Saturday, October 5, 2024

Homosexuality: Zambia urgently needs an advanced first world intelligence diplomacy, the identity battle is real


By Dr Daniel Mvula Shimunza


ZAMBIA needs urgently, an advanced first world intelligence diplomacy, for building sovereign capacity. The fight against; corruption, poverty, unemployment, homosexuality, witchcraft, spirituality, and national political-ideological – identity battle, is real for Zambia.

Zambia is in an ideological battle, for national Christian values. Social democracy is promoting “populism” which is weak, to bring us to first world development, and industrialization.

Populist recycled conventional un-transformative politicians have promised more than they have delivered in the last 55 years. Time for a change, has now come. Social and cultural imperialism must be denounced by all Citizens. The West or the East, must not impose their values on our people.

On the other hand, liberal democratic values, are mostly at variance with Christian values. The Church cannot be silent about this insidious demonic spiritual war. At no other time, does Zambia need spiritual leadership, from the Church than ever!

Spiritual leadership, with conservative Christian values, will be the key to re-craft both state and government, for a 21st Century first world advanced righteous government. All those practicing witchcraft, in acquisition of power in politics, misrepresent, and anger God Almighty. Homosexuality must be condemned by all, yet still loving ‘gays’ as human beings, who need help in their moral declension, and decadence.

“Intelligence diplomacy”, is the intelligent engagement, of both allies and foes, for national sovereign interests in, bi-lateral and multilateral dominance, using diplomatic; negotiations, cooperation, mediation, and intelligent conflict management and resolution, by using timely soft or hard power diplomacy by all state-actors. To expect no challenges among, or between diplomatic relations with other countries is not avoidable. It is how we respond to conflicts that makes a difference.

A mature and intelligent response, is what makes for great intelligent diplomacy. Soft and hard diplomacy must be used intelligently without; emotional outbursts, unresearched, and uninformed commentaries, over ‘any’ issue of diplomatic nature, by all state- actors.

The American Ambassador overstepped his diplomatic roles

The American Ambassador overstepped his diplomatic roles, in imposing these liberal values on a nation that has never supported in general such homosexual values in the last 55 years. The sentencing of the “Homosexual Couple” for 15 years, was within the laws of the country which must be respected, as a deterrence to those who seek to abrogate the laws of our Country on Sodomy, and unnatural carnal knowledge of same-sex couples as crimes in all. The Republican Party in America, under the Trump Administration, does not Champion these values as Conservatives, unlike the Democrats, who are liberals. Shuttle – diplomacy, helps in conflict times, to minimize tensions of such nature, as seen in the recent past.

However, the Patriotic Front, (PF) must still address the Challenges of various allegations of Corruption stressed by the American Ambassador on various occasions. We must be objective and not selective, in addressing the things that have been concerning for the American representative against the (PF) government. Sadly, the (PF) have not handled their diplomatic maturity very well at times with the Americans. We must be mature and objective, not subjective in dealing with foreign affairs. Two wrongs never make a right. Where are mature ‘statesmen’ in the (PF)?

PF must reduce the number of their Spokespersons.

A body only has one mouth no matter how big, that is the wisdom of God, so in organizational culture, and behavior. Too many spokespersons for the (PF) added more salt to injury, about this whole issue. Sophisticated and advanced diplomacy is about; negotiations, mutual respect, and cooperation in bilateral and multilateral relations. Public pronouncements killed dialogue, and public attacks back and forth, on both sides, was the start of diplomatically strained relations between the Ambassador and the (PF) government. Chasing out of the country every diplomat, who disagrees with the government is not always the solution. Conflict management, is a temporal measure, while conflict resolution, is the ultimate goal of intelligent diplomacy. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, failed the Presidency.

Restraint of public diplomacy

Restraint of “public diplomacy”, and caution in international law, must be exercised by both the Ambassador and the government. An amicable solution is not impossible, to normalize diplomatic relations. Statesmanship, is the hallmark of diplomatic mastery, and intelligence. Dealing with the problem of homosexuality, must not make the (PF), and President Lungu throw away the baby with the bath water. The Presidency requires; wisdom, tolerance, patience, and the virtues of diplomatic engagement, to sustain long- held cooperation. Mis-understanding is the result of not having effective dialogue between the Presidency, and the American Ambassador, who did complain of this that during his tenure had only met the President six times.

