Wednesday, October 9, 2024

President Lungu’s 55th Independence Anniversary Address to the Nation


REPUBLICAN President His Excellency Dr Edgar Lungu has declared October 25th, the day after Zambia’s Independence Day, a public holiday.
REPUBLICAN President His Excellency Dr Edgar Lungu

Countrymen and women:

1. Good evening.

2. Tomorrow marks our country’s 55th Independence anniversary. As per tradition, I am delighted to address the nation on the eve of this very special day in the history of our country.

3. Fifty-five years after Independence our generation can look back with pride, admiration and appreciation to our forefathers and mothers who waged a protracted struggle for Independence from colonial rule. We are grateful to them and above all to God, that we are here today to witness and celebrate this momentous occasion. It is important that we understand our country’s journey, both pre and post-Independence.

Countrymen and women:
4. The struggle for Independence laid a strong foundation for our freedom. Those who fought for this Independence had a vision of a people and nation that was free, united and strong. Each time we sing the national anthem, we recite the words at the core of their vision: free, united and strong.

5. As we celebrate our national day, we salute the heroes and heroines of our Independence struggle. Theirs was a selfless and patriotic generation that put the interests of the nation first before self. They sacrificed their lives to realise the dream of an independent Zambia. To this great generation, we say thank you, twalumba, litumezi, twasanta mwane, twatasha mukwai, zikomo, twasakwililako mwane, chuna-sakililiku mwani.

Countrymen and women:
6. This year’s Independence anniversary is being celebrated under the theme “our freedom, our country, our responsibility.”

7. The theme is a call to reflection and introspection on the meaning of our freedom today and beyond. It invites us to reflect on what we have and can do to maintain our freedom and develop our country.

Countrymen and women:
8. The freedom we are enjoying today enables us to interact with one another and exchange ideas freely but responsibly. This freedom was born out of the determination of our forefathers and mothers to restore our dignity as a people. It goes without saying that there is no dignity in bondage.

9. Our freedom as a people was incomplete without the right to self rule and control over our land. We, therefore, have the duty to respect and preserve this triple heritage of our Independence: dignity, self-rule and sovereignty over our land.

10. The freedoms our founding fathers and mothers fought for have been guaranteed and enshrined in our constitution. These include the fundamental rights and freedoms, the right to life, right to property and equality before the law. Our constitution also guarantees the freedom of conscience, expression and association.

11. Building on this strong foundation, we have made progress in establishing strong institutions that safeguard our freedom. We are also on course in increasing access to basic social services by our people. Equally, we have made steady progress in creating opportunities for our people to improve their livelihoods. As liberated men and women, we should use our freedom to deepen our relationships and develop our nation.

Countrymen and women:
12. Our Independence anniversary is also a celebration of our country. A land of diverse cultures, yet one people. A land richly endowed with natural resources. A land we call our home. This country defines us wherever we go. It is in our dna and deserves our total loyalty and patriotism. It is our God given land which we must always cherish and protect. That is why our forefathers and mothers fought for the Independence of our God given land.

13. Zambia is our home and our birthright. It does not only sustain us and shape us but also connects us with the rest of the world and humanity. We have a lot to be proud of. Our country is a beacon of peace on the continent. We are a hospitable people and we have a rich and diverse cultural heritage. We are blessed with a beautiful and unique environment and climate.

14. Let us take pride in our country and our flag. Let us love and nurture this beautiful country God has given us.

Countrymen and women:
15. Our Independence anniversary is not only a celebration but also a reminder of our responsibility to manage our own affairs. As citizens of this country, within and abroad, it is our responsibility and duty to love this country, to develop this country and to speak well of this country. We are the best ambassadors this country can ever have.

16. Responsibility demands that we should at all times endeavour to achieve the best for our country. Let us, therefore, pursue excellence in all that we do, whether big or small. Let us make this country a better place for everyone, today and in the future.

Countrymen and women:
17. In our quest to develop this great nation, we as citizens, must drive this development agenda. We must make deliberate efforts to work together as a people. We must have unity of purpose in pursuing our common goals.

18. In addition, our generation has the duty to achieve sustainable development and prosperity for our people. In this regard, we must broaden our understanding and appreciation of climate change. We must adapt to climate change. We must mitigate the negative effects of climate change.

