Monday, October 7, 2024

There Is Nothing Wrong With Dr Simon Miti Working From State House While Serving As Secretary to Cabinet.


Dr Simon Miti and Mr Chola Chabala
Dr Simon Miti and Mr Chola Chabala

Prince Ndoyi has called on stakeholders and the public at large to critically interrogate the principle behind the appointment of Simon Miti to two government positions as Secretary to Cabinet while working at STATE HOUSE.

The young politician has come to the defence of President LUNGU’s decision to appoint Simon Miti to two senior government portiflolios, whereas he has described the decision as a killing two birds with one stone.

Ndoyi who commended the News Diggers editorial team for being fearless and a voice of reason, observed that the issue regarding Dr Miti’s appointment raises eyebrows on face value but that it is one that benefits both the Presidency and Cabinet.

He said before the two positions were separated it used to be one which he said only goes to straighten the argument that the current scenario is better than appointment of two different individuals.

“The News Diggers Editorial was insightful and thought provoking and it’s good to question some of these decisions especially that these are senior positions in governmeht. However, the principle issue is whether there is any oversight or breach of the Constitution in doing so? Is there any incompliance to rules within the civil service regulations for one to hold two positions that are appointive in nature? The answer is a BIG NO.

“As a matter of fact, the two roles used to be one back in the days until they were separated. If we listened attentively, President Lungu when swearing Dr Simon Miti at State House he made it categorical that he will be working from State House more often. That meant to signify that he holds the view that one person who works in his office daily best understands his position on matters and his vision overall would best serve as head of the civil service that merely implements his vision.

“This current scenario works better because the Secretary to Cabinet is yet the same person whose the Presidency’s Principal Secretary meaning there won’t be two versions of one story.”

He noted that there is need to narrow the gap with bureaucracy and that having Dr Miti doubling on two positions helps the civil service and the presidency work hand-in-hand.

“This way the civil service and Presidency now work hand in hand. He is more at an advantage to advise appropriately because he well understands the position of the President on matters as well as the position on the ground in terms of the public service. You will be killing two birds with one stone. We must narrow the gap or bridge the gap with bereaucracy. It all depends with the thinking of the Presidency with what works well. It’s his prerogative, other Presidents in future may see it differently and may apply different wisdom but I agree totally with the wisdom behind maintaining Dr Miti in these two responsibilities.”

Ndoyi further noted that it is not the first time an appointed government official has held two positions citing Gorge Kunda who worked as Vice President of the Republic as well as Justice Minister in the MMD government among others.

He said the position of Secretary to Cabinet has more than 6 positions who are equivalent to deputies hence the question of efficiency does not arise.

“Also note that this is not the only position and scenario where one office bearer has two functions including one function junior to the other, remember the late George Kundu SC among others. He was Vice President and Minister of Justice.

“Secretary to the cabinet has more than one deputy in fact his job’s functions are equally devolved into several other roles that are at level of his deputy. The Secretary to the Cabinet basically has over 6 individuals to the equivalent of his deputies that have his devolved and separate functions to play.”


    • Why is Simon Miti not in Jail….he stole money with Kapoko….2021 Bandit Miti should be brought to Justice and now he is working as a Ghost worker under PF bandit President Lungu wako ni wako appointments

    • Miti is a “ghost” worker at State house, he is being paid 2 salaries. Payroll will never be cleaned up!!
      We heard about Civil servants receiving more than 3 salaries, according to Bo Ma Inonge.
      A headmaster and his deputy at under-staffed primary school were teaching grade 1- 7, just 2 of them. So they listed 5 more names “ghost” teachers, to make it a teacher per class. Headmaster received 4 salaries, his deputy 3 salaries. Is this the similar case with Simon Miti?

    • These are sensitive positions and should not be held by one person.
      1- Segregation of duties is crucial in such roles.
      2- Eliminates control and has Audit Issues.
      3- Conflict of Interest as he is just a bootlicker and this is source of corruption.

    • These are sensitive positions and should not be held by one person.
      1- Segregation of duties is crucial in such roles.
      2- Eliminates control and has Audit Issues- Where is the Auditor General??
      3- Conflict of Interest as he is just a bootlicker and this is a source of corruption.

    • He is working at State House because that’s where he was handpicked from he probably using the same office. These thugs dont know anything about separation of powers. Dont be surprised to see Kaizer sharing office with IG.

  1. Even if you say No, there is a big ethical issue here. How do you appoint one man to two positions then lock him up in the statehouse, that is conflict of interest there. Let some else serve that position so there is increased productivity and results. Right now it seems morally wrong for the man to be drawing two pays with more interests on one job at the expense of the other. Who knows if he is even carrying out the duties of the other job, he can always give the excuse of being busy on one job neglecting the other. The poor citizens end up suffering more as less is done. He is compromised too, this is what causes stealing too.

  2. I thought he (Miti) is against ghost workers. How can one person be given two jobs without being a ghost worker? Is he getting a double salary?

  3. There’s everything wrong with 1 person holding 2 positions in Govt and those who have done that before ended up disasters. Chanda Kabwe was DC for Mufulira and Kitwe, people began to say he had strong charms that could even confuse the President. He was a disaster at Kitwe and it was a relief when he was removed. George Kunda has already been mentioned. Simon is going to fail because Edgar is the most mobile President and a private secretary always moves with him. Other jobs will suffer

  4. There has been public outcry regarding inefficiency in the civil service and this calls for a dedicated Secretary to the Cabinet to monitor and turn around the civil service.The problem here is both positions are demanding and doubling the roles will lead to suboptimal outcomes.

  5. The optics in the country’s governance are all just wrong. Kungo cita defend cabe vintu masiku onse shuwa!? Just do the fcukign right thing mwe…

  6. It was not prince Philip that voluntarily told the press that he had an operation for hernia.Perhaps royalty could be investigated.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  7. Is it not the same police (the Queen’s servants).That give travelers laxatives.Then go through the excreta looking for cocaine.Well is this not buggery in the first degree.What about the judges and magistrates that try these cases.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  8. It was the same British high commission a few years ago.That told Barbados that if it(Barbados)does not embrace homosexuality.That Barbados will be getting no aid.Well you know who the homosexuals are.The ones with money.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  9. The is foolishness because the Secretary to Cabinet soul purpose is to be head of the entire civil service and therefore, can not be in another junior position at the level of Permanent Secretary level, which is far below the substantive position of SC.

    If Miti sees nothing wrong with the current arrangement then he is not fit to be head of Cjvil Service and must resign forthwith. Being an aide to the President is a full time job and being SC is double double full time job – don’t even understand why such a conversation is being had since this is illegal on all counts on same level as the Ministers carrying on to work when Parliament is dissolved

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