The role of the Church in Zambia

The role of the Church in Zambia, is to promote Christian values that are coherent with the teachings of Christ, and the Bible in general. Homosexuality has no place in the Christian Nation, and must be fought in all. This does not say that the Church is perfect. The Church has sinned and made mistakes many times, because humans by nature must grow in Christ, and depends on God’s grace, to live according to the teaching of Christ. However, this does not mean that the Church hates Homosexuals, but hates the vice for it is directly against God’s teaching, and culture.

Political Liberalism  and Social Democracy

Liberalism as a political ideology, is morally weak, and is not ideal for a Christian nation. Economic liberalism is the only strength therein, if watched with other supportive values for so called “modernism and ‘progressive’ open societies”. By nature liberalism, implies ‘openness’ in society. In so far as a liberal private enterprise system is concerned, this is the only strength. Liberalism, however, fails on the moral front, when it advances issues such as; abortion rights, homosexuality, Planned Parenthood, and beastiality. Transgender practices are not acceptable, in many African countries, and societies. Human rights must not be against God’s rights and natural laws.

Social democracy as an ideology, is weak as it panders to Populism. For seeking to win an election, social democrats in Zambia have adopted all kinds of values and vices such as violence sadly. Those who pander to “panga for panga politics” have been celebrated under the social democrats. While at times condemning liberal values. We have seen sadly, those who pander to social democracy themselves, being perpetrators of political violence. It is the extremes in both social and liberal democrats that must be curbed. While social democrats are weak in economic, and ideological politics, liberal democrats have a moral problem of too much openness to wrong vices.

The battle between the Patriotic Front, (PF) and the United Party for National Development, (UPND) fits squarely on these two differences. The rivalry of the two Parties since the post- 2016 elections, will not reduce as we go towards 2021. If not checked, the cadreism and militia groups with ‘pangas’ we have all seen makes for sad reading, and can destroy a lot of our nationhood. Let all those charged with mobilization in all political Parties, practice civility in Politics of ideas, and issues not what we are seeing. No blood of a Zambian, is worth ushering anyone in State House, whether ruling party or any Opposition, respectively.


Zambia needs a Conservative Christian democratic ideology

Zambia needs a Conservative Christian democratic ideology, as a Christian Nation, which the Movement for National Transformation (MNT) is promoting, and advancing. We are conservative in fulfilling (Article 8) of the Republican Constitution. This is the best, for ideological values of an advanced sovereignty, for a first world Zambia. This is for advanced aggressive industrialization, and an advanced macro-economic template, which we have for Zambia given a chance to govern this country, in 2021 and beyond by the Zambian people.

Zambia will not go to 2021 elections with pangas, God forbid! All those planning violence and bloodshed using militias will be removed by God! Consider yourselves warned right now. Zambians want national unity and peace in all. Both the (PF) and (UPND), have failed to champion this unity by adversarial rivalry daily. This may cost the nation, as even dialogue failed between them. We need a new start.


Conclusively, the time has come for the nation to take a great stand against homosexuality, hut in doing so, the (PF) must be mature and diplomatically on top of things to engage the American Ambassador in diplomatic negotiations, to resolve the impasse over gay rights. Immature public pronouncements by the President and those under him sends a wrong message and is not wise. Address all matters raised, not just homosexuality by the American Ambassador. Selective hearing and reading is dangerous. Never close dialogue, it pays to talk. All are advised herein, accordingly!


The Author is Founding President of Movement for National Transformation (MNT) For First World Zambia Ideology



    • So much ignorance masquarading as knowledge.

      What the ferk is “intelligence diplomacy” if it is not ” muzungu anikonde”???

    • Hey Daniel, gay Daniel’s president just got impeached.
      Say you’re homosexual and somehow get ya’self on the ballot we see if any single Zambian will vote for you.
      We ain’t ripe for same s3x b0nkerage in Zambia yet.
      Believe me.

    • UPND must go for an enema. Choma, Livingstone, Mongu and Solwezi if they had serious residents they can not even vote for U5. This government has done a lot in these areas and all over Zambia but NAMWALA is always a problem in the blood.

