Sunday, October 6, 2024

Reporting of Tasila Lungu to the Anti-Corruption Commision by Panji Kaunda Irks PF’s Lufwekelo


Tasila Lungu spotted at a PF event
Tasila Lungu spotted at a PF event

Patriotic Front (PF) Founding Member Edwin Lifwekelo has said that the Party is extremely shocked by what they described as a staged and malicious reporting to the Anti-Corruption Commission of Nkoloma Ward Councillor and President Edgar Lungu’s Daughter, Ms. Tasila Lungu, by  Lt Col. Panji  Kaunda.

In a statement released to the media, Mr. Lifwekelo said that the party is aware that Lt. Col Kaunda has resolved to fight President Lungu because he feels sidelined.

There are reports that Lt. Col Kaunda, who is the first born son of first republican President, Kenneth Kaunda,  reported the shielding of Edgar Lungu’s daughter, Tasila, over the alleged fencing of gazetted Forest Number 70 by Lands minister Jean Kapata and her permanent secretary Ndashe Yumba to the ACC.

According to the letter dated December 17, 2019, addressed to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Director-General and filed with the Commission’s offices in Chipata, the allegations are that approximately 3 790 hectares of Forest P70,  also known as Chimutengo Forest in Sinda District,  was being fenced off by a private farm allegedly owned by Miss Tasila Lungu, and gates had been erected at the entrances of both the private land and the main gate of the forest,

Col Panji stated that efforts to get Lands and Environmental Protection Minister Kapata and her Permanent Secretary Yumba to act on the matter had proved futile, despite meeting and formally complaining to them.

Col Panji said all the possible avenues to get clarification on the matter had been unsuccessful, hence the decision to write to the Commission.

“It is an offence for anyone to enter a forest without authority or permit according to the forestry act, and that anyone found breaking this law is bound to be punished,” Col Panji stated. “The fence did not come up overnight it took months to finish and everyone who has driven past the forest including the local community should have seen it, including the officers from the forestry department.”

Col Panji wondered why the project was allowed to continue to its completion when no authority was given.


Below if PF’s Lufwekelo full response on the matter



Wednesday, 25th December 2019


By Edwin Lifwekelo

From the outset it is important to establish that we would like to hold Lt. Col. Panji Kaunda in high esteem, as we acknowledge his contribution to the Patriotic Front (PF).

Lt. Col Kaunda is former President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s first born son, and it’s common sense that he has not lived up to the expected standards of how a responsible son should take care of his father and family. Lt. Col Kaunda knows too well the extent to which President Edgar Lungu has taken care of the old man and the Kaunda family at large. But we are aware that Lt. Col Kaunda has resolved to fight President Lungu because he feels sidelined despite all that he is doing for the Kaunda family.

This is particularly why we are extremely shocked by the staged and malicious “reporting” to the ACC of Nkoloma Ward Councillor Ms. Tasila Lungu by Lt Col. Kaunda.

What we find even more outrageous, is the betrayal not only to the Patriotic Front and the majority of Zambians, but more significantly Panji’s treachery to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the first family.

We are at pains to engage him in this manner, also because of the immense respect we hold for his father and Zambia’s founding President Kenneth David Kaunda, who surely does not deserve any stress from an inconsiderate son.

Panji Kaunda knows how it is to be betrayed. He knows fully well the witchhunt that saw his father being falsely accused and detained on trumped up charges on that fateful Christmas day of 1997.

And now twenty two years later, Panji wants to use the Christmas season to launch an un-substantiated witch-hunt on a member of the first family. This is supposed to be the season of “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all men”; but Panji has no good will for His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Patriotic Front. What he has is ill-will and Judas mischief.

The malice, ill-will and ridiculous persecution of Ms Lungu is a manifestation of Panji Kaunda’s sour grapes against a man who has gone out of his way to take care of his old man.

Nothing under the sun is hidden. We already know that Panji Kaunda is in an unholy alliance with Hakainde Hichilema on one hand to mobilise for UPND in Eastern Province while at the same time working with former Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili and using a named Lusaka-based self-acclaimed “media guru”. We have all details of their meetings and schemes. He has been planted to fight PF from within and when time is “ripe”, he will jump ship to join UPND.

We challenge Lt Col. (Rtd) Panji Kaunda to do the honourable thing and leave the Party as opposed to masquerading as PF, when he and a few other sour grapes are bitter against President Lungu.

Given the integrity of his father’s legacy, and the goodwill and integrity of President Edgar Lungu and the First Family, Panji should be the last person to play dirty.

