Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Misisi, Chibolya to be demolished, modernized using Abu Dhabi funds- President Lungu


 Chibolya Coumpund
Chibolya Coumpund

President Edgar Lungu has revealed that Misozi and Chibolya compounds in Lusaka will be demolished and modernized.

President Lungu said Misisi, Chibolya and other unplanned settlements are characterized by overcrowding, with most urban residents lacking adequate access to housing, energy, clean and safe drinking water, sanitation, transport services, quality health services, quality education and employment opportunities.

He said these factors exacerbate environmental degradation and diseases such as cholera.

President Lungu charged that the status quo is totally unacceptable.

President Lungu posted this on his Facebook page when he arrived from the United Arab Emirates where he had gone for a two day official visit.

“Thus, my Government’s endeavor to re-develop “Misisi and Chibolya unplanned settlements” is to address the above-mentioned negative effects of unplanned settlements, and in that, meet the 7NDP overarching goal of; “accelerating development efforts towards Vision 2030 without leaving anyone behind.”

He said the modernization of Misisi and Chibolya compounds was one of the four priority infrastructure projects that the government submitted to Abh Dhabi Fund for financing consideration.

He said the other projects include the rehabilitation of 238 kilometres of the Serenje –Mpika road, which forms part of the North-East corridor, linking Zambia to the port of Dar es salaam in Tanzania and the upgrading of the 225 kilometre Kasela–Kaona road, which links North Western Province in Zambia, to the ports in Wavis Bay in Namibia and Durban in South Africa.

President Lungu said the other project involves the rehabilitation of the Beit bridge which links Zambia to Zimbabwe.

“I am very optimistic that the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development will positively consider the requests to finance the abovementioned infrastructure development,” President Lungu said.

He added, “The abovementioned road and Chirundu bridge projects are important undertakings because, in their current state today, this infrastructure serves as constraints to economic diversification and job creation instead of facilitators.”

“The inadequate levels and low quality of this infrastructure only leads to low economic activity and high production costs, leading to low competitiveness for our economy at regional, continental and global levels.”

 Chibolya Coumpund
Chibolya Coumpund


  1. $19 billion later….
    After building cheap roads in Misisi during the 2016 election campaigns to win votes…..
    2021 is around the corner and now you talk about re-developing the compounds.
    After 10 years, we know the PF and ECL better.Try something else.

    • Music to the ears…Politicians full of lies and tricks..bandit Lungu knows that he has lost popularity and soon he will be out of office and hopefully Jail in 2021 makaka…

    • If in your home your father is always getting loans to do everything, even the most basic of things just know that your dad is useless. PF is useless and a scar in our history.

    • POTROZ ECL doesn’t always bluff. Interesting stuff. As I surf LT for this story I smell action.
      Kindly watch this space.
      Can’t wait to see this come to fruition.

      Go for it Edgar.

    • Advice to my fellow Zambians HH will never bring heaven to Zambia if at all he will win. Bring your own heaven by working hard. Some of you don’t even have plans for your life all you say day and day out is hh, hh, hh, forward forward. Forward your own life it’s not your hh, he too will just come to steal and destroy.

    • Ba Reporter nabo ati to be demolished. He just asked for funds and mwa concluda ati to be demolished?
      Here are your own words from the above story: He said the modernization of Misisi and Chibolya compounds was one of the four priority infrastructure projects that the government submitted to Abh Dhabi Fund for financing consideration.
      Consideration is not confirming

    • Energy, agriculture and manufacturing are the most pressing issues. Don’t plan to show and tell; plan to develop long term sir. Misisi and Chibolya have been here for a long time they can’t be urgent projects now. Again, you haven’t learnt from the fact that roads don’t supply electricity, feed or employ people? We need to manufacture for goodness sake ECL!!!

    • I think jetlag has evolved into a very acute ailment. This kind of thing has never happened anywhere in the world except in very rare circumstances where minerals have been discovered underneath or to give way to a development with sound economic value. Never to modernise. This is either an election campaign stunt or a ka far fetched dream. Or perhaps an irrational drunken wish.

    • The money you spent on globe trotting, your useless minsters and irresponsible Permanent Secretaries flaundered and your ghost workers paid would have built 1.2 million homes for homeless Zambians, 100,000 clinics and solar plants around Zambia.
      It is time to go socialist path. 100% of national development budget towards poorest of the poor.
      Abash crony capitalism and wasteful caderism.
      Socialist party will start career bureaucrats, accountable to people of Zambia, only 9Ministers who will work 16 hours a day, no overseas travelling by president, ministers and bureaucrats till every Zambian family has a decent accommodation with non-dependency neighborhood operated solar power.

