Monday, October 7, 2024

President Edgar Lungu describes working visit in Eastern Province as successful


His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu inspects the Chipata-Vubwi road in Vubwi on Saturday, November 16, 2019

President Edgar Lungu says his working visit to Eastern Province has been successful.

President Lungu says the visit has given him an opportunity to get firsthand information on the developmental projects that are being implemented within the districts he visited.

He has indicated that the information he has gathered and what he has seen concerning the projects will help him know what measures to undertake to expedite the projects especially those that have stalled.

The President has noted that executive reports he receives are usually summarized adding that he is happy that he took some time to visit and get first hand information on things that he was not even aware of.

Speaking to journalists before departure for Lusaka in Katete, President Lungu re-emphasized the need for party and government officials in the province to take up the responsibility to explain the various developmental projects that are taking place to made them appreciate what government is doing.

President Lungu has returned to lusaka from Chipata Eastern province were he had gone on a four day working visit.

The President plane touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport ZAF base at about 16:15hrs.

President Lungu was met on arrival by Vice president Ingonge Wina, service chiefs and other top government and party officials.

While in Eastern province president Lungu toured various developmental projects and meet various traditional leaders


  1. Last time I checked poverty loadshedding and all the other failures in Zambia were still there. So what success is this rat on about?

    • So even coming back from a trip to Katete means Inonge Wina and others must gather at KK international and do what exactly?
      Government resources and we the tax payer being taken for granted.

      And it appears clocking traveling and other allowances is the ONLY measure of the success of a trip. Very sad.

    • “If it had been HAZALUZAH HAGAIN as President, this would have been described as successful!” Defunct NECZAM INCOMPOS, a member of the HATRIBES UTD Football Club.

  2. Sir you need to rethink that development because it’s not stimulating the economic growth or improving quality of life. Going to electrify your village adds no economic value or building a school far from human population. The economy is failing and quality of life is bad, our mortality rate should have dropped drastically hearing how many clinics you guys claim to have built. You need to be strategic instead of build here there no wonder some of it is stalled

    • Everything is a success with this loser, the success that he only see in through those dull eyes… Load shedding 20 hours a day ati success, mune learn to keep quite and look back and judge how you have single handily f*cked the country … Jona Meno Meno… the ka worst president on earth

  3. Meaningless statements coming from this guy’s mouth. We want to know the parameters, yardsticks, indicators that you used to make the success call. Elo all the working visits you have undertaken have been subjectively labelled successful by yourself,,, not objectively by other people, awe. This is sham mudala. Change your wats

    • If only he can change supporting proponents of sex HAGAINST HANATURE and stop TAX HAVASION, he will be fine! Change your Haways Little Boy!

  4. You have failed to make a road from Lundazi to chama to Matumbo. Please complete also the Kashikishi -Luchinda road in Luapuala.these Roads will make you win elections in 2021.It’s not too late but you can do something.HH is not trusted but you have given him chance to win elections in 2021.Wake ba Kateka.Systems are uslessss in govt.How can a civil servant get 10 salaries of people.Why is smart Zambia if govt can’t use the systems.Please do something ba Lungu before it’s too late.

    • “When HH becomes President, Zambia will be like the USA and the PRIVATISATION THIEF will make ROADS everywhere including over LAKE KARIBA, LAKE BANGWEULU and LAKE TANGANYIKA,” HAGAY JAY.

  5. One thing we should know is that government is you and that it takes you to think big and come up with developmental projects which will supplement government efforts. Replacing President Edgar Lungu with another person will not be the best solution, the solution is you , what have you done which will tell a story of your legacy. There is need for us to work hard so that we contribute towards government efforts. We need to change our mind set. Our generation is to much of dependance and folding arms, in the early 80s people use to work hard they use to remember there villages and farm, no much time to watch a movie, and government then UNIP was tough and that even keeping a dog at home we use to pay revenue for it but now it is free, trade freely and you can purchase a property and no…

  6. He is busy touring the poverty that he has created. You only need to see the picture background that is so typical of his so called development. One would think that this man is managing an African village and not a country that was once quite prosperous!! He is busy commissioning useless projects that should be delegated to junior personnel when he is supposed to be responding to issues that are seriously affecting the nation. He appears to have put his priorities in the wrong place!!

  7. What success has this visit brought to the ordinary citizens of Eastern Province ? They’ll still be trying to survive despite load shedding and rising levels of poverty.

    As mentioned in another comment, what need is there for all those government officials and service chiefs to be at the airport to await the president’s return ? Presumably they clock up mileage allowances for themselves on these occasions. What a total waste of people’s money.

  8. PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu is right- he will only know the Truth by interacting directly with Chiefs and people at the grassroots to avoid being fed with lies.

    While there is absolutely nothing wrong for him to rely on his ministers and reports from technocrats, there is equally nothing wrong for him to go on the ground and listen firsthand to cries of chiefs and their subjects. In that way no one will cheat or mislead him.In fact, by doing so, it helps compare the content with the reports he gets from the public officials and the reality on the Ground..

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