Sunday, October 6, 2024

Pictures of the Commissioning of a Newly Built Police Post in Kitwe’s Nkana Constituency



The newly built and  furnished 'Esther Lungu Police Post' in Kitwe's Nkana East,
The newly built and furnished ‘Esther Lungu Police Post’ in Kitwe’s Nkana East,
First lady being Welcomed
First lady being Welcomed
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe's Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe’s Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe's Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe’s Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
The handing over of another $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
The handing over of another $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony


  1. It’s becoming increasingly costly to maintain the first family. This is the most traveled first family we’ve ever had. The first lady travels with a package of details equivalent to that of Her Honor the Vice President. She traveled by ZAF aircraft, which means her vehicles traveled by road with drivers, the Copperbelt Police Command was in attendance. Put these logistics together and calculate the cost

    • Bill Gates and his buddy founded a computer firm named Microsoft, Steve Jobs called his Apple, Mark called it Facebook, etc these individuals used their own money and sweat but never called their success stories after their names, but these guys in a space of 6 years, using tax payers money they have literary named anything after them. Anyway these are political names they can be easily changed, Saddam had a statue erected on every corner of the road but today you will find non.

    • You are right @Aristotle but sadly you cannot wipe out what has been established by a leader. If you have been to Iraq you realize that those symbols and monuments, though not as proliferated, are still there. There are even groups trying to preserve and rebuild. Once you get a leader onto the pages of history it becomes contentious to get rid of things they do, significant or mediocre. That is the sad part of getting the wrong people on board.

    • They steal money from you then give back the spare change in for of donations and money from bribes from overpriced Chinese contracts then the thieving ministers names the projects after the Lungus. Where did Malanji get all this money to buy a car ad build a Police station? I hope the he Ester and Malanji are both detained in there.

    • This Madam has an ego problem She is really big headed. She feels no embarrassment naming herself after national monuments? You feminists where are you when someone is just clinging to a husband’s achievements for fame? Zambians never voted her into any office

    • MrsLungu and Mrs Mugabe are the same breed. Women who use their husband’s to bloat their own egos. Don’t be surprised if the next ballot papers will not have Edgar’s name but Esther’s

    • “The newly built and furnished ‘Esther Lungu Police Post’ in Kitwe’s Nkana East”, WHAT THE FAR-CA IS HE DOING IN MY TOWN NAMING A POLICE POST HIS GRANPARENTS HELPED.

    • Don’t worry. Once corrupt Lungu loses in 2021, we will erase all that nonsense. It’s sheer foolishness naming a police post after a politician’s wife. Foooools.

    • Or like Yotam Muleya Police Post – so we can symbolize how speedily the cops can run after the wrongdoer. Not these names that are just aggrandizements without any meaning. Very right!

    • If Tasila or Esther are caught committing a crime do you think police at this station will detain them?
      Mrs Lungu would like those fire engines she received in America to be named Esther’s Fire briged

    • Rename it as “KWACHA” this will help the pople of Kitwe/copperbelt to easily understand where the police post is located.

  2. Naming buildings, places, airports etc after peoples names especialy politicians is total rub.bish unless these are personal building built by personal money but not government money. It boggles my mind why we always want to sink so long especially politicians. Thats not ndalama zanyoko yai. Thats government money and someone is happy to see their names there – ubututu – bufontini!!!

    • Oliver Tambo is a national hero. Not the husband of a national hero. He fought for his country s independence and he is NOT ALIVE. He sacrificed his life for his country. He didn’t name the airport after himself.

    • Iwe @ Head Mistress
      It is famously known as Johannesburg international airport (JNB) by many travellers
      While O.T is seconded

  3. As others have pointed out above we have people who have contributed a lot to the world and way we leave now and they did not say name this and that after my names. Apple company is not called Steve Jobs, Microsoft is not called Bill Gates but they have done us well not these gumugumu names all over without shame!!!

    • And when we genuinely question these things out of love for the country, some riff Raff will come screaming we are bitter, seriously like I asked him to taste me.

  4. I have no problem with the naming, on condition that you name the new bridge on Alick Nkhata road after the father of infrastructure in Zambia. I mean something like ECL bridge….kikikikikiki…quite fitting, don’t you think?

  5. Zambia goes to the Dogs while former Zambians now Dooogs amoung Dogs just look on. Next will be naming of må private parts of Zambians after these *****s. Zambia is now a Kingdom thanks to the Zambian idiooooots

  6. @2 Vantage Point

    Nkana East Police post is a better name and …..

    That is correct.

    Just think of the money that silly illiterate woman and her entourage have spent coming to commission that police post ???

    That money could have paid school fees for a whole year for some deserving kid

  7. Don’t blame these people. Expect anything when the mentally underprivileged are in control. There is a reason one student gets 95% and the other 30% for the same examination paper.

  8. Such nonsense only happens in ‘ish-hole’ countries. One dictator in an ish-hole country in Eastern Europe (one of the ‘Stans’ I think Belarus) named a whole town after his mother.

    It started off with small things like these. Using taxpayers money to appease the first family. This is abuse.

  9. Names for national assets after living politicians has become so common since PF came to power. The rationale behind can hardly be understood by the general public. Others may argue that its fitting to name Zambian assets after these living politicians. However, the whole import of naming Zambian assets after individuals can be misleading. The naming of Kenneth Kaunda International Air port is widely acceptable in Zambia including those who may have differed with the ideology of our first republican president. However, others can rest in peace, much more others who have stolen and looted from the majority poor Zambians need to be tried in courts of law. Naming after Zambian assets is for Zambians to decide and not because occupying a government office.

  10. Naming of any public assets should only bear place-specific neutral names.Creating a cult of worshiping corrupt ruling families should end.

  11. In more democratic and sensitive societies, places, streets etc are NEVER named after people who are in public office still.

    Honour the dead ones, by all means,
    but never the living ones – they might mess up awfully still, if they have not done so yet.

    Remember all the main streets in Zim’s towns called ‘Mugabe’?

    • You will never see A Bill Clinton Street until he dies. Hilary Clinton can’t claim such accolades because she was the president s wife. Nor can Barbara Bush. Donald Trump will not be named after any public monument. Lomba tuma tin pot dictators they demand to be named aafter police stations and police motorbikes. Nansoni zinasila

  12. Insoni ebuntu. When alot of people complain about something it means there is a reason. You will not know how foolish you are unless you get guided

  13. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    What a country this is? A backward sh!th0le for that matter! Seriously how do you name a police station after an individual? I have actually never heard of anything like that… I know they like naming things after themselves to satisfy their small egos, but a police station, wow… just unbelievable! @ Esther Lungu Post Post… this is ridiculous, if not insane.

    And look at that car, @ Donated by: Hon Joseph Malanji. So it is now a donation for an MP using tax payer to buy a public asset required for public use? What kind of thinking is this? or this Unhonourable dude use his own pocket money? Others donate quietly even if they use their own money.

    At worst this is bribery and corruption and any serious cop would lock these 2 in jail for the crimes!

  14. Let us be Patriotic folks .We have thousands of streets named after foreign names.Please stop being petty folks.
    Chingola has names like
    Oppenheimer avenue
    Gandhi Road

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