Friday, March 7, 2025

HH Celebrates Zambia’s Economical Challenges


HH smiles at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema

By Dr. Joze Manda.

If there was any doubt in the mind of any Zambian, today that doubt has been cleared as HH has clearly exposed his unpatriotic behavior as well as his selfishness to gain political mileage on the suffering of many Zambians.

Each time Zambians are in pain HH sees it as an opportunity to mock us, his patriotism to this nation leaves much to be desired. Why does he celebrate Zambia’s problems? And what did we do to this man to deserve such kind of bitterness from an opposition leader?

Yes, we have challenges as a country, we all know that, some are local and but the major ones are global and beyond our reach. The US and China trade wars have not spared us either; climate change as well has also significantly contributed to our many challenges.

That said and done, it is the responsibility of every leader, in government and in opposition to do anything in their power to help cushion the challenges our citizens are facing, this must be seen in did and as well as in our spoken word.

It is very unfortunate that HH now thrives at the challenges we are facing as a way to get himself into statehouse. His twits and Facebook posts of today make his leadership of the biggest opposition political party a joke.

Social media today is awash with angry Zambians who have condemned HH for his jubilation at the increase of fuel and the planned increase of electricity in January. HH must examine himself to determine if he wants power to enrich himself or to help the Zambians, but as things stand, it is clear to all of us to see that his intensions are not noble and we must reject his kind of politics. What kind of leader would rejoice when people are suffering because it almost creates an opportunity for him to gain political power power?

HH even has the arrogance to reply in a sarcastic manner to some concerned citizens who questioned his remarks by saying “the good thing is that the same Hakainde Hichilema actually warns and offers solutions which are ignored”, what a lost opportunity for him to have shown leadership.

Today, in the eyes of all Zambians, HH has shown us that he relishes when Zambian go through problems because he knows that problems are a ripe atmosphere in changing governments, what a shameful kind of mentality to have for a leader.

In an unprecedented move, President Lungu has today cut his salary and that of his cabinet by between 15 and 20% and we would like the same HH to acknowledge such a bold move with the same enthusiasm he displays when condemning the government when it faces economical challenges.

Sadly, Today HH has shown us that the current political dispersion exposes the serious weakness in Zambia’s opposition political systems.

HH and his UPND lack credibility in pushing the country forward. UPND has a serious challenge of misguided political leadership to marshal the required effective opposition strength to create a climate for development.

The leadership of UPND suffers from ego, overly rated ambition for power and pride, such that it overcrowds their effective participation on important national matters that affect the citizenry and poor people.

They could be more effective by engaging the government and the ruling party in debating policy frameworks on how to develop the country. Particularly, pushing policies that address the needs of poor people such as improving access to clean water and sanitation, quality healthcare, education, rural and agricultural development, and debate macroeconomic policy frameworks required for growth and development, critically contributing to poverty eradication, employment creation and addressing inequalities.

Zambia is facing serious challenges of the low infrastructure, the low energy capacity of both electricity and oil, poverty, youth unemployment, and weak legal systems. These are issues HH should be lobbying PF government to improve and provide policy frameworks on how to go about address these daunting challenges, instead of twitting jubilation on the increase of fuel prices that are beyond the control powers of the PF government.

Dr. Joze Manda is a Political Analyst based in Lusaka


  1. Trible HH, he is a non option, just another pwipwipwi.
    And “Dr Joze Manda”, is that a new Trade Kings comedian on the scene?
    Olo ni pwipwipwi chabe again.

    • HH is simply saying ” I told you so “….. You guys are heartless you don’t care about anyone else apart from yourselves, since pf took office things are just getting worse and worse for an ordinary Zambian

    • Q&A session.
      Article author: Why does he celebrate Zambia’s problems?
      TITF: Because the nigga got rejected 5 record times. Are you joking? Doesn’t the devil take pride in the suffering of the people?
      Article author:And what did we do to this man to deserve such kind of bitterness from an opposition leader?
      TITF: Because 5 record times the nigga asked for a vote and 5 record times you rejected him. Are you joking again? Doesn’t the devil take pride in the suffering of the people?
      Article author: What kind of leader would rejoice when people are suffering because it almost creates an opportunity for him to gain political power power?
      TITF: A misleaser headed for a 6 time record loss. It’s painful. He can’t…

    • properly handle rejection. I honestly feel for this nigga.
      On power, PF has to be blamed. They had an opportunity to amend things. Their dependance on Rain is appalling. They have a failed Energy policy. Let’s face it. ECL promised that loadshedding would be a thing of the past. But we have the worst notorious Loadshedding occasion in history.

