Sunday, October 6, 2024

President Lungu tells Zambia Army and the Zambia National Service to expedite the construction of the National House of prayer


President Lungu touring the site for the construction of the house of Prayers
President Lungu touring the site for the construction of the house of Prayers

President Edgar Lungu has urged the Zambia Army and the Zambia National Service to expedite the construction of the National House of prayer in woodlands area in Lusaka.

The President says works should not stall in the initial stages saying this will prove to be expensive in future.

President Lungu said he was impressed with the progress being made towards constructing the National House of Prayer on Burma Road.

The President was briefed on progress by site Commander Colonel Mvula from the Zambia Army when he made an impromptu visit that construction works of the House will commence in January 2020.

The Church will be built by a combined team of Zambia Army and the Zambia National Service and the

President Lungu said Zambia is blessed to be a Christian nation and is determined to see the project complete because the house of prayer will galvanize Zambians.


    • Nor should politicians cheat people with religion. If you fail as a politician you have failed dont pass the buck to some higher power up above. Apo twatampila ama national prayers loadshedding has never stopped. Our economy is in ruins. If we are a Christian nation and as a result blessed as dreaming Lungu wants to convince us why are we not better than our neighbours?

    • First he said they will raise the money from well wishers fo his pointless building. That didnt work now he wants to use ZNS as his slave labour, when it comes to basic construction projects he single sources to his corrupt Chink friends.

    • Zambian Christianity is a laughingstock. This is not Genuine its corruption and a way to win Votes. When u have serious issues, you are busy spending money on useless House of Prayer. We have Enough Churches. So what is the urgency for this?

    • China is not even a so called Christian nation but its blessed and its getting richer every day….it turns out only hard work does the trick….

    • China has no national day of prayers…they only have 2 hands and they use them to work hard…now China is neck to neck with USA…..China even giving kaloba to USA…

    • Stupppiiiid Presido. Whay is wrong with this guy?? What an idiioooooot. Fakeee offfffff iwe. No shame. Zambians are really dogs ann’t you. Moroons

      Koswe mu Poto doing as he wants and all you do is to watch on, idioots

    • Stupppiiiid Presido. What is wrong with this guy?? What an idiioooooot. Fak offfffff iwe. No shame. Zambians are really dogs not so. We are faked up Moroons, always looking to God to help us. GOD HELPS THOSE THAT HELP THEMSELVES IDIOOOOOTS

      Koswe mu Poto doing as he wants and all you do is to watch on, idioots

    • This Lukanga Kafusha Justice above is the one who used to swear at us when we criticised PF and Lungu. Look at him now anyway we told you!

  1. Lungu and PF are very du.ll and destructive to the country…..

    Lungu should be interacting ZNS and army to help install domestic solar panels for cooking in kombonies to help reduce the destruction of forests for malasha.

    Now the destruction goes unabated then when we have deserts and rivers drying because of no tree cover

    ati let’s pray , we have built a big church ???

    • He would never give such contracts to ZNS as there are no kickbacks and contracts for his cadres like Sturdy Mwale.


      – GDP 15 PERCENT

  2. You cause failures across the entire livelihoods of the nation and households and all you do is hide in this Opium of the People which makes them unconscious of the misery around them.

    Who needs that church?

    • @ Village Chicken I dont think God would be happy with someone who uses money stolen from the taxpayers to build a place of worhsip. Its an attempt at hoodwinking God. Some dictator called Boigny built the world’s biggest church in Ivory Coast in the 80s. Has he been blessed? Has the country been blessed? No! instead Ivory Coast went through civil war.
      Learn from other people’s experiences

  3. Christian nation my a$#
    a waste of time and resources. if you believe in all this, pray in your own time, privacy. there’s enough structures where those who want to do it publically can go
    roll up your sleeves and go to work. look at how china and other Asian countries have developed in the last decade and half, it wasn’t through prayers but by hard work and deliberate policies that produce goods and services…

    • He will spend more that $2 million on this useless building yet his govt can not pay debt repayments of the same amount to AfDB. This man is as useless as they come.

    • There is nothing wrong with a house of prayer. There is a time and place for everything. This is not one to criticize. A house of prayer protects Zambia’s values and one nation credo. It also fights in the background against vices like homosexuality and an increase in corruption. Without God Zambia would be more corrupt than Angola and Nigeria.

  4. Misplaced priorities, but as usual gullible Zambians will shower praise on this failed character. We will see where you will end up with this building, because up to now you have failed to do anything constructive in the country apart from pretending to pray for miracles to happen in the country. The army and ZNS should be sent in the farms to grow food, build schools and at the most clean up the cities and unblock the drainages once and for all!

    • This is a corrupt man thinking here he wants to house of prayer so docile people can pray in it and momentarily forget about they poverty whilst him amd his daughter steal and fence off Mukula forests all over the country.

