Sunday, October 6, 2024

Nakachinda told to Stop Masquerading as MMD National Secretary


Hon. Rapheal Nakachinda chairing a sitting of the parliamentary select committee on the Constitutional Amendment Bill.
Hon. Rapheal Nakachinda chairing a sitting of the parliamentary select committee on the Constitutional Amendment Bill.

The Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) in North Western province have warned PF Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda to stop impersonating as MMD National Secretary.

Mr. Raphael Nakachinda last week held a presser where he impersonated himself as the MMD National Secretary and trashed the High Court ruling that recognized Dr. Nevers Mumba as Party President.

The members through their Provincial Chairperson Mr. Geoffrey Chikote said that they were not moved by Nakachinda’s statement.

“As members of the New Hope MMD in North Western Province, we are not moved by the Press briefing by Embattled Patriotic Front (PF) Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda. Mr. Nakachinda is not a Member of our Party and Judge Newa’s judgment of November 5 clearly pointed out that Nakachinda was not an MMD bonafide member. Furthermore, he is not qualified to speak on behalf of the general membership especially party members from North Western Province”, Mr. Chikote said.

Mr. Chikote called upon Nakachinda to respect the judiciary as he is part of the Legislature.

“We were further disappointed with Mr. Nakachinda for attacking the Judgement of Hon. Judge Sharon Newa that recognized Dr. Mumba as Party President. Mr. Nakachinda should bear in mind that his attacks on Judge Newa was a direct assault on the integrity of the Judiciary. As a Member of Parliament, Nakachinda should know that an assault on the Judiciary is also an assault on the Executive and the Legislature which he is part of”, Mr. Chikote said.

Mr. Chikote further warned Nakachinda to stop attacking Dr. Mumba.

“We pledge our total loyalty to our Party President, Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba and his Executive. We shall give Dr. Mumba a thunderous welcome when he travels to the our province”, Mr. Chikote said.

“As the MMD in North Western, we would like to warn Nakachinda that we will not sit by and watch him insult our Party President. We call upon the Police to arrest Mr. Nakachinda for his continued misconduct”, Mr. Chikote said.


  1. I am not MMD nor UPND but PF, this Nakachina is just a waste of space in our party PF. Does it mean he has a lot of time to waste. The chap is very quarrelsome. Come on, man up please. You might be misleading the youth believing that that is normal behaviour when it is actually extremely childish. Form your own party if you have guts, YOU WERE EXPELLED, MOVE ON PLEASE

  2. Convention is not a priority. re-organize party first, sort out entire country leadership, ensure unity, especially after the nonsense that transpired. When all is sorted then go to convention.

  3. Just after new year this mans nomination will be revoked since he is no longer the GS of an opposition party means he is no longer relevant.

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