Thursday, July 4, 2024

Continue worshiping and trusting God-President Lungu


His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu inspects the Chipata-Vubwi road in Vubwi on Saturday, November 16, 2019

President Edgar Lungu has urged Christians to continue worshiping and trusting God in everything.

President Lungu says when the nation continues to pray and to trust God fully, all the challenges that are being faced will pass.

The President says he is aware that others worship God on Saturday but what is important is that Christians must continue to pray at all times as God is important in everyone’s life.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said this in Katete this morning when he attended a Church service at Reformed Church in Zambia, Katete Boma Congregation.

And President Lungu who read Scripture from Psalm 117, stated that he will continue to worship God as he knew Him even before he became President.

He noted that there are Zambians who are unwise and think there is no God but advised that such people should be ignored and left alone.

Meanwhile, Reformed Church in Zambia, Katete Boma Congregation Reverend in Charge, Lupiya Phiri, has called on all christians and the public at large to be part of addressing challenges faced in the society.

Rev Phiri said it is not enough only to identify a problem or challenge and start apportioning blame on other people.

He said people must learn to make themselves valuable in society and the nation at large by taking part in addressing identified problems.

The Reverend also advised the nation against blaming the Head of State and government for the challenges the country is experiencing.

Rev Phiri said President Lungu is the leader of the nation but that God is the one in charge of nature.

The theme for the Church Service was “Being a Solution as you Provide Service”.


    • Lungu is serious about developing Eastern province….wako ni wako….neglecting Southern Province which has more potential….what more can I say….anyway Lungu wants Zambians to have a better life in heaven….???? Whilst he is globetrotting in a private Jet

  1. Its not just praying but how we can
    Better the lives of majority
    Of Zambians . Lets
    See the cabinet what they had before coming to power and after.
    Lets give back what we have dubiously accumulated. Majority
    Of Zambians are struggling.

  2. After stealing from them someone is now telling them to pray. What a hypocrite! Bring back all what you have stolen and we will believe you. Jail is waiting baba.

  3. Imagine you go to a car mechanic who says he is a fellow Christian. You hire him to change the brakes on your car but find out he lied to you—he never replaced the faulty brakes with new ones. You later find out he does this all the time, and that he has a reputation for lying. Would you hire him to fix your car again? Would you trust the safety of your family to his work? What do we do when we hear a politician tell us they are a follower of Christ and yet they also repeatedly lie to us? Most of the time we just shrug. Politicians—even Christian politicians—are dishonest. Lying is part of their job, isn’t it? What are you going to do? The Bible is clear about what we should do. If someone claims to be a Christian then you hold them to the same standard you do all other Christians. You…

  4. You should do to the Christian politician who lies to you what you’d do to the mechanic who lied to you. You don’t use their services. You don’t support them. You don’t give them your trust!

  5. God has made his attitude about lying clear throughout the Bible. Here are but a few examples:

    Leviticus 19:11 — “‘Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.”

    Psalm 119:163 — “I hate and detest falsehood.”

    Proverbs 12:22 —“The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”

    Proverbs 13:5 — “The righteous hate what is false.”

    Colossians 3:9 — “Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.”

  6. Yip. God chose your leaders and thrust them onto you (oh, sorry – gifted them to you). Therefore if you disrespect your leaders you grossly disrespect God (and he will throw you all in brimstone and sulfur lakes – elo nivokupya vintu vija! Ninayendako neo!)… Anyway, on a serious note guys let’s just get serious and get stuff done, OK. God has enough work to do than worry about mismanagement. Awe mwe.

  7. God is amazing. It is ridiculous people in the PF and UPND plus MMD that are the problem. Work hard vote for honest people like president Miyanda. Not people like HH that sold our mines, or those that are always flying in the air from the PF.

    • In nearly fifteen billion years no supernatural event has ever occurred, NONE! Is your god lazy? unimaginative? inert? impotent? or just imaginary?

    • Oh Nzelu, there is a house in Kabulonga up for grabs! If you have evidence, the house is yours!
      Nawakwi was Finance Minister under Chiluba. Get to her and get evidence quickly before the deal is called off!

    • Bubela Bwatama 13.2 There is more than enough evidence of HH selling ZCCM for a song. Do not you blind loyalty cloud your judgement. Just like their is evidence for the cows Mazoka shifted while heading Zambia Railways. I am not like your PF adversaries that speak from without. kikikiki.