    • Jose Manda another Lusaka idyot…. I don’t think there are any other vacancies at State House for Manda.
      All what he wrote we have heard about from Sunday Chanda (most abused cadre, 5 years waiting for a job).
      Just economy keys to HH, he will fix Zambia in 3 weeks!!

    • On fuel, their (PF’s) campaign message was a figurative K5 fuel pump pump price. Guess what, it is literally K17.62. Now forget the international commodity price dynamics and lapse of time. To say K5, you should have all this figured out.
      See that’s why the nigga mocks you and Zambians. You caused it. Nevertheless, don’t mind him, he is a political novice. An u5. He will yap the dollar under LPM was below K5. This is also true but it makes you question his economics when you this time consider the lapse of time.
      In conclusion, is it not tough being a rogue opposition mocking ‘I warned you’ kind’a misleader?

    • The main problem I have with HH is that he is not Patriotic…and he wants to become President…i think qualification number one is to be Patriotic and have a genuine love for the country Zambia and its people…Kenneth Kaunda was very Patriotic…Mwanawasa also was very Patriotic….Sata,Rupiah and Lungu just a little bit Patriotic..but HH no Patriotism at all…HH would rather see the whole country go up in flames and all Zambians die and yet he wants to rule the same country

    • What did you do? I’ll answer this; The ruling PF government is responsible for the economic problems Zambians are experiencing. Secondly, your allegations are wrong, check social media including Lungu’s and PF’s own Facebook pages for instance. Most of not all comments are now in favor of UPND & HH which means he is saying the right things. Thirdly, how about you stop yapping and instead work? You don’t have to “tell” people IF you are doing the right thing results can show. Finally, we just want to remind you that the wind of change has finally arrived, PF kuya bebele. Just start packing your ka tundu

    • I don’t know where the writer has been living. How many times did the opposition and Catholic clergy warn the PF against rapid accumulation of debt and against raising the govt’s debt ceiling? Wht was the reply from PF and Edgar Lungu himself? Situmbeko Musokotwane warned the PF govt in parliament itself but Alexander Chikwanda ignored him. And why doesn’t the media speak to Chikwanda and ask him what he thought he was doing? HH mocks the PF and not the people of Zambia.

    • I would not be surprised if Dr Joze is masquerading as Sunday Chanda. Why does Joze want HH or any sensible person to praise the Pf failed project, where corruption remains unabated.

    • Dr Manda, If you are looking for a Job at the statehouse? This is not the way to Go. Be Factual as a Ph.D. holder? Unless your degree is Honorary. Zambia is in serious crisis and when you have people who do not want to listen but just steal? How do you expect the opposition to behave? PF Themselves said from the start that it is DUNUNA Reverse Now you want to blame HH? Please post a realistic and important issue than this propaganda to gain favors from Lungu.

    • Thorn in the flesh, don’t you feel ashamed that your party brought the economic misery that HH is allegedly celebrating? Are you that shameless and dull? Don’t bother answering, the fact that you are PF already makes you shameless and dull. Tell ka Sunday Chanda to stop using this Joze alias, any intelligent person knows this kind of useless write-up is him trying to give the impression that more people are critical of HH. Sad.

    • Ba Anonymous, pretty strange that HH would want to see the country go up in flames when it is on record him trying to advise this stup!d government over a lot of issues. What kind of logic are you using? Don’t you think if he wanted to see the country go up in flames he never would have offered his two cents on issues where when he did he was basically told to fcuk off? Kuleni mumano bane, do not be childish like this, its embarrassing.

    • Ha! Young man dude, you’re around. I thought you were dead literally.

      That said, thanks for acknowledging that you god is joyful. Nonetheless about h²’s number of critics, we’re only about 1 year 8 months away.
      Looks like Jose is hammering where it matters, yeah?
      I can only encourage him to keep coming.
      As for me, you know my style. Never a spooky h² fun.

    • Now the beneficiaries of corruption are coming out—the gravy train is coming to a screeching halt! What exactly do you Analyze Manda? Just a pf cadre on govt payroll adding absolutely no value to the taxpayer. And this is how we got in this mess in the first place—a bloated budget on account of cadres like Manda, and yes men. Please leave hh out of your mess!