    • 4. Re-developing “Misisi and Chibolya unplanned settlements” located on prime land within 1.5 kilometres of the central business district in Lusaka city.

      I am very optimistic that the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development will positively consider the requests to finance the abovementioned infrastructure development.

      The above-mentioned road and Chirundu bridge projects are important undertakings because, in their current state today, this infrastructure serves as constraints to economic diversification and job creation instead of facilitators. The inadequate levels and low quality of this infrastructure only leads to low economic activity and high production costs, leading to low competitiveness for our economy at regional, continental and global levels.

      Further, Misisi, Chibolya and…

    • Great job Mr. President! Finally what I had envisioned to happen is going to happen! Please let us get rid of all eyesore infrastructure and eyesore terrorist and tribo H-organisations masquerading as political parties! We are on the right track! Well done Mr. President! Let us develop this thing! UNDER FIVE for sure will be UNELECTABLE!

    • Corrupt clueless Lungu alebepa fye. Alemishinga fye butter. The Abu Dhabi don’t have money to be throwing around like that. Especially at clueless leaders like Lungu. What are they getting in return? And even if they’re giving that money, Misisi and chibolya are not a priority for now. But then it’s clueless Lungu.

    • Didn’t they claim the money was to construct some road Network?? Now change to developing compounds. This guy is a crook. He is lying because he wants to steal from Zambians. We don’t need Lungu and such unplanned, non-strategic decisions are dangerous. For those of you who are Young. Ask what happened to Hughamerskched Stadium in Ndola. Same silliness of demolishing with no Plan. They failed to rebuild.

    • HAZALUZA HAGAIN! TRIBO H-ORGANISATIONS will never be pleased by anything the president does because they think “TRIBAL FIRST” then “POLICY!” If done by a non-Tonga, it will always be “BAD!” Zambians please NEVER ever elect a TRIBO person in office! He is a danger to society and to Zambia.



  3. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is a humble man chosen by God, your excellency ignore the haters, we love as our leader and want you to rule Zambia for as long as God wishes, we just ask you to sack KAISER ZULU, what are you afraid of Mr President, what does KAISER know that we do not know.We also ask that that you make Bowman Lusambo your running mate in 2021 because he is your most loyal soldier.

    • “patriotic Zambian,” you’re either extremely dumb, or just unpatriotic and a traitor, if you think clueless corrupt Lungu is doing a great job. Come 2021, you and your buddy corrupt clueless Lungu can go to Eswatini together.

  4. He should first solve the main problems in the country. Electricity, Water, High prices and hunger in the country, than to run to Abu Dhabi. And also flying to Abu Dhabi is money, this money he used to fly there it can be used to do something else in the country. He just wants VOTES. It’s just to fool people

    • A privatision thief has no shame! He uses the money he stole from Zambia to trying to become a president and steal HAGAIN. If you showed someone your kitchen and he stole from you, NEVER show him your bedroom! HAZAGURITSA ZIKO!

  5. Alfa : Boyi Keiser, uletiposhani aka akabufi nabikapo kuti katulishamo ayi?
    Keiser : Boyi nkakusambisha imiku inga, tu kaya baponona fye ba mambala to kachinje nama voti, wandaba?
    Alfa: Uno Muku Kwati tukaponokwa efyo ndemona
    Kaiser: Twalisula jimu pa station pa interz tu letraina, naiwe kosapo uku traina ulubilo ngafyashupa kupyamo ngendeke yapanshi.

  6. we are still waiting for the fuel he promised 5 yrs ago and ese mukutu shinga batter kabolala uyu… ka worst president, any way even if the money came you and your parliament of baboons will steal every cent.. seeing that you yourself is a thieving lawyer wanna be who crooked a widow… what chance do we have as Zambians… only stup1d ones will believe and the 1doits that follow you blindly… as dull as you worst ka president

  7. Zambia is the world’s fifth hungriest country, as per the 2018 Global Hunger Index. More than half of the country’s population lives in poverty. About 40% children are stunted due to the lack of nutritional food. Though Zambia hasn’t seen conflicts or violence in a long time, it suffers from massive droughts frequently. Most farmers in Zambia depend on rains for agriculture. Zambia has a national HIV prevalence rate of 12.4% among adults.

  8. This is a good introduction to Bill 10 if allowed to become Law! A President doing as he pleases without due regard to consequences. iTunes bazamuchosa immunity for sure! It’s sad that plot 1 has been reduced to a den of dirty deals! When No country will give you anything for free! There is no such thing as Free Lunch! This is another LOAN and not a GRANT! Can the speaker ask the Minister of Finance to give us a statement if this is another loan! Our depreciating Kwacha is making our debt repayments more expensive and our debt to GDP ratio is getting more precarious! If ba Chibolya, ba Misisi naba Misozi think this will be free accommodation, think again because this is a technical eviction!

