Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF Lusaka Province Chair says Lawlessness in Markets & Bus Stations will not be tolerated


Lusaka Province Patriotic Front Youth Chairperson Daniel Kalembe says PF remains a pro-poor party and its leadership in the province will not tolerate lawlessness in Markets and Bus stations.

And Chairman Kalembe says it is criminal behavior for any individual to usurp the mandate of the local authority by way of collecting revenue on behalf of the government.

In a statement made available to the media, today, Chairman Kalembe has warned that the law will deal with individuals masquerading as PF officials and causing anarchy in markets.

“The only Institution mandated to collect revenue in markets and Bus stations is the Local Authority. And as directed by His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, we will not tolerate anarchy in markets and Bus stations by individuals masquerading to be PF. We are aware that there are individuals whose agenda is to damage the name of PF by harassing bus drivers and marketeers to the extent of collecting money from them. That is lawlessness and we will NOT tolerate it,” said the Provincial Youth Boss.


  1. Long overdue. It had to take brave bus drivers to make you do a job you should have done ages ago because you too are a beneficiary of the extortion. People are now realizing the power they posed and you the PF won’t get away with wrong doing anymore. When people say enough surely it’s enough. People have suffered and now every person who will be found trying to extort money on any road anywhere in this country will face the wrath of a angry people. Kudos to the galant men who stood up to these PF thugs. The symbol for PF (pamaka) has been used by thugs to muscle their way into forcing their will and getting money from hardworking people. PF has never been a pro poor party, it was just a poor party wanting to get rich through laziness and extortion.

    • How is Lusambo going to survive without such daily cash?
      Who can clean up Lusaka if Lusambo has failed?
      Try Sardy Mwale as PS for Lusaka Province.

    • Just wait for a day or 2 and we will be told that it is HH getting money from markets and bus stations.

      Wait for Makebi and Tutwa to comment, HH will be at the centre of this.

  2. Next we will be told it’s NOT P.F Thugs harassing, & extorting cash from you, it’s H.H, & his free “Mansions”, the P.F goons don’t even know the difference between Mansions & Masons.
    TAYALI & Monday will agree, as each time they agree with nonsense, taxpayers cash is offloaded from the treasury into their parasitic pockets, whilst Maamba Collieries is not paid, & there’s unprecedented loadshedding.
    Only in J0n@’s Drunken Corrupt Zambia!

  3. Actualization of this pronouncement already wins the one who does it 50% of the votes come 2021. These cadres have reigned supreme for a long time to the detriment of revenue collection by the Local Authorities. If the ruling party fails in this quest the opposition stands to lure voters by using this line – returning the public utilities to the Local Authorities by removing all party structures and allowing all Zambians to enjoy these facilities without fear of harassment regardless of their political affiliations. The traveling public and farmers have suffered under the hands of these uncouth cadres

    • It matters not who rules after 2021 as long as people enjoy their freedom and rights. What we don’t want is these caders earning income through extortion because that is a crime which has been tolerated by this government. Sanity must be brought to public places. Those stations were not built by relatives to the PF thugs for them surp power and control over them, neither are the bus stations and other public places personal properties of the PF or it thugs that people should be mistreated in such a manner as they have been. Next time people see someone trying to stand above them and rob them their rights and privileges as zambians they should beat such a one to teach him a lesson that we the people cannot be messed with anymore.

  4. That is a wise development to the party in Leadership, it has been a long overdue as the voters have been waiting such a good gasture.

  5. and whats amazing is everyone seems to forget that it was the UPND that initiated this freedom fight and you can never see a pf cadre appreciate what the opposition has done for these men and women

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