Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambia’s Problems Cannot by Fixed by Firing Kaizer Zulu


Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs Kaizer Zulu
Former Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs Kaizer Zulu Diamond TV’s COSTA Programme

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

As the over 17 million Zambians wake up this morning, around 10.5 million of these are poised to make it through this day on just one meal; and these are the lucky ones because another close to 500,000 are not even guaranteed a single meal today.

Today alone, $2,411.27 is expected to be stolen under the PF regime; as has been the case since the PF took the mantle of power in 2011. This is how we know that an aggregate of over $10 billion has been stolen under the watch of the PF, principally by PF political actors and their business associates.

Today alone, families must find a way of bridging the K110 per day increase in the basic food basket since 2011; in an environment where real wages have been regressing at a rate of 3.2% per annum while real inflation on every basic food item has been surging by an average 14% – 16% per annum.

The removal of Kaizer Zulu will not recover the close to $2 billion worth of Mukula revenue estimated to have been stolen by the #MukulaCartel since 2012, nor will it recover the close to $30 million stolen in the Firetenders scam. And in case you have not noticed, ZAFFICO IPO prospectus information have revealed that ZAFFICO managed to buy Fire Trucks for a whole $900,000 less, for around $100,000 PF government sanctioned the purchase of one Fire truck at $1 million each.

As we speak, a number of cooperating partners have suspended millions of dollars per annum worth of life-saving support to areas of health, education and social protection because of grand theft and corruption by PF government officials and their subordinate actors.

Today, the PF have allowed ordinary Zambians to pay a heavy premium at the pump for fuel so that PF government officials and their friends can get paid. These are the people controlling major components of the fuel procurement and distribution cycle.

The $7 billion economic SABOTAGE under the PF thanks to a loadshedding which should have been avoided cannot and will not be fixed by the removal of Mr. Kaizer Zulu. The people who have made millions of money in kickbacks in respect of the award of never ending hydroelectric power contracts are in government and are PF officials.

Now, I can understand why people celebrated the removal of Kaizer from his position. Mr. Zulu had become the ultimate symbol of thuggery and impunity at the very highest level of government. But the sobering truth is that KZ was only ever the face of state capture. The real state capture has not gone anywhere.

And while President Edgar Lungu may wish to portray the facade that he has turned the corner and prepared to crack the whip for the right and correct reasons, he still has Jean Kapata serving; an individual whose name has for several years now been associated with several millions of dollars unaccounted for in Mukula revenues. The President still has Stardy Mwale who received K1.6 million to build a Maternity Annex at Kabushi clinic in 2014 and do date, the facility has not been completed not has it been handed over.

The President is still principal supervisor of a political party that has been receiving dirty money in kickbacks for influencing the award of public contracts.

The truth is, Kaizer Zulu has not been removed for the collective good and benefit of Zambians.

Kaizer Zulu has been removed for political expediency, a move aimed at sanitizing the name of a ruling cartel gone rogue.

The problems highlighted above cannot be resolved without a substantive change of government.

Corruption and criminality under the PF is an institutional thing which cannot be gotten rid of by the removal of only any one single individual.

So, thank you Your Excellency for pawning one of your lieutenants. Zambians will not take the bait.



  1. Nothing credible can come from from the UPND Sadists and sycophants….When UPND condemns you just know that what you’re doing is a good job….Don’t expect anything good from the privatisation crook HH who has hidden the privatisation loot in the paradise papers because of his greedy and bitterness nowonder Zambians from 6.5provinces cannot vote for him because they do not subscribe to the group think mentality of UPND who worship their Supreme leader HH of the UPND…

    • #1. If you cannot comprehend what the author has cleverly written, please do not display your….here.

      God bless Zambia.

    • Simple grade 10 comprehension, and some riff Raff’s have gone berserk wielding their thungs, I just read the first , middle and last parts of the article, and have realized that he is just advising those who are not educated cowards that kz is just the tip of the iceberg. Unless this iceberg and not just the tip is tolled, work done in 2021 will be equal to zero.

    • Mr Author of this article, you need to start getting serious. Is this just the love of being online fetching fame under the umbrella of your name and UPND as a whole.

      I am one of the people who were very critical to Kaizer’s appoint, so are many good loving and sensible Zambians. So glad to see him go.

      No one is saying that Zambia will be fixed by firing Kaizer Zulu. Those are your shallow thoughts playing with words and context. Rather trying to sound important.

    • The nation cannot be fixed. It’s impossible to reach that goal.

      Every nation just desires or aims to develop and get better and better – because no matter how advanced or developed a nation is; there will challenges and problems to solve all the time. Therefore context is very important when we stand on the Online Pulpits.

