Monday, March 17, 2025

Zambia looks to Brazil for help in Biofuel industry


 Dr. Alfreda Kansembe

Zambia’s Ambassador to Brazil, Dr. Alfreda Kansembe has held bilateral  talks with Brazil’s  Sugar, Ethanol and Energy companies in an effort to find partners to help establish the Biofuel industry in Zambia.

In the Brazilian city of Pirajuba shortly after she toured Energy Plants, Dr. Kansembe was assured by her hosts, the Usina Santo Angelo company that prospects for business with Zambia were high due to the country’s attractive investment climate.
Usina Santo Angelo Company Chief Executive, Jose Luiz Balardin urged Zambia to start producing sugar cane on a massive scale due to its  economic benefits.
The Brazilian company plans to visit Zambia in 2020 to kick-start prospects of investing in clean energy and generate business opportunities for Zambians.
Usina Santo Angelo company produces 3, 300 000 tons of sugarcane, 80 000 M3 of ethanol and 200 000 mega watts of electricity from the harvested sugarcane.
Ambassador Kansembe told the Brazilian company that Zambia was in a hurry to develop the Biofuel industry and reduce the dependence on hydro power production which gobbles colossal sums of money.
And Dr Kansembe is delighted with Brazil’s support towards the energy sector and she has thanked the Mayor of Pirajuba, Rui Gomes Ramos for inviting the Embassy of Zambia to his city and for his pledged support towards Zambia’s quest for clean energy.
Brazil’s total ethanol exports are estimated at 1.8 billion litres,which has increased from last year’s production.
This is according to a statement issued to the media by Grace Makowane, the first First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambian Embassy in Brazil.


  1. Zambia is searching for Female President, that so-called Dr can’t qualify. Ba Kansembe ni ba doctor of what ?? Anybody in PF is DR, and no one looks like their title.

    • Wishful thinking…Zambia is full of day dreamers and this Ambassador is one of them…just wasting peoples time touring companies and she knows nothing will happen meanwhile she gets hefty allowance for that tour….who does business with brazil….very dangerous country and the majority of people are poor

    • I can see many “high power” delegation trips to Brazil by this government.

      And in the end, nothing will happen.

      Remember the trips to Israel, Turkey, Russia, Saudi etc. etc.? Nothing happened in the end, just wasted tax payers money.

      Even Zambia airways has not yet taken off.

      This is what these PF thieves are good at. Nothing.

    • I said it before, this country is full of Dr. titles…. God knows what Doctors? Even a witchdoctor knows more than these so calle Dr’s. with bought titles No idea of anything to develop the country. How sad!

  2. Close majority of the foreign missions ..This lost dr has been in Brazil ,yet she understood nothing. Biofuel needs water….!

    • Zambia has plenty of water going to waste when we can make money out of it and improve our standards of living and stop thinking that politicians or social scientists will work out a way from our economic quagmire

  3. You dont need Brazilians to develop biofuels. There are a lot of zambians who have done research on biofuels but lack financial resources to develop. Why do you always rush for foreign ideas when you have capable zambians?

    • It’s not about finance. It about people who are not afraid to get their hands dirty. How much power is Zambia Sugar generating to light up the whole Mazabuka.
      As Charles Darwin said, “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. I is those that who know little and not those who know much who so often say that this or that problem will never be solved by science”.
      Most bloggers have no clue about the natural sciences but choose to contribute and add to the ignorance of the masses

  4. Why does that woman look like some one apowela in her eyes? Here in England the racist conservatives under boris have won due to illiterates falling for populist chants. Very similar to pf winning in 2011with anti Chinese rants only to sell mukula trees to them.

  5. “Majority in Brazil’s top court to make homophobia and transphobia crimes”-By BBC

    “The US ambassador to Zambia has said he has been threatened over his comments on the sentencing of a gay couple, deepening a diplomatic row.”- BBC

    “My job as U.S. ambassador is to promote the interests, values, and ideals of the United States.”

    PF administration you send so many signals. No more five years.

  6. Shallow thinking! Why should we look to Brazil? It’s Malawi looking forward to Zambia to develop its mines! Brazil is just as poor as Zambia. The only difference is that their leaders are less stupid than those in the PF

  7. Keep on dreaming after all dreaming is free.
    You dont need to go that far when we have experts here in Zambia in that field. Better sponsor these experts and they will tell you what they want and Biofuel can be a reality in Zambia – kwasila.
    A doctor in what – you are not an expert in that field madam. If you were you could have started from here – home and Zambia.
    Pf – you are a disaster!!!

  8. There we go again. Begging from a fellow 3rd world country. Begging, begging and begging. This mindset needs to change!
    We have a leadership crisis! Begging from strangers and thieving from their/our own. How are going to get out this hell hole? God help us!

  9. Dont embarrass us. What help do you really need? Biofuel is easy to make even a form 5 Chemistry pupil can make it for you with used chip pan oil from a takeaway and it can drive your tractor.

  10. So many science graduates in Zambia. Why not fund them to produce the biofuel right there in Zambia? Select some young smart scientists from each Zambian province/tribe, not relatives of pf and empower them to work o this. What’s the point in educating people who end up with no innovation? Brazil is under developed!!

  11. Nakambala Sugar produce surplus power to supply the entire Mazabuka town but our GRZ / ZESCO can not allow them. So what will the Brazilians come to do?

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