Sunday, October 6, 2024

Towards 2021 and Beyond: Opposition Lies will Suffer Fatigue But the Stamina of Truth will Prevail



A rally at Twafwane ground in Chililabombwe
FILE: A rally at Twafwane ground in Chililabombwe

Professor Jerry Shindano, Scotland.

Having lost as many times as the fingers on the outstretched palm of their party’s symbol; the UPND and their leader have become more and more recklessly desperate as 2021 approaches.

The stakes are high. Hakainde Hichilema-the UPND expert loser of 5 election defeats and 15 years without a peoples mandate as president of his party, teeters on the brink of political extinction.

This realisation has given Hichilema and the UPND regionally inclined inner circle sleepless nights. In a last ditch effort,they have resorted to playing dirty by propagating lies, fake news and other deceptive means, all in a bid to salvage some scraps out of Mr Hichilema’s crumbling political career.

They seek to invent campaign issues like corruption, Mukula fabrications, smearing in the first family’s name. The so-called AEI report is one such ridiculous farce conceived in malice and concocted to slander the good reputation of the first family and Government officials.

These cynics don’t see good in anything at all, but discredit government projects that benefit the people in all the 10 provinces. Nevertheless, we invite them to the politics of development.

We invite them into the arena of the politics of development to debate alternatives, manifestos etc.

1. Where are their manifestos?
2. Where are their alternatives?
3. Why are they allergic to politics of civility.

Their politics of falsehoods and fake news are not sustainable; lies have short legs and no endurance! On the other hand our development politics have endurance and permanence.

It only follows that, because lies have zero endurance, the opposition will have no message for the electorate in 2021; as Zambians are already becoming fatigued with the predictability of the opposition’s seedy online fake news outlets and their blundering offline propaganda.

It is very clear that the opposition and their hapless spin con artists in the media space have nothing to talk about and have no issues to raise except to imagine corruption with every development project we roll out as Patriotic Front.

As the 2021 day of reckoning falls upon them, the opposition will not be in a position to promise development including; good roads, schools, hospitals, universities, airports, a growing agricultural sector, and constant power supply.

Their lies would have fainted before the finish line.
The Truth will always prevail.

#Choipa chisata mwine.

Prof Jerry Nshindano is a UK-based Zambian Researcher & Scholar. He holds a Doctorate from University of Western Cape and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Zambia. He politically aligns to Zambia’s Ruling PatrioticFront



  1. ‘Prof’ for nothing; how does this nyeleti come up with such h0gwash?

    By the way, ‘prof’ Nyeleti, HH has not lost all those elections; he has been cheated out of some, as a matter of fact 🙁

    • Are you okay in the head you so called professor? How about you stop talking about HH and UPND and just working? You and PF are the ones who are becoming desperate because you have run out of ideas. Tribalism, privatization and satanism likes etc that you have used in the past will not work anymore. HH and UPND are now gaining ground. PF Kuya bebele 2021. Viva HH and UPND

    • So Minister and PS (from the same ministry) differing openly on a critical matter is fake news? Thanks to social media and alternative broadcasting media platforms Zambians are now better informed than in the past. Most if not all comments are now pro HH and UPND…the wind of change that you thought would never come is now truly on. 1990/91 reloaded. HH and UPND your time to rule has finally come.

    • Hakainde Hichilema knows once loses this election, that will be an end of political carear. But HH was better as technocrat and not politician.

    • Well narrated.
      The funny thing is that PF has the best pro-poor Manifesto and the deads have no issue to attack in it. You wonder why they have digressed from the founder’s dream.
      Upndead is a dead club, that’s what they are. Just dead.
      Just think of it?
      Who is the father of lies?
      So couple that with “three mensions” and the reality of panama papers and the gruesome selling of out mines. Don’t forget the sodomites meeting. The deads are feeling the heat thus the factory of lies. Boza, Ubufi, Bubela; Balabeja basankwa.

    • Yet another hallucinating, job seeking, famished cadre.

      Please address the issues that all Zambians are concerned about. Load shedding, inflated project costs, corruption, increasing mealie meal prices, etc. Not this nonsensical personality smearing.

