Saturday, September 21, 2024

Zambia wants the best partnership deal for Kafue National Park-Chitotela


Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela
Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela

Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela says his Ministry will seize the opportunity of the visit to Zambia by 10,000 black Americans in 2020 to create more investment in the tourism sector.

And the Minister said Government wants the best partnership deal for Kafue National Park; better than that which was signed for Bangweulu and Liuwa National Parks to benefit the treasury, local communities and all citizens.

Speaking at his office when the United States of America Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote paid a courtesy call on him, the Minister said his Ministry wants to take the Americans returning to Africa to all parts of the country so that they see where the best opportunities lie in terms of tourism investment.

He said according to the Economic Association of Zambia who are organizers of the program, the first activities are expected from June to July 2020 followed by a bigger conference on 4th December 2020 to 4th January 2021.

The Pambashe PF Lawmaker also said investments in tourism should be of benefit to both the investors and local communities hence the need to get the best deal from the Kafue National.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Foote said the US Embassy wants continued and strengthened partnerships that will help conservation efforts and increase American tourist arrivals into Zambia.

He said there are already 40,000 Americans visiting the country each year but that can be increased with good partnership.

Mr. Foote said the Zambian national parks landscapes are beautiful and many US citizens would appreciate some of the tourism activities like angling and safari experiences.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Sakabilo Kalembwe, the Ministry of Tourism and Arts spokesperson.


  1. It’s been advertised in the US by one of the private game ranches that benefited from the illegal 80 black lechwes that to shoot 1 with a rifle would cost the hunter between $18,000 – $25,000 yet there’s no record of payment to GRZ by these private game ranches for the animals and Boma is still struggling to explain itself on this. How do the communities benefit from such plunder? This is what’s causing despondence in the nation and not your imaginary foreign entities sponsoring the Freemason. The reported fencing of Forest 70 by politically exposed persons is among what threatens PF in 2021. Even when you take a selfie in the toilet bwana Minister Zambia is watching you closely

  2. Too much talk no action. Mealie meal prices still rising steadily. Your intentions are good sir, but sorry you don’t have the capacity to deliver as a government. We gave you the vote but unfortunately time has come. Well tried but cha shupa mdala. Time to rest. Thanks

    • It shows lack of judgement that a corrupt thief was appointed as Tourism minister.

      This will not end well for our wildlife.

    • You see Foote compared the jail sentence of the gay to freeing of Chitotela with his stolen money. But he they meet, and turns Chitotela into a progressive minister, discussing what is expected of leaders.
      Then a minister of same Lusaka going about insulting those 10,000 Black Americans and Zambians in diaspora.
      Fire that Lusambo, fire it!!

  3. I think Chitotela despite all his flaws, his language and attitude is civil and measured. And very different from MMD cadre Bowman. And the cadre at any given juncture will remind us that “as Lusaka province minister” I think he never imagined. Also rags to riches requires some orientation, though a guy like him is stained to the bone and I don’t think any orientation would help. I will now read the article, I wanted to start from here

  4. My whlte wlfe and I are voting in the United kingdom general election. It feels good to vote in credible elections where you know your vote counts. After that I am taking her for pregnancy test as we have had a pregnancy scare. Wish us luck . Who in their right mind would want to visit poor Zambia. Those are Nigerians masquerading as Americans.

  5. Would be great if the African Americans come & invest in the land of their ancestors, BUT with P.F in power they will only encounter Violent Corrupt Brutes like K@!zar, Ch!mpy0ngo, Kitotela, & all they will look for is Nichekeleko, & donate to the Panga Fraternity, frustrate these Brothers and Sisters, & send a wrong message that you can’t do business with indeginous Black Africans.

    • He is just speaking without facts or concrete agreements which Black Americans association or business group has he spoke to.

  6. What up with this ***** and selling Zambia’s National parks? Why not empower citizens with tour operator licences so profits are invested back? Zambians wake up, just like your mines where sold, here is an ***** looking to mint from your wildlife attraction. Citizen empowerment….

  7. What’s with the perpetual dependence on bazungus…people, people, people…. You mean we so damn and daft to ever do anything by ourselves…. Putin is right….we lack confidence in ourselves and always looking up to white skinned people to save us…..its a shame!

  8. “Americans returning to Africa”? I missed that story, does anybody know what that is about? Marcus Garvey? Or is Trump now sending people back to Africa?

  9. Now we have taken corruption to wild life. A deal of course to keep on eating with both hands. Ndipo these issues are not over. Mick mouse freedom atleast for now. I can see people scampering in all directions in 2021.

  10. Dear Hon Chitolela, I like your zeal in dealing with many of our national issues. My frank advise Sir, if u are really interested in making KNP a good investment venture for all of us and future generations to come, is that consider leaving the Park especially the GMA intact, as it is. Don’t give in to demands of the so called “settlers” who are actually the biggest poachers of wildlife in the GMA and KNP. The viability and biodiversity of the Park solely depends on leaving the GMA as it is. The moment those guys are permitted to live in the GMA legally and permanently, and others who will also use this opportunity, will be the beginning of the acceleration of poaching in the Park and wildlife biodiversity will remain a pipe dream as it is right now. Instead I advise your good office Sir,…

  11. Why is it that our leaders only think that foreigners are the ones that should take up opportunities in Zambia when a lot of us as Zambians are capable of coming together to put up what is required in order to take up these opportunities being given to outsider, I think there is grey matter deficiency in most of our leaders.

  12. Chitotela always makes me upset when I see him. Even his speech here is nonsensical. We need a whole change of PF ministers at this point, they are too daft to understand that tourism is a self sustaining entity. Empower Zambians like countries like South Africa have done and be amazed.

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