Monday, October 7, 2024

President Edgar Lungu asks Abu Dhabi to Fund Four Infrastructure Development Projects


President Lungu with Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Director General, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi,
President Lungu with Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Director General, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi,

President Edgar Lungu has expressed optimism that the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development will consider the country’s request to finance infrastructure development.

The Zambian government has submitted four priority infrastructure development projects to the Abu Dhabi fund, for financing consideration.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu expressed optimism when he paid a courtesy call on the Abu Dhabi Development Fund in Abu Dhabi today.

The four projects are the rehabilitation of the 238 kilometre of the Serenje-Mpika road, which forms part of the North-East corridor, linking Zambia to the port of Dar es salaam in Tanzania. The other project includes the upgrading of a 225 kilometre Kasela – Kaona road, which links the mineral –rich, North Western Province in Zambia, to the ports in Wavis Bay in Namibia and Durban in South Africa.

Brit brought dye at Chirundu which links Zambia to Zimbabwe is also on the list and the re-development of Misisi and Chibolya unplanned settlements located on prime land within 1.5 killomitres of the Central Business District.

President Lungu stressed that to further encourage investment in the economy, his administration has been promoting business partnerships between Zambia and foreign owned companies and institutions as well as Public Private Partnerships (PPP) were synergies are created.

He explained that Zambia has a predictable and well-developed legal framework backing investment promotion and protection with standards of treatment to protect and guarantee investments with legislated property rights to full and market value compensation.

He stated that Zambia has numerous investment opportunities in all sectors of the economy such as agriculture and agro processing, infrastructure development, mining, energy, construction, tourism among others. He encouraged the Abu Dhabi Development Fund to invest and undertake projects in Zambia.

President Lungu with Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Director General, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi,
President Lungu with Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Director General, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi,

And Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Director General, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, states that the private sector is the leading economic driver of any economy hence the need to support it.

Al Suwaidi said the Fund will look at the projects submitted as well as other sectors to see which ones to embark on. He expressed confidence that the two countries will collaborate on various developmental projects including energy, infrastructure and trade.

The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development is an autonomous national entity affiliated with the Abu Dhabi government. It aims to help developing countries to achieve sustainable socio-economic growth through financial assistance in the forms of concessionary loans, managing government grants and equities.

The Fund embodies the UAE‘s commitment to actively support the development process of emerging countries. Infrastructure development is among the Zambian Government priority areas, which is upheld in the country’s Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) including the Vision 2030.


  1. Can Lungu go anywhere without begging for help?
    So shameful.

    He begs on his Twitter, he begs in parliament, he begs on international trips.

    Zambia is like a street kid.

    • Mr. President, if your government had simply been prudent in managing resources and had not been full of greedy and corrupt people, you wouldnt have to be running around begging for money.
      This is why we will never be self sufficient. We want to live above our means. That is why most people in PF are corrupt. They want to live above their means so they steal and set up shady and overpriced contracts. Just look at how the PF chairman in CB has been given a huge contract by KCM!
      It is this mindset that is now manifesting at a national administration level. If you cant steal, borrow. The PF motto!

    • Who Advises the President, do they really understand the Arabic or Islamic Culture? Its build on TRUST and KNOWING each other. The first visit, you are begging? WHY CAN’T YOU REQUEST FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?? As to what Zambia can supply, i.e. Foodstuff and other Farm Produce?? This is embarrassing and for Zambians to Know, in Islam it is Taboo to Beg.

    • Just for you to know that this is NOT Normal?? These people Had a Funeral last week, one of their Sheikhs Died and have a week National Morning. Our Friends Are Mourning then we are begging?? Is this Normal in the Zambia Culture? Zambia is a country that can be self-Sustaining we have crooks and bad leadership hence such embarrassing moments.

    • Perpetual beggar, begging for an opportunity to steal and leave our children to pay for this visionless corrupt politician, chawama thug.