    • Ba pf muli bakapatulula. Saviour Chishimba yesterday literally insulted the whole pf. He said ”The increase of the fuel price and electricity tariffs is high grade ubupuba. He called you *****s and said if you to sole him , go ahead. I have not read a single response from any of the government officials on his insults. What I read is HH is celebrating the economic challenges. You are quiet because Chishimba alanda ichitundu chenu. HH was reminding pf of the sdvise he gave.The answer was, HH is bitter. Awe mwnadi tiyeni tushane dununa reverse. Akapatulula ba pf muleke.

  2. You blame everything else except corruption n bad leadership pointing a finger n that direction whilst 3 fingers are on you . Mwaona manje, what goes around comes around…solve it na dununa reverse ti tambeko.

  3. HH is showing his true colours,it is like you are walking in the street and you see a blind person sitted and asking for a hand and then you start laughing at that person,honestly is that normal?Look at HH why celebrate,is he normal?Don’t fool the people HH these are the same people you want to come and rule they are same people you are laughing at, are you normal,no wonder you will never rule as long as God lives you will never see plot 1.

    • HH has been advising you !d!ots since the days of that incompetent Sata but you always told him to fcuk off. Sata even wrote a letter telling him off on Statehouse letterhead so finshi ulebwata iwe? Were you born the day before yesterday or your brain only functions twice a year?

    • Beatable h², a sworn loser has text book knowledge iwe ka dude. Wilabepa abantu. Can preceeding presidents write more letters telling theorists h² off.
      H² has no leadership let alone Government record. Never studied politics thus can’t advise the president, confused KZ is even better. Never understands Council chambers, never understands parliament the more reason we can’t entrust him with plot1 keys. On economics, mine seller and novice h² gets whacked by a local business lady, a seasoned politician EN. What crap are you talking about dude?

    • Blame the corrupt leaders who got those fire tenders at bloated cost and mismanaged the Eurobond…hh warned these thieves but they paid no attention, they are reaping the results

  4. The “useless author” of this “useless article” forgot to mention the Zambia’s economic problems or challenges are “Self Inflicted”.
    Who told the PF to over-borrow money to the point of failing to service the loans?
    The strategic reserves have been depleted .Most of the tax payers money collected goes debt repayment.
    Why should HH or any reasonable Zambia feel sorry for the PF?
    My hope is that in 2020,the donors withhold their aid, so that Zambians feel the full effects of PF’s economic mismanagement.

    • Are you really a Dr. with such shallow thinking? Point your finger at the fools at who have created the problems, not the one who is pointing out their failures

    • Zambians wake up and use your brain power. These Dr titles don’t guarantee wisdom as evidenced by this Job seeker author.. the author prefers personal attacks on the opposition as opposed to offering his service to improve economic challenges the country faces..
      This is what poverty mindsets can do so please shift your thinking and change is guaranteed!

  5. HH is doing the right thing. Let him celebrate PF’s failures. In the game of life there are winners and losers. Those who impose themselves and claim they can lead us of out misery must be exposed and condemned. Only time reveals the truth. HH is totally right and we should just swallow this PF bitter leadership pill we created. Running the affairs of our country is not a joke and those who try to f.ool us must keep out.

  6. Niba “Dr” bakwisa aba? Where is “Dr” from? I don’t expect a PhD holder to be writing such shallow and poorly srructured articles. Ba LT some of these articles just fill up space and distract ardent followers of LT news from concentrating on more things.They keeping thinking they may find substance later in the article only to waste time!

    • Freedom of expression. Remember?
      He is not on the street to distract public order. He is on social media to dispel your misinformation and disinformation.

      I can see that he is piercing your little egos.

    • Thorn , thorn,

      We told you sooooooo……


      Things will only get worse. It will take atleast 10 years to fix.

      By that time all the pf roads will be eaten

  7. HH forewarned is that their policies would lead the country to ruin.

    Zambians deserve to be reminded that their votes have real consequences and impact on their livelihoods.

    For now we have live with our choices. Not HHd fail but PF.

    • We will nafuti nafuti reject political novice h² in 2021 until he hungs his political gloves.
      We are so determined to prove tribal and tribadistic h² wrong. He can’t move to plot one at this stage.
      You can’t say that in Zambia and get away with it.
      My tribe should also lead upnd; all other tribes should be able to lead upnd.
      On this premise, upndead must not rule sunshine or rain.
      I deeply thank you.