    • Professor Makaka Nshindano with a small tompwe and he thinks being based in the UK means he is smarter chimbwi..Zambians are suffering under PF bandits you think its a joke…Zambians just want change just like they did in 1991 and again in 2011…..PF bandits time is up….voters on the ground back home have already made up their minds….so stop your nonsensical writing iwe pompwe makaka chi colour Nshindano

    • This Thorn is really dull. Even now he says pro poor policies. In the beginning yes you managed to lie to the people, but now your pro poor policies have come to show in reality on the ground and its affecting the poor the most. Just crawl back in your hole i***t.

    • Even Sata lost some elections, what is wrong with loosing an election. it is not even an offence to lose an election. infact a sharp mind will tell that that election was a draw, one 48% the other 47% of course the other guy aided by what is in public domain. then somebody sits abroad and in his usual dall state writes a statement to demonise HH. Mwandi HH, people are with you. Forget what the mangwam has written.

    • I have tried to check out (Google) this guy claiming to be a professor in UK but can’t find anything linking him to any university in UK. Could it be that this guy is a fraud hmmm? He’s fake just look at the calibre of his article.

    • Starting point is professors in social science don’t write like this. They always leave room for error because they know that is the nature of subjects they inquire into. That’s why there are schools of thought, that is, views that are equally valid but that the author may not necessarily hold or agree with and those who hold them aren’t wrong or stupid. That is what distinguishes professors from the average man or eoman in the street.

  2. Desperate kicks of a dying horse. Please address issues to do with escalating dept, power shortage and ailing economy. Anything else is of no concern to us, you are the ruling party so act like it!

    • Problem with our party is that we campaigning so much on social media than doing work on ground. We spend so much time paying people who use social media to post comments and control groups than foot work campaign. Let President HH change this strategy

    • H² is dull.
      Fortunately, strategy must change when necessary. He promised strategy after Chongwe Council Chairperson election lose.
      I would encourage h² to continue on this trajectory and Zambians will surely rise above petty politics.
      H² is not a politician thus the behaviour of desperation.
      He is losing 2021 polls and he knows it.
      Truth hurts mwe!

    • Must be getting pretty lonely ba Thorn, being the only one running around every comment defending !diocy. Even the deranged Sharon doesn’t visit much anymore. Anyhow, keep it up, the dead PF needs all the support it can get.

    • Must be getting pretty lonely ba Thorn, being the only one running around every comment defending !d!ocy. Even the deranged Sharon doesn’t visit much anymore. Anyhow, keep it up, the dead PF needs all the support it can get.

    • I saw a Professor in Kabwata. Specialises in enlarging anatomical parts front and back. He can also predict the future and cures all diseases including impotence and HIV.
      Is this the one?

  3. Good morning Professor. While you are at it, would you please inform us how much fire tenders cost in Scotland? And have a look in the meantime on the financial reports of last time. Lastly, have a closer look at corruption cases that a named minister is appearing in court for. Iam sure these issues have long legs unlike the opposition short ones!
    It really reminds me of the phrase “alternative facts” that has come with Trump administration and it would appear the phrase is caught on our educated people living in the west!

    • Tribalism is corruption in case you didn’t know.
      Let’s condemn all forms of corruption.
      Same s3x issues proposed to Zambians amount to the worst form of corruption too.

  4. Singing for the job with a PhD! Zambians have woken up from the slumber of PF lies. If you believe the cost inflated development projects will sell at the voting both in 2021, then wake up and start seeing what is happening in some of the so called PF strongholds! The deciding factor is the economy which is dead and in urban areas where voter turnout is high with big numbers,PF has basically lost support.Even in rural provinces, support has been lost and will be coupled with high voter apathy and vote splitting.New voters would like something,someone new,NOT Ba Edgar!So,accusing UPND of lies you can’t prove wont help,2021 is a real tough one for PF,no wonder your hollow articles!