    • Bandit Lungu you should be ashamed of yourself…begging money from a country that was a desert 25 years…we have more natural resources than Dubai but you PF bandits are destroying everything and pocketing all the money…..i hope 2021 can be tomorrow so that Zambians can get rid of this thieving bandit President Edgar Lungu and Proconsul look like Kaizer Zulu

    • Wikipedia defines the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) as a foreign aid agency established by the government of Abu Dhabi in 1971. The fund provides concessionary loans to fund economic and social development projects. The fund also invests in order to expand and strengthen the private sector economies of its clients.
      Abu Fund for Development Formation
      1971; 48 years ago
      foreign aid agency
      economic and social development
      Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

      The challenge
      Now Checks & Balances needs to come in here proactively. The opposition now must do something proactively to stop this impending accrual of farther debt. I don’t read reactional…

    • @Kalababala party

      Begging while in the mother’s womb.
      Iliko tripartite iyo.

      PF, Although those projects sound good, unsustainable over-borrowing is totally a mess.
      In a hurry to develop this thing with out money?
      Take it from Felix Mutati ~ “You can’t spend what you don’t have”, period.

    • Zambia got independence 55 years ago with vast natural resources…UAE was a desert just 25 years ago….and in 25 years UAE has developed competing with New York…meanwhile Zambia cant even figure out how to solve electricity crisis…Lungu should be ashamed of himself…he is in UAE to bribe those poor indians working in UAE to print rigged ballot papers because he can’t bribe the Emirates…Emirates have zero tolerance for corruption and they’re wealthy….any corrupt practises in UAE is done by foreigners especially Pakistans, Indians and Africans and Bandit Lungu

    • This is development overdrive. I will without any trace of doubt vote for Edgar in 2021.
      Everywhere I look, I see PF footprints of development. Even in rural. We didn’t have this level of development under MMD.
      I am so excited. The woman in me sees nothing wrong with the president’s request to Dubai. If Abu Dabi is pleased to help, who are you to stop them? Bring all those development to Zambia. Who hates development?

    • Brit brought dye at Chirundu which links Zambia to Zimbabwe is also on the list and the re-development of Misisi and Chibolya unplanned settlements located on prime land within 1.5 killomitres of the Central Business District.

    • This is what happens when you vote out a functioning government for a 90 pledge. It will even be worse with an under 5 government in place. Zambians, PF has learnt the hardway that being in the opposition and criticising is easy.
      Come 2021, let us stick to the devil we know and not some angel with theories only to offer

    • Can we please return some respect we have lost. We have the deepest open pit mine in the world with nothing to show for. That pit could have built us a country now we have nothing to show for. We have emeralds yet again nothing to show for. Politicians have brought Chinese to work saying Zambians have failed , why cant we hire British politicians to run our country too. We have failed and we losing our pride everyday. It’s a shame .

    • My thoughts too. However what can you expect from a failure of a President. He takes a flight in his millions of Dollars’ worth of a Private Jet purchased in the name of Zambia Air Force to go and ask others to feed his children. The man has no shame. Abu Dhabi ask him why he bought such an expensive Jet fully knowing there were four Infrastructure Development Projects in the waiting. Why did he prioritize the Private Jet purchased in the name of Zambia Air Force?

      Abu Dhabi tell this selfish and shameless President to sell that Private Jet and raise money for the projects he would like to develop. Your children are starving and all you know is to run to the neighbours to seek help. When you are paid you spend money on luxury things like Private Jets, ma Ferrari, Porsche, useless trips…

  2. Now that your overnight romance with China is over,as a professional prostitute …you have shifted attention to ARABS.You cannot seek Arabs to come develop your nation for free.I wonder your ability to reason…its indeed true that you have mental illness.Not even a century has passed since your seemingly slavery was abolished ..with so much accusation.This time around,either you take your selves or simply invite them to come enslave you on home soil. Misisi and Chibolya has been sold….Locals get ready to vacate the land without compensation. The money has been given in to Jagwa ,and will be utilized for 2021 erections….Zambian people,men and women in uniforms are to blame.