    • Thorn brain…we know these are the last kicks of a dying horse. That diplomatic posting will end so just start packing. Which “we” can vote for such incompetent leaders other than beneficiaries of corruption like you?

  8. Even !mbeciles are given doctor titles today. When you see a so called doctor peddling politics of hate speech and character assassination, just know such are factory defects of today’s miseducation system! Education without morals and values is useless! To be diseased by hate is a terrible thing! Hatred makes people paranoid to the point where they make unsubstantiated wild allegations against the innocent! Manda Jose is a typical example of a tribalist! Just admit you hate Tongas! But don’t forget that Tongas have in-laws in all corners of the country. No in-law will be happy to see anyone peddling hate speech against their in-laws! They will drum some sense into you! It’s not HH who voted PF into power! You chaps thought you were wiser than everyone else by voting for a self…

    • This “Dr” does not exist. I have searched Google to find out his credentials. They are nowhere,apart from the few writings on LT.
      I am very apolitical but I enjoy reading any analysis of the current state of our society.

    • Just study and get an academic phd or get it honorary.
      In either case, you will be called Doc. That’s the way stuff goes.
      Isn’t he better that Dr. Simutanyi who misled alot of you nigga upndead folks that tribal h² would win th3 2016 polls.
      Today Simutanyi with his bogus research on the 2016 occasion is still doc. The same goes for Prof. Ndulo. Soon we will have Anthony Bwalya as doc. He will deservedly be called a doc.
      I submit.

    • Honestly, regardless.
      He is pumping your heads real hard. It is the manner you have chosen to politic.
      I am called names on this podium but I am just Thorn aka TITF.

  9. Jk must just do a dununa forward song just maybe we can move out of this mess.
    These PF fanatics like the Dr Joze Manda, Bowman, Sunday Chanda, Antonio Mwanza, Kapyongo, Ba Lungu, Mwila D etc must be dununa’ed as they are a creation of Dununa Reverse.

  10. You chaps thought you were wiser than everyone else by voting for a self confessed visionless man! Actually, many are laughing at your calamities! Were you voting at night?

    • I am voting ECL as long as h² stands.
      This I tell you is a blind vote.
      The cause is h² on the ballot.
      With all my comments on this article, I conclude that ECL is better than tribal h² until we get someone other than this ‘only a tonga’ bull $#!+.
      Let him continue with his satire. We meat at the ballots.

    • Hehehehe


      We told you soooooo…..

      Zambians will eat roads ….


      I can tell you there is no recovery , maybe in 10 years

  11. LT this is becoming too much, l don’t know why you publish the rubbish from these job seekers. This man thinks by attacking hh lungu will somehow give him a job. HH is not the problem go out there and listen to the cries of the people, lungu has forgotten. First it was the opposition now it’s pf original members, retirees, vendors, starving villagers. Lungu would rather address strangers than his own people, his motorcade just killed someone because he didn’t see it fit to stop and greet citizens but rather speed through. He cut only 20 percent of a salary he doesn’t use when others cut 100 percent

    • Double standards. See how naive you are? Mmmh? What happened to freedom of expression?
      So to you when Anthony Bwalya pukes his hogwash, it is fine. When a pro-government writes his own, LT is becoming too much?
      Leave LT out’a your biased ‘only a T..’ confusion. This is not Prime TV.
      I most of the time choose not to read Anthony’s propagandist articles nonetheless comment from your utopia comments deliberately.
      Freedom of expression is not a preservation of or exclusive to anti-government nincompoop like you. Pro-government 1d10+$ like me must express ourselves freely also.

  12. Ba Jose Wako ni wako Manda, whether you like it or not, we are rooted for Double H this time! Start getting used to the idea of a Double H presidency! Zambians are tired of recycled thieves! They want a fresh start with citizens who have not been contaminated by the corrupt system! Don’t make the mistake of thinking all who want Double H this time are UPND! These are Zambians from all corners of the country who can’t stomach the destruction ECL has done to the country! In case you still have doubts, remember Lupososhi!
    Enough is Enough!

    • Nafuchi nafuchi. Does that sound familiar to you?

      Nothing has changed.

      You will run to the interplanetary community or courts this time.
      Does this look or sound like we are joking.

      That’s a joke of a century.