    • This article is full of balderdash. It says nothing and why the urgently in the headline? This isn’t urgent

  2. Useless. An African is an embarrassment. The African man will use colonial laws and a foreign religion to defend why homosexuality is illegal and yet will legalise the growing of marijuana which is also based on the Same historical laws , all because marijuana has potential to give a few pf officials a source of income and homosexuality does not. As soon as the west withhold donor aid due to anti homosexuality laws, watch these monkeys legalise it .

    • This is very informative and worth pondering about by all well meaning Zambians. Lets look at this with sober minds because in my opinion, the learned doc knows what he is talking about. My own worry and I concur with one objective writer, forget about the chongololo drunk nincompoops, I think we have no time to recreate a new because we have done that before in 1964, 1991 and even 2011. It’s called a referendum against a government seemingly oppressing the will of the people. In summation, unless us Africans with too many independent liberals wanting power at all costs against Jehovah God, if the mini punishment from him for denying us rains, was a warning. Thank you doc for your genuine advice.

    • E.EZ…you’re a complete 1diot. Homosexuality is self-destructive. Put a 100 homosexuals on an isolated island and come visit the island 100 years later. The population on the island will be ZERO. Homosexuals don’t reproduce and thus depend on heterosexuals to procreate for them. Put 50 men and 50 women on the same island, and then visit the island 100 years later. The population will have more than doubled. Homosexuality, together with abortion clinics and toxic vaccines which are making African women barren, such as what happened in Kenya, is a Western agenda to depopulate Africa. Beware of the West’s black genocide agenda.

  3. Very sobering write up. Away from the usual innuendos and falsities. But comrade Shimunza, I don’t think we need a new start. We tried in 1964, 1991 and 2011 and results are not very encouraging. Instead we need to add up on what is already there. You for example don’t need a new political party but need to blend into existing set ups and add value. You with guys like Mutati/Nakachinda and their mps together with a Nawakwi-less FDD can make a strong manifesto. Remember, inter party democracy is fundamental. But overall, it’s guys with fresh ideas like you we need in our political set up.

    • Hey soberminds, I have an idea of how monks repugnantly practice same s3x s3x.
      Can one 1d10t explain to me how sufferingly gals do it?
      This is taboo mwe?
      Please LT put this shameless topic to bed. I beg you na, pilizi pilizi; nalya bogu yenu. Please polizi napalapata.
      Soon nefidolly fikesa manje ka!

  4. This writer is twisted. The writer is trying hard to win some people to this gayism but coming out as though he condemns it. The Ambassador has no diplomacy period yet he is supposed to be a diplomat. The issue of the PF Govt to address the other issues raised bye the disgraced ambassador cannot be taken on board be cause the Ambassador does not have any passion for all other issues except fro the Kapiri jailed. If for real the Fulufute meant to address other issues why did he need to wait for the Judgement for him to talk about corruption and the like? It just goes that his interest is only for the prohibited act which he is trying to champion on his own accord because even his impeached President does not promote it.

  5. “Social and cultural imperialism must be denounced by all Citizens. The West or the East, must not impose their values on our people.”-LT

    GRZ or political parties must not impose their values on our people, Should be peer to peer worldwide.

    In today’s world do not let blacks hijack Africa, Whites hijack the west, and Asian hijack Asia.

    People Sacrifice their lives and time for us to be where we are.

  6. Human rights shouldn’t be against supreme God’s rights and natural laws. Apparently, we follow rights* only when it is convenient to us.

  7. Chamba,lubanje, pot,marijuana whatever you call it is a forbidden herb.
    What assurance is the government going to givehat this herb will not be abused by the people? Next time we will hear of the government allowing cocaine for medicinal purposes.

    If Zambia is a Christian nation why allowing the cultivation of chamba which has been on a DEC’s list of forbidden things. So that chamba which is confiscated by DEC is sold and not destroyed.? Men of God why are you silent on this matter? Namwenso mumasuta chamaci tu?

  8. The writer is on point,we all say NO to Homosexual and we’re saying strongly no to corruption if can all have the same stance,then we shall go a long way

    • Sodomitization is also corruption.
      Tribalism is corruption.
      Nepotism is corruption.
      Bribery is corruption.
      Nichekeleko is corruption.
      Tax evasion is corruption.
      Satanism is corruption.
      Free masonry is corruption.
      Upndead is corrupted.
      Panama papers is corruption.
      Foote is corrupted.
      The devil is corrupt.
      H² is corruption.
      Just what the heck are blubbing about.