    • “Duduzile Mwanakatwe Maggy”: The beauty of this exchange is that I personally know u as my doctor. I know your professional accomplishments in medicine. But u hv got it wrong on men in uniform. Leave them out of misrule.

    • @ Nemwine: Lungu has got this wrong, Do you know these people just had a funeral? One of the Sheikhs Died last week. Your friends are morning Mwaya Mukulomba? Are we serious as a Country?? Please, people like you make our leaders worse because you support every stupidity. Do you know that Zambia does not need to Beg? We have everything but Bad leadership kills us.

    • You are such an *****, a very dull chap you are actually. I feel sorry for whoever carried you for nine months and brought you up.

  3. There is a BEMBA saying that says, “UKUPESHA LUNGU KWENDAMO.” To know how arid or useless the land is you should walk through it ,Zambians have seen the hardships that were brought by PF and are now going to vote with their eyes focused and remove this PF Government from power as they have seen its failures and hunger it has inflicted on its citizens. No wander soldiers are now feeding on snakes instead of Beef or Pork products.Ati initiative, Lelo kulya insato. The Soldiers were just reminding him that they are starving as well and he thinks it is initiative to feed on serpents. Meanwhile, JOHN WALKER has arrived to the Arabs to beg for money which zambians won’t see its fruits .Shame

    • After all is said and done, I will advise PF to remove “Sonta” and replace it with “See”. So it shall read, “Let people See epowabomba.” Wow, unprecedented development.
      Come and see what pf has done.
      PF 2021.

  4. Off you go with a begging bowl after you steal our money (42 fire trucks)??
    The new set standards of a Zambian President are shocking. No vision but only good at asking other people to fund our projects. Even if that money is given for the projects. It will all end up in the cadre’s pockets while projects remain unfinished. Banana Republic!

  5. Ba Lungu nga ba enda it is always begging for money .He also forgets that he is a president and does not need to negotiate for development funds himself as he has the ministers to do this job.His party PF has put Zambia in huge foreign debt and by the time his party leaves office Zambia will be taken over by foreigners. This is the problem when one has KAPONYAS as advisers. Mukose ba PF ,ubwato bwenu ingw’ena naitula uno mwaka and you are about to get drowned .NO marine in vicinity to help .IMF not helping zambia as at now due to your financial mismanagement and thieving.Probably when a new party is in Office after 2021thats when IMF will help.

    • What a shame, begging with both eyes wide open, no initiative, no priorities, indisciplined cadres in professional positions, resources looted including #black Lechwes.. no its tumbale tubili begging! Lord help us.

  6. I cho chi worst president on earth chi beggar, Jona Meno Meno, AKA thieving lawyer wanna be, AKA shame less beggar and thief who has looted with his parliament of baboons…. wasted years indeed with this dander head… what a toser. Even the same money he is begging for he wants to steal, no respect for a man who steals from a widow

  7. Negativity will kill you ba opposition blind supporters. What is wrong with asking for help? The drought related hardships that we are experiencing are just temporary……but you blindly blame Lungu…!!!!??!! Don’t allow negativity to block your analysis God given power. Once you embrace negativity, all will be negative …!!! We need development not just eating and going to the toilet. Building is expensive and so we should expect some hardships. It’s just temporary, all will be well after building. Continue building ba PF….we are behind you. It’s only a negative mind that can not see the change in terms of infrastructure development that PF has continued doing…

    • Munene you cannot see that it does not make economic or logical; even moral sense to fly in a private jet all over the world just to go and beg or incur debt? Gentlemen, the problem is with us the citizens. How can we just sit back and allow such nonsense. Thieves and bandits are literally ransacking the country’s coffers and enslaving us and our future generations to shackles of debt and poverty while we watch and applaud. #PovertyMindSet

    • Of course you are behind him whatever that means. And you will always be behind him as he loots the coffers and keep shouting ..”WE ARE BEHIND”.

  8. Ask for investment in solar energy .They
    Have capacity to build a solar plant for
    Our Energy Electricity problems. We need more power then roads.

