Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Davies Mwila orders MPS to stop debate on PF’s 2020 Convention


The Patriotic Front Secretary General Hon. Davies Mwila
The Patriotic Front Secretary General Hon. Davies Mwila says he will not allow any political party carder to collect money in markets and bus stations.

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has directed Members of Parliament to stop the convention Debate as it is unnecessary and uncalled for.

Mr Mwila has clarified that the only body competent of calling for the Convention in line with the Party Constitution is the Central Committee.

He has further stated that the Party made a resolution to enforce the Markets and Bus Stations Act of 2007.

Mr Mwila further warned that no political Party cadre belonging to any political party, whether ruling or Opposition, should engage themselves in collecting of monies in bus stations and markets as that was the preserve of the local authorities.

A caucus of Members of Parliament from the ruling Patriotic Front on the Copperbelt last week requested the party through the office of the Secretary-General not to go for a convention in 2020.

The Parliamentarians said going for a National Convention to choose the Party’s Presidential candidate ahead of the 2021 General Elections will not be necessary because there is already a consensus on President Edgar Lungu.


  1. This democracy talk is only on the lips in Zed. All political parties don’t elect people in party positions except have one person appoint his preference. Others have never been to a convention since taking over from a dead founder more than 20 years ago. And yet they tell their tribal followers that they want to bring democracy. This thing starting in PF will result in a split come 2027 when a new president HAS to take over. Zambian politicians don’t want elections, they want to be in positions for life. There is Nevers Mumba, the courts have declared him wamuyaya. That’s Zed

    • Ba Davies nabena amano … Just be specific that “Tutwa need shut-the-fucvk up”.
      And should fire Stardy Mwale for bringing Ba Edgar’s family into his theft scandles.

    • We know the President has done a remarkable job. A saying says, “He who does not give appreciation is a child of a witch!” I have no doubt the saying is true. He is the best man to beat a CHILD.

    • Let them debate. They have seen that our man is weak and incompetent. There are a few individuals in PF that would do a far better job. Give chance, since you claim to be a democratic party. Why do you want censor them?

  2. Only after seeing the public outcry at being extorted by PF thugs , does this chief thug say only councils cal collect monies

    Is this not the same thug , mwila who called on PF holligans and thugs to steal council plots and take over public spaces ?????

    It is him, he is on video,

  3. Don’t forget,

    It was HH who instructed lungu to remove his thugs from markets and bus stops

    Always a step ahead of PF

  4. PF lack the capacity to think or govern l don’t know why they still want to cling onto power with their supreme leader just hand over power for the sake of many suffering Zambians. Hunger, no power, unemployment, lawlessness and high corruption we tried pf hearing how much these guys are stealing

    • China, to be honest with you, there is no capable leader who can resurrect this country at the moment, unless God sends one directly from heaven! i used to think HH was our savior but alas!!!

    The daily scandals are coming in THICK & FAST!
    Ba Stardy Mwale uku bavuta kuba, as the ubomba mwibala manifesto is now in overdrive.
    B.R. Mumb@ P.F cadre ni Let’s Roll chabe’.

  6. Criminals you are deceiving the President bwana mwila, let Democracy prevail in the party, you mwila you know that you can’t be president so you want to deprive those with ambition so that you continue moving about with that cannula you used to trek with. You are very dull Mwila.

  7. Ba Paya farmer bafikala are not sleeping they thought 2021 was a millennium away, now time is tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok…The hour has come!!!! Bafikala maso yenu tamwaitambe bwino…..

  8. The attacking on government is not a solution to national development, it is our duty as citizens to work hard and contribute to the efforts made by the government. God created you to be a fighter therefore, the need to be focused and think big and become a boss of yourself.

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