  8. Nzelu is just reciting lies his party have him believe even a child can tear his argument apart. His party is good at peddling lies that cannot be substantiated so good luck finding the evidence but it will be good for him to have a free because he will have nothing to show forth if deported from the U.S

  9. Lungu’s end will be very disastrous. I mean here is a man who has taken people’s Christian belief in prayer and using it to advance his own political ends. God is watching

  10. For example, you don’t have to believe you have two hands. You should KNOW you have Two hands! We can be different but United on what is good for the nation! Religious legislation through the state is TOXIC, DIVISIVE, promotes intolerance and derails progressive Public debate on many issues of national importance! This is why the wise founders of USA came up with the doctrine of Separation between Church and State to safeguard freedoms and avoid a recurrence of state-sponsored religious wars that plagued Europe during the dark ages! Unfortunately, we see in many nations including USA where this boundary between Church and State is getting eroded! Once that happens, the State enacts retrogressive laws either for the promotion or prohibition of religions which subsequently eroded Freedoms…

  11. or prohibition of religions which subsequently eroded Freedoms of Religions, intolerance and persecutions of minority citizens! Economies equally deteriorate because religion freezes the intellect and creativity does! Politicians are incompetent to deal with diverse religious issues and politicians are safer leaving these matters private! What politicians need to focus on is the ECONOMY! A rule of thumb is when you see politicians becoming too religious, they are either looking for an excuse for their failures or trying to create a smokescreen to hide their corruption!

  12. Zambia is a Plural society! We have 72 tribes each with their traditions and gods, the White man with Christianity and its many denominations that cannot agree on anything despite claiming to use one book, then you have Moslems with Islam, Indians with their Hinduism, Jews with their Judaism, the Chinese with Confucius, the Japanese with Shinto, then you have those who don’t believe in anything! Making Legislation in favor of one form of religion over others is thus tragic, discriminatory and retrogressive! Economies have collapsed because of embracing religious idle talk! Religious matters are personal and private matters! National discourse cannot be reduced to Faith because FAITH IS IRRATIONAL! National discourse is based on UNIVERSAL LOGIC!

  13. Zambians we are not serious with Health and Safety on construction sites going by that picture, its not a fashion statement everyone has to wear it

  14. Amen, Mr President, May God continue to Bless you, your family and your administration abundantly with good success and continue to save you from the mouth of the Dog and Lion.

  15. Hahahaha. What is this reverend saying now. Identify which problem? Problems like poverty, corruption, unemployment etc have always been there even before we were born they have just never been properly addressed by some governments and other governments have simply escalated these problems. 55 years on and we are still talking about poverty in this country surely this simply shows there is something wrong. The government for mr lungu is properly depicted in the cartoon animal farm, only a few are enjoying at the expense of the masses how sad indeed. Zambians no one will come to liberate you from these problems apart from yourselves through collective efforts. You did it before in the struggle for independence and you can do it again by electing responsible leaders who must account for…

  16. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. [7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

  17. This is unacceptable, the man is using religion as opium for the people.
    Zambians wake up as this man will grind us to a halt, in the end you will be asked to insult God as in the case of Job!

  18. Amen Mr. president, we won`t stop believing and trusting that things will get better soon. Jehovah`s hand is only apon those who trust and have faith in him. The bible says ; blessed are those who have faith in me.
    We will be waiting apon God`s favour and mercies. Its your own problem if you continue distrusting God

  19. Well said “The Reverend also advised the nation against blaming the Head of State and government for the challenges the country is experiencing.
    Rev Phiri said President Lungu is the leader of the nation but that God is the one in charge of nature.”

    Putting ideas together and finding solutions is what we are suppose to be doing now. Fellow Citizens Lets stop hating on each other despite our political affiliations.

  20. PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu is right- he will only know the Truth by interacting directly with Chiefs and people at the grassroots to avoid being fed with lies.

    While there is absolutely nothing wrong for him to rely on his ministers and reports from technocrats, there is equally nothing wrong for him to go on the ground and listen firsthand to cries of chiefs and their subjects. In that way no one will cheat or mislead him.In fact, by doing so, it helps compare the content with the reports he gets from the public officials and the reality on the Ground..

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