Countrymen and women:
19. The responsibility to make Zambia a better place for all is for everyone. Those that grow food and feed the nation. Those that drive the earth moving equipment so that we have productive mines and good roads. Those that shape the minds and the future of children in our learning institutions. Our mothers nurturing our children to become responsible citizens. Our young citizens working in different fields to add value and contribute to the development of our country.

20. Every one counts, every effort counts, we all count. We must promote our unique national identity and image that makes Zambia stand out as a wonderful place to live, work, visit and invest in.

21. As we continue reflecting on our Independence, let us use this day as another opportunity to renew our commitment to our national values and principles. These include morality, integrity, patriotism, national unity and sustainable development. The renewal of our commitment will contribute towards building a strong, united and upright nation.

Countrymen and women:
22. As I conclude, let me reiterate the importance of this day to current and future generations. This day should inspire us to build a nation of solidarity, inclusivity, social justice and equity. We are our brothers keeper. We are our sisters keeper. We are the stewards of our environment. We must always rise above our challenges and inspire hope.

23. Let us develop and nurture creativity, innovation, critical thinking and patriotism in our children. Our children need our kindness, sensitivity and moral uprightness for a prosperous, Zambia. Let us continue to be good and caring neighbours, productive workers, responsible parents and upright citizens.

Countrymen and women:
24. As we celebrate this very special day tomorrow, let us do so in an orderly, peaceful and responsible manner. Let us forget about our differences and honour our country and those who gave us this freedom.

25. I wish you all a happy and blessed Independence day.

26. May God bless us all and bless our beloved country, Zambia.

27. Goodnight.


  1. “Let us take pride in our country ” Mmhhh, Lungu I don’t think YOU should say that having ruined Zambia on many fronts.

    • You will never impress or speak to the hearts of the little devils from the tribadistic sabotageus arsonistic regional grouping of goons.
      But thank you CICOTAFS and POTROZ, ECL, we the elite and smart people of the Zambian Enterprise take cognizant of the effort our forefathers put in this thing and the faith they bestowed on us that we would not slide it in tatters and disarray like the bitter goons from the regional grouping would like.
      We shall continually chant ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION as we continue guarding its peace with huge vigor.

    • Good english and phrasing in president Lungu’s statement except for the shameless lies. This man is a no calibre president with no results but destruction: for every borrowed dollar, 63 cents are stollen. Any honest average person can do better.

      Lungu must be good socially though and that’s all.

    • The only good thing about this year’s independence is the Friday holiday. Thursday to Sunday, that’s all week of no PF stealing. But 4 flicking days of making those PF ministers drunk like monkeys on Amarula. So much government money was saved from those subotages this week.

    • Happy birthday Zambia! Animo Farm is HAJealous HAGAIN! Thank God he will NEVER be in that position because HAZALUZA HAGIAN. No matter how much CHARMAINE, MUTINTA and their group sacrifice it will not work because Zambia is for JESUS!

    • Useless and disgusting, actually Zambians are sleeping. We should behave like in Lebanon enough is enough, let’s kick out ZESCO MD, and Lusaka Water CEO, those are cadres who are lazy, stealing with no Strategy to end our misery. 55 years with Load shading, No water, High cost of living, Fuel at K14?? Lord, who did we offend to give us such evil leaders?

    • @ Doc
      “…of what he has done for his life?”
      Please, tell us positive things he has done for his life and also, positive things he has done to justify his benefits paid by tax-payers.

    • No he has not achieved 2percent of stolen funds or ever stolen client money like lungu. However , in terms of genuinely earned money and achievement am pretty sure even myself i have surpursed that drug dealer lungu

    • Useless as they come, chimbwi no plan, show all over his face, the chap is dull like these old scrap his wife brought all the way from America… this moron is the worst president the earth has ever seen… Jona Meno Meno…scatter teeth

    • But ….I wonder, …….what is wrong with retards anyway? Respect for ALL of God’s children is what UPND will never deliver.

      Show us your true colours!

  2. What are you clowns celebrating when after 55 years you are being colonised by china due to the greed of your fellow Zambia leaders. We in upnd are mourning and not celebrating. My whlte wlfe always gives me a special treat in bed during Independence Day. If you know you know. I would rather celebrate her nice body

  3. To those wondering why I always talk about my whlte wlfe, know that you would also do the same if your wlfe was A PAWG like mine. Search for PAWG for those of you who are clueless.