    • 100% Correct Umunthu Wanda!
      It’s time to put an end to recycling of chaps who have tasted government and let us down! Real change will only come when we bring in “Political Virgins!” David was anointed King when he was a small kachema but only took up the throne after 15 years! God’s timing is different for everybody! Moses was a Kachema for 40 years before he was called to lead the children of God from captivity! God has been training Double H all this time. You can see how he has matured over the years. We need new brooms to sweep the PF dirt! Don’t mind GBM and his cohort of mudslingers! They just want tenders like parasites!

    • He understands the working machinery of the deads. Don’t some of you call him a ‘spy’.
      Let me tell you.
      GVBM will brutalize your little egomaniac U5 political novice tantrums.
      Remember also that he will subtract all the numbers he gave h² that made him think like he can rub shoulders with a once upnd member in name of ECL.
      Watch this space.
      Damn it! Where is Spaka?

    • Thorn….

      Driving economically only for PF koswes, you get free fuel kaili…..

      For the rest of Zambians fuel gone up, no jobs , no money , what is left is to eat those roads as we pointed out……


      Eekosa bolla ka ???……..dunnuna…..

    • How many hectares do you have dudechikondi, you too spaka.
      Seriously guys, as you stage yourselves to be fighting for the poor you must be peasants or small commercials. Till that land guys. When I sit to blog when in Zambia, I oversee fruits of my labour. All green. I can’t wait to come back home. I miss it. See EcL or h² will never put food on your tables. You dude are in Zambia I guess but till an extra hectare for the poor. God will bless you. But I reckon that you’re not believers. Keep whining as arable awaits you. Get yourselves some dominion over goats, birds, sheep, nasty pigs a couple of cattle etc too. Mmmmmmh! guys h² will fix it are you sure? Ine I doubt mwandi.

    • Seen how beautiful Zambian land is? You blog on company PCs from there, you go drinking. That’s where you tell yourselves stories about Government this, Government that. Ain’t you lazy able bums?
      Iwe ka dude, I hope you don’t do tunamayo to much. If you do, stop it and stick to your partner. Expend you energies towards viable ventures. What is your lazy self doing to build and contribute to that beautiful Country. Niggaz stop wasting time watching those DSTV boutiques and explore your land. I repeat no amount of h² will fix you a meal, never! Trust me.

    • Thorn…..It’s mostly PF cader thugs like yourself sharing out land amogest themselves……

      The majority of Zambians want work , not every Zambia can farm……but no jobs badala ……

      For sure they will eat infrastructure…..

    • Let’s talk about you.
      Did you know that if you got land you would also be employing. Not that land you get and keep idle.
      On the contrary every Zambia can get land if you meet the conditions the biggest of which is only being Zambian. Why do you want to let h² alone get land while you cry the loudest.
      Don’t mislead people spaka. Government can employ, you too can also employ. Believe me. Not all people will get Government jobs. Of course its not about farming alone. You immigrant can also invest in your country. Your indignant investment home can also lead to employment. Don’t stash you cash in Panama. It’s bad manners.

    • Thorn….

      I already have investments in Zambia , but because of unreasonable taxes to subsidise lungus and his gang theiving and globetrotting , I will not invest any more…..

  13. Zambia…this country will remain suffering having people like this ***** of a Dr…unfotunately they are the majority in zambia.The economy is in shambles all you see is one HH not to be in state house…it’s really sad.Who brought us where we are in the first place…?The economy is in shambles and you are telling us to continue supporting ba pf ….really you are an ***** Dr…we want HH….period…fire tenders…ambulances…mukura….contracts and so on…this man does not know that HH is already rich…he made his money long time ago…are you Zambian by the way Dr?I absolutely doubt it…HH is supporting and sponsoring so many projects with his own money…be it building schools…clinics…sinking borehole….and so on ***** Dr

  14. Dr manda, your analysis are so shallow, we need better from you who claim to be Doctors, hope you are not a witch Doctor who wants to turn political analyst.

  15. Lusaka province PF 60% -UPND 40%

    C/belt province PF 58% -UPND 42%

    Southern province PF 12%-UPND 88%

    Eastern province PF 78%-UPND 22%

    Central Province PF 49%-UPND 51%

    Western province PF 20%-UPND 80%

    N/western province PF 48% -UPND 52%

    Northern province PF 72%-UPND 28%

    Luapula Province PF 77%-UPND 23%

    Muchinga province PF 80% -UPND 20%

    This is the reflection of 2021 general elections based on voting SYSTEMS of Zambia.