  9. One would have thought lungu would be seeking investment in manufacturing to create real jobs ?

    But it seems this lungu is stuck on building roads that have only temporal labour jobs.

    The Lungu situation is like a bus driver who goes mad will always talk of buses……lungu looted from road contracts so roads are stuck in his head…..that is all he can think of.

  10. Do Chagwa’s advisers ever show him people’s disliking on social media?

    Had they shown him he would have gone into death depression and by now we would Wina as president, poor old lady!

  11. Congratulations Zambians for shooting yourselves in your own feet! Your Kwacha has really grown – K15,000 to a USD! Mwabombeni! Nomba kwashala ukulunda ka Fuel kabili ka dollar nakanina…kikikiki
    ERB, when are we having K20 fuel? ZESCO is also doing a great job! We are still enjoying load shedding from 05:00am to 23:00 hours despite imported power … kikikiki

  12. Lest we forget.
    Melix Futati’s economic recovery antidote endorsed and stamped by Hikainde Hachilema.
    The program was dubbed “Zambia Plus” as “all solutions would be determined by Zambians while external partners will form the plus as we engaged them to assist in this Zambian process.
    This included the IMF.” Zambia’s Finance Minister Felix Mutati explained at the launch.

    The program is based on 5 pillars:
    1. Strengthening tax policy and administration to improve revenue inflows and to shift public expenditure back to affordable levels.
    2. Increasing budgetary allocation to social protection including addressing the plight of pensioners.
    3. Improving economic and fiscal governance through strengthening of regulations and laws to ensure transparency of spending…

    • …decisions.
      4. Improving budget credibility through better planning, adherence to expenditure plans and improvement of the quality of Government’s spending.
      5. Improving the country’s economic stability through easing access to credit, lowering lending rates and reducing inflation.

      As part of the economic recovery program, the Government of Zambia will also:
      * Prioritize the dismantling of arrears owed to contractors to help companies meet their obligations and sustain their operations.
      * Put in place a clearly elaborated program to turn Zambia into an agricultural hub.
      * Facilitate the access to cheaper financing for local SMEs.

      Chioneka monga iyi nkhani inabvuta. Now you guys in PF, don’t think you’ll finish all the development by yourselves. Don’t overpromise. I can…

  13. Hardly surprising that the kafue mazabuka and livingstone sesheke is not on the list. These orangutans really really hate the tongas like lucifer himself. What about just cutting southern province out of zambia? The ethnic exclusion is sickening. It is clear these pf want to exclude tongaland.

  14. Roads roads roads.

    I thought u would lobby for solving the energy crisis in the country.

    Why not ask them to build kalungwishijydro at kabweluke and kundabwika


  16. One thing we are all forgetting is that Zambia is still a developing country hence it is with such partnerships that will help us develop as a country and equally provide job opportunities for people who are busy blaming and condeming His Excellency for such an amazing move as this.

    We are the same people that tend to question the Government when there is no development in the country forgetting that its trying everything possible to develop its nation.

    • Roads only in one side of the country. If it is not luapula, then northern, if not northern ,then eastern. There is no meaningful road this Pf has done in southern, western, or northwestern provinces. The solwezi /chingola road was done by the mines because of this pf govt’s UNWILLINGNESS to work on the road. In spite of the fact that the road leads to the largest copper mine in africa. If solwezi were in luapula or northen or eastern provinces, the road would have been done very fast and by pf itself. Loopsided development! Shame on you orangutans!

  17. Is our man preparing to run away?
    His prophet says there is a two headed beast with two horns where he stays.
    His IG has sensed the impending boiling up of frustrations from citizens and as usual has dressed the opposition in sheep’s clothing so that they may be well devoured.
    The man is sensing danger and will stop at nothing but to ask any country to help appease citizen’s tempestuous hearts! The question is how else is a country mortgaged? Will a foreign country help you without preconditions? It’s so embarrassing that this is something he can be discussing openly instead of doing it tactfully behind the scenes. That’s how stolen things are! You end up with failure written all over your face!