Edwin Lifwekelo
Founding Patriotic Secretary General & Former UPND Deputy Spokesperson


  1. who’s fighting for attention between these former that …and former that??
    Everybody line up please- it looks like 2020/21 will be all about d0g eat d0g!!

    • Ba PF, you are now becoming a laughing stock and its really very sad.
      On one hand, each time corrupt cases are highlighted, your own defense is always that someone reports to ACC with evidence.
      This time, you are eating your own s.h.iit, because Panji has found the courage to report you to that ACC, so why are you crying foul?
      Why should a government institution like Police, have their post named after ESTER LUNGU?
      Just lock up that TASILA lady.

    • So PF helps people to shut them up? You are suppressors guys! How is that you show ignorance on things that PF is doing but so much knowledge on other people’s meetings and movements? What a dissonance! It’s what crooks do when they can’t beat facts; beat up their chest, scream loud, hit the table but leave facts unattended to.

    • This Tasila seems to be involved in a lot of unsavoury activities. She is truly her father’s child. But surely of all things one can inherit from a parent, she inherited bukabolala?

      Anyway let them enjoy the fruits that they have not laboured.

    • Edwin and Panji are two great individuals. Edwin for his intelligent and highly principled pragmatic mind. Panji for my friendship as a dutiful child freedom fighter during the Chilenje days. Please bane challenge each other in private. You are both great minds.

    • Lungu is not taking care of KK using his own personal money, you fooolish Lifwekelo. And just because Lungu is “taking care” of KK doesn’t mean his daughter can just do whatever she pleases, as though corrupt Lungu owns Zambia. If Panji is lying, why don’t you sue him? Take him to court so you can show that he has no evidence whatsoever. You fooolish criminals keep denying your corruption, but you won’t challenge the accusers legally, because you know they can easily provide evidence. Come 2021, all you PF criminals will be thrown behind bars, starting with corrupt Lungu and his daughter too.

    • Ba Lusaka times, your silence on fuel price increase and impending electricity increase is so silently loud, this is not how you guys sound the ifintu ni lung and balya Bambi balimuchibe bola naikosa drums, put you JK on loud for people to hear these increments. Lolo lolo.

  2. ACC must show what it stands for and investigate the matter professionally. The only thing that saves individuals from accountability/prosecution before the law in Africa is the blood that runs in their veins and their long coil of money. As long as they have that, they will keep a broad smile like in the picture above.

  3. You are right. It was stupid to report her to a corrupt toothless organisation like the ACC. Next time take matters in your own hands and baptise her with slaps and effect citizens arrest

  4. When they give land to foreigners no one complains but the same land given to a fellow zambian it be comes an issue tracks and tracks of land given to foreigners is not something to talk about.
    Zimbabweans have had it better in Zambia than Zambians in their own land .

  5. Reading this statement, I was hoping I would find evidence to the contrary. May be I have missed it. Who has fenced the forestry and is it legal?

  6. Why is Lifwekelo not addressing the issue of the fencing of the land. He keeps talking about him being a Son to President Kaunda??

  7. Lifwekelo is totally groping in the dark. Shouldn’t Col Panji not report the matter just because u know KK? Come on Lifwekelo; u are not yet brain dead . U can do better than this. In any case, it is Tasila or her lawyers to respond and NOT yourself. Chipante pante for sure.

  8. As Deputy Minister of Local Govt Col. Panji Kaunda tried to correct the so many wrongs that PF councilors had committed in the alienation of land. The moment he was removed even those that surrendered tens of plots that were illegally acquired got them back. The PF can listen to the voice of reason. They’ll remember Panji one day

  9. Chifwekelo, knows P.F are EXTREMELY DESPERATE to cling on to power & avoid LONG prison sentences, so they will be throwing a LOT of Taxpayers cash U$D at @rs3 lickers, belly cadres, & the lot to keep them in power & Chifwekelo needs the Cash to buy lifesaving medicines to perpetuate his very sad life of a human tick, who cannot get a proper job, or start a job to generate income to sustain himself, so I DO UNDERSTAND FOR CHIFWEKELO, ITS A MATTER OF LIFE & DEATH, therefore despite us knowing Chifwekelo DOES NOT believe what he’s saying supporting J0n@ & Princess T@s!la Mukula -I, Chifwekelo deserves more sympathy than hate!

