Sunday, October 6, 2024

Howard Kunda survives Road Accident


Howard Kunda in road traffic accident on Ndola-Kitwe Dual Carriageway.
MMD Muchinga Member of Parliament Howard Kunda yesterday survived a road traffic accident.

Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Muchinga Member of Parliament Hon Howard Kunda survived a road traffic accident last night.

The accident occurred on the Ndola-Kitwe Dual Carriage Way, near Baluba Motel.

This is when a truck identified as one belonging to Chat Breweries crossed lanes and hit into Kunda’s vehicle.

He is currently admitted in Ndola Teaching Hospital for observation.

Kunda is also the son to the late Vice President, George Kunda


    • I knew it all these prophesiers will come up. Land Cruiser 200 is a five start ancap safety rated vehicle. doing the speed limit and all crumple zones built in the car will seem more damaged but its purposely made to crumple to absorb impact and save lives. In fact all new cars. That’s why they are nearly irreparable after nearly any crash but they are being made like that. Off course physics takes over if over speeding and g forces come into place.

      So people of Jesus lets pray for wisdom and all other people to be safety conscious on the road not jargon at he has saved your life.


  1. iyee! thank God for sparing your life Howard. if i were you, i would spend the rest of my life serving God. ndaba sembe wapyamo

  2. Festive seasons are notorious with deaths and injuries especially as a result of motor car accident. May the Lord be praised and wish Howard a quick recovery.

  3. This accident even if you don’t believe in God, you better start thanking Him for sparing your life. It is a shell of a vehicle. No one can survive such a terrible accident when God is not on his or her side.Kuleka nukubembuka. Kulapila apopene. You pray so that the man upstairs is impressed with your prayers.

    • Kunda has the money to buy a state of the art vehicle installed with special tech to absorb impact and save lives. Lesa fimbi mumubepeshafye bane, if it was a Corolla driven by someone from Race Course Kamatipa, nga nyuyu tulepema so apa. Africans, lets wake-up. We need innovation and responsibilty, noti ukulabepeshafye Lesa emo shachela. The guy is saved by the kind of machine he was driving, period.

    • @Changa, that is your opinion.But even you waking up today,God is involved. Whether you buy whatever vehicle you prescribe here,God is the owner of life. Tekumubepesha.These are vehicles made by a mortal human being. For us to live is God and Him only decides the fate of our life. He can have money to buy the best vehicles but he cannot buy his life. All these state art vehicles are nothing without God being with you. There is nothing like wake up African.There is no one who is clever with death. Death strikes even on those who drive better vehicles like the one you have described. It is only God who makes us to move from point A to point B. That is my opinion,my friend.

    • I respect your opinion Kanabesa, but that is a very archaic way of thinking. Unfortunately, that is how Africa is getting backwards, abanensu balesela. So if it was in Japan or another forward-thinking society, they would start a serious investigation into the accident to establish what really transpired and how the Car performed in such a circumstance, so that more lives could be saved in future, based on this particular accident. Africa today has the largest religious following (Christianity and Islam), but unfortunately it has the highest mortality rate because of such kind of archaic thinking like imwe ba Mbaluso. That is why nabena Bushiri balemishingila butter, imwe ndwiiiiii!!

    • @Changa, have much respect to your opinion but suffice to say that I believe in God not Bushili. I may be a sinner but I believe in God as the care taker of my life. I will not trust a man of flesh. I believe for me to live is Christ. No vehicle, whatever make, will save me from any calamity. On this planet earth death is there. Whether you are poor or rich. Whether you drive a vehicle from Japan or German, death will always strike. I will not trust Bushili or any prophet, I trust the One who created me in His own image. That is why I don’t associate with any Church. I just believe in God who died for me. The thinking of man is foolishness in God’s eyes.Death is inevitable my friend.

    • Mbaluso tell him. Some people think they’re smart to refute the power of God until they find themselves falling into a bottomless pit. If it wasn’t for The Most High, no one would ever see the sun. It is through Him that we live and have our being.

    • @Changa, I will never believe in Bushili. I believe in the one who creates a way where it seems to be no way. The God who healed me when I was sick. The God who sustains me when am lucking. The God who forgives my sins even when I error on other people. My God who gave me employment when I asked Him. I believe in God, The I am God. The one who protects me when I drive my small car,which is not state of art. Men of God can be trusted but not to an extent where by they replace God. They human being like you and I.They are bound to fail.So death my friend is inevitable on planet earth.Whether you buy a plane or state of art vehicle.

    • To understand my point, I want to share with you a personal experience. A cousin of mine was a staunch a Churchgoer with great respect for God and the Church. He was a Taxi Driver, driving a Toyota Corolla in his own spare time to feed his family, a thing that we all appreciated as a family. However, on a fateful night, he was hit head-on by a drunk Lt Colonel from the Zambia Airforce palya pa Munali/Mumana, unfortunately, the Toyota Corolla had no state of the art protectors such as airbags while the Lt Colonel had all these gadgets in his Pajero and came out scratch free, while my cousin lost his life on the spot. Digging some information later about the Lt Colonel, he was such a rakeless Army Officer that never really was responsible in life, and you say he was saved by God while the…

  4. Even if you say ‘I believe in God’ there is no witness to tell us that you really do. So just shut up. In the USA they say ‘in God we trust’ and they are warmongers and are so innovative and smart. Singapore, China, Japan, they worship other gods, and they are so innovative and smart. In Europe and Russia, their worship is majorly Christianity and their cathedral the domes are always empty but they so innovative and smart. Arab Africa Innovative and smart. Black Africa ohh my God, almost every body is hallelujah-Amen and their churches are always full but are not innovative, are corrupt, not smart, are sangomas and are typically liars. They Bible says liars will never inherit the Kingdom of God. Kunda survived because his car designed for safety. God blessed those designers already!

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