Sunday, March 9, 2025

Fashion blogger, Peter Mwansa, discusses his Love for fashion and the Launch of House of PML


Peter Mwansa wearing one of House of PML pieces

Peter Mwansa’s interest in fashion began at a young age, he sites his mother as his inspiration. “… she is till now a very fashionable woman and most times she would give me some of her left over fabric from her tailors. From those I would make myself small outfits like shirts and shorts”.

With the coming of social media, he decided to showcase his creative side to his friends, by posting fashion related content on Facebook and Instagram. His content became popular over time and he started blogging more under the name PeterMyLife. “I know you might ask why that name? Lol well I just woke up one day and someone introduced me to Instagram, when I was searching for a name I wanted something that would show what my life is all about and what I intended to show the world on social media hence I came up with a name called PeterMylife. Meaning whatever you will see when you come to my page is a true definition of my life.”

Peter Mwansa wearing one of House of PML pieces

Peter went on to say that blogging has been a life changing journey for him, when getting started people would call him crazy and ask what he does for a living? “… It was hard to explain then but with time people got to know what really is involved in Fashion blogging and being a blogger itself. A lot have gotten inspired over the years and I get many messages every day of people telling me how I have helped them change their life and how I have inspired them and helped them grow.”

Asked how he keeps his blog content fresh he said he is always looking at what’s trending in the fashion world. “It’s become more of a lifestyle than content creation so I live in the moment and work to the best of my ability. Whatever I do is a true depiction of what’s currently happening in my life at that very moment.”

Recently Peter opened his own fashion House called House of PML. His motivation to start it comes from his long time passion for tailoring. “… Like I mentioned earlier my mom has played a huge role in my love for fashion as she would always give me left over fabric. Before completing my Varsity, I got myself a sewing Machine and I would always keep myself busy during holidays. I also took a 6 months course just to polish up my craft but I had to wait for the perfect time to launch. Fashion houses I look up to internationally; I love Balmain, channel, Dolce and Gabbana, then locally I’m learning every day from House of PML itself lol.”

He went on to say that he has been working diligently in the background and that clothes he would show the world on his blog postings were all under his production house. “I wanted to see if people would love my craft especially that I was setting myself as the best example, then I can later give it to the world. I finally felt comfortable to start my own Fashion house and launched it earlier this month.”

His and hers Custom made outfit by House Of PML

Asked how House of PML stand out from other fashion Houses in Zambia, Peter stated that House of PML is a premium brand which is not only offering clothes but also offering a whole makeover and styling service. He went on to say that their pieces are pieces that normally Zambian designers do not work with. “We are unique, classy and elegant in our own way, sophistication is an understatement but luxury at its best is our mantra. Our style is very versatile with a touch of almost everything you might think of but the most captivating statement is Luxury made to look easy.”

Talking about his design process he said that he likes to imagine something that he hasn’t seen on anyone before. Something new, fresh and fun. Something that will make someone want to buy the product once they see it on him or on anyone else.

On the current state of the Zambian fashion industry Peter had this to say; “…Honestly, in my own opinion, I wouldn’t have said the same 4 years ago, We have really grown in so many ways. People are slowly embracing fashion in Zambia and many are pushing themselves to the limit. The best part about this is that we now have so many fashion events and with those, people are able to come out and play and enjoy fashion as a hobby. If the government can invest and pay attention to the fashion industry as a whole, we can reach greater heights. Slowly the Zambian Fashion industry is growing and could soon reach levels seen in South Africa or Nigeria. Just like I mentioned earlier we are embracing so many fashion event and with that people engage themselves with makeup artists, stylists and designers because no one wants to show up at an event looking terrible. Slowly we are getting there the future is very promising and only the sky is the limit.”

Peter Mwansa in a House of PML piece

HOUSE OF PML is a Fashion and design house created for all your bespoke tailor made clothes, weddings, corporate and luxurious style crafted for men and women. The initials PML stand for PeterMyLife . House of PML makes any type of clothing for anyone and for any occasion. 

Peter Mwansa with Mampi at the 2019 Lusaka July event

Connect with Peter on social media:

Instagram: @peter_mylife

Instagram: @houseof_pml

Facebook: Peter Mwansa

Facebook: House Of PML

Twitter: @petermwansa15

Twitter: @houseofpml


BY Kapa Kaumba


  1. My only quarrel with Africans like him is that they think fashion and style is European. Come up with African styles. The world is waiting. Same with our musicians who think they have to ape hip hop

    • No, he has actually attached an African touch to the dominant western ideals of fashion. Thumbs up Shi Mwansa wapelungu!!

    • I don’t know why the PF government hate homosexuals? What I know about gay is what that Peter Mwansa is into. Gays are not dirty, they are flowery and fashionable all the time.

    • Ba Changa finshi mulelanda? There’s nothing African in that gear I’m seeing on those pictures. Tell us what you mean
      to the dominant western ideals of fashion indeed

    • LT is this Fashion? Waste of a page and our time. Which sensible Man would wear that? These flowery outfits so-called Fashion are for ladies!

  2. There is some promise in what he has chosen for this fashion shoot. What’s not clear, is if he is a designer, tailor and made all the items shown.

    Is it a case of buying wholesale and reselling? Wish him well, but Zambian fashion needs a clear identity. The current people saying they are in fashion do not cut the mustard . Fashion. Haute Couture. Is about originality, creativity and giving birth to clothes with a clear design language. It’s not coping from the fashion world. To date I have not seen any originality, only coping and make pretend. We should support the growth of this industry in Zambian by supporting genuine Artisans with fresh creations bursting at the seams. It’s also about excellent tailoring.

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