The Leadership Movement says it supports the growing of marijuana as cash crop to export for medical purposes.
The Party however says it disagrees with the Implementation process because giving an expensive license to farmers will only enable foreigners to be the only participants in the growing of marijuana and exporting.
Party President Richard Silumbe said this will eventually lead to the country not benefitting much from the crop while increasing abuse of the crop in the country at large because of foreigners will not safe guard the crop against abuse.
Mr Silumbe said the Leadership Movement will do it differently marijuana will only be grown in state farms run by Zambia National Service only for Export as a crop.
He said this will enable security and this crop will degenerate the nation into a lawless state due to abuse of the crop.
These tuma spoiler parties just say anything. Your friends in government have run out of ideas after bank rupting the economy only to end up in dagga. With a disguise of medicinal and export something. We said don’t borrow recklessly and you were stubborn, now you are even failing to respond to emergencies, just importing power was a challenge, which serious country can fail to raise little money like 44 million dollars to import power. Religious affairs is very quiet. What is the difference between Zodwa wa bantu and Chamba.
I just do not trust this government to handle such transactions.
They will loot the profits.
They have form.
Only the usual suspects will benefit from this.
Zambians have always grown ibange and cassaca. The legalization will now make them illegal to grow.
Licences should be to buyers/traders not our traditional daggar growers.
Just ensure you don’t bring in Colombian cartels as foreign investors, it will be disaster.
There are some questions to be answered before calling for the reduction of licence fees.
Why will the current fee favouring foreigners? It’s because foreigners have more money than Zambians. But why are Zambians poorer? Maybe a problem with our attitude. Award one contract to a Zambian and another to a foreigner and spot the difference. Walk into a foreigner’ s shop and a zambian’ s shop and compare how you will be recieved. Instead of talking about reducing fees, why not focus energy on solving those problems that are keeping Zambians poor?
In Zambia we have several traditional farmers who have been planting Chamba crop for domestic purposes.In Eastern province Chamba growing is normal as it is regarded as fwaka ya chingoni.This practice of planting Chamba is seen as illegal act .But now government has realized that they can generate revenue from Chamba growing its important for government to involve traditional chamba growers.Government should work hand in hand with local chamba dealers including Chibolya chamba baron of course measures should be put in place to tackle abuse of the business.
the way locals have been growing the crop will surely not deliver the quality that is needed to be able to export. There are very strict restrictions to pesticide contents. On top of that the THC content of the crop has to be determined even before the crop can be marketed (after all the tests for pesticides residues are good)
So where is the market for that chamba before you extort money from the people thinking they’ll rake in millions. Please zambians l beg of you do your research not even in the US and Europe are they asking for that kind of money to just grow chamba. Like people have mentioned the industry has many restrictions
Reduce the licence fee for Zambians ( remember job creation you been promising ever since)n let all foreigners pay high licence fee. Let’s learn to empower ourselves first. So many people have gone to school n become somebodys in life through the good returns is this Herb.
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For those would-be farmers looking for land, i have a 35 hectare farm land, well located in a good area with favorable rainfall. the farm has a good road. kindly contact me on 0977800691 for further information.
Thank you.