  10. ACC do your job , people already know how this is going to pan out as it involves Tasila who has the backing of the PF thugs but ask yourselves one question….what is Justice? Do away with selective justice for once, remembering the Mukula scandal, disappearance of wild beasts in the forest, K 450 000 found in the kitchen just to mention a few scandals that have been reported involving this girl.PF has become brazen with their looting like they own the country. Mwaya sana bamambala imwe.

  11. There is nothing that this Jon@ family have not dipped their hands into . Dodgy second hand fire tenders . They are in .Mansions in Swaziland ….Can’t say because it is treason ….

  12. No one is above the law. Let her face whatever is coming for her. We don’t care whether she is the president’s daughter but the fact is that if she abrogated the law she must face the consequences because no one is exempt from the law. In fact we should be advocating for more punishment if a seating president breaks the law.

  13. This stupid Lifwekelo guy also knows that time will ripe soon

    He has been planted to fight PF from within and when time is “ripe”, he will jump ship to join UPND.

  14. The best that Lifwekelo could do as an insider is get clarification from Kapata and show us panji is wrong about who is stealing forests

  15. When you criticise within the party it becomes a problem.When you criticise
    after you leave the party people say why
    not say when in the party. So which way?

  16. Leave Tasila alone. It is clear the target is President Lungu. Why not ask him directly.
    Tasila is a mere Councillor, not a Minister or Senior govt official.
    Just go straight to the point. Tasila is just a young girl trying to find her feet in life.

  17. Looks like the father and acts like the father too. Lungu agwesa chalo tasila abwela kusilizilatu manje. Kwasila tasila ise manje muzambia.

  18. Col. Panji Kaunda is looking out for Zambia and the president here. If Tasila is innocent with Jean the Baptist, the courts shall prove them wrong. If not, like Kaizer the both need to be away from governing. Zambia first, we are tired of PF and UPND. Useless parties.

  19. Terrible response from Edwin – no correlation to the issue. What’s wrong with trying to get to the bottom of why a protected forest has been encroached, by whoever? Why reacting on behalf of Tasila? As usual, even bringing HH in the story. Pathetic!

  20. Just off topic, LT is slow in reporting news. I suppose they just wait to copy from others who are ‘on the scene’. Fuel prices have been increased – reported in at least three other online media.

    People will point to the Kwacha rate against the dollar, but this still needs to be looked at in the context of all the ‘crises’ that have been unfolding in the last few years of PF rule.

  21. Just off topic, LT is slow in reporting news. I suppose they just wait to copy from others who are ‘on the scene’. Fuel prices have been increased – reported in at least three other online media.

    People will point to the Kwacha rate against the dollar, but this still needs to be looked at in the context of all the ‘crises’ that have been unfolding in the last few years of PF rule.

    • Why can’t they also put JK on loud speakers to announce the fuel price increase same way they announce the preferred candidate during elections, lolololo, bola naikosa balimuchibe, this one it doesn’t matter bonse tuli muchibe bola responsibly next time.


  23. Someone will land in court very soon. What is the connection between the the ministry of lands fencing the forrest and Tasila?
    Stupid witch hunt.

  24. Ba Lifwekelo, mwabetole;
    1. KK is titled to the benefits he getting from the government. Lungu is not spending a ngwee from his pocket to support KK!!
    2. If Panji’s allegation are not true challenge him with facts.
    If you have nothing sensible to say please SHUT UP!!

    Merry xmas all..

  25. Copperbelt and lusaka are you aware that your working government has increased fuel?stand up and start dancing dununa reverse bakasakalanyongo

  26. Each time a member of PF farts you want the law to look the other way, and when they do, to you it means they are working, if on the other hand, the law takes its rightful course, to you they are not working, that is how mad PF has become, everything abnormal is normal to them and everything normal is abnormal to them, this is that fallacy of the emperors new cloths. WHEN GOD SAYS NO, HE FIRST MAKES YOU ABNORMAL.

  27. Tasila Lungu is definitely involved in dodgy deals but at least she is not going round beating people in fact she helps the needy, which other Presidents child has done this in Zambia?
    As for reporting the Presidents daughter to ACC, that’s a bloody waste of time mate.

  28. The people you call your leaders are a bunch of circus jerks. Reading such leaves me with a question. Where the hell did these people come from?! Surely this sounds like a joke.
    Alligations were made in plain sight, implicating the president; his family and his ministers. And no one saying sh*t! If someone goes to the (fake) Anti-Corruption Commission, you still want to agree to justifications as “having meetings in the corners with opposition”. What a way of reasoning!

