Thursday, March 6, 2025

The number of Companies moving into Luapula Province continue to rise


Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa
Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa

The number of firms signing up for investment in Luapula Province following the Luapula Expo has continued to rise.

According to Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa 10 new companies have arrived in the Province in the last 12 months, bring the total to 110.

Mr. Chilangwa said this during his end of year press briefing at Mansa Lodge Friday morning.

The event was attended by Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Dr Felix Phiri, Luapula Deputy Permanent Secretary Royd Chakaba, Heads of Government Departments and parastatals and journalists from various media institutions.

The Minister named the companies as Workers Compansation Fund Control Board, Consolidated Farming Limited, Sable Group of Companies, Evolve Group of Companies and Aquakena Bottling Company.

Others are Pearl Beverages, Agri Horti Fruits Limited, Chihasha Industries, White Orchid Limited and Global Human Benefit Zambia.



  1. We have to ask, what do those companies do ?

    Do they supply South African and Chinese products to luapula ???

    Or do they manufacture in laupula ?

  2. Only unprofitable companies would think of moving to Luapula! There is no market there so you have to transport all the goods from Luapula to Lsk or CB!
    Only PF monkeys like Kalangwa sees devilish PF companies in his bedroom! He’s gone completely mad!

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