Muvi Television Owner Steven Nyirenda is the new opposition National Restoration Party Leader.
This was after the other candidate Maybin Kabwe withdrew his candidature for the role of Presidency at today’s NAREP extraordinary convention.
Mr. Nyirenda takes over from Founder and first NAREP Leader Elias Chipimo Jnr, who stepped down a few months ago.
In his inauguration speech, Mr Nyirenda said he will not allow Zambia to be governed by a foreigner.
He has promised to amplify the values of the NAREP in order to grow the party.
Mr. Nyirenda added that the Patriotic Front administration has no vision to propel Zambia’s development in all sectors of economy.
He said he has a plan that can sort out the current electricity rationing within eights months.
Mr Nyirenda boasted that NAREP will form the next government in 2021.
So, you win an “election” and the first thing you say is that Zambia will not be governed by a foreigner. Not the best of inaugural speeches. Lungu is not my friend but he is a Zambian just like Simon Zukas, Dipak Patel, Andrew Sardanis, Dante Saunders, Miller, mikishi dancers, nyau dancers, and other Zambians. Attack Lungu on governance and the economy. Not nationality
I can’t wait for Prime TV owner to take over UPNDEAD mwe.
These tuma journalists are bad news. In their midfaces even as they make noise on their tuma private stations all they dream about is politics and politicking.
So he has a plan to end loadshedding in 8 months? I hope he is not a foreigner and a homos3x.
What an indecent entry into politics.
We should have our Heritage Party convention too, I don’t want to be accused if a coup.
UPND and PF need go to convention too.
As usual, Edgar will close Muvi TV next week using ZRA.
Congratulations Nyerenda.
If the picture is current, what is Steve still doing with Lesa Kasoma? As far as I know the two parted company long ago after many acrimonious episodes. Steve almost closed down Komboni Radio which Lesa believes is her personal project!
Lesa we must meet again for a beer …
I think Zambia would beat Algeria 5-0 under NAREP
I am also starting a political party, I am told you they get $100,000 from the EU if they successful file nominations for at least 10 MPs.
Go and woo US investors also. I hear there is even more mula that side premised on conditions that you win elections, for more information, contact h².
Hope Nyirenda is not on the lineup of bitter stooges in Zambia.
Because Zambia has many bitter fools who thinks that they are politicians but they are motivated by bitterness and hatred.
Isnt this dude married to a foreigner?
He is a foreigner himself, from Malabi
his foreign wife left him so he is allegic to foreigners and his kids are foreigners too.
This is the death of Muvi TV. Everything it reports will have political connotations to prop up NAREP.
@Ntwenu ,just my thought also. Its not easy to be a journalist and a politician at the same time.Even if you report factually,they will say you are just politicking.
Why not Prime TV is doing the same to a named party of the dead.
I am waiting for either Costa or Mutubila.
Zambians let us not critisize but work, it is through hard work that we develop. The issue of voting and changing government should be the last thought, governments have come and gone but we are still complaining day by day…. This is the time to change our mindset as Zambians, today we can change the goevrnment the next day will start blaming etc; The chinese are able to lend other countries money because they don’t focus on the compaign they focus on the development, planning etc they over populated we can imagine it was here it was going to be more noise than this more hate then this… they don’t go for election every after five years they have realised that elections waste alot of money which can go torwards national development.
Kkkkkkkkk.Parte after Parte after Parte!!!
This chap made so much money out RB in 2011. Which Foreigner has ever ruled Zambia? The level of political lunacy in this country is overwhelming.
The man is not just a serious businessman. He has just failed to ran MuvTv and noticed that the only alternative is simply to go into politics
Leave him alone
Yes Peter njobvu remind all these xenophobes that they are actually all of them foreigners. All Zambians came from somewhere else.
Don’t they have any other card to play except the foreigner card? How bankrupt of ideas! Are these the people vying for office in motherland?
Ok, so this man who let a foreigner rule his bedroom, in his inaugural speech and covered in flour, no less, looking quite pathetic, goes on to give the most uninspiring words about foreigners. Chipimo probably just shook his head. PF will scoff at this man.
Zambia surely has a serious deficiency of leaders.