  4. These speech mean nothing. They are very empty and they do not give hope to the youth. The Kaunda and UNIP regime fought for political emancipation, MMD fought for economical freedom, PF should have been fighting for technological freedom. Alas! we have dununared to the 60s.

  5. If you ask Aunty Success, she will tell you how shameful this talk is! You are celebrating 55years and you are broke! Being broke ends at 24years. If you are older than 24 and you are still broke, it means you are a poor country! If you add your high level of indebtedness more than your GDP, you are not just a HIPC but a bankrupt nation! Mwabombeni batata ba Chagwa for crash landing Zed! What freedoms is our man talking about when we still have the colonial POA which is being applied worse than colonialists! The POA is supposed to end at independence! In short, Zambia is not yet independent! It was recolonized by black oppressors we call politicians! Yesterday, we were blessed with load shedding of 20 hours like our friends in Zim! It seems we have arrived in Zim! Well done!

  6. Those words only flatter the undecerning people. Otherwise none of what you said sir makes sense considering how your administration has taken this country backwards. 55 years has gone by since the founding fathers fault for this country surely the honour they deserve was to see Zambia prosper and ever developing in unison. Their blood cries out now to see what Zambia has become, a country divided, a country crippled by debt, a country that makes corruption, violence, and theft thrive, a country that takes pride in murdering opponents. The lesson for us today is to consider what kind of Zambia we want our children brought up in and align action and thought to secure a much better Zambia for future generations. Children learn from what they see us do and say. God forbid they become worse…

  7. Continued: worse savages than we are, let’s show them a better way by teaching them good morals, by teaching them good values, by teaching them respect and showing them how to be good Patriots of this country because they will be the leaders of tomorrow.

  8. PF has not achieved any of its manifesto 90 days promises of more money in your pockets, less taxes, cheaper food, more jobs etc etc. Somehow this government does not mention those promises, have they forgotten? Or more likely they know that they have failed miserably. Biggest success that PF has scored is massive corruption, cadrisation of institutions, massive debt mountain.

  9. You have ruined Zambia lungu….

    Zambias democracy used to be the enviy of the region, now your caders are killing..

    Zambia had $3 billion reserves , you have finished that…

    Zambia had 7.5 % GDP growth, you have ruined thst….

    Zambia had a manageable $2 billion debt and was still building roads under RB , you now take us to $17 billion debt

    Zambias unemployment is unsustainable under you…

    Zambia had reserve forests for future generations , lungu you have vandalised and looted the forests which are no more.

    Corruption and tribalisim has increased exponentially with you…….

    God help Zambia.



    We are most thankful to God Almighty for His favour upon this beautiful land of Zambia. Sparkling in the sun like the rarest Jewel of Africa; that it is!

    One Zambia, One Nation(we own the very soil including that in NW, Western and the other one.. provinces HH thinks he ownes…)!!!!


  11. The biggest problem facing Zambia’s leaders is a lack of capacity to admit mistakes. All the time and everything they do contains a blue and deception is directed at elections, and of course their pockets. That is the reason why their prayers on National day of prayer are never answered positively by God, He ensures that they continue failing. There is nothing that they do honestly and transparently, there is a lie and deceit in every statemeny that they issue. How will God bless them in 2021?
    And trible HH is not spared, look at his claim that America wants to introduce sanctions, just yesterday American officials were pledging to support Zambia in her search for an IMF package.
    For me the IMF package us crucial not for the $1,3bn but for the conditions that will make the shameful…

  12. The biggest problem facing Zambia’s leaders is a lack of capacity to admit mistakes. All the time and everything they do contains dece.ption directed at elections, and of course their pockets. That is the reason why their prayers on National day of prayer are never answered positively by God, He ensures that they continue There is nothing that they do hon.estly and transpa.rently, there is a li.e and dec.eit in every statement that they issue. How will God bless them in 2021?
    And trible HH is not spared, look at his claim that America wants to introduce sanctions, just yesterday American officials were pledging to support Zambia in her search for an IMF package.
    For me the IMF package is crucial not for the $1,3bn but for the conditions that will make the sham.eful corr…

  13. The biggest problem facing Zambia’s lead.ers is a lack of capacity to admit mistakes. All the time and everything they do contains dece.ption directed at elections, and of course their po.ckets. That is the reason why their prayers on National day of prayer are never answered positively by God, He ensures that they continue There is nothing that they do hon.estly and transpa.rently, there is a li.e and dec.eit in every statement that they issue. How will God bless them in 2021?

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