  9. Man you are great…above the PF and UPND together. I can vote for you for you have shown great maturity. Keep it up.

  10. Dr Daniel Mvula Shimunza is a luminary and should be in any future government. Since Zambia has no bi-cameral Parliament which would facilitate the inclusion of technocrats, Presidential appointments to the Zambian National Assembly should have a quarter for people like Dr Shimunza. There is an urgent need for a National Human Resources Management Agency to mitigate such wastage. The quality poor quality of some comments above is a case in point.

  11. Zambia is a developing nation constructed by the same first world you are referring to. Governance problems in Africa are simply based on the misinterpretation and application of the term democracy, constructed by the ‘First World.’ If you want to pinpoint Africa’s error in issues of governance, revisit precolonial Africa that will re-inform you about governance systems. The issue of homosexuality is just a big no and whether Christian a nation or not Zambia and most African countries will never buy into it. Therefore, no point in politicising the issue. It’s boring and a destruction. Visit notions of ‘Postcoloniality and Globalisation.’ You talk about sovereign/diplomacy….how sovereign are we as developing nation? First World diplomacy, what you talking about? You are contradicting…

  12. This doctor could’ve done better but once he goes political selling he then piteously falls into the same dungeons of blur as those he’s proposing to be uprooted. It makes the whole article very contradictory and exposes the writer as a victim of paradoxical thought. Unless this party went communist they should not cheat themselves that they can manage to separate modern liberalism from Christianity. And what is conservative Christianity? That sounds like something bordering on fundamentalism, very alien to the christian movement and thus only likely to create more divisions

  13. What we have lost as a nation are the values that underpinned our struggle to gain independence. We have given legitimacy to the world order by signing up to international organisations such as the UN, IMF, WHO etc that are founded on the norms and values of the First World. The first world is legitimised by the third world although the term ‘third world’ remains contested today. These organisation harbour neo-colonialism which questions the validity of our sovereignty. What is it that led us to fight for independence? If we look at our struggle for independence, then we will recapture our error as a country. Decolonisation at independence did not check out fully because racialised education compromised our progress. Fifty-five years later, we have more educated Zambians yet we continue…

  14. Since an all out revolution is not possible as per our history, there’s still room for social,political reform by way of prudent advocacies accompanied by liberal approaches to formulation of strong laws feeding into the organs of governance

  15. A good example of how to tell if an article was written by a former unza graduate – long, boring, meandering, not to the point which leaves readers pondering as to what the main point of the article is.

    • A good example of how to tell??
      Don’t you simply want to say: How to tell or if you want to be wordy: a good way of telling the critique is from a person without education is him doing the same things he is critical of.

  16. Otsimikiza of homos is just an other brick in the wall!What is your own problem ,Sir? Are people with a a different sexual orientation from yours,preventing you from singing your smug christmal-carols?
    When will you finally overcome the moralizing colonialists and missionaries? Are a generation of AIDS dead and terribly suffering successor-generation not enough?
    Have you forgotten how the europeans, americans,(missionaries)have protected themselves with condoms, while they have been hammering their ban of preservatives in your head for over 30 years?
    Really, dear Sir, start to think, start to become wise. Human rights for ALL of us. No more harmcausing judgment!Christ wants us happy , all of us!

  17. Zambia does have a constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression, does it not? Gay people are not the problem…corrupt politicians stealing money while some Zambians starve is! Try asking a starving citizen! The American Ambassador spoke eloquently and compassionately. I’d recommend so called Christians examine his words for kindness and generosity of spirit. And remember, Jesus never said a word on homosexuality. Leviticus, where all negative comments are quoted from, also defended slavery, incest and other horrors. Using hobgobblins like gay people is an attempt to smokescreen the REAL the truly sinful unfair distribution of wealth and justice! Don’t be conned.

  18. Any argument laced with religion loses authority, in my view. It is the end of independent thought and a cry for sympathetic vote from ignorant railway line psychologists.

    These borrowed values are what holds us back. Ask any kryptonite waving evangeslist if they woild accept an all expense trip to the sinful West….and I present to you a basket full of deplorable hypocrites.

    Just a bunch of sickening ras klaats!

  19. Rubbish, no wonder we are still wallowing in poverty. Any small thing we have to rush to America calling for sanctions against our country.

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