Sunday, October 6, 2024

ZRA wants fast track court to expedite tax related cases


ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda
ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda has urged the judiciary to establish a fast track court to expedite tax related cases.

Mr. Chanda, who gave a presentation at the ongoing Judicial conference in Livingstone yesterday, told journalists in an interview that ZRA wants tax related cases to be dealt with expeditiously but without compromising justice.

He said this is so because delayed tax cases result in loss of revenue as tax value depreciates over time.

Mr. Chanda has predicted that ZRA will go beyond the fifty one billion kwacha tax collection target for 2019.

He said despite the year facing a number of economic shocks such as electricity load shedding and the depreciation of the Kwacha, ZRA has done extremely well in revenue collection.

And Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima, has welcomed the suggestion of creating fast track courts in Zambia to specifically deal with tax matters.

Responding to suggestions by Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda, who requested the judiciary in Zambia to expedite cases of Tax, Mrs Mambilima said, the idea is welcome and urged the Tax Authority to join hands in the establishment of the said courts.

Mr Chanda has assured the Chief Justice, that Z.R.A stand ready to offer financial and logistical support needed to realise the said establishments.




  1. It’s not necessary because it targets SMEs who are already on the receiving end of the unrealistic penalties. You’ve failed to deal with large corporate defaulters like Zesco and evaders like mines. Most notorious clearing agents are owned by ZRA employees and PF cadres whom you know. They clear 100s of vehicles without tax, Chinese clear 100s of containers at zero tax. Just clear fraud within ZRA not what you’ve proposed

    • The argument on delayed settlements results in ZRA losing out, should be put across for pensioners who only access their funds years post serving the employers? What do you think bwana Commissioner?

    • There is an old story about the wind v the sun. They saw a man wearing a coat, they challenged each other to see who can remove the coat. The wind used all its force blowing hard with scary torrents and thunder but the man held onto his coat tighter and tighter.Then it was the turn of the sun who in just a few moments managed to get the man to remove his coat by simply shining brighter.

      ZRA are trying the whip instead of the velvet glove approach, or in the example given above they are acting like the wind and not being wise like the sun. People need guidance and not threats of being taken to court to pay tax. Just impose a base tax for those who are off the radar so that they can pay whenever they make a wholesale a purchase a little extra, and that extra will be remitted by the…

    • Ctn…
      ZRA are trying the whip instead of the velvet glove approach, or in the example given above they are acting like the wind and not being wise like the sun. People need guidance and not threats of being taken to court to pay tax. Just impose a base tax for those who are off the radar so that they can pay a little extra whenever they make a wholesale purchase, and that extra will be remitted by the wholesaler to ZRA. No need to spend extra money on courts, no need to suffer the already troubled majority of Zambians struggling to survive. Zambian SIDO owners will be happy to make this contribution rather than be burdened with the opening up of TPINs and using complicated e-service tax online websites.

  2. Just work with the Revenue Appeals Tribunal give it teeth why “fast track court” you want another Rasta? Where only the end user is punished and not the perpetrator?

  3. So ZRA your advert on the radio which says Mr Kingsley Chanda is warning, does it mean when this man is removed as Commissioner general, you will make another advert. What time of wastage is this. Why not just issue a statement/warning in the name of the institution. Africa, my foot. Every penny in this country matters now, stop this damn wastage

  4. Is that a decision that can be made by the commissioner general shouldn’t he be speaking to his board about this before making pronouncements such as these

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