leaders every few years. At the moment the MMD has two presidents for some astounding reason. Most of the above comments are thriving in intellect and hard points plus evidence; dispute them with examples and knowledge, not the old deflect and emotional diatribe Zambians use a lot of the time. That way we all learn.

  13. PF carders surprise me! When someone tells truth, they take it for a lie, when PF comes with their lies, PF carders think it is truth. PF carders please get it from the horse’s mouth: HH was invited to Woodrow Wilson center and big pledges of investment were pronounced. On the contrally, ECL went to general assembly but he only addressed empty chairs. Who would like to listen to a quack other than fellow PF carders?

    • Study DRC carefully, come up with a list of infestors in that country including those supporting rebels in the background, their places of origin and come lets have a conversation.

  14. ZAMBIA is for JESUS therefore, Leaders who are aspiring for the highest office in this country should be scruitinized in the way they respond to Christian values. Country MEN and WOMEN its our time to ask God to show us leaders who fear Him. You can have money but if you do not fear God then that money is nothing, you can have world connections but without Jesus those connections are in vain. The challenges we are facing in this country are worldwide it takes Spiritual understanding through prayer what exactly God is telling us, for it is written in the Holy Bible that the end times are near, so lucifer is fighting the believers to start receiving his marks through his agents businessman who are calling themselves rich. The blessed riches are in God in the name of Jesus Christ, The…

  15. Bwalya , i guess you are eating good money from HH…please continue thats how even Tayali survives.

    Coming back to your rants, I in one I can not vote for a capitalist HH who with his fellow crooks sold this country for their enrichment. They sold companies with no heart for Zambians and now he turns round to tell us that he is going to fix it….what non-sense. If at all HH comes into power we are assured that he will run this economy in a capitalist manner…prices of all commodities will rise as he will be bent on pleasing the criminals who are bankrolling his political course. So, Bwalya just eat HH’s money silently than throwing these stinking rantings.

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