    • The development will come when +Yourself! +Myself! and +All-Zambians! start contributing to the nation.

      Government don’t develop the nation. Its the private sector or citizens that pioneer change, creativity, entrepreneurship and so forth. That’s how the USA surpassed everyone in the last 400 years.

      Communist China tried to run everything for centuries, one day they woke up and realised that Free Markets Economies are paramount. Today China is slowly changing to Free Market Economies encouraging everyone to be part of national development

    • because no matter how advanced or developed a nation is; there will challenges and problems to solve all the time.

      That problem solving all the time is fixing, right now the economy is in tatters, don’t you think it needs fixing?

    • We cannot Blame Lungu, let’s blame ourselves for our stupidity and lack of courage. Zambians will talk on useless things and leave the big stuff to be swept under the carpet. Let Lungu and his Family get Rich as the Poor Die with the disease due to Lack of Medicine in Hospitals.

    • You can give HH 100 years to live and run Zambia. He will not develop Zambia. It has to come from the will of the people to do their part. HH can only do a tiny part by setting the agenda. Nothing more.

      So Anthony Bwalya! come Lusakatimes to inspire the nation and not being diabolical.

      And there is nothing wrong addressing corruption, we have to fight it, especially in the whole Civil Services from (bottom to top) or (top to bottom).


    • Aristotle (1.6)

      Yes it needs fixing, I totally agree with you and I encourage you to keep asking.

      However, ( “YOU” ) and ( ” I” ) have to be part of it cause it cannot be fixed by the government alone.

      The largest part of ” Compound Corruption ” is in the civil services where it has become the norm. This includes PF, UPND, MMD supporters and the whole.

      HH knows this very well. HH addresses it very strongly in (Private Meetings). HH knows that most Zambians are developing a culture of corruption and being lazy, this includes those that strongly support UPND.

    • cont…
      Aristotle (1.6)

      So we have to change the mindset of the people of Zambia to become self-reliance and tap into their potential and not use short-cuts.

      When you have a nation engraved with corruption in its fabrics, it does not matter if you have the best man or a clean team running the government, the development will fail to cascade.

      That’s why Nigeria has reached a point of no return on corruption. Individual Nigerians carry corruption to every nation they go to. Its the norm for them because they breed corruption in their fabrics of life.

    • It is better not to comment if u are not getting sence from what you have read. you are showing us your …………. wake up and be on your correct side.

    • Fix the government first then things will start to turn around. Government is the vehicle to drive the desired change. Letting a rotten government run the country is what is causing the problem. so to instill confidence back into the people of Zambia the government must be fixed first so that it genuinely becomes a people’s government and not the president’s government. now who can fix this government? surely not by a passive people, nor ignorant and negligent people but a people who see the future they desire for their young ones first then align though and action now to attain it, a people that will put government to task to help the government realise their mandate.

  2. So , you are telling me that someone can not be fired unless the country’s economy is on track.You can not remove bad eggs after chicks hatch.You remove them now or else you will not have any chick at all. You can have him in UPND. He is now baptized in colour hypocrites !

    • Adedos 2021
      The point is that he should not have been appointed in the first place,and the English talk about locking the barn after the horse has bolted.In short the damage has already been done,nothing to commend the humble leader here,apart from waiting to see if the rogue will now be made to account for his many sins…as Davis Mwila Mr 6 Points says”..chapwa..”…

    • UPND are U5 babies who cry for no reasons. Where you not the same people who were complaining about him? You people don’t know what you want in life, you better keep quiet and stop wasting our time.

  3. 10.5 million people going with one meal per day but they own the cellphones and browse daily to check your useless propaganda stop politics encourage people to work hard and think

    • sawa
      Go tell that to the hard working farmers who have no fertiliser or seed,or the industrious businessmen who is afraid of getting a loan because of high interest rates, or the unpaid government supplier who has lost his property because the government is broke and cant pay him.Learn to stay in your lane,Mwanawas once said knowing too little is more dangerous than knowing nothing, people who know nothing have no opinion and dont embarrass themselves like you

  4. Please for God’s sake,tell us your manifesto,every time is corruption,mukula,48houses,ambulances,etc,but what is your solution to all the difficulties zambians are goimg through,are you saying when you form govt no one will go hungry.Please give us a break.

  5. Ba Bwalya your articles un fortunately are not inspiring at all. You know why? They very close to revealing the hate you for Ecl and PF. Your articles rarely make ECL & PF accountable. As somebody from the opposing side you should better for people to take your party as an alternative. Your figures greatly alarming and misleading.

