Friday, March 14, 2025

Seven Elephants Collared to Track their Movement and Reduce Human-Elephant Conflicts


The Elephant Connection Project with support from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Zambia and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) have successfully collared seven elephants around Sioma Ngwezi National Park.

Tracking collars are devices used as a GPS unit as well as radio beacon to track animal movement for both research and sustainable wildlife management initiatives that allow for real-time monitoring as well as data analyses.

“This data informs general management plans for game management areas to influence land use plans that protect corridors and strategically place human settlements and other developments in designated locations, in a bid to avoid the conflict.

“As WWF-Zambia, we are aware that to be able to mitigate human-wildlife conflict, we need to know more about elephant migration routes,” observed Ms. Iris Van Der Meer, the WWF-Zambia Wildlife Programme Coordinator.

Meanwhile, the Elephant Connection Project Manager, Dr. Kerryn Carter, observed that the collaring exercise is crucial to understanding the movement of the animals within Zambia and the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA) at large. She also thanked WWF-Zambia and DNPW for their relentless efforts aimed at assuring the welfare of wildlife in general and elephants in particular.


  1. With the way the Government is going with eating from your field these 3astarts will be selling the info to poachers when the animal gets into a secluded area. They will behave like PF.


    • When you check the GPS location of these elephants in 3 months time, it will say China.

      Chitotela will export them soon.

      That man only sees Dollars when he sees wildlife.

      That is why Zambia is one of the very few countries in the world that still allows big cat hunting.

      How I wish president KZ could fire this Chitotela!

  2. Thanks for this but please understand Ambassador Foote. Ambassador Foote is not in any way pushing for gay rights. He is just saying that the 15 year sentence for the two gays is too harsh compared to sentences we are giving people stealing our resources. Chizungu! And then you start falsely accusing the man that he is pushing gayism in Zambia, even parading chiefs and fake pastors to start condemning the man. Chizungu

    • Mistake he made was we become too political. Yes 15 years is too much but most of them to finish the all 25 years . They are normally set free in less than 5. The judge was just following the law

    • My big problem is that Foote has not been vocal enough about corruption. He clearly knows a lot about who is stealing what, and where the stolen money ends up.

      Zambians are more interested in good governance than they are gays.

      Gays have always been in Zambia. There are many. Even some politicians are gays in secret.

    • @Redo, how does homosexuality impact you personally when it’s a decision between two consenting adults? Let me put it this way…How does your own sexual orientation impact me? Chances are none. Why would the whole President of Zambia line up international media to voice his opinion on his anti-gay stance. Does that make sense when we have 22-hours load shedding which has gotten worse since ZESCO announced earlier this year in the March 2019 timeframe. What do you call a lack of priority? Isn’t this a good example of political overzealousness. Now Zambia whether we like it or not have fallen in the trap of the whole human rights issue of countries that don’t respect human rights when Government could have been smarter and handled this differently. I dont care about homosexuality…

  3. Why do we even bother with this? Poaching in Zambia gets you 2 years in jail. Smoke weed…10 years, Homosexuality…15, working in government illegally by Lungu’s ministers drawing an illegal salary…gets you 00 [zero] years….Welcome to the mafia state where the head of the state has all the energy to speak to foreign media about homosexuality but the man has no audacity to speak about any meaningful plan to end the energy crisis that has plunged the nation since March 2019. We have 22-hours of loadshedding but his anti-gay views are so important like we are impacted by them severely for the president to make his pronouncements known to the whole world. What a lack of priority of a man that has gone on record to admit he has zero vision for Zambia.

  4. MMD mealie meal K30 PF mealie meal K150
    MMD fuel K7 a liter PF Fuel K15 a liter
    MMD Exchange rate K6 a dollar PF exchange rate K14 a dollar
    MMD reserves 4 months import cover PF reserves 1 month import cover
    MMD guaranteed freedom of assembly PF no guarantees
    MMD poaching under control PF ?

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