  9. Politicians like Lungu trying to lie and taking advantage of the illiterate. Instead of jumping up and getting excited, there is need for critical analysis. These poor souls might end up with no land in the end. It is well known fact that Lusaka is running out of land and the poor can be tricked into giving away their prized possession through such lures like this, and then these poor souls would be thrown away. We don’t know the details of these details and besides we still waiting for previous deals to be fulfilled. Poor citizens don’t give up your possession as you might end up with none, wait for them to build before they can demolish your structures

  10. Why fly with a begging bowl when a phone call or e mail would have done it? The money saved from the trip would have fed these compounds during the festive period.

  11. The President of the Republic travelling to present funding proposals! PF are excited thinking it is like Chinise funding which they are waiting to steal but these are mere proposals which are not even likely to be accepted because of the the negative corruption reputation Chinise money has given to Zambia.Ala namunya nomba ba PF.The wells are dry.

    • illegal Zambian

      how long do you think your ECL will stand? everything has an end time, and how bad Lungu’s end will be because we cant wait to see him in an orange jumpsuit at chimbokaila.

    • The old bridge between Zambia and Zimbabwe is called Otto Beit Bridge. The new one being used was constructed by JICA. I suppose the old bridge requires rehabilitation to allow passenger traffic.

  12. Sheikh Al MAKHTOUM:
    “Boi J0N4 how come your country is a broke Sh!th0le thats failing despite all the resources you have + Billions of dollars you acquired as kaloba”?
    J0N4; “eh eh!! pulizi donti asiki me ah, asiki K4izar he isi the Zambian leader, & our Commander ini Chifu & I amu vere scared of himu”.

  13. I think jetlag has evolved into a very acute ailment. This kind of thing has never happened anywhere in the world except in very rare circumstances where minerals have been discovered underneath or to give way to a development with sound economic value. Never to modernise. This is either an election campaign stunt or a ka far fetched dream. Or perhaps an irrational drunken wish.

  14. What is the name of the bridge that links Zambia to Zimbabwe? Beit Bridge!! Wrong Answer!! Beit bridge links Zimbabwe to South Africa. It spans over the Limpopo River and not the Zambezi river. Don’t they edit the President speeches? Or LT has no editors?

  15. keep it up Mr President this is the only Zambia we have,we need infrastructure development stop listening to critics, their duty is to criticize bad or good. viva ECL

  16. We are dreaming every day….wen are going to wake up…and do the action…..sure….y preaching and singing goods songs

  17. Development already happening in the country. Let us not badmouth the Government under His Excellence Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu. While people were busy saying it was a personal trip, He has brought back developmental issues to benefit us as a nation. Let us support them as we go further.

    • How would these people in these compounds look like? No money, no electricity, no transportation, no food due to high mealimeal prices and unemployed but living in glassy houses?

  18. Where will he take the people of Misisi and Chibolya during the construction period??? It’s a blue lie. Bwetu-bwetu because it’s almost time for elections.

  19. We wish that can be a reality as we’ll be casting our votes in the next 730 days to come. Well thought of to develop that part of the Lusaka city and the underdeveloped infrastructures that are in the country side. That will indeed put a plus to ELC 2021 & PF.
    I advise that ECL be the running mate to her Excellency mama Inoge Wina in the coming Election inshala!
    Keep it up, keep it coming even go to the US president D. Trump for more of that assistance that is the duty of the head of state to travel and market our state for more development issues.

  20. Chagwa niwa boza, in one breath he claims, and quote: “Misisi, Chibolya to be demolished, modernized using Abu Dhabi funds”, while in the next breath he claims, and quote “I am very optimistic that the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development will positively consider the requests to finance the abovementioned infrastructure development,” President Lungu said. Now, one has to question the length of this alcoholic’s memory, you bet it’s shorter than that of a chicken. Chicken Chagwa!

  21. Please tell the President to think deeply before implementing. These are projects that simply dont work if you dont think from all angles, like the solar mealie meal plants, a typical unworkable PF project.. Are the residents going to be given free houses or they will be renting? In such a sense area, how many houses can you build to give all the residents? What about other shanties like Makululu in Kabwe, in Mongu, in Solwezi, in Kasama, in Mazabuka, when are you going to give them same election.presents?

  22. Comment: Viva ECL 2021 Mr President continue bringing development in our country ignore the haters because they don’t know what they’ve doing,HH will never rule this country

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