  6. No we will not take the bait, either from PF or from Trible UPND.
    Quite interesting article if you manage to read it all especially most of the rubbish. Now everywhere the article says PF replace with UPND, and everywhere it says Edgar Lungu replace with Trible HH. Done? Thanks, if you make the mistake of voting Trible HH and Trible UPND in 2021, that’s exactly what you would see in their government. Forewarned is forewarned, all that the Tribles want is to reap what they see PF doing, some kind of jealous over what any sensible Zambian sees as bad things happening in our country. The syndrome of “I should be the one enjoying”, that is Trible UPND for you. Just imagine one of the current UPND MPs as the minister of education for example, he has so many broken cars to fix or replace at…

    • Junior jj
      Elections are about choosing between alternatives,honestly one has to either someone who is chewing from the pot of PF or a complete diot to go for Lungu.He has failed to sort out tje electricity mess,but has said he will borrow $2bn for a meaningles railway,mealie meal prices are high but his FISP program is a shambles meaning prices will even be higher next year,he cant sit in his office despite all the challenges he faces,no medicine in hospitals,no meal allowances for university students but he is gallivanting in one of the most expensive planes a crisis ridden nation like Zambia can afford. Need i go further,better a competent tribalist than an inept clueless corrupt character surrounded vy his likes…ububomba mwibala…

  7. …..The syndrome of “I should be the one enjoying”, that is Trible UPND for you. Just imagine one of the current UPND MPs as the minister of education for example, he has so many broken cars to fix or replace at his home and some concubine’s!
    What do you say to that Anthony Bwalya and your trible cadres?

  8. As for fuel, the price in landlocked Zambia mirrors that in sealocked RSA most of the time. Anthony you there? Any more Trible
    Yes we need a change of governance in 2021 and we shall have it, but definitely Trible UPND is not the option.

    • Would the price of fuel be tje same if the kwacha had not lost 300 percent of it’s value in 3 short years of humble leadership?

  9. Bwana Anthony Bwalya – the so called UPND Member, has a warped mind-set. Would his boss HH ever tolerate the behavior of Mr. Kaizer Zulu as he harassed innocent souls in public places? In the wisdom of UPND, the appointment of a new Political Advisor to the Republican has sealed a window of criticisms on President Edgar Lungu. A fine set of hard-working PF Govt. Ministers augmented by patriotic and efficient supporting staff in the Presidency appears to frustrate UPND leaders. Worst still, Ba Anthony Bwalya’s uninspiring and un-researched critical articles gunned on President Lungu will serve to project UPND as a toothless Bull-Dog – not worth the respect of the majority of well-informed Tongas.

  10. wana Anthony Bwalya – the so called UPND Member, has a warped mind-set. Would his boss HH ever tolerate the behavior of Mr. Kaizer Zulu as he harassed innocent souls in public places? In the wisdom of UPND, the appointment of a new Political Advisor to the Republican PRESIDENT has sealed a window of criticisms gunned on President Lungu. A fine set of hard-working PF Govt. Ministers augmented by patriotic and efficient supporting staff in the Presidency appears to frustrate UPND leaders. Worst still, Ba Anthony Bwalya’s uninspiring and un-researched critical articles gunned on President Lungu will serve to project UPND as a toothless Bull-Dog – not worth the respect of the majority of well-informed Tongas. Ba Anthony Bwalya is actually KILLING UPND.

  11. Comment: # mwansa kabinga. even just by your name we can tell that nothing good can come out of your mouth. Not long ago all P.F. supporters were praising kaizer zulu, but today you have abandoned him. shame on you.

  12. Looks like Anthony Bwalya of UPND is just another version of Sunday Chanda of PF. Both bad elements because they dwell so much on hate for an individual and not policies of opposing parties.

    • Please assist me,what are the PF’s policies?Tell me further are they capitalists,socialists,or communists?Please dont tell me about pro poor the results are all their to see

  13. Mr Bwalya it is people like you who have made hh lose so many times.Surely who doesn’t know this sorry excuse for an “advisor” should never have been anyway near the corridors of power. His appointment was a dark day for our nation his deeds an expose of what a warped and evil being he was. So since you are postulating to be the next political advisor to hh should he be in plot 1 you are a wrong chap just join your brother in Sydney

    • Failing to get the point here,but anyway for what it is worth who do you blame for his appointment other than the humble leader?And it is not only Kaiser,there is laughing Sikazwe, Kampyongo, Chitotela,Kapata,Nonde,Chama,Yaluma Lusambo,practically the whole team is inept,what does that say about gour president who has the powers….

  14. Just saw $2bn worth of mukula. And I said to myself, what a stup!d, baseless, hateful and downright devoid of any intelligence…. Ilyashi lyamu kachasu.

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