    • He is lying coz he is failing to explain how the cost of living has risen, job losses especially for SMEs due to loadshedding, massive corruption,failed agric interventions again due to corruption. If the Mukula saga is a lie why not sue publishers- the guilty are afraid. DON’T CREATE A CRUSADE OF FALSEHOODS TO PREPARE PEOPLE FOR RIGGED ELECTIONS!! If PF was still popular why did the Pres.have to camp in Milenge for a Councilors elections?

  5. I like the genuineness in his mentioning his affiliation. But also he plays nice cool politics than what we have seen from other UPND lecturers UNZA has employed. Unza has been taken by.a cartel of lecturers such as Dr O’Brien Kaaba who openly preaches during his lectures.

  6. You are a disgrace to the Shindano clan!
    When a Professor reduces self to mere cadre, know they have lost it! Professors are supposed to be fountains of Knowledge and wisdom, not agents of hate speech!

  7. The fact still remains that the PF is a Party of kleptomaniacs and the UPND is is a Party of tribal zealots waiting for their turn to emulate their PF colleagues in everything. Both believe their own propaganda. Both don’t deserve our vote, abash PF and abash UPND

    • I feel for the UPNDEAD.
      There is no way a corruptly charged party can debate issues based on truth.
      It is on boo boo of lies after the other.
      Zambians have eyes open and they are staring development is the face.
      We do not have an alternative in h². Ifwe in ECL cabe!

    • Towards 2021 all the deads lies turn dispelled one after the other. Indeed, the energy of lies will surp.
      The deads still has no sound strategic agenda.
      We should be loving their self distract maneuvers.
      Why are we reminding them?
      Anyways 2021 azaulula be!

    • HH has already sold his soul to the can a normal human being born of a Man and Woman support gay rights and homosexuality?
      Free.masion, Child of the

  8. This Professor is a cl0wn. Your name could not populate in Google scholar and you call yourself a scholar! Your article is nauseating, embarrassing and extremely skewed. You characterize challenges Zambians are going through as lies. President Lungu and PF are aware of the difficulties and they are not denying all but at the time of massive infrastructure development. Try to strike a tone of balance against challenges by proposing strategies the person of presidency should do going forward. Be like me I suggest to President Lungu to fire the cabinet entire and hire those who can’t inflate BOQs.

    • You have not touched on any of the issues raised in the article.
      You would be an extremely dull student on comprehension matters.
      Why are you even commenting?
      Dullo dullo astandard, dullo aisha.

  9. Nutty Professor. I didn’t bother to go through this tripe. How much are they paying you? Whatever it is, it is not worth this hogwash. Please give them back some change. Ba LT Naimwe, please ensure that you give your audience quality, well researched op-eds. Not every “profferssorial rant” needs to be published, please.

  10. Spot on. In 2016, hh realised that a loss to ECL would totally damage his career. If he conceded defeat, his supporters were going to lose confidence in him and the Canicious Banda declaration was going to gain traction. So to keep the supporters interested, he cooked up the rigging story. Remember, hh abrogated the constitutional mandate of his party which stipulates a 10 year period for a leader. As his credulous supporters vigorously spur him on, he has relied on falsehoods and lies to keep them excited and blind them from the truth.

  11. Is this fake news – Engineering Institute of Zambia launches Investigations into the safety of the Alick Nkhata Flyover Bridge. I have issues with titles of Professors, Doctors etc. Many times when they speak they have not made sense. The latest one being Lungwangwa lying that Bill 10 has changed the face on the basis of the recommendations from the select committee.

    Why should the stamina of truth only only prevail in 2021 and not now. Ati professor kikikikikikikikikikiki.

  12. It’s people like professor mediocre Shindano that makes the pursuit of professario status useless and senseless. How can a professor sink so low to the point that he can’t even see anything wrong with what is going on in Zambia. If this is what education does to people then I don’t want it because it produces educated fools. We need generational leaders and not leaders worth less than 3 months of value in leadership. You are so mediocre sir than you are not worth holding that title otherwise it’s a title of educated fools. Very mediocre Zambian education indeed. It pains me to see our own Zambian people going to waste with what should be credible education. How cannot see that Zambia is in trouble? How can you not believe the true reflection of reports of corruption and abuse of…

  13. Prof. Don’t remind them yet. Lets wait a bit.
    We shall soon start to air their lies against the present people can see.

