Tuesday, October 8, 2024

ZESCO advised to abide by its laid down timetable in power outages


ZESCO employees during Youth Day Celebrations
ZESCO employees during Youth Day Celebrations

Residents of Luwingu district have appealed to Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) to follow the laid down time table for power outages instead of doing it up-hazard.

Most of the concerned residents said they were concerned with the manner ZESCO in the area is implementing load shading in Luwingu contrary to the laid down timetable released for November 2019.

They collectively lamented that ZESCO is not providing electricity during the day when they are expected to be productive thereby contribute to national development.

“We expect ZESCO to do things professionally and not up-hazardly by switching on and off without following the timetable they have released to the public, it is not only annoying but also very frustrating if they do not know,” they said.

And some civil servants have appealed to the government, through the office of the permanent secretary, to consider providing generators to various department to power their offices in order to effectively run the government operations.

They said many are the times when they expect electricity but are denied access to the commodity a situation which is highly affecting the government operations at the district level.

Meanwhile, the residents complained that electricity provided at night is meaningless because people are done with day to day activities.

Following the poor rainfall pattern last rainy season due to climate change which has seen low water levels on most sources of electricity generation, the utility firm recently issued a countrywide timetable for power outages which are in the range of four to fifteen hours or more in most parts of the country.

Government recently announced that it will soon start importing power from ESKOM at a cost of $13.5 million.

Energy Minister, Mathew Nkhuwa further disclosed that with the inclusion of transmission charges the cost will go up to $21 million.

Mr Nkhuwa said that the importation of power from ESKOM will cushion and reduce on load shedding hours from at least eight to six hours.

He said government will continue engaging various counterparts to address the power deficit affecting the countr


  1. If the chief embezzlement officer (CEO) of Zed arrives 2 hours late for press conference, he is setting a precedent for how citizens are supposed to be treated. Yes, like *****s, fools.

    ZESCO likewise has been disrespecting us ever since they started making so called timetables.

    Days are numbered for both.

    • Meanwhile, in some places like Rhodespark in Lusaka electricity only goes from midnight to 06:00. They have malaiti throughout the day… I guess some people are more important than others.

      By the way, the chief justice lives there.

    • Zesco stop doing it up hazard! You are confusing the nation. Try doing it haphazardly and it might help us to spellcheck.

  2. The minister is very economic with the truth. Load shedding is at least 15 hours not 8 hours. ZESCO is deliberately targeting daytime load shedding for maximum effect because electricity consumption at night is low anyway and in other countries night tariffs are even cheaper for the same reason of low consumption.

  3. Comment:Zesco has never brought power during the day in chikola -chingola.its always 23hrs ro05hrs.but how possible do we use this power.Anyway Of has dug its own grave come 2021.we shall see wins azalila

  4. Let’s sell the Zambia Air Force plane and invest in Solar plants if our “Able Leadership” is able to stretch his long legs in a challeger plane.

  5. Chill Luwingu residents! This is just dyonko of Donchi Kubeba! PF is constipated now with lies! They can’t just say we have reached Rock bottom at Kariba! November is the month Kariba shuts down!! Don’t listen to ZESCO to avoid high BP! You know that at the moment ZESCO is PF and PF is ZESCO with some noisy Real Ghost workers on ZESCO payroll! Asking the dead to do right is rather a chase after the wind! Even the Bible says The dead know nothing!

  6. Chill Luwingu residents! This is just dyonko of Donchi Kubeba! PF is constipated now with lies! They can’t just say we have reached Rock bottom at Kariba! November is the month Kariba shuts down!! Don’t listen to ZESCO to avoid high BP! You know that at the moment ZESCO is PF and PF is ZESCO with some noisy Real Ghost workers on ZESCO payroll! Asking the dead to do right is rather a chase after the wind! Even the Bible says The dead know nothing!!!

  7. For us its been 18-19 hours of loadshedding in Libala South Waterworks area for the past 4 days. Went to complain yesterday at Kabwata and was fed some bull story about load on the machine we are connected to when our neighbors have power all day. These people think we are stupid. Your downfall is eminent.

  8. This is very serious issue Cause to be honest people are really suffering .This so called load shedding is affecting people’s financially, come to think of it in my area power cuts around 05and it gets restored around 24hrs which is not good,why don’t there thing of people who are running Barbar shops,salons, welding,those running photocopying shoes and so on . How do you think they are surviving? Some gain something from the same businesses they do, before doing something let us learn to thing about some people,in some areas power doesn’t cut if it does then it’s only for a few minutes now the question is do those people have there own zesco or what coz it doesn’t really make sense,or Maybe some people are not important enough to be satsified at least zesco should reduce the hours…

  9. We should always work as a team by doing so our country will develop, Zambia belongs to all of us therefore, let us speak good things about Zambia, let us thing thick out side the box, create ideas which can help the investors come o body. Let us appreciate in the way government is responding to climate change and to the loadshedding and other economic challeges the country is facing.

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