  16. Zambians wake up and use your brain power. These Dr titles don’t guarantee wisdom as evidenced by this Job seeker author.. the author prefers personal attacks on the opposition as opposed to offering his service to improve economic challenges the country faces..
    This is what poverty mindsets can do so please shift your thinking and change is guaranteed!

  17. Is this really a doctor with a PHD? If this is what a doctor can fathorm and reason, am afraid a degree holder from the same institution that this gullible went to would be worse. Fake doctor, we will now address you as such, do you know that what your Presido posted about reducing his salary by 20% and that of other civil servant is variant at law and has no basis? Of course, for your information he can reduce his salary at his discretion but not that of other civil servant because their contracts stipulates otherwise. So fake doctor what is your take on this? Kasolo has realized what a blunder this was and is now saying it should be voluntary because his boss is ignorant of the law, a lawyer?. Fake doctor supporting a fake lawyer what a combination. Leave HH out of your gibberish you…

  18. So the PF are admitting that they have put the Zambian people in misery it is good are now open on your failures. However it is astonishing how you come out admitting failure by linking your failure to HH. I remind you that HH is not in power nor is he the president of Zambia right now therefore he can’t be responsible for the tough time Zambia is going through. The ones responsible for poor leadership or bad and irresponsible leadership is the PF.

  19. That’s a shallow political analysis. You see HH and the rest of us or majority zambian are laughing at how the pf has failed Zambian when we has a nation has so much abundance and Prosperity with our reach. HH has the solution….he has a way for Zambia and this time we are giving him the vote. it’s not how many times we have not voted for him it’s about the resilience….agility and tenacity that he has showed in the last years he has lost…

    PF has given nothing to the Zambian people than a
    -harsh economy
    -High levels of unemployment
    -poor health services
    -High tax
    -High levels of load shedding in the history of time
    -High levels of corruption
    -mysterious 48 houses.
    -Mukula saga
    the list goes on. This is how the so called Dr jose shud be seeing things.

  20. This is Sunday chanda using fake names.

    Different name , same shi.t

    And yes Sunday chanda …..

    We told you soooooooo…..

    We are waiting for the first reports of how those PF roads will be eaten …….

  21. Whatever happens in this country one thing clear is that we do not have any opposition worth the popular vote. HH is not even an option even at distant thought. He does not have an aorta of leadership at all. The only thing he has is his inherited and in some cases dubiously acquired wealthy.

  22. I have advised HH to leave the Zambians to eat the PF roads……

    Fixing this lungu mess will take atleast 10 years to fix.

    I am told HH is doing it for the love and loyalty of his people who gave him unquestioned loyalty.

    HH know this PF and lungu mess is a poisoned chalice. 10 years of serious work to fix.

    • Ba Spaka – I am so disappointed at how shallow you are. You and your HH are really quite unitelligent characters. Maize, cattle, goats, etc move from Dundumwezi to your doorstep using roads. So do copper, fuel coal, cement steel, sand, etc. That is how you eat roads. No country can record significant development with poor communication network and roads are a huge part of that network – Zambia has had a very poor road network for a long time and this has had a negative effect on development. There are a lot of things on which you can attack the PF Govt, but a “can you eat roads” question is so dumb and indicates a very low level of education.

    • Advisor

      “….Zambia has had a very poor road network for a long time and this has had a negative effect on development. …”

      How come PLW and RB were managing 7 % GDP growth with those poor roads ??????

    • Bwana – I am not talking about the poor performance of PF or the low caliber govt, I am talking about your very shallow statement on “eating roads”.

  23. Pf you have just failed everything you blame HH you are not even ashamed leave this country to people who have brains running a country is complex.

  24. And why not? In fact, we should all celebrate the foolishness and stupidity of the Zambian mind which is being vindicated by our Humble Leadership & God fearing commander of the Armed forces. I join HH in celebrating the foolishness being dispensed on Zambians and pray that HH can volunteer not to stand come 2021 so our humble leader can make sure hi has finished Zambians by 2026 see we want him for another term

  25. Zambians let us stop deceiving ourselves, who can fix our economy in 3 weeks. Please it is paramount to debate sensibly.Fixing an economy is not playing magic, even if HH is a magician it is impossible to realign our economy in such unrealistic period of time. Am also wondering where Zambians are drawing the kind of bitterness posted on social media. Certainly, we can do better by showing each other love and respect.