  18. More roads…..more corruption
    It looks like the honeymoon with China is over.
    $19 billion in foreign debt and still begging.

    • Uyu munyamata petersen sung a song to disparage PF entitled Bufi.
      That song has since expired. PF and roads is almost a done deal. I am now waiting for economic diversification.
      So let PF build those roads piliz. After all they told you before hand that they would build roads.
      They will build roads until you tire and start saying “oh no pf, its too much of roads. Oh! my God, I don’t remember when last I saw a potholed road”. “Are we gonna eat roads?”
      That’s PF for you. Unveiled and daring debt in it’s face. Like ” Who are you?” Mmmh I am debt. “How dare you sitting there unused, come here and get accrued alatase” Anyone lending, think PF admin. I wanna see the opposition work on this. You got balls?

  19. Can’t help to think that this is just a smoke screen. The man probably went to bank some money and negotiate his asylum. 2021 is near.

  20. It is very clear that we as a country led by Mr Lungu we are totally lost and hopeless unless we get help from the outside world. We are busy discovering minerals in the country and instead of planning on how to benefit from these resources, we are busy inviting outsiders to come and exploit them while we watch and hoping we get our youths employed by these outsiders. The course that PF has taken is not only alarming but shameful, it does not make any sense for our president to be flying around begging in an expensive plane that he cannot afford even. Sell that plane and you can do a lot with that money instead of begging. PF kusebanafye all the way!

  21. Trump awamako because the US economy is doing great not these pathetic failures we have! Even his approval rating on the handling of the economy is now at 55% despite his overall approval standing at 42%.
    Why don’t our Universities in Zambia do these surveys to help our IG understand that it is the citizens who wish to protest and not the opposition? Citizens wish to protest against the many lies coming from ZESCO and Nkhuwa! At least load shedding should have come down by 50% to get our economy back on its feet! We are still crawling even with these power imports! Life in Zambia now is a living nightmare for the ordinary citizens! Those who live off our taxes don’t seem to get it!

  22. Uncommon sense. learn to appreciate this country for being a Christian Nation, its the only country which has peace. Stop yapping without thinking, what would you have done if you where in position? ulekwata amano.
    Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu (our President) congratulations for the work well done on infrastructure,roads and so forth. May the good LORD give you more wisdom and keep on blessing you all the time.

  23. Arears?The government knows about arears and paying off debt.Or it is the governments philosophy that money is to come in and non is to go out.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  24. Arears are not paid on pensions.The check does not come for two months.You get the third months pension.No arears for the two months.Who’s pocket are those arears going in.There are a lot of mad mathematicians out there.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  25. The man has no shame. Abu Dhabi ask him why he bought such an expensive Jet fully knowing there were four Infrastructure Development Projects in the waiting. Why did he prioritize the Private Jet purchased in the name of Zambia Air Force?

    Abu Dhabi tell this selfish and shameless President to sell that Private Jet and raise money for the projects he would like to develop. Your children are starving and all you know is to run to the neighbours to seek help. When you are paid you spend money on luxury things like Private Jets, ma Ferrari, Porsche, useless trips etc. If the purpose of the trip was to go and beg, why didn’t you do that through a telephone call or an e-mail? The engines in your plane Bwana Dictator Lungu are not using water from the Zambezi River or urine from ma Prisoners…

  26. Cont…..

    The engines in your plane Bwana Dictator Lungu are not using water from the Zambezi River or urine from ma Prisoners NO. It is fuel being used and this is paid for as Zambia does not produce such.

    It is like men who fail to pregnant their wives and instead request someone else to do that for them.

    Grow up please. Aba lume mu nganda lyonse kuya muku lomba pali ba Neba, teti ba ku poka no mukashi. No wonder Ba Esther does no longer accompany you, as she can the whole shame in your useless trips

    Why can’t you move and stay outside Zambia, since you’re never around Zambia

  27. Please Abu Dhabi DONT GIVE THESE PIPO THOSE LOANS. They will loot the money. That is the primary purpose. We have seen too much.

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