Thursday, March 13, 2025

UN launches Zambia drought response to assist 2.3 million people


Government through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has started airlifting relief Maize to Luano Valley in a bid to mitigate the hunger situation in the area. In the picture, residents getting maize from the ZAF chopper
File: Government through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU)
has started airlifting relief Maize to Luano Valley in a bid to
mitigate the hunger situation in the area. In the picture, residents
getting maize from the ZAF chopper

The United Nations and international NGOs have launched a seven-month immediate humanitarian assistance in Zambia.

The UN is seeking US$89.5 million to provide immediate food assistance and early recovery support for 2.3 million people for seven months.
It says the main portion of this plan is for food assistance.

The Humanitarian Response Plan complements the Government’s own Recovery Action Plan, which aims to provide life-saving and early recovery support to 2.3 million people in need over the next 12 months.

The Government has mobilized $36.7 million for food security, nutrition, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, protection and education services against their own plan, but has requested the support of international partners to fill the funding gap.

In support of the Government-led response in Zambia, the UN and humanitarian partners have launched a seven-month Humanitarian Response Plan to address rising humanitarian needs triggered by the poorest rainfall season since 1981 in the southern part of the country, which has sharply reduced cereal crop production.

The decrease in maize production was so severe that the country, normally a net cereal exporter, put a ban on maize exports.

A range of livestock diseases has compounded the crisis.

The decrease in maize production was so severe that the country, normally a net cereal exporter, put a ban on maize exports.

More than 2.4 million people of the total population of some 17 million are expected to be severely food insecure during the lean season from this October to March 2020, with at least 430,000 people in emergency levels.

Acute malnutrition, which leads to wasting in children, stands at nearly 6 per cent across the nine provinces of Zambia.


    • Let’s hear response from PF’s new chief idyot Malama say that –
      – UN has declared hunger in Zambia.
      – UN is politicising hunger in Zambia.
      – UN support homosexuality.
      – UN are freemansons
      – UN privitised Zambian companies.
      – UN support tribalism.
      – UN are UPND.

    • There’s unanimity among all contributers. I hv no comment except to give all contributions the thumbs-up. Wht do DCs do in Zambia? Wht reporting do they do to central govt?

  1. This government is not serious but in the first place why it was saying there’s no hunger in the country and now they need assistance they said there is no hunger in Zambia.

  2. HH told you PF ‘doubting Thomas’ that Zambians were going hungry due to drought but you chose not to listen.

  3. What a shame! …
    I would resign if i was at Plot1. If not then i would start with the following:
    1. Contribute my salary to the affected for the whole year
    2. Close down all churches only leaving a few per district (maybe 10 per district.) Poor ignorant people are being massively exploited even in such harsh times by a few individuals
    3. Ensure that harsh austerity measures for the blotted government are implemented. This includes closing down useless ministries such religious ministry while combining other and cutting down all ministers and mps allowance by 3/4, No more unnecessary presidential trips both local and foreign.
    The list is endless but its a start.
    Am Gbouy, the real Gbros.

  4. Chanda Kabwe doesn’t think so. In PF everything is politics to outdo Hichilema. The country isn’t in sane hands, beware of lunatics in charge

  5. Somethings that excite anti PF cadres are shocking. Government was clear make contributions to avert hunger. PF refused to declare hunger a state of emergency. It looks like the anti PF are annoyed that donor funding is going to flow in without HH’s idea of state of emergency.

  6. HH did the right thing to declare hunger a national disaster. Now people without food can have hope. I know PF can never admit anything good HH does. In your hearts, accept that HH has saved millions of lives.

  7. The Government did not dispute that there is no hunger imwe mwensoka mufyani… They said the hunger levels has not reached a national emergency. The govt said they have put in place mechanisms to mitigate the effects of the hunger in waste affected communities. We do not need an emergency declaration for you to give and the UN has come forward even without the declaration. What emergency declaration means is that you channel resources from other needy areas like education towards eating. It never reached that stage. In emergency situations, resources are prone for abuse and the Country could slide into a recession and that is what HH wanted. We know his basic economics from in a ruins.

    • Ke
      you sound proud that this mess was not declared an emergency and yet the whole country is beyond emergency care. Shame on you too!

      Am Gbouy, the real Gbros.

    • Fimafontini fi supporter fya kwa triple h. They don’t think before they criticise. All they want is praise the foolish privatisation thief.

  8. Disappointingly irresponsible government has led to this. Meanwhile, there are maize stocks and other food stuff in Zambia.

    How about if the government resigned and called for early General Elections?

  9. So what? the climate change is a natural thing read the Bible you will find answers to all these problems. Time is near only God has got the solution to this, even if you brought in someone else to lead this country, the fact is that problems will never end till Jesus comes. God always feels sorry for us and laughs at us, because we never appreciate, when it is rain season we do complain, Hot season and cold season same. God should forgive us. The government can do what it can, still it will be blamed, all the past governments none of them where appreciated. In the same way with Jesus they hated him and lead Him to the cross none of the followers could take time to appreaciate Him until He was nailed to the cross. He was remembered for His good deeds when He was risen from the dead.

  10. So you begged for $36.7 mil., which you did not have and you say the shortfall is 89.5 mil. Where in the world does that make sense. Zambia is not Zimbabwe; it uses Kwacha for currency. The govt never had any money to deal with the situation. A shortfall would have been $1 or $2 mil. Who is politicising situations here?

  11. The UN has responded to international news agencies, knowing ZNBC broadcasts what pleases the government. I’ve wondered what the government would gain by killing its own people. Am from northern Zambia and is aware Southerners are sharing 12.5 KGS among 5 families according to credible independent local stations… its troublesome

  12. Fimafontini fi supporter fya kwa triple h. They don’t think before they criticise. All they want is praise the foolish privatisation thief.

  13. The government was ‘politically embarrased’ to admit that they had not put in place mitigating strategies for the looming hunger. HH had warned about the climate change effects on food security many months before. That is why when things came to pass and HH called for an official declaration to enable international assistance, this was a further ‘slap’ in the PF governments face and they wouldn’t admit to there being anything wrong – clearly playing with peoples lives to try and avoid political shame if they agreed with HH or did what he called for. That is the gist of the PF govt. governance

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