  26. Hichilema is an interesting fellow he needs prayers no man should behave like an ordinary kabova when seeking the highest office in the land what you see is what you get

    • @Soul
      Amazing stuff.

      Forget this lazy dudelove fellow, he is a bad example to kids.
      He thinks every Jim and jack can go to plot 1.
      He thinks in politics you just wake up and decide I want to run for high office.

    • Thorn did you think Edgar planned to be in that office? No he didn’t that’s why he is failing because he was forced on the position, rendering him clueless, when you forcibly fix something on another thing the outcome isn’t good. Edgar never really aspired for that office it just happened to him that is why he is lost in the way he leads.

  27. If upnd came into government and they rule for say 5 years. Would it be right to say at that time that the problems being faced were created by upnd. What is the purpose of education if highly educated people on this forum can’t understand that the electricity problems we have is as a result of lack of Investment by previous governments in the energy sector. Price increases are inevitable. Even in USA the cost of fuel is not as it was 10 years ago. The 48 houses are said to belong to a upnd member and some upnd members have plots in Forest reserve 27. Why can’t HH demonstrate how he will fight corruption on these two issues. He is quiet about it . Why?

    • “….Why can’t HH demonstrate how he will fight corruption on these two issues. He is quiet about it . Why?…”

      Badala it is all about management , one can lie his way about being ati corruption, but it boils down to ones management and moral integrity.

  28. Nemwine,Nostradamus and others, your responses are very frail on content but made even weaker by the needless use of insulting language. You are probably influenced by our tweeting President here in the US.
    By the way, have you heard of Cambridge Analytica? Ask my young brother Hichilema. It’s actually a mercenary tool for rigging elections, whose modus operandi is to exploit situations natural or man-made to rig elections before you even cast your vote.

  29. The biggest problem with Teible HH is triblism. He has even refused to apologise for his 2006 takeover of UPND and does not see anything wrong with it. That is the biggest burden on his shoulders.
    Secondly his opulist campaign tactics are exactly the same as Sata, how an educated economist can have no ideas of his own but instead copy cat a constable beats ne. How he copies the more money in your pockets, cheap fuel, cheap electricity, free education for all up to Unza,cheap mealie meal within 3 month, meaning he would have paid off Humble’s stupendously huge debt burden. Come on trible HH, we have heard that before and we know where it has brought us even though when Sata took over the country was literally debt free and carrying huge reserves inherited from RB.
    And you still want…

    • Kindly stick to lungu, pleas, spare HH the headache of fixing this PF mess that will take atleast 10 years to fix.

      We have been advising HH to leave Zambian voters to keep voting lungu and PF.

      We want to see them eating the sonta poo infrastructure

  30. ….And you still want our votes Trible HH? Why, you dont even have good material for ministers, probably worse than the pathetic material that Humble surrounds himself with to receive directives like the latest “cut your salaries.”
    Neither Humble nor Trible HH deserve our votes, God will give us a candidate at an appropriate time, when Humble has suffered enough embarrassment with salary cuts etc.

    • People who know are aware HH has been advised to let the , who seem to be the majority voters , vote for a foo.l from amogest them selves.

      HH has been advised to concentrate and keep making his billions and watch from the sidelines as people eat infrastructure ……

    • Ba Spaka – I am so disappointed at how shallow you are. You and your HH are really quite unintelligent characters. Maize, cattle, goats, etc move from Dundumwezi to your doorstep using roads. So do copper, fuel coal, cement steel, sand, etc. That is how you eat roads. No country can record significant development with poor communication network and roads are a huge part of that network – Zambia has had a very poor road network for a long time and this has had a negative effect on development. There are a lot of things on which you can attack the PF Govt, but a “can you eat roads” question is so dumb and indicates a very low level of education.

    • Advisor

      “….Zambia has had a very poor road network for a long time and this has had a negative effect on development…”

      Can you start by explaining to us how PLW and RB managed 7 % + GDP with those poor roads compared to lungus 2% with good roads ?????

  31. Now these Humble guys, to cushion the poor from tariffs and prices,why dont they donate those huge amounts of money which currently they flash around giving to churches and wherever they smell votes? Makes more sense than the paltry 20% of their salaries.

  32. its clearer that these guys have sensed danger. these professional failures will not go through 2021 with or without hh. truth be be told, they know what is prevailing in the country everywhere but they just want to give themselves false courage and confidence. people are no longer with you. to prove this make survey a quick simple survey. anyway you are dull guys see you there 2021 with your failed economy.


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