  29. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses; Social Security Cash; Forest P70 Chimutengo Forest; Luxury Presidential Jet; Ambulances; Fire Trucks; Mukula Trees; Ndola-Lusaka Rd; Malawi Maizegate; Fuelgate; Swaziland landgate; Zesco Loans; etc. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses; Social Security Cash; Forest P70 Chimutengo Forest; Luxury Presidential Jet; Ambulances; Fire Trucks; Mukula Trees; Ndola-Lusaka Rd; Malawi Maizegate; Fuelgate; Swaziland landgate; Zesco Loans; etc.

    What kind of rubbish is this? “Oh why are you reporting the corruption of daughter of someone who helps your father“? Is this dude for real? Apparently this is what is regarded as the best brains Zambia has ever produced. Really sad!

    He doesn’t not address the merits of the allegations… instead he goes on a rant about repaying dues and returning favours. So Lungu helps KK, he has no idea that KK is entitled to his emoluments being a former president and Lungu does not use his own pocket money to do so called ‘helping KK’. It’s tax payers money.

    And looks at this sentence and the rest of the paragraph: “…and it’s common sense that he has not lived up to the expected standards of how a responsible son should take care of his father and family…” What the…

    • Corruption scandals: 48 Houses; Social Security Cash; Forest P70 Chimutengo Forest; Luxury Presidential Jet; Ambulances; Fire Trucks; Mukula Trees; Ndola-Lusaka Rd; Malawi Maizegate; Fuelgate; Swaziland landgate; Zesco Loans; etc. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses; Social Security Cash; Forest P70 Chimutengo Forest; Luxury Presidential Jet; Ambulances; Fire Trucks; Mukula Trees; Ndola-Lusaka Rd; Malawi Maizegate; Fuelgate; Swaziland landgate; Zesco Loans; etc.

      …What the f@k!

      One thing that really needs to be taught in Zambian schools from your age is the fact that the President and his fallow politicians like ministers are just custodians and caretakers of the country’s and the people’s resources and the treasury. They do not own the resources… the resources belong to the people. These people ‘volunteer’ to be in public office (and they are compensated a token of salary and other small perks for this volunteer work). If this was understood, we wouldn’t have garbage like this being vomited from supposedly educated people like this Lifwekelo sycophant minion.

    • L!fwekeL0 alifwa akale, like the name suggests. He is mentally & physically ill.
      Skin grey kwati ni nsofu!
      That brain has been invaded by spores, & other viruses.
      Feel sorry for the very thin baby elephant. It needs to eat, & have proper nutrition for it to thrive to the following month.

  30. 2021 Year of reckoning. All that is being stolen will be recovered in full and the culprits sorted out. Help and Hope within reach. Thieves will scamper like koswe

    • Patriotic Front (PF) Founding Member Edwin Lifwekelo

      We mbwa we iwe chikaaaala. What are you talking about iwe ka Lifwekelo, tammmbaaa tooooko, ka chikaaaaaala. Fuccccck yoouuuuu. A dooog like you should close his/her mouth yaba noko amatoooole swineee iwwe

      Dont you have eyes to see kolwe iwe

  31. There is no reason to castigate Panji Kaunda for this action because he makes actual, real observed actions which are evidenced. His actions are refreshing compared to the usual opposition malicious false allegations. Although, has he approached his PF colleagues to hash it out privately?

    The correct actions in response should be a statement of truth from Ministry of lands and from Tasila. It’s annoying to have to respond to possible false allegations, but it’s more damaging for Ministry of Lands to not have verified the legality of the said fencing off of forest land.

    Statements should be made sooner rather than later.

    • This could be innocent because apart from her own property, the said farm; national security can cordone off a large perimeter, of land around the farm for her protection. This happens internationally around the property of priority citizens.

      So in fact the large sectioning last her farm is perfectly legal and in that case national security may choose not to disclose this. If that’s the case then we have nothing to worry about as the security land cordoned off is still the people’s land.

  32. What will any Zambian do other than nothing, when voting comes you will vote for PF and suffer yet again, Zambians do you ever learn or not, kick these thugs out or suffer and don’t complain

  33. As always HH is implicated even when not involved. It seems HH and UPND are the source of all the problems that Zambia is having. Indeed they must be responsible for the weak kwacha and fuel price and Zesco tariff increase.
    Dark corner meetings or not , we need you Mr Lifwekelo to categorically , unequivocally refute these allegations instead of this cheap tactic of diverting attention from this very serious issue.!

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