    • Indeed! The prayer requests keep falling on deaf ears while the thieving President and his cronies are prospering very well.

  5. Jon@ is hiding behind religion when his actions says something far from Christianity .How can corruption , stealing , putting people in jail for being the voice of poor match up with his christian values he pretends to have ?

  6. This clueless clown of an !mbecile needs to be replaced extremely urgently!! Country cannot handle anymore of this type of leadership if it can even be called leadership. Lungu and his party are the biggest cancer eating up this poor country and it is made worse by the brainless !d!ots that cheer his stup!d!ty on.

    • Now the kleptocrat Lungu says he has cut his salary, those of ministers, senior civil servants and parastatal officials after stealing billions of dollars!

  7. Jon@ should be asking the lazy and inactive ZNS and army to be planting more trees and building schools in Chavuma .

  8. Stay in your own lane. Leave religion and Christianity to real men of the cloth. You are a charlatan and a pretender. Your house of prayer will be a big white elephant. What time does this guy have to sit on his desk to perform real presidential duties?? He is more up and about than doing a president’s work. What are your minister’s functions?

  9. Misplaced priorities what planet lungu lives in. Prices going up and you defaulting on loans, this man want to expedite construction of something we don’t need. It’s not government’s job to construct churches who will take care of that thing afterwards. People need food, shelter and jobs, shelf this project we can use that money to feed, cloth and house people like Jesus would want us to do

    • I thought the bible said , you can pray underneath the tree! It didn’t say go build a mega church for worshippers. Another term for this monkey, you same Zambians are the ones who dance backward song with him. Everyone by now knows Lungu has failed to run the country and he should be removed from power in 2021 with a ballot! Zambians have cried and cried out of hunger, no jobs, no medicines, no proper infrastructure, no money the list go on and on!!

  10. Lungu just as God rejected david from building the temple you too have been rejected because your hands are stained with corruption, theft and lips painted with lies. Do not mock God mudala Lungu remember what happened to King Belshazzar and the writing on the wall, that message is for you so ponder on it.

  11. Lungu is a fraud star who has mastered the art

    Zambians when are you guys going to figure this guy out that he is a conman in charge of a criminal organization mascarading as a political party. Zambians are really idioots big time. You mean you can’t see through this guy honestly? Hey you guys are mediocre man. He did a ground breaking ceremony just before election and after elections he banked the project and now because the elections are nearing he has started with the same tactics. When did he notice that work was stalling? Very useless president for useless mediocre people. The land of idioots. May you guys deserve to have such a useless being for a president because this is a country of idioots.

  12. Hahahaha. Olo nikufuna kutembenuka mwati ni kumanga chibuilding. Iyayi malume tembenukani chabe muyende munjila yolongosoka.

  13. United church of Lungu PF and his thieving family!! This church will be an extension of his corrupt money generating scheme after his collapse in 2020. See all these fake pastors all over Africa taking money from gullible and vulnerable citizens!! Lungu is preparing himself for a new “business”.
    Zambia has enough churches within different denominations and we do not need overcrowding of unnecessary buildings in Lusaka!! We need progress with electrical supplies, food, schools and better housing in other areas of the country. Look at the state of our roads in some pars of ghe country!! Use that money for medicine in UTH and other hospitals!!

  14. One wonders whether such affinity for misplaced priority stupidity is born out of smoking cannabis or it’s just a gift from God Lungu is endowed with. This is really crazy!

  15. Really he hs no vision for this nation, he’s employing foreigners in his projects ad he thinks tht the tax payers money he’s putting up factories ad plantations, malls, Zambians don’t know, thts our money. Open thm will nationalize them. It not yr money bt people’s money.

  16. Could any of the usual PF bloggers here come up with any ‘sensible’ comments about this monstrosity? With all that is going on in the country, ECL decides that it is wise to spend meagre resources on a ‘National House of prayer’. A clear indication of failure, hence a resort to hoodwinking the populace with a holier than thou attitude accompanied with a pretense that this will help resolve the myriad of bread and butter issues that most people are .
    Typical biblical pharisee. There are already numerous churches and a couple of cathedrals in the country, if you need any extra prayer. You don’t even need fancy buildings to pray. Separate the State from religion for goodness sake and do some work!

  17. Kupena nomba. Who said that Zambians want a prayer house during such a dripping economy? All Christians have churches where they belong and we have Cathedrals for meetings?
    Where have you found money to start constructions? Ba Lungu we urge you in the presence of God to stop that move. You can not mock God. God does not live in the temple made by satanists. Which bible do you read and which pastor is your spiritual advisor? Rev. Sumaili if you are the one please we pray for you so that God will give you wisdom otherwise mayo kuwayawayafye no kubuta.

  18. oh ba pastor edgar lungu thank you very much but please don’t waste peoples money in building that church put it into the ailing economy ba busa.

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