Minister of Transport and Communications Mutotwe Kafwaya has called for an enhanced approach towards exploring new innovations aimed at accelerating digital transformation in the country.
Mr. Kafwaya said there is need for the country to strengthen the invention and use of ICTs in the transformational agenda of technological advancements.
He added that the transformation of the ICT sector will help meet the country’s development aspirations to be a middle income country by 2030.
Mr. Kafwaya said that government recognizes the role the ICT plays in the transformation of the country’s economic sector.
The Minister said government remains resolute to improving the communication sector through initiating programs such as the ongoing policy review in the postal sector.
He highlighted the construction of communication towers and the connecting of districts to high fiber networks as some of the initiatives government is spearheading in the communication sector.
“As we continue to advocate for accelerated digital transformation, it is important that we pay close attention to managing the risks associated with increased uptake and usage of ICTs. Cyber related risks and crimes represents a grave, immediate and growing threat to the benefits associated with digital transformation. I am hopeful that this summit will propose some practical steps that we could all consider in managing this threat without hindering the growth of the sector” the Minister noted in a speech read on his behalf by Director Communications YESE BWALYA in the Ministry of Transport and Communications during the inaugural Zambia Digital Summit held at Mulungushi Conference Centre in Lusaka.
And StimuliPr Group CEO David Kombe hightlighted there was a need to embrace digital transformation by putting in place deliberate policies that will help expand the the growth of the digital era.
Mr.Kombe observed that the failure to adopt to new innovations render most organizations to be uncompetitive at both local and global level.
“The magnitude and pace of change in digital innovations means that those that are slow or are poor in the adoptions of current innovations risk adverse effects on their industries, governments and nations. The failure to adopt to new innovations render most organizations to be uncompetitive at both local and global level. At individual level digital innovations have disrupted the way people live, work and play.
Buyer behavior has drastically changed, and companies have to constantly find new ways of not only selling goods and products but new ways of engaging and communicating to customers and general public. As a country we can’t not remain behind and let the world pass us by. We need to move with the times” Kombe said.
Speaking at the same event, Zambia Information and Technology Authority Director General Patrick Mutumushi has observed the need to broaden skills of experts in the digital world if the digital transformation agenda is to be met.
Mr. Mutumushi said government should strive to ensure that youths are equipped with technological knowledge while at a tender age by providing digital tools in schools, as the importance of ICT’s could not be overemphasized. “I am hopeful that the deliberations at this summit will not only be beneficial to participants but also for our country to enhance it’s digital transformation strategy as spelt out in the National ICT Policy.”
The ZICTA Director also called for stakeholder involvement in the fight against cyber-crime which he described as a threat to the digital transformation agenda.
Meanwhile, Summit Chairperson Ceaser Siwale noted the need for the country to be more proactive in the implementation of the digital world.
Mr. Siwale said Zambia’s future lies in embracing digital technology and exploring its potential to advance the country’s national goals.
The inaugural Zambia 2019 Digital Summit is a two day event being held under the theme “Accelerating Digital Transformation.”
Source: BY ANDREW-KNOX B. KANIKI Freelance Digital Media and ICT Consultant

big headline but the story does not tell us HOW the transformation of the ICT sector will help meet Zambia’s development aspirations
“He highlighted the construction of communication towers and the connecting of districts to high-fiber networks as some of the initiatives government is spearheading in the communication sector.”
“I am hopeful that this summit will propose some practical steps that we could all consider in managing this threat without hindering the growth of the sector” – The Minister said
The summit highlighted everything from thought to process on Zambia’s technological growth, which was good to see from the 20 plus strong industry players, law enforcers and policy makers, not forgeting the critics and end users
With 15 hours load-shedding? That’s a full day with no electricity you can not transform anything under those conditions.
True tip top, you can’t use charcoal or even solar you haven’t developed much. Than there is the laughable aspect of turning the country into a middle class with astronomical unemployment.
Theory is free and thats the hiding place for most of our leaders. Whats practical bane lets get started.