    Zaffico sold against Zaffico not sold
    Zesco Sold to Chinese against Zesco not sold
    Alick Nkhata road land sold against that patch not sold
    42 houses belong to first family against them belonging to nephew of former MMD Finance Minister
    Fingi mukapapa..! we shall be airing them to the people with videos HH lying and I can see people responding as follows;

    Me: Is zesco sold to Chinese…….
    People: Noooo Its a lie……

    Me: do the houses belong to President…
    People: Noooo its a lie……

  14. Sometimes take these titles with a pinch of salt. You see doctorate, professor but when you dig deeper you find these are people like Ed Chomba with fake qualifications. How can somebody calling himself a professor say the first family has a good name, the starting point is go to LAZ and go and find out why one member of the first family was barred by LAZ in his practicing days as a lawyer. Do you call that a good name…Labish

  15. No objectivity in the article. Let somebody advise him how excellent the exchange rate is doing, lets start from there. Lamentable failure by a government in all sectors. And somebody sits in what ever country he is in to send hogwash….very embarrassing.


    Even Panji K@unda articulates issues & problems of this “Beloved Plunderers Federation” of yours clearly.
    You must have just benefitted from dodgy proceeds from Mukula, & the Alick Nkhata Hazardous Disaster Bridge scam Makaka we’ !!
    Is it fake news that K@!zer assaults Citizens, then the arsonist burns property belonging to peasants who have Zero access to Corrupt funds to replace their damaged property & your beloved J0na has NOT sacked K@!zer! (Shinda)No, is that how a leader of a Nation conducts himself? There’s the issue. Is that Fake news?? Mukula one Chief admitted J0na authorized him to sell Mukula. Is that Fake news? K!t0tela one of the most Corrupt beings in Zed, never relieved of duties whilst being investigated…

    • cont;
      whilst being investigated for plunder. Is that how a sober leader conducts Government, & is that Fake news?
      Er!c Ch!mese drained ZAF of Millions, & was quietly, & secretly relieved of duties, but still walls free. Is that Fake news, & how a proper sober leader conducts themselves (Shinda)no? 2turdy Mwale was paid Millions for work not done, is that Fake news? T@s!la languished in the U.S, & as soon as Chawama tavern dwelling Dad gets keys to Zambia’s treasury, she promptly flies back, & becomes a U$Doller millionairess overnight. IS THAT FAKE NEWS??
      Today I will NOT Sh!NDA when I go to the toilet, because you are a brainless Money loving Cadre, & your name says (Sh!nda)NO!!

  18. If PF is delivering so much development and doing so much to raise the standard of living in Zambia , why is this so called professor an economic migrant in the diaspora ?????

    He is an economic migrant in the UK because things are tough in Zambia , there is true suffering even before the country starts paying back the $17 billion owed…..

  19. Someone tell this professor that losing is also winning, it’s okay to lose what matters most is persistence and that’s the thing pf is scared of hh. Losing is even a training ground to improve yourself look at lungu with his winning, he is literally dragging the country into the ground. It is lungu and pf who lie a lot, talk about the fake working when there is an election which they have failed to sustain. Everything is collapsing in their faces, the opposition doesn’t even to say anything. Do you see them fighting over a bridge

  20. I see the writer is oblivious to what a lie really is. how may things have the PF promised to do only to turn back and do the opposite. No miner will lose a job but they lost their jobs, more money in your pockets alas there is negative amounts in peoples pockets due to kaloba, more jobs for the youths, only to end up with caders stealing money from hard working bus drivers and marketeers and brutalizing them too. Salaries for people are in arrears for several months now wow the ministers and high government officials get theirs on time. The more money meant for people went to ministers and the president by selfishly increasing their own salaries. People of Zambia you have seen what PF are capable of, let them not lie to you that they need more time because good leadership is not a result…

    • contd: leadership is not about how long one rules but what they are able to deliver for the people in any given period of time accorded to them.

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